The ESX Server implementation of content-based page sharing is illustrated in Figure 3. A single global hash table contains frames for all scanned pages, and chaining is used to handle collisions. Each frame is encoded compactly in 16 bytes. A shared frame consists of a hash value, the machine page number (MPN) for the shared page, a reference count, and a link for chaining. A hint frame is similar, but encodes a truncated hash value to make room for a reference back to the corresponding guest page, consisting of a VM identifier and a physical page number (PPN). The total space overhead for page sharing is less than 0.5% of system memory.
Unlike the Disco page sharing implementation, which maintained a backmap for each shared page, ESX Server uses a simple reference count. A small 16-bit count is stored in each frame, and a separate overflow table is used to store any extended frames with larger counts. This allows highly-shared pages to be represented compactly. For example, the empty zero page filled completely with zero bytes is typically shared with a large reference count. A similar overflow technique for large reference counts was used to save space in the early OOZE virtual memory system [15].
A fast, high-quality hash function [14] is used to generate a 64-bit hash value for each scanned page. Since the chance of encountering a false match due to hash aliasing is incredibly small3 the system can make the simplifying assumption that all shared pages have unique hash values. Any page that happens to yield a false match is considered ineligible for sharing.
The current ESX Server page sharing implementation scans guest pages randomly. Although more sophisticated approaches are possible, this policy is simple and effective. Configuration options control maximum per-VM and system-wide page scanning rates. Typically, these values are set to ensure that page sharing incurs negligible CPU overhead. As an additional optimization, the system always attempts to share a page before paging it out to disk.
To evaluate the ESX Server page sharing implementation, we conducted experiments to quantify its effectiveness at reclaiming memory and its overhead on system performance. We first analyze a ``best case'' workload consisting of many homogeneous VMs, in order to demonstrate that ESX Server is able to reclaim a large fraction of memory when the potential for sharing exists. We then present additional data collected from production deployments serving real users.
We performed a series of controlled experiments using identically-configured virtual machines, each running Red Hat Linux 7.2 with 40 MB of ``physical'' memory. Each experiment consisted of between one and ten concurrent VMs running SPEC95 benchmarks for thirty minutes. For these experiments, ESX Server was running on a Dell PowerEdge 1400SC multiprocessor with two 933 MHz Pentium III CPUs.
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Figure 4: Page Sharing Performance. Sharing metrics for a series of experiments consisting of identical Linux VMs running SPEC95 benchmarks. The top graph indicates the absolute amounts of memory shared and saved increase smoothly with the number of concurrent VMs. The bottom graph plots these metrics as a percentage of aggregate VM memory. For large numbers of VMs, sharing approaches 67% and nearly 60% of all VM memory is reclaimed. |
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Figure 5: Real-World Page Sharing. Sharing metrics from production deployments of ESX Server. (a) Ten Windows NT VMs serving users at a Fortune 50 company, running a variety of database (Oracle, SQL Server), web (IIS, Websphere), development (Java, VB), and other applications. (b) Nine Linux VMs serving a large user community for a nonprofit organization, executing a mix of web (Apache), mail (Majordomo, Postfix, POP/IMAP, MailArmor), and other servers. (c) Five Linux VMs providing web proxy (Squid), mail (Postfix, RAV), and remote access (ssh) services to VMware employees. |
Figure 4 presents several sharing metrics plotted as a function of the number of concurrent VMs. Surprisingly, some sharing is achieved with only a single VM. Nearly 5 MB of memory was reclaimed from a single VM, of which about 55% was due to shared copies of the zero page. The top graph shows that after an initial jump in sharing between the first and second VMs, the total amount of memory shared increases linearly with the number of VMs, as expected. