OSDI '04 Paper   
[OSDI '04 Technical Program]
Middleboxes No Longer Considered Harmful
Michael Walfish, Jeremy Stribling, Maxwell Krohn,
Hari Balakrishnan, Robert Morris, and Scott Shenker1
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Intermediate network elements, such as network address
translators (NATs), firewalls, and transparent caches are now
commonplace. The usual reaction in the network architecture community
to these so-called middleboxes is a combination of scorn (because
they violate important architectural principles) and dismay (because
these violations make the Internet less flexible). While we
acknowledge these concerns, we also
recognize that middleboxes have become an Internet fact of life for
important reasons. To retain their functions
while eliminating their dangerous side-effects, we propose an extension
to the Internet architecture, called the Delegation-Oriented
Architecture (DOA), that not only allows, but also facilitates, the
deployment of middleboxes. DOA involves two relatively modest changes to
the current architecture: (a) a set of references that are carried in packets
and serve as persistent host identifiers and
(b) a way to resolve these references to delegates chosen by the referenced
1 Introduction
The Internet's architecture is defined not just by a set of protocol
specifications but also by a collection of general design guidelines.
Among the architecture's original
principles [12] are two tenets at the network layer
(i.e., IP layer) that are still widely valued, but are nonetheless often disobeyed
in the current Internet:
#1: Every Internet entity has a unique network-layer identifier
that allows others to reach it. During the Internet's youth,
every network entity had a globally unique, fixed IP address.
However, the emergence of
private networks and host
mobility, among other things,
ended the halcyon days of unique identity and transparent reachability. Now,
many Internet hosts have no globally unique handle that
serves to direct packets to them.
#2: Network elements should not process packets that are not
addressed to them.
We call this tenet ``network-level layering'', and it
implies that only a network element identified by an IP packet's
destination field should inspect the packet's higher-layer fields.
This decades-old guideline
has become an empty commandment,
as firewalls, network address translators (NATs), transparent
caches, and other widely deployed network elements
use higher-layer fields to perform their functions.
That these tenets are routinely violated is not merely an Internet legalism.
The inability of hosts in private address realms to pass handles allowing other hosts
to communicate with them has hindered or halted
the spread of newer protocols, such as SIP [24] and various peer-to-peer systems [18].
Layer violations lead to rigidity in the network infrastructure, as the
transgressing network elements may not accommodate new traffic classes.
hundreds of IETF proposals for working around problems introduced by
NATs [54], firewalls, and other layer-violating boxes are compelling evidence that
middleboxes (as such hosts are collectively known) and the Internet
architecture are not in harmony [8].
Indeed, because middleboxes
violate one or both tenets above, Internet architects have traditionally
reacted to them with disdain and despair.
We take a different view. Rather than seeing middleboxes as a blight on
the Internet architecture, we see the current Internet architecture as an
impediment to middleboxes. We believe such intermediaries, as we
will call them, exist for important and permanent reasons, and we think the
future will have more, not fewer, of them.
The market will continue to demand intermediaries for various
reasons. NATs maintain and bridge between different IP
spaces.2 Firewalls and other
boxes that intercept unwanted packets will be increasingly needed as
attacks on end-hosts grow in rate and severity. Since even sophisticated
users have difficulty configuring PCs to be impervious to attack, we
believe that users would want to outsource this protection to a
professionally managed host--one not physically interposed in front of the
user--that would vet incoming packets. Under
the current architecture, such outsourcing to ``off-path'' hosts requires special-purpose
machinery and extensive manual configuration. Intermediaries can also
increase performance through, for example, caching and load-balancing.
Commercial service providers will continue to take advantage of such
performance-enhancing intermediaries, disregarding architectural purity.
Thus, we have a fundamental conflict: although intermediaries offer
clear advantages, they run afoul of the two tenets above,
which causes harm and makes deploying and
using intermediaries unnecessarily hard. Our goal, therefore, is
an architecture hospitable to intermediaries, specifically one that allows
intermediaries to abide by the two tenets, to avoid other architectural
infractions, and to retain the same functions as today.
Such an
architecture would let a variety of middleboxes be deployed
while also letting end-system protocols evolve
independently and quickly.
Our architecture--which we call the Delegation-Oriented Architecture
(DOA)--is based on two main ideas.
First, all entities have a globally
unique identifier in a flat namespace, and packets carry these
identifiers. Second, DOA allows senders and receivers to
express that one or more intermediaries should process packets en route
to a destination.
This delegation lets the resulting architecture embrace
intermediaries as first-class citizens that are explicitly invoked
and need not be physically interposed in front of
the hosts they service.
Globally unique identifiers and delegation have existed in
previous work describing
different architectures (e.g., i3 [57]);
see §9 for details.
This paper's contribution is defining
a relatively incremental extension to the Internet
architecture, DOA, that coherently accommodates network-level
intermediaries like
NATs and firewalls.
DOA requires no changes to IP or IP routers but does require changes
to host and intermediary software.
However, these changes are modular, and current applications can be easily ported.
We illustrate DOA with two
examples: first, ``network-extension boxes'' which are analogous to today's NATs in their establishment
of private addressing realms but
do not obscure hosts' identities,
and second, ``network filtering boxes'' which
are analogous to today's firewalls but do not violate network-level
layering and need not be topologically in front of the hosts they service. Our goal is to show how
our architecture easily accommodates these boxes.
DOA is based on a subset of the architecture in a previous
paper [3]. That
position paper touches on various issues--including
mobility, multi-homing, network-level middleboxes, and application-level
middleboxes--with scant attention to design details or implementations. In
an attempt to bring some of those nebulous architectural mutterings into
focus, this paper concentrates exclusively on network-level intermediaries
and ignores their application-level
counterparts.3This paper does not discuss mobility and multi-homing scenarios either
(though DOA, because it separates location and identity, could--with
modest extensions--handle those scenarios).
Given our limited focus, DOA should be viewed not as a
comprehensive architecture but rather as an architectural component
designed to address network-layer middleboxes. Its design presumes IPv4 at
the network layer but DOA is also compatible with, and useful for, IPv6.
The final limitation we mention is that some people want to deploy
tenet-violating middleboxes (e.g., a censorious government that
silently filters packets entering and exiting national borders) and that
DOA can neither prevent such architecturally suspect middleboxes nor
mitigate their damage.
2 Background
This review of common network-layer middleboxes is limited to the
two we build under DOA--NATs and firewalls--and to a subset of
their drawbacks;
for a complete review,
see [23,8,18,55,38].
Although NAT and firewalling are often combined in one box, these
two functions are logically separate.
2.1 NAT and NAPT
Network Address Translation (NAT) and Network Address Port Translation
(NAPT) [54] have several uses. For the purposes of this paper, we
assume the following common scenario: a NAT or NAPT box bridges two address
realms, at least one of which is private. Private addresses are
unique within an address realm but ambiguous between address
realms [46]; public addresses are globally unique and reachable
from all Internet hosts. The hosts in the private realm are said to be behind the box. Packets destined for hosts behind the box are said to be
inbound. The difference between NAT and NAPT is that NATs do not look
at fields beyond the IP header. We adopt the convention of referring to
both NAT and NAPT as ``NAT'', though our description focuses on NAPT (the
more common of the two today); for simplicity, we assume that NAPTs have
only one external IP address.
People deploy NATs for two reasons:
- Convenience and Flexibility:
Private addressing realms allow people to
administer a set of hosts without having to obtain public IP addresses
for each.
