Fidelity and Yield in a
Volcano Monitoring Sensor
We present a science-centric evaluation of a 19-day sensor
network deployment at Reventador, an active volcano in Ecuador.
Each of the 16 sensors continuously sampled seismic and acoustic
data at 100 Hz. Nodes used an event-detection algorithm to trigger
on interesting volcanic activity and initiate reliable data transfer
to the base station. During the deployment, the network recorded
229 earthquakes, eruptions, and other seismoacoustic events.
The science requirements of reliable data
collection, accurate event detection, and high timing precision
drive sensor networks in new directions for geophysical monitoring.
The main contribution of this paper is an evaluation of the sensor
network as a scientific instrument, holding it to the standards
of existing instrumentation in terms of data fidelity (the
quality and accuracy of the recorded signals) and yield (the quantity
of the captured data).
We describe an approach to time rectification of the acquired
signals that can recover accurate timing despite failures of the
underlying time synchronization protocol. In addition, we perform a
detailed study of the sensor network's data using a direct comparison
to a standalone data logger, as well as an investigation of seismic
and acoustic wave arrival times across the network.
Sensor networks are making inroads into a number of scientific explorations,
including environmental
monitoring [1,25], habitat
monitoring [2,10,23], and
structural monitoring [16,14,30].
In each of these
domains, the use of low-power wireless sensors offers the potential to
collect data at spatial and temporal scales that are
not feasible with existing instrumentation.
Despite increased interest in this area, little has been done to
evaluate the ability of sensor networks to provide meaningful
data to domain scientists. A number of challenges confound such an effort,
including node failure, message loss, sensor calibration, and inaccurate time
synchronization. To successfully aid scientific studies, sensor networks
must be held to the high standards of
current scientific instrumentation.
In this paper, we take a hard look at the performance of a wireless sensor
network deployed on an active volcano. We evaluate its effectiveness as a
scientific instrument using two metrics: data fidelity and yield. Data fidelity encompasses the quality and
consistency of retrieved seismoacoustic signals, while data yield reflects
the quantity of data delivered by the network.
Typical volcano monitoring studies employ GPS-synchronized data
loggers recording both seismic and acoustic signals. These provide
high data fidelity and yield but are bulky, power
hungry, and difficult to deploy. Existing analog and digital
telemetry is similarly cumbersome.
The use of wireless sensors could enable studies involving many
more sensors distributed over a larger area. However, the
science requirements pose a number of difficult challenges for sensor
networks. First, seismoacoustic monitoring requires high data rates,
with each node sampling multiple channels at 100 Hz. Second,
signal analysis requires complete data, necessitating reliable
data collection. Third, volcano studies compare signals
across multiple sensors, requiring that collected data be accurately
timestamped against a GPS-based global clock.
The core contribution of this paper is an analysis of the efficacy
and accuracy of a volcano-monitoring sensor network as a scientific
instrument. This is the
first paper to our knowledge to take a science-centric view of
a sensor network with such demanding data-quality requirements.
In this paper, we evaluate the data collected from
a 19-day field deployment of 16 wireless sensors on
Reventador volcano, Ecuador, along the following axes:
Robustness: We find that the sensor nodes
themselves were extremely reliable but that overall robustness
was limited by power outages at the base station and a single
three-day software failure. Discounting the power outages
and this single failure, mean node uptime exceeded 96%.
Event detection accuracy: Our network was designed to
trigger data collection following volcanic events such as
earthquakes and eruptions. We measure the accuracy of our
distributed event-detection algorithm, finding that the
algorithm has a zero false positive rate. However, the network
failed to detect many seismic events due to a poor choice of
event-detection parameters and limitations of our data collection
Data transfer performance: We evaluate the ability of our
data collection protocol to transfer complete signals following an
event. We find a 90th percentile event yield (fraction of nodes for
which all data for an event was collected) of 94% and a latency
of 63 sec per radio hop for downloading 60 sec worth of data.
Timing accuracy: Data collected by each node
must be timestamped to within a single sample time (10 ms) to
enable seismological analysis. We evaluate the
stability of the underlying time synchronization protocol
(FTSP [11]), and develop a novel approach to time
rectification that accurately timestamps each sample despite
failures of the FTSP protocol. We show that this approach
recovers timing with a 90th-percentile error of 6.8 msec in a 6-hop network.
Data fidelity: Finally, we take a seismological view of
the captured data and present a head-to-head comparison of data
recorded by our sensor network against a colocated data logger.
We also evaluate the consistency of the recorded signals in terms
of seismic and acoustic wave arrival times across the network,
showing that the data is consistent with expected physical models
of the volcano's activity.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The next section
provides background on the use of wireless sensors for volcano
monitoring and outlines the underlying science goals. In
Section 3 we describe the architecture of our
system and the field deployment at Reventador.
Sections 4 through 8 present
a detailed analysis of the network's performance along each of the
evaluation metrics described above. Section 9
discusses related work and Section 10 presents several
lessons learned from the deployment. Section 11
outlines future work and concludes.
Scientists monitor volcanoes for two non-exclusive reasons: (1) to
monitor hazards by assessing the level of volcanic unrest;
and (2) to understand physical processes occurring within the
volcano, such as magma migration and eruption
mechanisms [21,12].
The most common instrument used is the seismometer, which
measures ground-propagating elastic radiation from both sources internal
to the volcano (e.g., fracture induced by pressurization) and on the
surface (e.g., expansion of gases during an eruption) [12].
In addition, microphones are sometimes employed to record infrasound, low-frequency (
20 Hz) acoustic waves generated during
explosive events. Infrasound is useful for differentiating
shallow and surface seismicity and for quantifying eruptive styles and
intensity [7].
The type of instrumentation used to study volcanoes depends on the
the science goals of the deployment. We are focused on the use of
wireless sensors for temporary field deployments involving
dozens of sensor stations deployed around an
expected earthquake source region, with inter-node spacing of
hundreds of meters. A typical campaign-style deployment will last
weeks to months depending on the activity level of the volcano,
weather conditions, and science requirements.
Geophysicists often use standalone dataloggers
(e.g., Reftek 130 [20]) that record signals
from seismometers and microphones to a flash drive.
These data loggers are large and power-hungry,
typically powered by car batteries charged by solar panels.
The sheer size and weight precludes deployments of
more than a small number of stations
in remote or hazardous areas. Additionally, data must be
retrieved manually from each station every few weeks,
involving significant effort. Analog and digital radio telemetry
enables real-time transmission of data back to an observatory.
However, existing telemetry equipment is very bulky and its limited
radio bandwidth is a problem for collecting continuous data
from multiple channels.
Wireless sensor networks have the potential to greatly enhance
understanding of volcanic processes by permitting large deployments
of sensors in remote areas.
Our group is one of the first to explore the use of wireless
sensor networks for volcano monitoring. We have deployed
two wireless arrays on volcanoes in Ecuador: at Volcán Tungurahua
in July 2004 [27], and at
Reventador in August 2005 [28].
The science requirements give rise to a
number of unique challenges for sensor networks, which we
outline below.
High-resolution signal collection:
Data from seismometers and microphones must be recorded at
relatively high data rates with adequate per-sample resolution.
A sampling rate of 100 Hz and resolution of 24 bits is typical.
This is in contrast
to sensor networks targeting low-rate data collection,
such as environmental monitoring [23,25].
Triggered data acquisition:
Due to limited radio bandwidth (less than 100 Kbps when accounting
for MAC overhead), it is infeasible
to continuously transmit the full-resolution signal.
Instead, we rely on triggered data collection that
downloads data from each sensor following
a significant earthquake or eruption. This requires sensor nodes
to continuously sample data and detect events of interest.
Event reports from multiple nodes must be collated to accurately
detect global triggers across the network.
Timing accuracy:
To facilitate comparisons of signals across nodes, signals
must be timestamped with an accuracy of one sample time
(i.e., 10 ms at 100 Hz).
Data loggers generally incorporate a GPS receiver and use low-drift
oscillators to maintain accurate timing. However, equipping each
sensor node with a GPS receiver would greatly increase power
consumption and cost. Instead, we rely on a network time
synchronization protocol [4,11] and a single GPS
receiver. However, correcting for errors in the time
synchronization protocol requires extensive post-processing
of the raw timestamps.
System Architecture
In this section we provide a brief overview of the design of our
volcano monitoring sensor network and details of the deployment
at Reventador. In an earlier magazine article [28]
we describe the system and deployment in more detail, although we have
not previously published results evaluating its performance.
Sensor hardware
Figure 1:
Our wireless volcano monitoring sensor node.
Our wireless sensor node (Figure 1)
is based on the TMote Sky [13]
platform, which integrates a TI MSP430 processor, 10 KB of SRAM,
48 KB of program ROM, 1 MByte of flash memory, and a Chipcon
CC2420 radio. All software is implemented in TinyOS [5].
We designed a custom sampling board that
provides four channels of 24-bit analog-to-digital
conversion (TI AD7710).
Nodes were interfaced to either a single-axis seismometer
(GeoSpace GS-11) or three seismometers in
a triaxial configuration (GeoSpace GS-1).
Both sensors are
passive instruments; ground motion generates a voltage which is
amplified and digitized by the sampling board.
In addition, each node was attached to an
omnidirectional microphone (Panasonic WM-034BY). This microphone has
been used in other infrasonic monitoring studies [7].
Each node was equipped with an 8.5 dBi omnidirectional antenna
mounted on 1.5 m of PVC pipe.
This permitted line-of-sight radio range of over 1 km
without amplification; nodes were typically placed 200-400 m apart
in our deployment. Nodes were powered by two D-cell batteries with
a lifetime of approximately 1 week.
Each node was enclosed in a weatherproof Pelican case.
Several other pieces of hardware complete the system. FreeWave radio
modems provided a long-distance radio link between the
sensor array and the volcano observatory, 4.6 km away. A laptop
located at the observatory logged data and was used to
monitor and control the network. Finally, to establish
a global timebase, we used a single Crossbow MicaZ [3] mote
interfaced to a GPS receiver (Garmin OEM 18 LVC). The GPS receiver
provided a 1 Hz pulse that is accurate to GPS time within 1
and acted as the root of the network time synchronization protocol as
described in Section 7.
Nodes form a multihop routing tree rooted at the gateway node that is
physically attached to the FreeWave modem; we use a variant of
MintRoute [29] that uses the CC2420's Link
Quality Indicator metric to select routing paths. Each node transmits a
status message every 10 sec that includes its position in
the routing tree, buffer status, local and global timestamps,
battery voltage, and other information.
In addition, the base station can issue a command to each node,
instructing it to respond with an immediate status message, start or
stop data sampling, and set various software parameters.
Commands are propagated using a simple flooding protocol.
The Deluge protocol [6] was also used to permit over-the-air
reprogramming and rebooting of nodes.
Because of the high data rates involved (600-1200 bytes/sec
from each node) it is infeasible to continuously transmit
all sensor data. Rather,
nodes are programmed to locally detect interesting seismic events
and transmit event reports to the base station. If enough nodes
trigger in a short time interval, the base station attempts to
download the last 60 sec of data from each node.
This design forgoes continuous
data collection for increased resolution following significant seismic
events, which include earthquakes, eruptions, or long-period (LP)
events, such as tremor.
The download window of 60 sec was chosen to capture the bulk
of the eruptive and earthquake events, although many LP events
can exceed this window (sometimes lasting minutes or hours).
To validate our network against existing scientific instrumentation,
our network was designed for high-resolution signal collection
rather than extensive in-network processing.
During normal operation, each node continuously samples its seismic
and acoustic sensors at 100 Hz, storing the data to flash
memory. Data is stored as 256-byte blocks in the flash.
Each block
is tagged with the local timestamp corresponding
to the first sample in the block.
This timestamp is later mapped onto a global time reference
as described in Section 7. The 1 Mbyte flash is treated
as a circular buffer storing approximately 20 min of data.
In addition, nodes run an event detection algorithm that
computes two exponentially-weighted moving averages (EWMA)
over the input signal with different gain
settings. When the ratio between the two EWMAs exceeds a threshold,
the node transmits an event report to the base station.
If the base station receives triggers from 30% of the active nodes
within a 10 sec window, it considers the event to be well-correlated
and initiates data collection.
Our reliable bulk-transfer protocol, called Fetch, operates
as follows. The base station waits for 30 sec following an event
before iterating through all nodes in the network. The base sends each
node a command to temporarily stop sampling, ensuring the event
will not be overwritten by subsequent samples.
For each of the 206 blocks in the 60 sec window,
the base sends a block request to the node.
The node reads the requested block from flash and
transmits the data as a series of 8 packets.
After a short timeout the base will issue
a repair request to fill in any missing packets from the block.
Once all blocks have been received or a timeout occurs, the base
station sends the node a command to resume sampling and proceeds
to download data from the next node.
Figure 2:
Sensor network architecture.
Nodes form a
multihop routing topology, relaying data via a long-distance radio
modem to the observatory. A GPS receiver is used to establish a global
timebase. The network topology shown here was used during
our deployment at Reventador.
Figure 3:
Map of sensor deployment at Volcán Reventador.
In addition to the 16 sensor nodes, two broadband seismometers
with data loggers (RRVENT and RRLAV3) were colocated with the network.
Our deployment at Reventador took place between August 1-19, 2005.
Reventador is an active volcano located in northern Ecuador, about 100 km
from Quito.
During this time, Reventador's activity consisted of small explosive events
that ejected ash and incandescent blocks several times a day. Associated
seismicity included numerous explosion earthquakes as well as
extended-duration shaking (tremor) and shallow rock-fracturing earthquakes.
