9th USENIX Security Symposium Paper 2000   
[Technical Index]
Pp. 3544 of the Proceedings |  |
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Encrypting Virtual Memory
Niels Provos Center for Information Technology Integration University of Michigan provos@citi.umich.edu
In modern operating systems, cryptographic file systems can protect
confidential data from unauthorized access. However, once an
authorized process has accessed data from a cryptographic file system,
the data can appear as plaintext in the unprotected virtual memory
backing store, even after system shutdown. The solution described in
this paper uses swap encryption for processes in possession of
confidential data. Volatile encryption keys are chosen randomly, and
remain valid only for short time periods. Invalid encryption keys are
deleted, effectively erasing all data that was encrypted with them.
The swap encryption system has been implemented for the UVM [7]
virtual memory system and its performance is acceptable.
1 Introduction
Many computer systems employ cryptographic file systems, e.g. CFS [4], TCFS [6] or encryption
layers [19], to protect confidential data from prying
eyes. A user without the proper cryptographic key is unable to read
the contents of the cryptographic file system, nor is he able to glean
any useful information from it. However, backing store of the
virtual memory system is generally unprotected. Any data read by a
process that was originally encrypted can be found as plaintext in
swap storage if the process was swapped out. It is possible for
passwords and pass phrases to reside in swap long after they have been
typed in, even across reboots.
A user expects that all confidential data vanishes with process
termination, and is completely unaware that data can remain on backing
store. And even if she were aware of it, there is next to nothing she
can do to prevent its exposure.
If the integrity of the operating system is compromised and an
untrusted party gains root privileges or physical access to the
machine itself, she also gains access to the potentially sensitive
data retained in backing store.
Our solution to this problem is to encrypt pages that need to be
swapped out. These pages are decrypted when they are brought back
into physical memory, e.g. due to a page fault. After a process
terminates, all its pages stored on backing store are invalid, so
there is no need to be able to decrypt them; on the contrary, nobody
should be able to decrypt them. This suggests the use of volatile
random keys that exist only for short time periods.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 provides further motivation for encrypting
the backing store and describes related work. In Section 3
we give a brief overview of virtual memory, note a security problem of
secondary storage, and discuss how it can be resolved with encryption.
Section 4 explains how we implemented swap encryption.
In Section 5 we analyse how the paging times and
system throughput are affected. Finally, we conclude in
Section 6.
2 Related Work
Computer systems frequently process data that requires protection from
unauthorized users. Often it is enough to use access control
mechanisms of the operating system to determine who may access
specific data. In many cases a system also needs to be secured against
physical attacks or protected against security compromises that allow
the circumvention of access controls. Blaze addresses data protection
with a cryptographic file system called CFS by encrypting all file
system data, preventing anyone without the proper cryptographic key
from accessing its content [4]. Anderson, Needham and Shamir
aim at hiding the existence of data from an attacker by using a
``Steganographic File System''
[1]. A cryptographic key and the knowledge that a file
exists are needed to access a file's contents. However, security
depends on the whole system, and an investigation of the interaction
with other system components is essential.
Neither paper looks carefully at its operating environment, nor do they
take into consideration that confidential data might inadvertently end
up in backing store. The storage of confidential data on a swap
device may defeat the purpose of encryption in CFS. Swap data can
also be used to reconstruct what files are present in a system, thus
defeating the purpose of steganography.
Swap encryption is meant to protect confidential data left on the backing
store from intruders who have gained physical access to the storage
medium. We observe that the same can be achieved by deleting
all confidential data once it is no longer referenced. However,
Gutmann has shown that it is difficult to delete thoroughly information
from magnetic media or random-access memory [16]. He states:
``the easiest way to solve the problem of erasing sensitive
information from magnetic media is to ensure that it never gets to the
media in the first place. Although not practical for general data, it
is often worthwhile to take steps to keep particularly important
information such as encryption keys from ever being written to disk.''
Schneier and Kelsey describe a secure log system that keeps the
contents of the log files confidential even if the system has been
compromised [24]. While swap encryption is quite
different from secure logging, the attack scenario and operating
environment is similar.
There are other systems that modify the paging behavior of a virtual
memory system. Notably, Fred Douglis' compression cache compresses
memory pages to avoid costly disk accesses [10].
3 Virtual Memory System
One purpose of virtual memory is to increase the size of the address
space visible to processes by caching frequently-accessed subsets of
the address space in physical memory [2]. Data that does not
fit in physical memory is saved on secondary storage known as the
backing store. Paged out memory is restored to physical memory when a
process needs to access it again [7].
In many operating systems, the virtual memory pager daemon is
responsible for reading and writing pages to and from their designated
backing store. When a page has been written, it is marked as
``clean'' and can be evicted from physical memory. The next time a
process accesses the virtual memory that was associated with this
page, a page fault occurs.
If the page is still resident in physical memory, it is marked as
``recently used,'' and additionally ``dirty'' if the page fault is
caused by a write access. Otherwise, because the page is no longer
resident in physical memory, the pager allocates a page of physical
memory and retrieves the data from backing store.
3.1 Secondary Storage
Compared to RAM speeds, secondary storage is usually made up
from slow media, e.g. raw partitions on disk drives. Unlike
primary memory, secondary storage is nonvolatile, and the data stored
on it is preserved after a system shutdown. Depending on usage
patterns, a swap partition can retain data for many months or even
Confidential data in a process' address space might be saved on
secondary storage and survive there beyond the expectations of a
user. She assumes that all confidential data is deleted with the
termination of the process. However,
the data found by looking at the content of several swap partitions of
machines at the Center of Information Technology Integration included:
login passwords1, PGP pass phrases, email messages, cryptographic keys from
ssh-agent, shell command histories, URLs, etc.
To avoid this, we developed a system that makes data on the backing
store impossible for an attacker to read if it was written a certain
time prior to the operating system's compromise.
One approach is to avoid swapping completely by not using secondary
storage at all. But this is not a general solution, and there are
many applications and environments that require a virtual address
space bigger than the physical memory present in the system.
An application can prevent memory from being swapped out by using the
``mlock()'' system call to lock the physical pages associated with a
virtual address range into memory [16]. There are several
disadvantages with this approach. It requires applications to be
rewritten to use ``mlock()'', which might not be possible for legacy
applications or difficult if it requires a complicated analysis of
which parts of the memory contain confidential data. In addition,
``mlock()'' reduces the opportunity of the virtual memory system to
evict stale pages from physical memory, which can have a
severe impact on system performance.
In general, it is not desirable to prevent the system from swapping
memory to the disk. Instead, encryption can be used to protect
confidential data when it is written to secondary storage by the
pager. A user program could install its own encrypting
pager [2]. This would lead to greater complexity, require
modification of applications and poses difficult decisions about which
cryptosystem to use. If a cryptographic file system like
CFS [4] were available, the virtual memory pager could be
configured to swap to a file that resided on an encrypted file system.
However, in contrast to common use of encryption [20], we
require different characteristics for our cryptographic system:
When a page on backing store is no longer referenced
by its owner, the decryption key for that page should be irretrievably
lost after a suitable time period (tR) has passed.
- Only the virtual memory pager should be able to decrypt data
read from the backing store.
Clearly, the best protection is achieved with tR = 0. The
decryption key, and indirectly the page's content, is
irretrievably removed immediately when the page is no longer
referenced. This behavior meets the user's expectation that
confidential data in a process' address space is deleted with the
termination of the process.
However, this is difficult to achieve, and we have to trade off
security against performance. Often, a tR > 0 is still
acceptable. In the initial implementation, we only guarantee tR ≤
system uptime, but attempt to minimize the average tR.
This implies the use of volatile encryption keys, valid maximally for
the duration of the system's uptime. Such keys are similar to
ephemeral keys used to achieve perfect forward
secrecy [9]. A volatile key is completely unrelated to
all other keys. Knowledge of it does not allow the decryption of old
data on secondary storage. Encryption keys are used only by the
virtual memory pager and can be generated on demand when they are
required, eliminating the need for complicated key management.
On the other hand, swapping to a cryptographic file system does not
fulfill either of the two requirements. Key management is an integral
part of an encrypting file system [5]. Consequently,
permanent nonvolatile encryption keys are present, making it possible
to read the data on the swap storage after the system has been shut
down. Furthermore, a user with access rights to the swap file on the
encrypted file system - usually the root user - can directly read its
Instead, we employ encryption at the pager level. Pages that are
swapped out are (optionally) encrypted, and encrypted pages that are
read from secondary storage are decrypted.
Figure 1: Histogram of page residency in secondary storage for a desktop session
and corresponding cumulative probability.
We compared page encryption to zeroing a page on the backing store
after it is dereferenced. To get a better understanding of the
overheard incurred by such a measure, we recorded how long pages
reside on backing store. Figure 1 shows the result
for a desktop session.
Most pages remain in the backing store for only a few minutes. The
strong temporal correlation between swapping and zeroing can result
in unnecessary cleaning of pages that will be overwritten immediately,
and will impact on system performance due to expensive
write operations. Zeroing pages also fails to protect against
physical attacks that prevent writes to secondary storage, e.g. an
attacker stealing disks or turning off the system's power supply.
In summary, encryption has the following advantages over physically
zeroing pages on the backing store.
Deleting data by erasing it on disk incurs extra seek time and
additional I/O for writing. On the other hand, with encryption the
content of a page disappears when its respective encryption key is
deleted. Furthermore, encrypting a page is fast compared to writing it,
and the encryption cost is spread evenly over the whole swapping
- Encryption provides better protection against physical attacks.
Mere possession of the disk drive is not sufficient to read its
content. The correct encryption key is required, but many physical
attacks disrupt the operation of the machine; the content of physical
memory is lost, and thus also the encryption key. Additionally,
encryption prevents ``compromising emanations'' caused by data
transfers to secondary storage, i.e. electromagnetic radiation
that carries sensitive information and can be received remotely
- Reliably deleting data from magnetic media is difficult, a
problem that does not apply when using encryption [16].
In the next section, we describe our implementation of swap encryption.
4 Swap Encryption
Swap encryption divides naturally into two separate functions:
encryption and decryption. The former requires a policy decision
about when to encrypt pages. The latter requires knowing which pages
read from swap need to be decrypted. The encryption policy can be very
simple, e.g. all pages that go to swap will be encrypted. A
more sophisticated policy might encrypt only pages of processes that
have read data from a cryptographic file system. The enumeration of
such policies is the subject of future work.
In all cases, though, the decryption is completely independent from
the decision to encrypt. For that reason, we keep a bitmap in the
swap device that indicates for each page whether it needs to be
decrypted after it has been read. Thus, it is possible to change the
encryption policy during the runtime of the system without affecting
the decryption of pages that have been encrypted while a different
policy was in effect.
To achieve lower upper bounds on the window of vulnerability (tR),
we divide the backing store into sections of 512 KByte2, and give each section its own key.
A key consists of a 128-bit encryption key, a reference counter and an
expiration time. For a backing store of 256 MByte, keys occupy
14 KByte of memory.
A section's 128-bit cryptographic key is created randomly the first
time it is needed, and its reference counter is set to 0. Each time
a new page is encrypted with it, the counter is incremented.
When a page is freed on the backing store, the reference counter of
the respective key is decremented. A key is immediately deleted when
the reference counter reaches 0. Thus, all data encrypted with that
key can no longer be decrypted and is effectively erased.
At the moment the first page in a section becomes unreferenced, its
encryption key is set to expire after a time period tR. After
tR has been reached, all pages that reference it have to be
re-encrypted with a new key. The number of pages that need to be
processed is bounded by the section size, so that the additional
encryption overhead is configurable.
The framework for expiration exists, but we have yet to implement
re-encryption. However, once this has been done, we can make stricter
guarantees for the time that pages remain readable on the backing
Figure 2 describes the paging process in several steps,
and shows where encryption and decryption take place:
A user process references memory.
- If the referenced address has a valid mapping, the
data is accessed from the mapped physical page.
- If the referenced
address has an invalid mapping, a page fault occurs.
- The pager reads the corresponding page from secondary storage.
- The page is decrypted if its entry in the bitmap indicates that
it is encrypted.
- Finally, the page is mapped into physical memory, and the page fault is resolved.
- Conversely, if the page daemon decides to evict a page from
physical memory,
- the pager encrypts the page with the encryption key of the
section that the page belongs to.