- Security: Since hosts behind the NAT do not have global
identities, a host outside the private realm cannot address the hosts in the
private realm or express that traffic should go to them, which protects them
from unwanted traffic. Also, by default (i.e., without manual configuration), a
NAT allows only inbound traffic that is part of a connection initiated by a
host behind the NAT.
The main operations performed by a NAT are: (1) dynamically allocating a
source port at its public IP address when a host behind it initiates a TCP
connection or sends a UDP packet; and (2) rewriting IP address and
transport-layer port fields to demultiplex inbound packets to the hosts
behind the NAT and to multiplex outbound packets over the same source IP
address. NATs violate both tenets in §1. First, a NATed
conception of its identity (namely its IP address) is a private address
and thus is not a handle that it can pass around to allow other network
entities to reach it. Second, NATs' modification of port fields violates tenet #2.
NATs cause the following additional problems:
- In order for a server behind a NAT to receive unsolicited
inbound packets sent
to a given destination port, one must statically configure the NAT
with instructions about packets with that destination port. This manual
step is called hole punching and requires administrative control
over the NAT. The amount of manual configuration increases when a
series of NATs separate a server from the public Internet, creating a
tree of private address spaces4--in this case, one
must not only configure each of the NATs in the tree but also
coordinate among them; e.g.,
each globally reachable Web server in a given tree of NATs must
get traffic on a different port
on the outermost NAT's
public IP address. (By outermost, we mean ``connected to the
globally reachable Internet''.)
- Hosts behind
the same NAT cannot simultaneously receive traffic sent to the same TCP
port number on the NAT's public IP address. However, some applications require traffic on a specific
port; e.g., IPSEC expects traffic
on port 500 [44], so only
one host within a tree of NATs can receive Virtual Private Network
(VPN) [21] service.
2.2 Firewalls
A firewall blocks certain traffic classes on behalf of
a host by examining
IP-, transport-, and sometimes application-level fields and then applying a set
of ``firewall rules''. It
must be on the topological path between the host and the host's Internet
provider, which we argue is unnecessarily restrictive.
firewalls disobey tenet #2 because, by design, they must inspect many
non-IP fields in each packet. Since firewalls by default distrust that which they
do not recognize, they may block novel but benign traffic, even if
the intended recipient wants to allow the traffic.
3 Architectural Overview of DOA
This section gives an overview of DOA;
we defer design details to §4. We first
list desired architectural properties that aid in
gracefully accommodating intermediaries and then describe
mechanisms to achieve those properties. The remainder of the section
discusses how DOA extends the Internet architecture.
(1) Global identifiers in packets: Each packet should contain an
identifier that unambiguously specifies the ultimate destination. The
Internet architecture, as originally conceived, did provide global
identifiers in packets, but IPv4 addresses no longer meet the ``global
identifier'' requirement. (IPv6 addresses, because they reflect network
topology, are also unsuitable for us, as we elaborate below.) The purpose
of a global identifier is to uniquely identify the packet's ultimate
destination to intermediaries in a way that is application-independent.
(2) Delegation as a primitive: Hosts should have an
application-independent way to express to others that, to reach the
host, packets should be sent to an intermediary
or series of intermediaries. This primitive--called delegation--allows end-hosts or their administrators to explicitly
invoke (and revoke) intermediaries. These intermediaries need
not be ``on the topological path''.
3.2 Mechanisms
EIDs: To achieve property (1), each host has an unambiguous
identifier picked from a large namespace.
Our design imposes the following additional requirements:
- (a)
- The identifier is independent of network topology (ruling out IPv6
addresses and other identifiers with topology-dependent components, as
in [42,43]). With this requirement, hosts
can change locations while keeping the same identifiers.
- (b)
- The identifier can carry cryptographic meaning
(ruling out human-friendly DNS names). We explain the purpose of this
requirement later in this section.
To satisfy these requirements, we choose flat 160-bit endpoint identifiers
A DOA header between the IP and TCP headers carries source
and destination EIDs. Transport connections are bound to source and destination EIDs
(instead of to source and destination IP addresses as in the status quo). DOA borrows the idea of
topology-independent EIDs from previous work, including
Nimrod [34], HIP [39],
UIP [17].
EIDs are resolved . . .: DOA provides for delegation as a primitive by
resolving EIDs. We presume a mapping service, accessible to
Internet hosts, that maps EIDs to some target specified by the EID owner.
This resolution has two flavors:
- . . . to IP addresses:
In order to communicate with an end-host identified by an EID, a
prospective peer uses the mapping service to resolve the EID to
an IP address.
This indirection creates a way for a host to specify that
prospective peers should direct their packets to a
given delegate: the host has its EID resolve
to the IP address of the delegate.
- . . . to other EIDs:
More generally, an EID can resolve to another EID, allowing an end-host
to map its EID to a delegate's identity; if an end-host's EID had
to map to the delegate's IP address (or any other
topology-dependent identifier), the end-host would have to update the
mapping whenever the delegate's location changed. An EID can also resolve to a
sequence of EIDs, each of which identifies an intermediary
specified by the host. This sequence is carried in packets, yielding
a loose source route in identifier space.5 This option is reminiscent of i3's stacked identifiers.
Thus, our design requires an EID resolution infrastructure. We wish the
management of this infrastructure to be as automated as
possible, which is why we had requirement (b), above: automated
management is easier if the EIDs are vested with cryptographic
meaning [36]. The resolution infrastructure must scalably support a put()/get() interface
over a large, sparse, and flat namespace. Distributed hash tables
(DHTs) [2,62,49,14] give exactly this
capability, but any other technology that offers this capability would
also suffice. DNS's ``resolve-your-own-namespace'' economic model cannot
be used here,
but there are plausible scenarios for the economic viability of a DHT-based
resolution infrastructure [61].
We have not yet mentioned sender-invoked intermediaries. Under
DOA, senders invoke intermediaries by putting into packets additional
identifiers beyond the identifiers that resulted from resolving the
receiver's EID. Sender-invoked intermediaries receive little attention in
this paper but are part of DOA's design.
3.3 DOA and the Two Tenets
We elaborate on our earlier claim that DOA allows intermediaries to abide
by the two tenets in §1. Because they are
location-independent and drawn from a massive namespace, EIDs can globally
and unambiguously identify hosts, satisfying tenet #1. As a result, a
network element can reply to the source of a packet by sending to the
location given by the resolution of the source EID.
To obey network-level layering (tenet #2), network elements need only
follow normal IP layering rules, as follows. If an IP packet arrives at a
network element and the packet's destination IP address is not the network
element's, then the element may change nothing in the packet besides
per-hop fields. (However, elements may drop packets based on information in
the IP header, which permits functions such as ingress and egress
filtering.) If, on the other hand, the packet's destination IP address
matches the network element's, there are two cases: (1) The destination EID
in the DOA header matches the network element's EID (i.e., the packet has
reached its destination); or (2) These EIDs do not match, which means the
element is a delegate. In the latter case, network-level layering implies
that the allowed packet operations are up to the entities in the delegation
Note that this last claim satisfies network-level layering but allows
violations of higher-level equivalents, e.g., an explicitly addressed
firewall that looks at application payloads upholds the rules just given
but flouts application-level layering. In general, this paper claims that
DOA improves on the status quo by restoring network-level layering but
does not insist that intermediaries adhere to higher-level layering.
Why not? Higher-level layers define how to organize host software, and one
can imagine splitting host software among boxes using exotic
decompositions. Defining both higher-level layering and an architecture
that respects these higher layers is a problem that requires care and one
we have left to future work. In the meantime, we believe that hosts
invoking intermediaries should decide how best to split functions between
them and their intermediaries.
