We now briefly summarize the security features of mRSA and the SEM architecture.
First, consider an attacker trying to subvert a user (Alice). The attacker's
goal is to decrypt a message sent to Alice or to forge Alice's signature
on a certain message. Recall that the token sent back to Alice is
for some value of x. The attacker sees
both x and the token t. In fact, since there is no authentication
of the user's request to the SEM, the attacker can obtain this t for any
x of its choice. We claim that this information is of no use to
an attacker. After all, dsem is just a random number in [1,n]
independent of the rest of the attacker's view. More precisely, we
argue that any attack possible with the SEM architecture
is also possible when the user uses standard RSA. This
statement can be proven using a simulation argument. In attacking
standard RSA one can simulate the SEM (by picking a random
integer dsem in [1,n]) and thus use the attack on the SEM to mount
an attack on standard RSA. Furthermore, the attacker cannot masquerade
as the SEM since Alice checks all responses from the SEM as described in
Section 2.1.
Suppose the attacker is able to compromise the SEM and expose the secret key dsem. This enables the attacker to ``unrevoke'' revoked, or block possible future revocation of currently valid, certificates. However, knowledge of dsem does not enable the attacker to decrypt messages or sign messages on behalf of users. Nevertheless, it is desirable to protect the SEM's key. A standard approach is to distribute the key among a number of SEM servers using secret sharing. Furthermore, the key should never be reconstructed at a single location. To extract the SEM's key an attacker would need to break into multiple SEM servers. When using mRSA, it is possible to distribute the SEM's secret in this way using standard techniques from threshold cryptography [3].
Once Alice's key is revoked, she cannot decrypt or sign messages using her private key. To show this, we argue that, if Alice could sign or decrypt messages using only her share of private key, then RSA is insecure.
Finally, note that each user is given her own random RSA modulus ni. This means that if a number of users are compromised (or a number of users collude) there is no danger to other users. The private keys of the compromised users will be exposed, but private keys of all other users will remain unaffected.