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Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
Paper submissions due | Tues., April 25, 2000 |
Notification to authors | Thurs., June 29, 2000 |
Revised papers due for shepherding | Mon., July 31, 2000 |
Camera-ready papers due | Thurs., August 31, 2000 |
4th OSDI Symposium | Mon.-Wed., October 23-25, 2000 |
Submitted papers must be no longer than 14 single-spaced 8.5" x 11" pages, including figures, tables, and references, using 11 point or larger fonts. Papers longer than 14 pages will not be reviewed. Papers so short as to be considered "extended abstracts" will not receive full consideration. A good paper will demonstrate that the authors:
Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and correctness. Accepted papers will be shepherded through an editorial review process by a member of the program committee.
OSDI, like most conferences and journals, requires that papers not be submitted simultaneously to any other conference or publication, that submissions not be previously published, and that accepted papers not be subsequently published elsewhere. Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreement forms are not acceptable and will be returned to the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a matter of policy and in accord with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.
Authors of accepted papers will be expected to provide an HTML page containing the abstract of and links to their paper and slides, and if available, to the software described in their paper. This will be collected after the event for inclusion in an electronic version of the symposium.
Submitted papers must be received by Tuesday, April 25, 2000. Submission of all papers must be made in both paper and electronic form. Both versions must be received by the deadline. This is a hard deadline -- no extensions will be given. Sixteen (16) paper copies of the paper (double-sided if possible) must be sent to:
Mike Jones
Microsoft Research, Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way, Building 112/2156
Redmond, WA 98052
+1 (425) 936-8846
and one electronic copy in PostScript or PDF (not ASCII) must be submitted by electronic mail as a MIME or uuencoded attachment to osdi2000papers@usenix.org.
For administrative reasons (not blind reviewing), every submission (in both its paper and electronic form) should include one additional cover page containing:
The first page of the paper should also contain the paper title and author name(s). (Reviewing is not blind.)
The cover sheet mailed with the electronic paper submission should be in ASCII to facilitate accurate on-line bookkeeping and should be included in the same e-mail message as the PostScript or PDF file attachment containing the paper.
For more details on the submission process, authors are encouraged to consult the detailed on-line author guidelines.
All submissions will be acknowledged by Friday, April 28, 2000. If your submission is not acknowledged by this date, please contact the program chairs promptly at osdi2000chairs@usenix.org.
Awards will be given for the best paper at the symposium and best student paper.
Are you doing new, interesting work that has not been previously presented and that is still in too early a phase for publication? The OSDI attendees could provide valuable feedback to you. We are particularly interested in the presentation of student work. Details on submitting Work-in-Progress session proposals will be made available on the symposium Web site by mid-June 2000.
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs) are very informal gatherings organized by attendees interested in a particular topic. BoFs will be held Monday and Tuesday evenings. BoFs may be scheduled in advance by phoning the Conference Office at +1 (949) 588-8649 or via email to conference@usenix.org. BoFs may also be scheduled at the symposium.
USENIX is considering offering a day of tutorials prior to the conference. If you have a tutorial proposal that you believe would generate strong interest among the OSDI attendees, contact the tutorial program organizers via osdi2000tutorials@usenix.org.
Materials containing all details of the technical and tutorial programs, registration fees and forms, and hotel information will be available in July 2000. If you wish to receive the registration materials, please visit the symposium Web site or contact:
USENIX Conference Office
22672 Lambert Street, Suite 613
Lake Forest, CA 92630, USA
Phone: +1 (949) 588-8649
Fax: +1 (949) 588-9706
Email: conference@usenix.org
See the symposium Web site, https://www.usenix.org/events/osdi2000/, or e-mail osdi2000chairs@usenix.org.
![]() First posted: 28 May 1999 jr Last changed: 2 Feb. 2000 jr |