We deployed 16 sensor nodes on the upper flanks of Reventador, as
shown in Figure 3, over a 3 km linear configuration
radiating away from the vent. The resulting multihop topology is shown
in Figure 2. The upper flanks of the volcano were
completely deforested by a large eruption in November 2002, allowing
for line-of-sight radio communication between adjacent sensor nodes.
Two standalone seismic stations, consisting of a broadband sensor, a
Reftek 130 data logger with 1 GByte flash memory cards, and a GPS
receiver for timestamping, were colocated with sensor nodes. The data
from these stations is essential to our network validation, described
in Sections 5 and 7. The base
station was located at a small hotel 4.6 km from the deployment site.
The sensors were deployed for a total of 19 days, during which time
the network recorded data from 229 earthquakes, eruptions, and tremor
events, logging 107 MBytes of data. The long hike and lack of roads
prevented frequent returns to the deployment site, although we
returned several times to change batteries and perform other network
Network Robustness
The first evaluation metric that we consider is the robustness
of the sensor network. Sensor network deployments have typically been
plagued by failures of individual nodes and the support
infrastructure. Clearly, robustness has a direct effect on the
resulting data yield. Our evaluation shows that while nodes exhibited
very high uptimes, the base station
infrastructure was very unreliable, and a single
bug affecting the Deluge protocol caused a three-day outage of
the entire network.
Figure 4:
Nodes reporting over time.
This figure shows the number of nodes reporting over each
10 min window during the 19-day deployment period.
The annotations (1) through (6) are described in the text.
Figure 4 shows the number of nodes reporting over each
10-minute interval during the entire 19-day deployment. A node is included in
the count if any of its status messages were received at the base station
during the 10-minute window. Annotations show several significant events
that occurred during the deployment. The network was installed in two phases
of 8 nodes each, the first on August 1 and the second on August 3. At label
(1) the entire 16 node network is operational. However, initial software
misconfiguration required rebooting several nodes during a third visit to
the deployment site on August 5. The network then ran with 16 nodes active
for a little more than 2 days.
At label (2) on August 8, a software command was transmitted to reboot the
network, using Deluge [6], in an attempt to correct the
time synchronization fault described in Section 7.
This caused a software failure affecting all nodes,
with only a few reports being
received at the base station later on August 8.
After repeated attempts to
recover the network, we returned to the deployment site on
August 11 (label (3)) to manually reprogram each node. However, only
11 nodes could be reached before nightfall, forcing a return to the
observatory. On August 12 (label (4)) we returned to the
deployment site and reprogrammed the remaining 5 nodes.
From August 13 through 18, all 16 nodes were reporting nearly continuously.
The intermittent failures (label (5)) were caused by power outages at the
observatory, causing the base station laptop and radio modem to fail. During
these times no data was logged by the base station although the sensor nodes
themselves were probably operational, since all nodes would report when the
base station recovered.
Several days before the end of the deployment, node 204, located closest to
the vent, stopped reporting data (label (6)). When the network was
disassembled we discovered that the antenna mast had been destroyed,
most likely by a bomb ejected from the volcano during an eruption,
although the node itself remained intact.
This failure underscores the importance of remote
telemetry for acquiring data at hazardous volcanoes.
Figure 5:
Individual node uptimes.
This figure shows the percentage of time that each node
reported status messages during the 19-day deployment.
Shown separately are the apparent node uptimes caused by
the whole-network outage and
base station outages. While the former was true
sensor node failure, the latter did not seem to affect the sensor
nodes themselves.
Figure 5 shows the uptime for each node during the 19-day
deployment. Each bar consists of three portions. The lowest portion is the
apparent uptime of each node accounting for both the base station
failures and single 3-day software outage. Because base station failures did not
affect individual nodes, the middle bar shows the apparent uptime including
only the 3-day outage. In this case, the mean node uptime is 69%.
However, with the 3-day outage factored out, nodes achieved an average
uptime of 96%. These numbers are encouraging and suggest that the sensor
nodes were very reliable in spite of the software crash.
Based on discussions with the authors of Deluge, we believe this failure was
caused by a single bug in the InternalFlash TinyOS component (which has
since been fixed). This bug prevented Deluge from storing critical state
information, causing nodes to reboot continuously at short intervals. We did
not see this behavior in the lab before deployment, although we had not
rigorously tested this portion of the code. In retrospect, it was optimistic
of us to rely on a complex network reboot protocol that had not been
field-tested. Deluge was removed from the binary used during the network
reprogram following the failure; it was replaced with a simpler mechanism to
reboot individual nodes using a radio command.
Failures of the base station infrastructure were a significant
source of network downtime during the deployment. This contrasts with
common assumptions
that the base station is generally reliable and operating on a continuous
power source. This was our expectation prior to the deployment, and we did
not make adequate preparations for the intermittent electrical supply at the
observatory. A backup diesel generator was used during nightly power outages,
with extra laptop and car batteries supplying power when it failed. However,
this approach was not ultimately successful.
It may be surprising that node uptime is not related to depth in the
routing tree. This suggests that if a node is ``down'' (i.e., we do
not receive any status messages from it during a 10-minute window)
that it is still active and routing packets for its children in the
tree, even as its own status messages are being lost. An alternate
explanation is that a node could select an alternate parent in the
routing topology when its parent fails. However, our analysis of the
routing topology (Figure 2) does not support this
view, since nodes rarely use more than one parent. For example,
node 214 always routes data through node 251. The
volcano-induced failure of node 204 near the end of the deployment
is the only notable failure of a single node.
Event Detector Accuracy
Our network was designed to capture interesting volcanic signals. Thus, it
is critical that the system correctly identify and report such events. This
section evaluates our event detection algorithm both in terms of the number
and rate of event triggers as well as its ability to detect
scientifically interesting events.
Figure 6:
Event triggers per node.
This figure shows the total number of event triggers reported by each
node. It demonstrates a wide variation in trigger rates that cannot be
attributed only to varying node uptimes. For example, node 204 had the lowest
uptime but the largest number of event triggers.
Figure 7:
Event triggers over time.
The upper graph shows the total number of individual node triggers per
hour. The lower graph shows the corresponding number of global
triggers. Reventador's varying seismic activity generated between 0 to 5
global triggers per hour.
Figure 6 shows the total number of events reported by
each node during the deployment. It shows a wide variation in the event
trigger rate, from 70 triggers for node 213 to 1830 triggers for node 204.
Variation in the trigger rate can be attributed to many factors, including the
location of the node, the orientation of the seismometer, and the quality of
the seismometer-to-ground coupling. Note that the trigger rate does not seem
to be related to distance from the vent. Although node 204 was closest
to the vent and reported the most triggers, nodes 200, 205, and 210
all had high trigger counts despite being significantly farther away.