If the section does not have an encryption key, e.g. it is the first encryption, a volatile encryption key is initialized from the kernel's entropy pool.
- Afterwards, the page is written to secondary storage.
Figure 2: An overview of the swap encryption process.
There is one central difference between page encryption and
decryption. Pages can be decrypted in place because immediately after
they have been read into memory, no process is allowed to access these
pages until they have been decrypted. On the other hand, even after a
page has been swapped out, a process may access it at any time. This
precludes in-place encryption. Instead, we have to allocate pages
into which to store temporarily the encryption result, placing
additional pressure on the already memory limited VM system.
The volatile keys are stored in an unmanaged part of the kernel
memory. As a result, they are never paged out.
4.1 Cipher Selection
To be suitable for swap encryption, a cipher needs to fulfill at
least three important criteria:
Encryption and decryption need to be fast compared to disk I/O, so that
the encryption does not become the limiting factor in the swapping
The generation of a cipher's key schedule should be inexpensive
compared to encrypting a page, so that changing the key schedule does
not affect performance. The key schedule of a cipher is usually
larger than its encryption key. To conserve system memory we should
recompute it every time we switch encryption keys, e.g. the encryption key changes when pages are written to different
The cipher has to support encryption and decryption on a page by
page basis, since page in and page out are not sequential. This
precludes the use of a stream cipher.
Initially, we planned to employ Schneier's Blowfish encryption
algorithm [23]. Its software implementation is very fast,
and it has been in use for several years without any apparent security
flaws. Nonetheless, Blowfish has one critical drawback. The
computation of its key schedule is very expensive, and requires more
than 4 KByte of memory. For that reason, computing the key schedule
when it is needed is too expensive, and precomputation is not possible
due to large memory requirements.
Based on our environmental constraints, the cipher that matches our
needs the best is Rijndael [8]. We describe it in the
next section.
4.2 Rijndael
Rijndael is one of the finalists in the advanced encryption standard (AES)
competition. It is a variable block and key length cipher. In
contrast to many other block ciphers, its round transformation does
not have the Feistel structure. Instead, the round transformation is
composed of distinct layers: a linear mixing layer, a non-linear
layer, and a key addition layer. Rijndael's design tries to achieve
resistance against all known attacks while maintaining
simplicity [8].
Compared to Blowfish, Rijndael is faster in all aspects, but less
studied [12]. We decided to use Rijndael with 128-bit
blocks and 128-bit keys. With the optimized C implementation by
Gladman [13], the encryption key schedule can be computed in
305 cycles on a Pentium Pro; the decryption key schedule costs 1398
cycles. A block can be encrypted in 374 cycles, and block decryption
takes 352 cycles.
However, because all encryption and decryption is done on 4 KByte
units, the cost of the key schedule computation is amortized.
Therefore, even if we change the key schedule every time, the
encryption cost is only 375 cycles on average, and for decryption it
is 357 cycles.
Normally, the overall performance of an encryption algorithm is
influenced by word conversion to accommodate little and big endian
architectures. However, because encryption and decryption happen on
the same machine, the word order of the algorithm's output is not
relevant, and we do not need to take endianness into consideration.
We use Rijndael in cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode. The CBC mode of
operation involves the use of a 128-bit initialization vector.
Identical plaintext blocks encrypted under the same key but
different IVs, produce different cipher blocks.
With c0 = IV, the result of the encryption is defined as
ci = EK(ci-1 Å xi),
where the xi are the plaintext and ci the ciphertext blocks.
The decryption is similar
xi = ci-1 Å EK-1(ci).
For swap encryption, the initial 128-bit IV is the 64-bit block
number to which the page is written, concatenated with its bitwise
complement. This ensures that each page is encrypted uniquely.
Caution is indicated because changing the IV in sequential
increments for adjacent pages may result in only small input
differences to the encryption function. The attacks described in
``From Differential Cryptanalysis to Ciphertext-Only Attacks''
[3] might apply in such a situation. For that reason, we
encrypt the block number and use that for the IV. Biryukov and
Kushilevitz also state, ``Another method of IV choice is the
encryption of the datagram sequence numbers [...], and sending [the]
IV in [the] clear (explicit IV method) [...]. This method is also very
vulnerable to our analysis, [...].'' Nevertheless, in our case the
IV is not explicit, and no IV differences can be observed
4.3 Pseudo-random Generator
To initialize a volatile encryption key we require a source of
random bits. The generation of randomness with deterministic
computers is very hard. In particular, we do not strive to create
perfect randomness characterized by the uniform distribution.
Instead, we use pseudo-random generators.
A pseudo-random generator has the goal that its output is
computationally indistinguishable from the uniform distribution, while
its execution must be feasible [14]. A
pseudo-random generator is realized by a stretching function g that
maps strings of length n to strings of length l(n) > n. If X is
a random variable uniformly distributed on strings of length n then
g(X) appears to be uniformly distributed on strings of length
l(n) [18].
For our purpose, we use the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG)
provided by the OpenBSD kernel [21]. The PRNG is a
cryptographic stream cipher that uses a source of strong randomness3
for initialization and reseeding. This source is referred to as
the ``entropy pool.''
Nonetheless, the problem on how to accumulate strong randomness for the
entropy pool remains. Fortunately, a multi-user operating
system has many external events from which it can derive some
randomness. Gutmann describes a generic framework for a
randomness pool [17].
In OpenBSD, the entropy pool
P := { p1, p2, ..., p128 }
consists of 128 32-bit words. To increase the pool's randomness the
kernel collects measurements from various physical events:
the inter-keypress timing from terminals,
the mouse interrupt timing and the reported position of the
mouse cursor,
the arrival time of network packets,
and the finishing time of disk requests.
The measured values from these sources are added to the entropy pool
by a mixing function. For each value, the function replaces one word
in the pool as follows:
pi ¬ u Å pi+99 Å pi+59 Å
pi+31 Å |
pi+9 Å pi+7 Å pi, |
where i is the current position in the pool, and u the 32-bit word
that is added. Index addition is modulo 128. After a value has been
added i is decremented. To estimate the randomness in the pool, the
entropy is measured by a heuristic based on the derivatives of
differences in the input values.
A random seed is extracted from the entropy pool as follows: First,
the concatenation of p1p2... p128 is given as input to an MD5
hash [22]. Second, the internal state of the MD5 hash for the
previous computation is added into the entropy pool. Third, the
resulting pool is fed once more into the MD5 hash. Finally, the
message digest is calculated. The output is ``folded'' in half by
XOR-ing its upper and lower word. The resulting 64 bits are returned as
the seed.
The stretching function is implemented by ARC4, a cipher equivalent to
RSADSI's RC4 [25]. The cipher has an internal memory size of M
= n2n + 2n, with in our case n = 8. We use the random seeds
extracted from the entropy pool to initialize the M bits. The
output of RC4 is expected to cycle after 2M-1 iterations.
However, Golic showed that a correlation between the second binary
derivative of the least significant bit output sequence and 1 can be
detected in significantly fewer iterations [15], which allows
the differentiation of RC4 from a uniform distribution. We can
avoid this problem by reseeding RC4's internal state before the number
of critical iterations has been reached. In fact, the implementation
in OpenBSD reseeds the ARC4 every time enough new entropy has been
The kernel provides the ``arc4random(3)'' function to obtain a 32-bit
word from the pseudo-random number generator.
The volatile key of a section is created by filling it with the
output from ``arc4random(3).'' We hope that between the time the
system has been booted and the first swap encryption sufficient
randomness is available in the kernel entropy pool to ensure good
randomness in the RC4 output. Nonetheless, it should be noted that
this construction does not create a provably pseudo-random generator
as described in the beginning of this section.
5 Performance Evaluation
In the following, we analyse the effect of swap encryption on the
paging behavior. We look at page encryption and decryption times, and
assess the runtime of applications with large working sets.