We now discuss how the IP layering rules given above apply to specific
Under DOA, NATs,
which exist to bridge address realms, need not obscure host
identity: as we describe in more detail in §5, DOA-based
NATs may rewrite IP fields but will neither touch DOA fields that
carry host identities nor overload transport-layer fields.
Also, firewalls could be
explicitly invoked, meaning that packets ending up at the firewalls would
be addressed to the firewall.
While these new firewalls (which we cover in §6)
could certainly have outmoded policies, causing
them to drop novel traffic classes just as today's firewalls do,
they are not violating network-level layering because packets are addressed to them.
One result of this explicit addressing is that
the firewall's invocation is under users' (or their administrators') control,
so the user (or administrator) could decide to have packets destined for it
sent to another firewall, one with better suited policies.
3.4 DOA and Internet Evolvability
The preceding point is more general than firewalls and is important for the
Internet's flexibility and evolvability. Today, there is only one easy way
to deploy a middlebox: putting it ``on the path''. Of course, under DOA,
some boxes would have to be on the topological path to enforce physical security (e.g.,
for denial-of-service protection); §6.4
describes how DOA accommodates these on-path boxes. However,
DOA--with its flexible and application-independent invocation
primitive--also gives users or their administrators the option to outsource functionality. Thus, under DOA, fewer intermediaries would
need to be physically interposed, and users, no longer limited to the capabilities
of the boxes in front of them, could avail themselves of a menu of
Figure 1:
High-level view of DOA design.
As a result, we believe that DOA could permit the rise of a competitive
market in professionally managed intermediary services such as firewalls.
Delegation and resolution are precisely what is necessary for such a market--the
ability for users to select a provider and to switch providers.
Because users would have a choice, they could seek the intermediary service
that best suited their needs, and because these services would be professionally managed, they could keep
up with the rapid pace of application innovation. Thus, we see DOA as
contributing to the Internet's ability to evolve.
While we believe in its benefits, it is not clear that DOA is
necessary for these new functions. In fact, we conjecture that even for
those applications and intermediaries that one can seemingly build only
under DOA, someone with enough imagination and fortitude could achieve
equivalent functionality under the status quo--but not without running
afoul of a basic tenet of the Internet architecture. We do suspect that the
mechanisms of DOA will help new Internet functionality to evolve, but
ultimately we believe our contribution is not novel function but
rather novel architecture--making a class of network intermediary
functions easier to build and reason about, and less likely to cause harm.
A natural question is how DOA relates to the canonical end-to-end
argument [51], which is often interpreted as a warning against
intermediaries. The central claim of the end-to-end argument is
that application intelligence is best implemented on end-hosts and not ``in
the network'' because intelligence in the network leads to inflexibility and
because end-hosts know best what functions they need. At a high level,
DOA upholds this vision: the explicit invocation of
intermediaries means that intelligence is not stuck in the network and
that end-hosts can invoke the intermediaries that best serve them.
4 Detailed DOA Design
Figure 2:
Example DOA header with no stacked identifiers.
Given the preceding general description of DOA, we now present details
of the design. Figure 1 shows the DOA components and the
interfaces between them.
4.1 Header Format
DOA packets are delivered over IP, with the IP protocol
field set to a well-known value.
An example DOA header, with no extensions,
is shown in Figure 2;
the header length is measured in four-byte words,
the protocol field is the transport-level protocol
(e.g., TCP, UDP) used by the packet, and the length
field gives the DOA packet's total length (including the DOA
header but not IP header) in bytes.
TCP and UDP pseudo-checksums include the EIDs
where IP addresses are used today (since transport logically occurs
between two entities, each identified by an EID).
The DOA header is extensible (e.g., the remote packet filter presented in
§6 extends the basic DOA header).
4.2 Resolution and Invoking Intermediaries
A DOA host wishing to send a packet to a recipient
obtains the recipient's EID out-of-band (e.g., by resolving the
recipient's DNS name to ). The sender then uses the EID resolution
infrastructure--which is discussed in §3.2
and which we base on DHTs--to retrieve an
, depicted in Figure 3. An
fields are as follows:
the EID field is the EID being resolved; the Target field
is described in the next paragraph; the Hint field is
optional information whose use we illustrate in
§5; and the TTL field,
like DNS's TTL, is a hint indicating how long entities should
cache the
DOA presumes that EID owners (or administrators acting on
their behalf) maintain and possibly periodically refresh6 the DHT's copy of
Recall from §3.2 that EIDs can either resolve to IP
addresses (inducing what we call EID-to-IP mappings) or to one or
more EIDs (inducing EID-to-EID mappings). If the
Target field of the
contains only an IP address ,
then, as
described in §3.2, the sender simply transmits a
packet whose destination IP address is and whose destination EID is
. In this case, the EID owner may or may not be directing potential
senders to a delegate, but the semantics are the same: the EID owner
is saying ``to reach me, send your packet there''.
If, on the other hand, the Target field of the
contains one or
more EIDs, then the recipient is expressing its wish that the packet
transit one or more intermediaries before reaching the recipient.
In this case, the semantics are ``to reach me, send your packet
to these intermediaries in sequence''.
The sender would resolve the first EID in the series to an IP address
(perhaps via intermediate resolutions to other series of EIDs, each of which
would be injected into the original series in the logical order) and send
the packet to .
This stack of EIDs is carried in the DOA header; transport
connections are bound to the last EID, which identifies the ultimate
(The design, but not our implementation, lets an EID
resolve to multiple IP addresses; the multiplicity reflects
a multi-homed host or an anycast situation in which a set of hosts are
equivalent for the
owner's purposes.
Similarly, each EID in the Target field could really be a set of
EIDs, again representing equivalent hosts.)
To send a packet back to the source, the receiver executes the steps just
described to resolve the sender's EID, . The receiver cannot simply use
the source IP address in the original packet as the destination IP address
in the reply packet because may resolve to a different IP address
(e.g., 's host sends packets directly but wants packets to it sent
through an intermediary).
To spare the server the burden of a DHT lookup,
the client can send its
as an
optimization. (The client may have to send more than one
since the
client's EID may resolve to a chain of EIDs before being resolved to the
IP address needed by the server.)
DOA hosts use the
's TTL to maintain a TTL-based
cache of EID-to-IP and EID-to-EID values, thus avoiding a DHT
lookup for every packet.
and accompanying machinery exist to support receiver-invoked
intermediaries. Senders invoke additional intermediaries by pushing
the EIDs of the intermediaries onto an identifier stack in the DOA header.
Because identities (namely, EIDs) are separate
from locations (namely, IP addresses), the following requirement arises
under DOA:
The mapping from a given EID to its target must be correct, i.e., either resolving an EID, or using an
directly sent by a host,
must yield the IP address intended by the EID owner or by the EID owner's
delegates. Specifically, DOA
must satisfy the following properties:
- 1.
- Anyone fetching an
must be able to verify that the
EID owner created it.
- 2.
- Only the owner of an EID may update the corresponding
the DHT.
- 3.
- When a host sends its
to another host without using
the DHT, the sending host must not be able
to forge the
To uphold these properties, DOA uses self-certification [36]: EIDs
must be the hash of a public key, and the
is signed with the
corresponding private key. When a host either performs a get() operation on
the DHT, resulting in an
, or else receives an
directly from a purported EID owner, the host must check that the
is signed with the private key whose corresponding public key
was hashed to create the EID in question. DHT nodes also perform this check
before accepting
s. For more details, including how EID owners
may update their public keys without changing their EIDs,
see [61]; we adopt the mechanisms described there.