Figure 7 shows both the number of individual node and
global event triggers over each hour. We observe
that the volcano's activity varied greatly, generating trigger counts ranging
between 2 and 405 events per hour when the network was online. This activity
translates into up to 5 global event triggers an hour, each initiating a
Fetch download cycle of the associated data.
The volcano's bursty and unpredictable activity makes the network's design more
challenging than systems designed for statically-scheduled data collection.
The data collection protocol, based on our earlier deployment at
Tungurahua [27], assumed that events would be rare and that
it would be unnecessary to simultaneously record signals for one event while
downloading another. As a result, we missed a number of impressive
back-to-back eruptions typical of the activity at Reventador. It is worth
noting that the variable number of event reports is itself a measure
of the volcano's activity level and could be used to assess hazard levels.
Event detector accuracy
The network detected 229 eruptions, explosions, earthquakes, and
tremor events during the deployment. Ideally, we would like to assess
its accuracy in terms of the fraction of true events detected, as well
as the false positive rate. Given the high degree of coherence
required by the global event detector (requiring 30% of the active
nodes to trigger within a short time window), we would be surprised if
the sensor network recorded any false events. Indeed, all of the
signals we did capture appear to be based on true volcanic activity,
indicating a zero false positive rate.
We intended to apply our event detection algorithm to the signals collected
by the two broadband seismic stations to establish the algorithm's accuracy.
Unfortunately, we found this to
be difficult for several reasons. First, each of the broadband stations
suffered intermittent power and software failures, either preventing them
from logging any data, or corrupting the collected signals or timestamps.
Thus, even in those cases where broadband data is available, it is
not always accurate.
Second, the broadband stations deployed a more
sensitive seismometer with a much wider frequency response.
The geophones used by our sensor nodes have a corner frequency of
4.5 Hz, while the broadband sensors have a corner frequency of 0.033 Hz.
Additionally, the broadband seismometers
are much more sensitive, generating voltages of 800 V/m/sec, whereas
the geophones have a sensitivity of only 32 V/m/sec. As a
result, the broadband sensors are able to detect much weaker seismic
We focus our attention on a single day of data where the
broadband stations were recording clean data and the sensor network
was relatively stable. One of the authors, a seismologist, visually
extracted events from the broadband data; during this 24-hour period,
a total of 589 events were recorded by the broadband sensors. During
the same time, the sensor network triggered on just 7 events,
suggesting that our detection accuracy is very low (about 1%).
The network could have failed to detect a seismic event for one
of four reasons: (1) failure of individual nodes; (2) failure of
the base station or radio modem; (3) the low sensitivity of our
seismometers; or (4) failure of the event detection
algorithm itself. To factor out the increased sensitivity of the
broadband seismometers, we only consider the 174 events with SNR
from both stations, which we expect the geophones should
have been able to detect as well.
Also, Section 4 has already addressed
the question of uptime, so we focus here on the inherent accuracy
of the event detector when the network was
operating correctly. 136 of the 174 broadband events occurred during times
when the network was operational. Taking these two factors into
account, the network's detection accuracy is still only about 5%.
Recall that during a Fetch download cycle, nodes disabled sampling to
avoid overwriting data in flash. Download cycles could take up to
several minutes per node (see Section 6), meaning
that there are significant time windows when the network was unable to
detect new events. During the Fetch cycles on August 15, the broadband
stations recorded 42 events, 24% of the total events detected.
This indicates that, all else being equal, the sensor network could
have detected approximately 24% more events had we designed the
protocol to sample and download simultaneously. We plan to add this
feature in the next version of our system.
In the end, we believe that our low detection rate is the result of
the parameters used in the EWMA-based event detection algorithm.
These parameters were chosen prior to the deployment, based on our
experience with detecting infrasonic events at a different
volcano [27]. We did not experiment with modifying
them in the field. Indeed,
using our algorithm with these same parameters
on the broadband data for August 15 detects only
101 events, a fraction of the events chosen manually by an expert.
We plan to tune our event-detection parameters for future deployments
based on the data collected by the broadband stations.
Data Collection Performance
In this section we assess the performance of the Fetch data collection
protocol. We evaluate Fetch in terms of its yield, its ability
to successfully collect requested data; and its latency, the
time to download events from the network.
We define the event yield of a Fetch transfer as the fraction of
nodes for which the entire 60 sec signal was successfully downloaded
following an event. The calculation only considers those nodes that
were active at the time of the event detection (Figure 4).
For example, if 10 nodes were active
during an event, then the event yield is defined in terms of 10 nodes.
Note that the Fetch protocol attempts to download a signal from all
active nodes, even those that did not detect the event.
Figure 8:
Event yield.
This graph shows a CDF of the event yield for each of the 229 events
recorded during the entire deployment. Event yield is the fraction of
active nodes from which a complete 60 sec signal was downloaded
following an event.
Figure 8 shows a CDF of the event
yield for all 229 events recorded during the deployment. As the
figure shows, the median event yield was 68.5% and the 90th
percentile was 94%. The yield can be affected by several factors.
First, the protocol will abort a transfer from a node after
re-requesting the same block more than 20 times, or if the transfer
from a single node exceeds 10 minutes. Second, because sampling is
disabled while performing a data transfer, if two back-to-back events
occur a node may not end up storing data for the second event.
Next, we look at the node yield which we define as the
probability that an event was successfully downloaded from a given
node. Like the event yield, the calculation only considers those
nodes that were active at the time of each event detection. Node yield
can be affected by several factors. The depth and radio link quality
of a node's routing path to the base station affect packet loss rate
and thereby the likelihood of a Fetch timeout.
Additionally, two nodes outfitted with triaxial seismometers
(nodes 250 and 251) sample and store twice as much data as the others,
increasing the probability of a timeout. Finally, a bug in our control
application caused node 250 to sample data continuously, even during a Fetch
operation. As a result, this node was more likely to overwrite an
event stored in flash before it could be downloaded.
Figure 9:
Node yield.
This graph shows the node yield for each of the 16 nodes
over the entire deployment, defined as the probability that an event
was successfully downloaded from a node, as long as that node is active
during the corresponding event detection.
Figure 9 shows the node yield for each of the nodes.
We can see how the factors mentioned above affected performance.
First, the nodes with the highest yield (above 80%) tend to be within
two hops from the root (see Figure 2). However,
despite being within two or three hops, node 209 had a fairly low
yield. This is explained by the fact that node 209 had a poor link to
its closest parent, node 200. In fact, although most nodes had a
stable parent throughout the deployment, node 209 used node 200 as its
parent only 33% of the time and nodes 206 and 207 the remaining 66%
of the time. Node 213 also switched parents between nodes
204 and 208, but unlike node 209 it was always three hops away.
Node 214 was the farthest node in terms of hopcount and as a result
had one of the lowest yields. The larger amount of data was also a
factor for the four-channel nodes, 250 and 251. In addition, node 251
was five radio hops from the gateway.