All measurements were performed on an OpenBSD 2.6 system with
128 MByte main memory and a 333 MHz Intel Celeron processor. The swap
partition was on a 6 GByte Ultra-DMA IDE disk, IBM model DBCA-206480
running at 4200 revolutions per minute. The operating system can
sustain an average block write rate of 7.5 MByte/s and a block read
rate of 6.3 MByte/s. OpenBSD uses the UVM [7] virtual memory
5.1 Micro Benchmark
Our micro benchmark measures the time it takes to encrypt one page. A
test program allocates 200 MByte of memory, and fills the memory
sequentially with zeros. Afterwards, it reads the allocated memory from
the beginning in sequential order. The process is repeated three
We use kernel profiling to measure page encryption frequency,
and the cumulative time of the encryption function. The kernel function
``swap_encrypt()'' is called 155336 times with a cumulative running
time of 67.96 seconds. One 4 KByte page could be encrypted in 0.44 ms,
resulting in an encryption bandwidth of 8.9 MByte/s. The total amount
of memory encrypted is 600 MByte.
In UVM, writes to the backing store are asynchronous and reads
are synchronous. To determine if I/O is still the bottleneck of the
swapping process, we measured the runtime of the test program for
different memory sizes, with and without swap encryption. We measure
an increase in runtime of about 14% with encryption. To
measure asynchronous writes, we modified the test program to write
only to memory. The runtime increase of 26% - 36% is due to
allocation of new pages that store the encrypted pages until they are
written to disk, thus causing the system to swap more often.
Figure 3 shows a graph of the results.
Figure 3: Performance difference between swap encryption and normal swapping
when pages are accessed sequentially, illustrating the difference
between asynchronous write and synchronous reads.
5.2 Macro Benchmark
To judge the impact of swap encryption on application programs, we
used ImageMagick to process a 960 × 1280 image with a 16-bit
colorspace. The image was magnified and then rotated by 24o. The
runtimes for different magnification factors are shown in
Table 1.
No Encryption |
Encryption |
Magni- |
Major |
Runtime |
Major |
Runtime |
fication |
Faults |
(in sec) |
Faults |
(in sec) |
2.30× |
0.4 103 |
49s |
0.4 103 |
49s |
2.35× |
19 103 |
145s |
18 103 |
147s |
2.40× |
22 103 |
169s |
22 103 |
180s |
2.50× |
24 103 |
179s |
24 103 |
276s |
Table 1: Runtime of image processing tool for different magnification factors.
The table compares the major faults and program runtime for a system
that does not use encryption against a system that does. A major fault
is a page fault that requires I/O to service it, and does not take
into account pages that have been paged out by the paging daemon.
With increasing magnification factor, the working set size of the
program grows larger. We measure a sharp increase of the running time
with swap encryption for a magnification factor of 2.5. However,
for the other magnification factors the program runtime is not
affected as much, even though nearly half of the program's memory
was on backing store. Thus, we believe that the overhead caused by
encryption is tolerable.
6 Conclusion
Confidential data can remain on backing store long after the process
to which the data originally belonged has terminated. This is
contrary to a user's expectations that all confidential data is
deleted with the termination of the process. An investigation of
secondary storage of machines at the Center for Information Technology
Integration revealed very confidential information, such as the
author's PGP pass phrase.
We investigate several alternative solutions to prevent confidential
data from remaining on backing store, e.g. erasing data
physically from the backing store after pages on it become
unreferenced. However, we find that encryption of data on the backing
store with volatile random keys has several advantages over other
The content of a page disappears when its respective encryption
key is deleted, a very fast operation.
- Encryption provides protection against physical attacks, e.g. an attacker stealing the disk that contains the swap partition
Encryption enables us to guarantee that unreferenced pages on the
backing store become unreadable after a suitable time period, upper
bounded by system uptime, has passed.
We have demonstrated that the performance of our encryption system is
acceptable, and it proves to be a viable solution.
The software is freely available as part of the OpenBSD operating
sytem and can also be obtained by contacting the author.
7 Acknowledgments
I thank Patrick McDaniel and my advisor Peter Honeyman for careful
reviews and helpful comments on the organization of this paper. I also
thank Chuck Lever for getting me interested in swap encryption, Artur
Grabowski for improving my understanding of UVM and David Wagner for
helpful feedback on cipher selection.
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- 1
- The author was amazed to find not only his
current password, but also older ones that had not been used for
- 2
- The
section size is configurable, and depends on how much memory is
available for cryptographic keys.
- 3
The term ``source of strong randomness'' represents a generator whose
output is not really random, but depends on so many entropy providing
physical processes that an attacker can not practically predict its
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