With the above properties satisfied,
s cannot be forged, but senders
can still spoof source EIDs (i.e., put the wrong source EID field in the
packet). This attack is like spoofing a source IP address today (except
that ingress and egress filtering, which help guard against IP address
spoofing, are not applicable to EIDs): successful attacks do the same
damage, and both attacks are detectable under two-way communication. For
example, if a TCP client tries to spoof a source EID to a TCP server, when
the server looks up the source EID (or uses the signed
supplied by
the client), the server gets the correct (not fake) IP address for
that EID, so when the server replies to the IP address, the host at that
address will not complete the 3-way handshake.
Security of the DHT itself is a topic outside the scope of this paper. We
briefly observe that DHT nodes cannot forge
s but can return old
versions of
s. A way to guard against this attack by consulting
multiple DHT nodes, instead of one, is mentioned in [14].
Also, we note that while IP source routing creates security problems,
DOA's loose source routes of EIDs do not inherit these
difficulties. With IP source routing, receivers reverse the source route to
reply to a sender, which allows an adversary to carry out a man-in-the-middle
attack by placing its IP address in a forged source route. Under
DOA, however, hosts do not reverse the loose source route to reply to a
4.4 Host Software
We now describe the software interface that a production DOA deployment
would expose. Our prototype implementation differs from this description; see
DOA software would run in the kernel and be exposed to applications
with the Berkeley sockets API [37],
which can extend to EID-based identification.
Applications would open a new socket type, PF_DOA (in
analogy with PF_INET, used by today's IPv4-based applications),
and pass to the API a new data structure,
, which holds an
EID and port (just as the
--which today's
IP-based applications use--holds an IP address and port).
Some of the socket calls, such as
might cause the DOA software, depending on the state of its caches,
to issue one or more DHT lookups to resolve the EID into potentially
intermediate EIDs and also an IP address.
One could port today's applications by substituting
in the code, though
client applications would need additional logic to get a server's EID,
perhaps via a DNS lookup.
For example, client TCP applications would call
supplying a
that contained an EID and port, both of
which the application had obtained out of band.
Similarly, TCP server applications would call
, getting
back the EID and port of the initiating client.
To reply to the client, the server's DOA software would
resolve the client's EID to an IP address and address reply packets to
at the IP layer.
For bootstrapping, DOA hosts would be configured with
the EIDs and IP addresses of one or more of the DHT nodes, in analogy
with how today's hosts learn the IP address of a DNS resolver (via
hardcoding or DHCP).
On boot up, the DOA software would insert into the DHT the host's
(which could contain an EID-to-EID or
EID-to-IP mapping, depending on the host's configuration) and would
refresh the mapping periodically or in response to host configuration
DOA hosts cache
s, so hosts may have stale information about
prospective peers. Also,
two DOA peers in a TCP session resolve each other's EIDs only once--at
the start of the session--so hosts cannot change locations without breaking
existing connections.
DOA could overcome this limitation if it were extended with a signaling mechanism, as in [39,53],
that allows hosts to notify peers of IP address changes. Finally, an EID owner cannot
change which intermediaries are invoked based on who is trying to
communicate with it.
5 Network Extension Boxes Under DOA
This section and the next describe example intermediaries under DOA. In
the next section (§6), our focus is on filtering packets
and how to move this function ``off-path''. In this section, we show
how the DOA framework accommodates boxes that bridge between different
IP address spaces and also simplifies the use of these boxes. Under the
status quo, these boxes are known as NATs but would be reincarnated under
DOA as tenet-upholding Network Extension Boxes (NEBs).
We first consider three usage scenarios for NEBs (§5.1),
then give our general approach, including a short discussion of
architectural coherence (§5.2), and then discuss the
benefits of this approach (§5.3). One of the benefits,
automatically exposing hosts behind NEBs, is particularly useful when NEBs
are cascaded (§5.4). We present several mechanisms for
achieving automatic configuration (§5.5) and require
that they work when there are multiple levels of NEB. We conclude the
section with a discussion (§5.6).
5.1 Scope
The following NEB scenarios
reflect reasons for deploying NATs today (§2.1) and are
ordered by the degree of access control:
- (a)
- A host behind the NEB is accessible on all ports. The NEB
creates a separate addressing realm but does not control access. Under this
scenario, which corresponds to the ``Convenience and Flexibility'' reason
for deploying a NAT today (§2.1), many hosts within an
organization can be reachable as first-class members of the Internet, even if
the organization has only one IP address.
- (b)
- A host behind the NEB is accessible on configured ports, and the
NEB blocks unsolicited traffic to the host on the other ports. This
scenario, which reflects both reasons for deploying a NAT
(§2.1), is analogous to, e.g., today setting up a Web
server behind a NAT and configuring the NAT to send all packets with
destination port 80 to the Web server.
- (c)
- A host behind the NEB is accessible on no ports, i.e., the
host can only receive packets associated with connections it has initiated.
This scenario, which is principally driven by the ``Security'' reason for
deploying a NAT (§2.1), is the default under NAT today.
We expect that under DOA, scenario (b)--a mix of access control and
exposure--would be most common. However, for clarity, we focus on scenario
(a) and return to scenarios (b) and (c) at the end of the section
5.2 Approach
NEBs preserve
packets' DOA headers and use the destination EID field as a
demultiplexing token. For example, the NEB could
maintain an EID-to-IP table, look up the destination EIDs of incoming
packets, and then use the results of these lookups to rewrite the
destination IP addresses. There are other ways to demultiplex; we cover them
in §5.5.
This approach upholds the two tenets stated earlier.
Tenet #1 holds because an end-host behind a NEB can pass its EID to others, who can then use this
handle to direct packets to the given host.
As mentioned in §3.3, to obey network-level layering (tenet
#2) NEBs may only rewrite fields in a packet if the packet is addressed to
the NEB. Since NEBs, like today's NATs, have to rewrite both the
destination IP addresses of inbound packets (to demultiplex them) and the
source IP addresses of outbound packets (to make them appear as if they
originated at the NEB), the discussion in §3.3 implies that
both inbound and outbound packets be addressed to the NEB at the IP
However, this approach, in pure form, makes the NEB resolve the destination
EIDs of outbound packets. As a practical matter, sources of outbound
packets could do the resolution and put the resulting IP address somewhere
in the packet, thereby sparing the NEB this resolution burden. The source
could even put the resulting IP address in the destination IP address
field; at the IP layer, then, outbound packets would look alike under NEB
and NAT. This modified approach--which technically violates the rules in
§3.3 but is consistent with the spirit of the tenets
because the violation is under the control of the end-host--is
what we adopt.
5.3 Benefits
Upholding the two tenets results in the following benefits, some of which
solve the problems stated in §2.1.
End-to-end communication.
Communication is logically between two EIDs. Thus, protocols can uniquely identify hosts.
Ports are not overloaded. Not using the destination port as a
demultiplexing token lets multiple hosts
behind a NEB receive packets sent to the same destination port.
Getting VPNs to work through NATs
is cumbersome and complicated [44].
The difficulties under the status quo result from NATs rewriting
both ports and IP addresses. Under DOA, NEBs do not rewrite
ports, and the state associated with encrypted tunnels could be bound
to EIDs, not IP addresses.7
Automatic configuration. Under DOA, the process of exposing
a host behind a NEB can be automated. When NEBs are cascaded, a
scenario covered in the next section, this automation is particularly
useful--and particularly problematic under the status
quo (§2.1).
5.4 Cascaded NEBs
The scenario of multiple address realms between a given host and
the rest of the Internet is becoming more frequent.