Transfer latency directly impacts data yield. Because we disabled sampling on
each node (apart from node 250) during a Fetch download cycle,
the duration of the data transfer also affects a node's ability to
record back-to-back events.
Figure 10:
Distribution of Fetch latency for two nodes.
latency for a Fetch download depends on the depth of the node in the
routing tree, which affects both command propagation latency and
reliability of the routing path. Node 200 is located 1 hop from the
sink and node 214 is located 6 hops away.
The median latency for Fetch operations (downloading 60 sec worth of
data from a single node) was 186 sec and the 90th
percentile was 444 sec. Unsurprisingly, latency varies with the depth of
the node in the routing tree. Figure 10
compares Fetch latency for nodes 200 and 214, located 1 and 6 hops
away from the sink, respectively. Node 200 had a median Fetch latency
of 94 sec, while node 214 had a median latency of 409 sec,
about 63 sec per hop. This is due to both increased delay for propagating
Fetch command messages, as well as increasing packet loss and
retransmission overheads as the data flows over multiple hops to the
Fetch was initially designed to support reliable downloads of infrequent
events and we did not anticipate the need to capture back-to-back signals.
Unfortunately, these were common at Reventador, and may necessitate a
redesign. For example, it may be possible to reduce latency by streaming
multiple blocks in one request and reconstructing partial blocks after a
burst. Caching recently-received blocks on intermediate nodes could reduce
latency for repair requests [14]. However, such changes
would greatly increase the complexity of the protocol. For this deployment
we opted to prioritize simplicity and stability over performance.
Time Rectification and Accuracy
When analyzing seismoacoustic data acquired at volcanoes, accurate
timing of recorded signals is paramount. Studying volcanic source processes
necessitates precisely identifying the arrival time of P- and S-waves
at each sensor. Also, correlating signals across the sensor
array requires accurately timestamping each sample. Ideally, timing should
be accurate to within one sample interval, or 10 ms when sampling at 100 Hz.
As described earlier,
we opted to
use a single GPS receiver and employ a multihop time-synchronization protocol
to establish a global timebase. The protocol worked well
in laboratory experiments. However, it experienced significant failures in
the field, requiring extensive postprocessing of the data to recover accurate
timing for each signal.
In this section, we provide an overview of the time synchronization errors
observed in the field. We then present a novel time rectification
technique that allows us to recover accurate timing despite protocol
We evaluate our approach through
lab experiments with a known, ground-truth timebase, and by comparing our
signals with signals recorded by the colocated data loggers. This
paper is the first to our knowledge to evaluate the stability of a multihop
time synchronization protocol during a lengthy sensor network
field deployment.
We chose to use the Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol
(FTSP) [11], an existing protocol developed for
wireless sensor nodes. In the original FTSP work [11], timing errors
of less than 67
sec were reported for an 11-hop network of Mica2 nodes.
We verified in our testbed that FTSP provided a 90th-percentile time
error of under 2.1 ms in a 5-hop linear network of TMote Sky nodes.
A single MicaZ sensor node was used as the root of the FTSP synchronization
tree. It interfaced to a Garmin GPS receiver and received a 1 Hz interrupt
synchronized to within 1
sec of the GPS ``pulse per second'' signal.
When the interrupt is raised, the node records the GPS time and corresponding
FTSP global time and sends a short message containing this information to the
base station. Each sensor node runs the FTSP protocol which maintains a
global timebase. Every 10 sec, each node records its local time and the
corresponding FTSP global time, sending this information in its status
message to the base station. Finally, as each node records data, the first
sample of each block is marked with the node's local time. After downloading
data from each node following an event, this local time can be used to
recover the time for each sample in the block.
Therefore, we have three relevant timebases: the local time at each
node; the global time established by the FTSP protocol; and the
GPS time recorded by the FTSP root. The information in the nodes'
status messages can be used to map local time to global time, and the
information in the GPS node's status messages can be used to map global time
to GPS-based GMT.
FTSP failures in the field
In the absence of failures, this mapping would be a straightforward process.
However, in the field, we noticed that nodes would occasionally lose
synchronization with the rest of the network and report FTSP global times
with significant errors, sometimes exceeding several hours. We suspect that
the sparse deployment conditions at the volcano might have led to different
behavior in the time synchronization protocol than in the lab. For
example, occasional message loss or failure of a neighbor could cause the
node's global time to drift from the rest of the network.
However, in lab tests that constrained the network topology we
did not observe these instabilities.
Figure 11:
Example of FTSP instability observed during field
The global time value reported by sensor nodes and the
GPS node is plotted against the time that the base station received the
corresponding status messages. All nodes are initially synchronized, but
starting at 1230 GMT, nodes 212 and 250 report incorrect global times for the
next 4.5 hours. When the nodes eventually resynchronize, the global
timestamps of other nodes initially experience some instability.
Figure 11 shows an example of the FTSP instability
observed in the field. The global time reported by two nodes
suddenly jumps off by several hours, and the nodes do not resynchronize until
rebooted 4.5 hours later. It turns out that two bugs conflated to cause this
problem. First, it was discovered that the TinyOS clock driver would
occasionally return bogus local timestamps. This bug was fixed in
February 2006, several months after our deployment.
Second, FTSP does not check the
validity of synchronization messages, so a node reading an incorrect
value for its local clock can corrupt the state of other nodes,
throwing off the global time calculation.
To our knowledge, few if any sensor network deployments have
attempted to use network time synchronization protocols for extended periods.
In addition, ours may have been the first deployment of FTSP on the TMote Sky
platform where the clock driver bug manifested itself.
Figure 12:
Time rectification process overview.
The failures of the time synchronization protocol make establishing the
correct GPS-based timestamp for each data sample extremely challenging. Our
time rectification approach filters and remaps recorded timestamps to
accurately recover timing despite these failures. The time rectification
process is illustrated in Figure 12. The first
step is to filter the global timestamps recorded by each node,
discarding bogus data. Second, we build a model mapping the local time on
each node to FTSP-based global time. Third, we use the GPS timestamp
information to build a second model mapping FTSP time to GMT. Finally, both
models are applied to the timestamps recorded in each data block producing a
GMT time for each sample.
Timestamp filtering
We begin by filtering out status messages appearing to contain incorrect
global timestamps. To do this, we correlate global timestamps from each node
against a common reference timebase and reject those that differ by more than
some threshold. For this, we use the base station laptop's local time, which
is only used for filtering FTSP timestamps, not for establishing the
correct timing. The filtering process in is many ways similar to prior
work [17,18] on detecting adjustments in
network-synchronized clocks.
We use the following abbreviations: LT is the local
time of a node; GT is the FTSP global time; BT is the base
station's local time; and GMT is the true GMT from the GPS signal.
Each GPS status message logged by the base station consists of the
triple (GT, GMT, BT).
We use linear regression on this data to produce a reference
timebase mapping BT to GT.1 For each node status message logged by
the laptop (LT, GT, BT), we map BT to the expected
using the reference timebase. If
, we discard the
status message from further consideration. We use a threshold of
sec. Although radio message propagation and delays on the base station
can affect the BT for each status message, a small rejection
makes it unlikely that any truly incorrect FTSP
timestamps pass the filter. Indeed, of the 7.8% of timestamps filtered out,
the median GT error was 8.1 hours.
Timestamp rectification
Figure 13:
Time rectification example.
The raw (LT, GT) pairs collected from the node show that
it experiences a period of FTSP instability. The time rectification process
removes the errant timestamps creating an accurate mapping between LT
and GT created using a linear regression on the remaining
The goal of time rectification is to assign a GMT timestamp to each
sample in the recorded data. In order to do so, we build two models: one
mapping a node's local time to global time, and another mapping global time
to GMT.
From those
status messages that pass the
filter, we build a piecewise linear model mapping LT to GT using a series of linear regressions.
Models are constructed for each node separately, since local
times vary significantly between nodes. Each regression spans up to
5 minutes of data and we initiate a new regression if the gap between
subsequent (LT, GT) pairs exceeds 5 minutes. Each interval must
contain at least two valid status messages to construct the model. We take
the LT value stored in each data block and use this model to recover
the corresponding GT value.
The next step is to map global time to GMT. Each of the GPS node's status
messages contain a (GT, GMT) pair. As above, we build a piecewise
linear model mapping GT to GMT, and apply this model to the GT values for each data block. Finally, we assign a GMT value to each sample
contained in the block, using linear interpolation between the GMT values
assigned to the first sample in each block. This process makes no
assumptions about sampling rate, which varies slightly from node to node due
to clock drift.
Evaluating this time rectification process has proved
difficult, primarily because we have no ground truth for the timing
of the signals recorded in the field. However, by reproducing the deployment
conditions in the lab, we have been able to measure the accuracy of the
recovered timing in a controlled setting. In addition, as described earlier,
two GPS-synchronized data loggers were colocated with our sensor network,
providing us the opportunity to directly compare our time-rectified signals
with those recorded by conventional instrumentation.
Our first validation took place in the lab. Feeding the
output of a signal generator to both a miniature version of our sensor
network and to a Reftek 130 data logger allowed us to directly compare the data
between both systems. The miniature network consisted of a single
sensor node, routing gateway, and GPS receiver node. The same software was
used as in the field deployment. The Reftek 130 logs data
to a flash memory card and timestamps each sample using its own GPS receiver.
The results showed a consistent 15 ms offset between the time-rectified
signals recorded by the sensor node and the Reftek data logger.
We discovered that this offset was due to delays introduced by
the digital filtering performed by the
ADC on our sensor board (see Section 3.1). Adjusting for this
delay resulted in an indiscernible offset between the sensor node and
Reftek signals. While this experiment does not reproduce the full
complexity of our deployed network, it does serve as a baseline for
In the second lab experiment, we set up a network of 7 sensor nodes in a
6-hop linear topology. The topology is enforced by software, but all nodes
are within radio range of each other, making it possible to stimulate all
nodes simultaneously with a radio message. Each node samples data and sends
status messages using the same software as the field deployment. The FTSP
root node periodically transmits a beacon message. On reception of the
beacon, each node records the FTSP global timestamp of the message reception
time (note that reception of the beacon message is not limited by the
software-induced topology). Because we expect all nodes to receive this
message at the same instant, modulo interrupt latency jitter, we expect the
FTSP time recorded by each node to be nearly identical. The FTSP root also
records the time that the beacon was transmitted, accounting for MAC delay.
The experiment ran for 34 hours, during which time FTSP experienced
instabilities similar to those seen during our deployment.
Figure 14:
Timestamp errors in a 6-hop lab testbed:
This table shows the 50th and 90th-percentile timing errors
on both the raw FTSP timestamps, and rectified timestamps.
This allows us to compare the true global time of each beacon message
transmission and the apparent global time on each receiving node, both
before and after subjecting the data to our time rectification process. We
call the difference between the true and apparent times the timestamp
error. Figure 14 shows the results for nodes one and
six hops away from the FTSP root. After rectification, 99.9% of the errors
for the one-hop node and 93.1% of the errors for the six-hop node fall
within our 10 ms error envelope.
Comparison with broadband station
Figure 15:
Comparison of RVEN and node 213 signals.
This figure shows two seismic waves recorded by sensor node 213 and a
broadband seismometer located 56 m away. After time rectification, a 29 ms
time shift produces an excellent match.
Although time rectification works well in the laboratory, it is also
necessary to evaluate its accuracy on the data collected during the field
deployment. For this purpose, we made use of one of the broadband seismometer
stations colocated with our sensor network. The RVEN (for ``Reventador
vent'') station was located 56 m from sensor node 213.
Given their proximity, we would expect
the seismic waveforms captured by both RVEN and node 213 to be
well correlated. Some time shift between the two signals would be expected:
a seismic wave passing each station could be as slow as 1.5 km/sec, so
the time lag between the signals could be as high as 37 ms. However, due to
differences in the seismometers and the placement and ground coupling of the
sensors, we would not expect perfectly correlated signals in every
We identified 28 events recorded by both RVEN and node 213. The data for
node 213 was time rectified as described earlier, and the RVEN data was
timestamped by the Reftek's internal GPS receiver. We applied a bandpass
filter of 6-8 Hz to each signal to reduce sensor-specific artifacts. The
cross-correlation between the signals produces a set of
of lag times indicating possible time shifts between the two signals.
Due to the periodic nature of the signals, this results in
several lag times at multiples of the dominant signal period. For each lag
time, we visually inspected how well the time-shifted signals overlapped and
picked the best match by hand.
Figure 16:
Lag times between Node 213 and RVEN.
The best lag time between the two stations is shown for 28 events. best
time lag between the two stations is shown. Most time shifts into the
+/- 47 ms window that we would expect given the distance between the two
stations and up to 10 ms of timing error.
Figure 15 shows an example of this process that demonstrates
excellent correlation between the RVEN and node 213 signals with a 29 ms time
shift. Figure 16 shows a scatterplot of the best lag times
for all 28 events. Of these, only 5 events fall outside of a
47 ms
window defined by the distance between the stations (
37 ms) and our
acceptable sampling error (10 ms). We have high confidence that our
time rectification process was able to recover accurate timing despite
failures of the FTSP protocol.
Data Fidelity
The final and most important measure of our network is its ability to
provide scientifically-meaningful data on the volcano's activity. In
this section, we perform an initial analysis of the seismic and
acoustic signals from a seismological perspective, with the goal of
validating the accuracy of the signal quality and timing.
The infrasonic (low-frequency acoustic) waves generated by the
volcano are primarily the result of explosive events.
We start by measuring the velocity of infrasonic waves recorded by our
network, which is more straightforward than seismic analysis for
several reasons. First, infrasonic waves generate a clear
impulse in the microphone signal, making it easy to determine the
time of the wave arrival at each sensor. In addition, acoustic waves
propagate about an order of magnitude slower than seismic waves
(roughly 340 m/s versus 1500-4000 m/s).
We also expect an infrasonic wave to originate at the
vent of the volcano, simplifying the wave velocity calculation.
Figure 17:
Computing acoustic wave velocity.
The velocity of the acoustic wave is calculated based on
the distance of each station from the vent,
, and the
arrival time of the wave at each station,
We identified four events in our data set with a clear infrasonic
component. For each event, we hand-picked the arrival time of the wave
at each node using the time-rectified signal.
Figure 18 plots the wave arrival time versus
the distance of each node from the vent. As shown in
Figure 17, the velocity of the wave can be
calculated by performing a linear regression on this dataset.
Figure 18:
Acoustic wave arrival times and velocity.
This figure shows the acoustic wave arrival time vs. distance
from the vent for 4 separate events. Also shown is the resulting
acoustic wave velocity and the
coefficient of determination.
The result of this calculation is also shown in
Figure 18. The velocity of sound in air is
temperature-dependent; for temperatures between 10-20
the velocity range is 337-343 m/s. The calculated wave velocities are
mostly in this range, with a mean of 339.5 m/s. The coefficients of
are very high, between
0.9988 and 0.9999, showing that the timing and quality of the
acoustic data closely matches our expectation
of the infrasonic waves produced by the volcano.
Analyzing the seismic waves captured by our network is
significantly more challenging. This is primarily because the
source locations of seismic waves are unknown.
Seismic events may originate at the vent (in the case of an explosion)
or deep within the edifice, producing very different patterns of
P- and S-wave arrivals at each node. A full seismological analysis
of our data is beyond the scope of this paper. However, we
present a high-level measure of the consistency of the
signals captured by our network: that is, we evaluate whether
the seismic wave arrivals are consistent with expected volcanic
Figure 19:
Time of arrival of each node over multiple
This graph shows the spread of arrival times for each
node. The arrival time and distance is relative to node 207. The
arrival time for each node is fairly consistent over multiple events,
with the exception of node 214. The shaded area indicates a move-out
velocity of less than 1,500
The most natural measure of data consistency is whether the
time of the seismic P-wave arrival at each sensor falls within
an expected envelope based on the minimum speed at which
seismic waves are believed to propagate at Reventador, which
we estimate as 1500 m/s. We took 15 seismic events with clear
P-wave arrivals and used an automatic algorithm [22] to
determine the wave arrival time.2
Figure 19 shows a scatterplot of
the arrival times with respect to node 207, which was chosen as an
arbitrary reference point since data for this node appeared in all
15 events. The
-axis represents the distance of each node
from 207. Depending on the seismic source location, we expect waves to
arrive both before and after node 207. However, the slowest wave
speed (1500 m/s) dictates the maximum difference in the wave arrival
between each station.3 The shaded area in
Figure 19 covers the ``exclusion
envelope'' of arrival times at each station. As the figure shows,
only 2 out of 124 arrivals fall outside of this envelope.
Figure 20:
Explosion earthquake event at 08/16/2005 09:45:14 GMT.
P-wave arrivals have been identified manually and a second-order
polynomial (solid line) is fit to the arrivals. The arrival time
move-outs are consistent with a shallow near-vent source.
Figure 21:
Tectonic earthquake event at 08/15/2005 16:04:37
In this event, seismic waves are first recorded near the
middle of the sensor array. This is due either to a source closer
to the center of the array, variations in velocity structure,
or most likely both.
Finally, we take a closer look at two seismic events recorded by our
array. Figures 20 and 21 show
seismograms from each of the sensor nodes after time rectification.
-axis corresponds to the distance of each node from the vent.
For each event, the P-wave arrivals have been determined by hand and a
second-order polynomial has been fit to the arrival times at each node
for clarity.
These two events show a very different pattern of wave arrival
times. Figure 20 shows the seismic wave
arriving first at stations near the vent (nodes 204 and 213). This
is consistent with a shallow near-vent source corresponding to an
explosion. This is confirmed by the corresponding acoustic data (shown
in Figure 18) attributed to explosive expansion
of gas.
In contrast, Figure 21 shows an event with the earliest
arrivals in the middle of the sensor array and the endpoints relatively
delayed; many such events were recorded by our network.
This distribution implies a deeper source. At the same time,
seismic velocity in the uppermost cone, which is comprised of unconsolidated
volcanic deposits, is presumed to be slower. Such volcano-tectonic events
are likely generated by the fracturing of solid media typically induced
by pressurization within the edifice. This preliminary study
demonstrates the value of our wireless sensor network for collecting
accurate signals that can be subjected to seismological analysis.
Related Work
While the number of sensor network deployments described in the
literature has been increasing, little prior work has focused on
evaluating sensor networks from a scientific perspective.
In addition, the high data rates and stringent timing accuracy
requirements of volcano monitoring represent a departure from
many of the previously-studied applications for sensor networks.
Low-data-rate monitoring:
The first generation of sensor network deployments focused on
distributed monitoring of environmental conditions. Representative
projects include the Great Duck
Island [24,19,10],
Berkeley Redwood Forest [25], and
James Reserve [2] deployments. These systems are
characterized by low data rates (sampling intervals on the order of
minutes) and very low-duty-cycle operation to conserve power.
Research in this area has made valuable contributions in establishing
sensor networks as a viable platform for scientific monitoring and
developing essential components used in our work.
This previous work has not yet focused on the efficacy of a sensor
network as a scientific instrument. The best example is the Berkeley
Redwood Forest deployment [25], which involved
33 nodes monitoring the microclimate of a redwood tree for 44 days.
Their study focuses on novel ways of visualizing and presenting the
data captured by the sensor network, as well as on the data yield of
the system. The authors show that the microclimactic measurements are
consistent with existing models; however, no ground truth of the data
is established. This paper highlights many of the challenges involved
in using wireless sensors to augment or replace existing scientific
High-data-rate monitoring:
A second class of sensor network applications involves relatively
high data rates and precise timing of the captured signals. The two
dominant applications in this area are structural health monitoring
and condition-based maintenance. In each case, arrays
of sensors are used to capture vibration or accelerometer waveforms
that must be appropriately timestamped for later analysis.
NetSHM [15,14,30] is a
wireless sensor network for structural health monitoring, which
involves studying the response of buildings, bridges, and other
structures to localize structural damage, e.g., following an
earthquake. This system shares many of the challenges of
geophysical monitoring; indeed, the data rates involved (500 Hz
per channel) are higher than are typically used in volcano
NetSHM implements reliable data collection using both hop-by-hop caching
and end-to-end retransmissions. Their work explores the use of
local computations on sensors to reduce bandwidth requirements.
Rather than a global time-synchronization protocol, the base station
timestamps each sample upon reception. The residence time of
each sample as it flows from sensor to base is calculated based on
measurements at each transmission hop and used to deduce the
original sample time.
Several factors distinguish our work. First, NetSHM is designed to collect
signals following controlled excitations of a structure, which simplifies
scheduling. In our case, volcanic activity is bursty and highly variable,
requiring more sophisticated approaches to event detection and data transfer.
Second, NetSHM has been deployed in relatively dense networks, making data
collection and time synchronization more robust. Third, to date the NetSHM
evaluations have focused more on network performance and less on the fidelity
of the extracted data. Other systems for wireless SHM include one developed
by the Stanford Earthquake Engineering
Center [9,26] and earlier work by Berkeley on
monitoring the Golden Gate Bridge [16].
Condition-based maintenance is another emerging area for
wireless sensor networks. The typical approach is to collect
vibration waveforms from equipment (e.g., chillers, pumps, etc.)
and perform time- and frequency-domain analysis to determine when
the equipment requires servicing. Intel Research has explored this
area through two deployments at a fabrication plant and an oil tanker
in the North Sea [8]. Although this application
involves high sampling rates, it does not necessarily require time
synchronization as signals from multiple sensors need not be correlated.
The initial evaluation of these deployments only considers the
network performance and does not address data fidelity issues.
Lessons Learned
Sensor network deployments, particularly in remote areas, involve
significant cost in terms of time and equipment. Failures of hardware
and software can have a negative impact on the uptake of this technology
by domain science experts. Our experiences at Reventador have yielded
a number of valuable lessons for future sensor network deployments.
1. Ground truth and self-validation mechanisms are critical:
We did not initially consider colocating several of our wireless
sensors with existing data loggers in order to establish ground
truth. This would have clearly aided our analysis, though we
were fortunate to locate one of
our sensors near (but not immediately adjacent to) the RVEN station.
In addition, self-validation mechanisms are needed to provide detailed
information on the health and accuracy of the data recorded by the
network. The periodic ``heartbeat'' messages that we built into our
system proved essential to remotely tracking system operation.
2. Coping with infrastructure and protocol failures: As discussed
previously, the sensor nodes themselves were the most reliable
components of the system. Even without classifying the 3-day network outage
as an infrastructure failure, this downtime was far exceeded by outages
caused by power failures at the base station.
We did not devote enough attention to assuring the reliability of the
base station and radio modem infrastructure, assuming it would be a
trivial matter of plugging into wall power. This single point
of failure was more fragile than expected.
Additionally, several pieces deployed software, including Deluge and FTSP,
exhibited failures in the field than we not had expected given our laboratory
experiments. These failures both speak for and show the limitations of
careful, pre-deployment testing. We were fortunate to be able to correct
protocol errors in the field and during post-processing, but the risk of
uncorrectable problems will lead us towards more rigorous testing and
analysis in the future.
3. Building confidence inside cross-domain scientific collaborations:
It is important when working with domain scientists to understand their
expectations and plan carefully to meet them. There is a clear tension
between the desire of CS researchers to develop more interesting and
sophisticated systems, and the needs of domain science, which relies
upon thoroughly validated instrumentation. Pushing more
complexity into the sensor network can improve lifetime and
performance, but the resulting system must be carefully validated
before deployment to ensure that the resulting data is scientifically
Good communication between CS and domain scientists is also critical.
During the deployment, the seismologists were eager to see the
collected signals, which were initially in an unprocessed format with
timing errors as described earlier. From the CS perspective, the
early data provided evidence of successful data collection, but from
the geophysics perspective it highlighted failures in the time
synchronization protocol. It took a great deal of effort after
the deployment to build confidence in the validity of our data.
Conclusions and Future Work
As sensor networks continue to evolve for scientific monitoring,
taking a domain science-centric view of their capabilities is essential.
In this
paper, we have attempted to understand how well a wireless sensor
network can serve as a scientific instrument for volcano monitoring.
We have presented an evaluation of the data fidelity and yield of a real sensor
network deployment, subjecting the system to the rigorous standards
expected for geophysical instrumentation.
We find that wireless sensors have great potential for
rapid and dense instrumentation of active volcanoes, although challenges
remain including improving reliability and validating the timing
accuracy of captured signals. The network was able to detect and
retrieve data for a large number of seismic events, although our event
detection parameters require tuning to capture more signals.
In terms of reliability, base station outages affected the network about
27% of the time during our deployment, with a single software failure
causing a 3-day outage. However, nodes appeared to exhibit an uptime of
96%, which is very encouraging. Clearly, work is needed to improve
the robustness of the base station and system software infrastructure.
Our most difficult challenge was correcting the timing in the captured
signals and validating timing accuracy. A comparative analysis against a
GPS-synchronized standalone data logger shows very good correlation: 23 out
of 28 events correlated against the Reftek broadband station exhibited lag
times within the expected 47 ms window. Across the sensor array, only 2 out
of 124 P-wave arrivals fall outside of an expected velocity envelope,
suggesting that our timing rectification is very consistent. This is further
reinforced by linear regression of acoustic wave arrival times with
values of greater than
. Finally, preliminary analysis of the recorded
seismic signals is consistent with expected volcanic activity, exhibiting
differences between explosion-related activity and deep-source events.
Future directions: Our group is continuing to develop sensor networks
for volcano monitoring and we expect to conduct future deployments. Our eventual goal is to design a large (50 to 100 node) sensor
array capable of operating autonomously for an entire field season
of three months.
A primary concern for future work is reducing power consumption to
extend network lifetimes. Although we did not experience power-related
failures of sensor nodes, we were fortunate that the deployment logistics
permitted us to change batteries as needed. The highest power draw on
our platform is the sampling board, which cannot be powered down since
we must sample continuously. One approach is to perform more extensive
signal analysis on the sensor nodes to reduce the amount of data
that must be transmitted following an event. However, geophysicists
are accustomed to obtaining complete signals, so we must balance
network lifetime with signal fidelity.
In addition, we are interested
in exploring novel approaches to programming large sensor arrays to
perform collaborative signal processing. Domain scientists should
not have to concern themselves with the details of sensor node
programming. We plan to develop a high-level programming interface
to facilitate more rapid adoption of this technology.
The authors wish to thank Thaddeus Fulford-Jones and Jim MacArthur for
their assistance with hardware design; Omar Marcillo and Mario Ruiz
for assistance with the field deployment; and the staff of the
Instituto Geofísico, IGEPN, Ecuador, for logistical and hardware
development support. Finally, many thanks to our shepherd, Chandu Thekkath,
whose suggestions greatly improved the paper.
This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under
grant numbers CNS-0519675 and CNS-0531631.
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Geoffrey Werner-Allen