Consider the following example, depicted in
Figure 4: an individual runs
a virtual host (using, e.g., VMWare [60]) that runs behind
a NAT on the physical host (such NATing of virtual hosts is common).
The physical host is in turn a member of a home network that is all
behind a single NAT, which is connected to a broadband provider.
The link from the broadband provider, owing to the
provider's operations, is itself NATed, making, altogether, three
levels of NAT between the virtual host and the global Internet.
We now cover protocols for automatically configuring NEBs to expose
servers; we require the protocols to work when servers are behind
multiple levels of NEB.
Figure 4:
A tree of NATs.
5.5 Secure Automatic Configuration
A protocol for configuring NEBs to expose servers must satisfy three
First, the protocol must tell the end-host what to put in its
an end-host separated from the global Internet by levels of NEB has
no a priori knowledge about the IP addresses of NEBs between that
end-host and the Internet.
Second, the protocol must establish state, either in NEBs or in the
EID resolution infrastructure, that allows NEBs to use the
destination EID field in packets as a demultiplexing token for
rewriting the destination IP address field.
Third, this state must correspond to the wishes of the actual EID owner,
rather than of an impostor trying to divert the EID owner's traffic.
This focus on authenticity is warranted because passing unprotected
protocol messages through levels of NEB could be problematic.
For example, an upstream provider cannot trust NEBs administered
by its customers, and end-users cannot trust each other's NEBs
to correctly propagate control or data messages.
Also, NEB networks, like today's NATs, would often be constructed over
wireless links, which are susceptible to
eavesdropping and tampering.
In what follows, we assume that a NEB
trusts only the NEB directly upstream of it (called its parent);
that NEBs and end-hosts know the EID of their parent;
and that all links in the NEB network are vulnerable to
eavesdropping, tampering, and arbitrary data injection.
We now give three mechanisms, each using a different kind of EID
resolution, that meet the requirements above.
We implemented the third one; see §7.2.
5.5.1 EID maps to EID
Each NEB and end-host creates a mapping in the global EID resolution
infrastructure from its EID to its parent's EID; in other words, NEBs and
end-hosts use the delegation primitive to say, ``to reach me, send your
packet to my parent's EID''. Also, each NEB holds a mapping from its
children's EIDs to its children's internal IP addresses.
Control plane.
Assume an end-host with EID must traverse NEBs with EIDs through
before reaching the Internet.
The end-host inserts a mapping from its EID
( ) to its parent's EID ( ) into the global EID resolution service.
The end-host also sends a message to informing it of
a mapping between its EID ( ) and its IP address ( ).
All other internal NEBs in the chain ( through ) use the
same protocol.
The outermost NEB uses the global EID resolution infrastructure to map its
EID ( ) to its IP address ( ), which is globally reachable.
A NEB with EID should only accept an EID-to-IP mapping of the
if the mapping is authentic, i.e., if it is signed by the private
key corresponding to ; performing this check might require to
send its public key (which should hash to ).
This approach, as just described, is vulnerable to replays of
Such replays would allow the wrong
end-host--one that is later assigned IP address --to redirect
's traffic to it.
We show how one might protect against these attacks
in §5.5.3.
Data plane. Assuming the end-host and intermediate NEBs all initialize
successfully, a remote client can send data packets to the end-host (with
by using the EID resolution infrastructure to map to ,
to , and so on, up the NEB chain.
The last EID lookup maps to the IP
address .
The client then stacks the identifiers through in its packets
and sends the packet to IP address .
Once the packet reaches the outermost NEB ( ), the NEB pops
the top EID off the stack to find that is the packet's
next hop.
The NEB then consults its routing table to map EID to IP
address , rewrites the packet's destination IP address
to , and forwards the packet.
This process continues until the packet reaches its eventual
destination, .
5.5.2 EID maps to EID and a Hint
Another approach uses the
's Hint field, mentioned in
§4.2, to relieve NEBs of
Control Plane. The end-host inserts into the EID resolution
infrastructure a mapping from its EID, , to the EID, , of its
parent NEB; the
holding this mapping has in its Hint field
the end-host's internal IP address, . The NEB likewise creates
a mapping in the EID resolution infrastructure from its own EID to the EID,
, of its parent and puts its ``outer'' IP address, , into the Hint
field of the
. This process continues until the outermost NEB
inserts a mapping from its EID, , to its ``outer'' IP address, .
Data plane. A remote host wishing to communicate with resolves
to , to
to , while
remembering the Hints
. As with the previous
mechanism, the remote host stacks the identifiers through in
its packets--and in this case also includes in the DOA header the IP
addresses through --then sends the packet to IP address
. Once the packet reaches the outermost NEB ( ), the NEB pops the
top EID and IP address off the stack to find that with IP address
is the packet's next hop, and the process continues.
5.5.3 EID maps to IP address
The previous two mechanisms require a prospective sender to do as many EID
resolution infrastructure lookups as there are levels of NEB. An
alternative, that we call DOA-RIP, allows senders to do a single
resolution: from the EID, , of the end-host to the IP address, ,
of the outermost NEB.
Figure 5:
NEB and DHT state after each DOA-RIP round.
End-hosts and NEBs follow a two-round protocol, depicted in
Figure 5. In the
first round, the end-host (with EID ) sends an initialization message
to its parent in the NEB tree; intermediate NEBs forward the message until
it reaches the outermost NEB (with EID ). The outermost NEB creates a
( is a random nonce to
prevent replay attacks), signs , and sends it to the
NEB with EID . Each NEB ( ), follows suit, appending
the message
to . When the
end-host receives , it verifies the message using 's public key.
This message is a route to the global Internet.
In the second round, the end-host creates a series of requests
; signs each
individually; concatenates all the 's and appends its public key;
and sends this message up the NEB chain. Each NEB verifies using
's public key and signature. Each NEB further checks that is in
its cache and that
is the nonce it issued in the first round for EID (the NEB flushes
from a cache within a fixed number of
seconds--10, in our implementation--of issuing ). If these
checks succeed, the NEB flushes , establishes a mapping
, and propagates the request up the NEB tree.
If all NEBs successfully establish the mapping, the end-host
into the EID resolution infrastructure a map from to .
To communicate with the end-host, remote clients
first resolve to and then send packets with destination IP
address and destination EID , at which point the outermost NEB,
and all succeeding NEBs in the chain, use their internal state to forward
the packet to the end-host.
5.6 Discussion
Though we focused on scenario (a) (from §5.1),
the benefits noted above (in §5.3) apply equally
to scenario (b).
Two of the three mechanisms for automatic configuration also apply
(the stateless NEB from §5.5.2 does not)
with the one change that end-hosts--when making signed requests
of parent or ancestor NEBs to add EID-to-IP mappings--need to add
requests to open (or block) specific ports.
This type of automatic hole punching works under DOA, in contrast to
the status quo, for three reasons: (1) DOA has a persistent
notion of host identity, which allows NEBs
to associate policies with hosts and remote network entities to identify
hosts behind the NEB; (2) port fields are not overloaded under DOA, so
internal nodes in the NEB tree do not have to coordinate among themselves,
in contrast to the status quo wherein
only one server in a tree of NATs can
receive, , traffic destined to port 80 on the outermost NAT's
public IP address; and
(3) hosts can leverage the cryptographic properties of their identities
to create signed messages saying ``handle my packets like this''.
The benefits above, except automatic configuration, also apply to scenario
(c). Although this scenario is the strictest access control NEBs offer,
network administrators may still prefer NATs, since NATs, unlike NEBs, obscure
the identities of the organizations' end-hosts. Our response is that organizations
today use NATs in part because they hide internal network topology. Since
EIDs are independent of network internals, organizations might be looser
about exposing EIDs than IP addresses.
Observe that the three mechanisms above
are different ways to perform routing that offer different trade-offs
between state held in the NEB and the degree of fate-sharing. With one of
the mechanisms (§5.5.2), all information about EID-to-IP
mappings is in the EID resolution infrastructure, which simultaneously
frees the NEB of state but makes correct routing depend on the availability
of the resolution infrastructure. In contrast, DOA-RIP pushes nearly all
state into the NEBs along the path between two communicating entities.
6 Network Filtering Boxes Under DOA
In this section, we demonstrate DOA's delegation primitive with a
simple remote packet filter (RPF) box that yields functionality
similar to today's firewalls but need not be interposed between
a host receiving firewall service and that host's link to the Internet.
One can certainly get similar functionality today with special-purpose
machinery (e.g., VPN software, though their interfaces differ across solution
However, we believe that decoupling services from topology
is best done with architectural, rather than application, support
because: (1) users should
be able to compose intermediaries and (2) users should be able to
change their delegates easily (see §3.4),
both of which imply that the architecture
support a standard, application-independent invocation method.
6.1 Approach and Design
The RPF is a basic application of DOA's mechanisms; it is depicted in
Figure 6.
A user (or representative of the user, e.g., corporate IT staff) wanting
remote firewall service
creates a mapping in the EID resolution infrastructure from the
end-host's EID, , to the RPF's EID, (or to the RPF's IP address, but
then if that IP address changes, the resolution of will be incorrect).
This end-host expresses its actual
network location either by putting its IP address, , in the Hint field
of the
to which resolves, or by communicating directly with the
RPF and telling it about the association between and . (Our
implementation, described in §7.3, uses
the second option.)
When a sender attempts to contact , it first looks up in the EID
resolution infrastructure, sees that maps to , and then further
resolves to an IP address (which might involve intermediate
resolution steps, depending on whether the RPF itself has
In the simple case in which resolves directly to an IP address ,
the sender forms IP packets with destination address and
destination EID .
Note that must be in the stack of
identifiers since the host given by may actually be the RPF's delegate rather than the RPF itself (e.g., if the RPF were behind a
NEB, the NEB would need 's EID to make a decision about the packet).
When receiving IP packets, the RPF
extracts the destination EID from the DOA header,
looks up the set of rules associated with , and finally
applies these rules; examples of such rules are filters to block or
accept traffic based on IP- or transport-layer fields.
The result is ``passing'' or ``failing'' a packet.
When packets ``fail'', the RPF drops the packet.
The RPF attests that packets ``passed'' by inserting into the
packet a MAC (Message Authentication Code) taken over the packet;
the MAC is keyed with a secret shared between RPF and end-host.
The RPF then rewrites the packet's destination IP address and
sends the packet to
the end-host, which applies a single rule: redoing the
MAC computation and testing whether the result
matches the MAC in the packet.
The end-host ignores packets that fail this test; thus, only packets that
have been vetted by the RPF are processed by the end-host's networking
and application software.
The MAC is carried in a DOA security header, which extends the standard
DOA header described in §4.1.
The RPF depends on both of DOA's core mechanisms: first, because of unique
host identifiers, the RPF has a way (namely the destination EID field)
to distinguish among hosts, allowing it to apply host-specific rules
and then send the processed packet to the correct destination.
Second, the delegation primitive is what allows the RPF to be invoked in
the first place.
See §7.3 and §8.3
for implementation and evaluation details.
Figure 6:
Packet filtering under DOA using delegation. End-hosts apply a simple verification rule, not a collection of them.
We first claim two architectural benefits, as discussed in
§3.3 and §3.4: the RPF described here
does not violate network-level layering, and also, a market for such
services could arise.
These architectural benefits lead to simplification for
Getting firewall rules right is hard, far beyond ordinary users' ability,
and commercial products (e.g., Norton [59]) require users to keep
their software current.
Outsourcing per-packet rules to a central provider solves those problems.
Of course, end-hosts still have to check packets, but the
check--``was this packet vetted by my RPF provider?''--is considerably
simpler than the usual complement of firewall rules.
The box just described is primitive. For it to provide the
same functions as today's firewalls--such as using existing TCP
connections, and not just stateless filtering rules, to make
decisions--protected end-hosts would have to direct their
outbound traffic through the RPF. These end-hosts
would use the mechanism of
sender-invoked intermediation (§4.2).
6.4 Physical Security
Some organizations require that every inbound and outbound packet be vetted
by a box that is physically interposed between the organization and its
link to the Internet. We briefly describe two scenarios for such on-path boxes
under DOA.
We start with an on-path vetter that works with an off-path RPF. As above, an end-host within the organization, , creates a
mapping in the EID resolution infrastructure from its EID, , to the
RPF's EID. In this case, however, tells the RPF that after the RPF
processes packets destined to , it should send them
to the vetter's IP address (instead of to 's IP
address, as above). The vetter allows packets into the organization only
if they are addressed to it
at the IP layer and if the MAC check succeeds, thereby ensuring that the
RPF has checked every packet entering the organization. The vetter uses the
destination EID field to forward vetted packets to the correct host.
Some organizations will of course not want an RPF, preferring to deploy
an on-path firewall and manage the rules itself. DOA supports an on-path
firewall just as it does an off-path firewall: the organization's hosts map
their EIDs to the EID or IP address of the on-path firewall. Since this
setup is functionally the same as today's on-path firewalls that are
not explicitly invoked at the IP layer, one might wonder what
DOA accomplishes here. The answer is uniformity: in this setup,
the configuration of end-hosts is independent of the firewall's
placement. Thus, administrators can later move the firewall off-path
without reconfiguring every host in the organization.
7 Implementation
We describe our implementation of end-host DOA software, a NEB
prototype, and an RPF prototype.
7.1 End-Host DOA Software
Figure 7:
The control and data paths in our prototype implementation of DOA.
This figure depicts sending a packet to a given EID obtained out-of-band.
Events are numbered in chronological order.
In a production deployment, DOA software would be part of kernel
protocol stacks, as in §4.4.
However, we wanted to understand DOA's properties before committing
to full kernel implementations, and so we prototyped
using a combination of user-level software and
Click [31] modules inside the Linux 2.4.20 kernel.
Beyond a patch required by Click, we did not modify the kernel.
Figure 7 depicts our implementation of end-host DOA software.
Applications get EIDs via user input or DNS and resolve them by
exposed by doad, which is a user-level daemon written in C++
using the SFS libasync library [35].
doad implements the RPC by first querying OpenDHT [29]
(the key is the EID, ; the returned value is the IP address, , that
resolves to)
and then, via Click's
file system interface, telling
the Click ``rewriter'' module about the mapping
doad returns an opaque handle in the subnet that the
application uses when the sockets API expects an IP address; the opaque handles
allow us to reuse much of the kernel's IPv4, TCP, and UDP software.
(Applications could use EIDs instead of the opaque handles if the
kernel's networking software were extended to use
structure, as described in
The rewriter module receives IP packets with addresses in the
subnet, maps these opaque handles to EIDs and real IP addresses and
then transmits bona fide DOA traffic.
We did not implement EID-to-EID mappings.
7.2 NEB Prototype
We implemented (1) a NEB prototype in a Click module and (2)
DOA-RIP (§5.5.3) in user space.
The NEB has an EID-to-IP table which it uses to rewrite
destination IP addresses and which gets an entry
when a host behind the NEB, possibly separated by several other NEBs,
runs DOA-RIP.
After DOA-RIP completes and the NEBs, which also run DOA-RIP,
have correct state,
the host uses doad's interface
to OpenDHT to insert a mapping from the host's EID to the outermost
NEB's external
IP address, thereby making the host globally reachable.
7.3 RPF Prototype
The RPF is (1) a Click module that associates EIDs to a set of simple rules
that are together applied (with OR or AND) to
IP-, DOA-, and transport-layer fields
to make a ``pass'' or ``fail'' decision for
each packet and (2) user-level software that communicates with end-hosts,
first, to establish a
secret key for each EID (using an encrypted, MACed control channel given
by the SFS [36] toolkit) and, second, to process requests to add,
change, or remove rules.
End-host RPF users run
(1) a MAC-checking Click module that injects into
the kernel's networking stack only those packets that
have been correctly MACed by the RPF
and (2) user-level software to communicate with the RPF, as just
The RPF uses HMAC [32] and, in our prototype, it is taken
over packet headers, only.
8 Evaluation
The architectural coherence afforded by DOA comes
at a performance cost. This section characterizes that cost with
microbenchmarks that measure the latency, throughput, and processing time
overhead of DOA-enabled data transfers.
8.1 Round-trip Times and Hops
Compared to the status quo, DOA adds network round-trip times.
DOA requires an extra resolution--of the EID--when a host first
sends a packet to another host.
For applications whose end-to-end latency is dominated
by DNS lookups (such as Web browsing), the effect of these resolutions
might be particularly pronounced.
In the most basic DOA configuration--two end-hosts
communicating with no off-path intermediaries--the connecting client makes
two synchronous network calls: (1) a DNS request to map a human-readable
hostname to an EID and (2) a DHT lookup to map a server's EID to its IP
A third synchronous DHT lookup is required for the server to resolve
the client's EID to an IP address.
A recent study [26] indicates that median DNS lookups
from a network at MIT can vary from about 70 ms in the case of NS server
cache hits, to about 190 ms in the case of cache misses.
By contrast, we measured median DHT lookups of random EIDs stored in
OpenDHT at 138 ms.
Thus, DOA can add noticeable delays to small data transfers, sometimes
tripling their end-to-end latencies.
However, for latency-sensitive hosts and applications, the following optimizations
are possible:
- The DHT could use Beehive's [45] proactive, model-driven caching strategy
to reduce the number of network round-trips required by lookups to an
average of one or less than one (assuming the request pattern for EIDs
is heavy-tailed).
- DNS names of hosts could resolve to the EID and the
(or to the chain of
s that together indicate how to reach
the host), thereby requiring one DNS lookup, as under the status quo, to
send a packet to a host. In this case, DNS itself would be caching
- To save a remote host the burden of an
EID resolution when responding to an initiating host, the initiating host
could send its
(as noted in §4.2).
In addition, DOA adds network hops: when a packet travels from
a source to an off-path middlebox en route to a destination, the packet (in
most cases) takes more network hops than if it had traveled from source to
destination directly. This extra latency is inevitable if one wants to
invoke an off-path intermediary. There is no ``correct'' trade-off between
latency and the flexibility of off-path functions; different users have
different preferences.
8.2 Packet Size Overhead
DOA packets in our implementation have a -byte DOA header (the
bytes shown in Figure 2 plus for the DOA
security header mentioned in §6.1). This overhead
affects the maximum number of packets per second sustainable by DOA
senders and receivers and is more costly for smaller packet payloads. For
example, adding a DOA header to a -byte UDP-over-IP-over-Ethernet
packet (the UDP payload here is bytes) increases the
packet size by . For -byte packets (with UDP payload of
bytes), the bytes of DOA header add overhead of more than .
For large packets, this overhead is likely to bottleneck
DOA's sustainable throughput. To verify this claim,
we now characterize the throughput our DOA implementation can
sustain when sending and receiving large packets. We measure both
DOA and non-DOA traffic and find that the packet header overhead
introduced by DOA explains the throughput difference between the
two cases. Each measurement below is the average of five trials
involving 1 GB of data, and the average packet drop rate was less than
. Our experiments do not involve the DHT; prior to the experiments,
we resolved the destination EIDs to IP addresses.
To get a baseline, we measured the number of UDP packets per second that
one of our test hosts can send another. We tested large packets
( -byte payloads) over a Gigabit Ethernet network, tuned the sending
rate to achieve maximum throughput, and measured the number of packets that
exited the receiver's device driver queue. On average, the receiver
processed packets per second, or Mbit/s. The bottleneck
here appears to be our hosts' PCI buses.
Next, we ran the same test with DOA packets. The sender
uses our end-host DOA software (§7.1), which inserts
a DOA header into IP packets and rewrites IP headers. The receiver
performs a similar process to translate DOA packets to IP packets. In
this case, the receiver processed packets per second, or
Mbit/s, which is slower than the baseline. We conclude that the
slowdown here is due entirely to packet size overhead. These tests were
for large packets; as noted above, small packets will be much more
penalized by this overhead.
8.3 Processing Time
For small packets, however, in addition to packet size overhead,
CPU costs for per-packet DOA operations will limit the rate at
which DOA hosts can process packets. We now characterize
this potential bottleneck on small packets ( -byte UDP payloads).
Using Click tools to read the processor's cycle counter before and after
our DOA modules, we estimated the number of cycles used by the modules;
the reported numbers are averages over processed packets. Note that
these numbers are upper bounds on average processing time: the
implementation is untuned, and our measurements include cycles consumed
by interrupt handling for other kernel processes. Table 1
summarizes our observations.
We first measured the processing time needed by our receiver's DOA
software, which translates DOA packets to IP packets (labeled
``DOA IP'' in Table 1). This component
takes nearly cycles--or s on the host we used for
testing, which has an Intel Celeron GHz CPU--to process each packet.
We next considered the processing time for the operations associated with
an RPF (§6), namely HMAC [32] computation and
verification. In
our experiments, the RPF operates as described in
§7.3; it uses a single default rule that passes
all packets intended for the receiver and holds a mapping from
the receiver's EID to an IP address. The RPF computes the MAC for each
packet, writes the MAC to the DOA header, and forwards the packet to the
receiver. When the receiver gets the packet, it verifies the MAC before
passing the packet to its end-host DOA software. As shown in
Table 1, the filter takes more than cycles (
s) to apply its rule and compute a MAC, and the receiver takes
nearly cycles ( s) to verify the MAC.
Of the three types of costs imposed by DOA--lookup latency, packet
size, CPU overhead--the latter two would only appear to users under
the most stressful system conditions. The first cost, latency, is serious because,
absent optimizations, it is visible to end-users. However, as noted in
§8.1, there are several caching strategies that substantially
mitigate, if not eliminate, this latency. Ultimately, we believe that the
costs imposed by DOA are outweighed by the benefits of a coherent
framework for reasoning about, and deploying, intermediaries.
9 Related Work
Besides the direct influence of
i3 [57],
HIP [39,40,41], and
UIP [17]
on our mechanisms and insights, an older
proposal for location-independent
EIDs [34] grew out of Nimrod [9].
Shoch [52] and Saltzer [50] have been among many
(see [13,19,33,11,42,43,10] and references therein) to
distinguish between network elements' identity and location.
Indeed, much of what we mention below separates these two concepts,
usually by creating a set of end-host identifiers distinct
from network location.
i3 canonizes this separation with an
infrastructure that uses flat identifiers in packets to decouple sending
(into the infrastructure) and receiving (from the infrastructure).
These identifiers name services whereas EIDs name hosts.
Like DOA, i3 is specifically designed for senders and receivers to invoke
i3 does not hold the proliferation of private addressing realms as a principal
concern, but one can leverage i3 to reach machines behind
NATs without modifying or configuring the NATs [28].
The main difference is that the DOA architecture requires a resolution
infrastructure while i3 depends on a forwarding infrastructure;
under the pure design, all i3 packets are sent into the infrastructure.
TRIAD [22] is an extension to the Internet that
addresses many architectural ills, including NAT.
TRIAD hosts receive location-independent names.
As in DOA, these names may resolve to a logical path, and IPv4 addresses
are routing tags without end-to-end significance.
TRIAD does not focus on a framework for network-layer middleboxes,
though its mechanisms can certainly accommodate them, and the authors give
a solution for NAT traversal.
The technical details of our approaches differ: TRIAD names are
derived from domain names (in contrast to flat EIDs), and under
TRIAD, resolution and routing are conflated, thereby improving latency.
HIP also separates location and identity; its goal is architectural support
for mobility and multi-homing.
DOA borrows some of HIP's mechanisms and applies them to middlebox issues, which
is not HIP's focus.
In contrast, some work is expressly motivated by the
proliferation of private addressing realms.
UIP [17], from which we also borrow, creates an overlay among participating
hosts to interconnect heterogeneous or NATed networks.
Like DOA, UIP incorporates HIP-style flat host identifiers.
UIP hosts form an ad-hoc overlay by using a DHT-inspired algorithm to route
packets for each other based on the destination identifier.
Our approach contrasts with UIP's in that, while both projects address
middleboxes' proliferation, we focus on an architecture
that explicitly welcomes middleboxes whereas UIP's overlay
of peers makes them transparent.
IPNL [20] is an extension to the Internet architecture that
solves problems resulting from private addressing realms.
IPNL relies in part on bona fide host identifiers; these identifiers are
domain names, though the authors acknowledge the security benefits of
HIP-style flat identifiers.
Like DOA, IPNL tries to coherently incorporate NATs into the
Internet architecture, and both designs modify hosts and NATs but not
IPv4 routers.
Other projects have tried to obsolete middleboxes; these run the gamut from architectural enhancements to radical reorganizations.
An example in the middle of this spectrum is IPv6 [15].
IPv6 addresses are globally unique (thus
addressing one motivation for NATs), but, as noted in §3.2,
do not satisfy the requirement of topology-independence.
Predicate Routing [47] and network
capabilities [1]
propose architectural enhancements for security and denial-of-service
Radical network architectures and meta-architectures include
Role-Based Network Architecture [7] and FARA [10].
Our approach contrasts with these because, first, our
goal is explicit invitation of middleboxes and, second, these
proposals, if fully realized, require at least some changes to all
network elements, not just hosts and middleboxes.
In contrast, other work has avoided creating identifiers for end-hosts but
has nonetheless accepted middleboxes as an architectural problem to be
worked around.
MIDCOM [56,58] is a protocol and framework intended
to remove intelligence from NATs and firewalls by
offloading application-specific behavior to designated agents, which
insert dynamic state into intermediaries automatically.
For example, in response to a globally reachable host initiating an
Internet telephony session to a NATed host, the agent
would ask the NAT to open the appropriate destination UDP port
and would close the port at session's end.
Like DOA, MIDCOM aims to simplify management of NATs and firewalls by
creating state automatically.
However, because MIDCOM focuses only on application- and not
networking- and transport-level software, persistent host identifiers
are unavailable to them, and thus their protocols devote considerable
energy (and complexity) to handling the overloading of port fields.
Also, MIDCOM's techniques work through only one layer of
NAT [56] in contrast to our supposition that hosts may
be behind several layers.
Twice NAT [55], Realm Specific IP [55,6], and STUN [48] all address specific problems posed
by NATs.
A recent Internet draft [18] summarizes various
techniques by which P2P applications can handle middleboxes.
While useful for the current network architecture, these (largely manual)
tactics for exposing NATed hosts would be unnecessary if all hosts had
location-independent identifiers.
Today, many home users attempt to create
persistent identifiers for frequently renumbered hosts with
Dynamic DNS, e.g., [16].
Since DNS names are resolved to IP addresses and are not carried in packets,
they are quite useful as naming handles for humans but not for network
DOA's use of the delegation primitive to simplify firewalls
is preceded by a body of literature that addresses the error-prone and
time-consuming nature of firewall configuration.
The Firmato toolkit [4], for example, takes a language-based
approach to simplifying firewall configuration by abstracting
away low-level configuration details.
Distributed firewalls [25,5,30]
take simplification one step further: a centralized, managed entity
downloads firewall rules to end-hosts (which it identifies with IPSEC
certificates in analogy with our use of EIDs to associate policies with
In contrast to the approach described in §6,
distributed firewalls do not off-load from clients the job of actually
applying rules.
10 Conclusion
The Internet architecture was defined in a context where traffic was benign
and addresses plentiful. There were no reasons to interpose
functions other than forwarding between endpoints, which became the end-to-end rallying cry
for the architecture.
Internet is a very different place.
There are many reasons why users
interpose functions that, in the
canonical architecture, either belonged on their host (such as firewalls)
or didn't belong at all (such as NATs). The Internet architecture was
not designed for--in fact, one might say it was designed against--such
interposition of function.
The current incarnations of
interposition, middleboxes, are widely derided for their violations of
the architecture and the resultant loss of flexibility in the Internet.
However, the complexity and risk associated with being a network host,
which used to be minimal, is now daunting even to expert users.
We therefore expect outsourcing functionality to become
increasingly common.
The architecture
presented in this paper, DOA, has a simple goal: to allow the Internet
to reap the benefits of network-level middleboxes without their harmful side-effects.
It does so not by altering IP, or routers, but by making delegation a
basic primitive and introducing a set of globally unique endpoint
We are grateful to Russ Cox, Bryan Ford, Frans Kaashoek, Karthik
Lakshminarayanan, David Mazières, the anonymous reviewers, and our
shepherd, Geoff Voelker, for their excellent comments, which substantially
improved this paper. Sean Rhea and John Bicket gave useful help with
OpenDHT and Click, respectively. We thank Karthik Lakshminarayanan, Sylvia
Ratnasamy, and Ion Stoica for useful conversations about naming in the
Internet architecture. This work was supported by the NSF under
Cooperative Agreement No. ANI-0225660, a Sloan Foundation fellowship, an
MIT EECS fellowship, an NSF graduate fellowship, and an NDSEG fellowhip.
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... Shenker1
UC Berkeley and ICSI.
Even if the move to IPv6 accelerates, some IPv4 networks
will remain. Moreover, private address realms give some protection against
certain types of network attacks. Hence, we do not think private IP spaces
are a temporary inconvenience that will soon end.
The basic architectural ideas
can be illustrated with network-level intermediaries. At the application
level, one must
consider how applications are structured and
named, a topic outside this paper's scope [3].
... spaces4
Such series of NATs are not
artificial; see §5.4 and
Figure 4.
... space.5
In this
case, transport connections are bound to the ultimate endpoint, which
is identified by the last EID in the sequence.
... refresh6
Some DHTs, like OpenDHT [29],
store only soft state, requiring EID owners to do refreshes.
... addresses.7
Much of the HIP
work [40] focuses on such binding of IPSEC state to
cryptographically imbued EIDs.
Middleboxes No Longer Considered Harmful
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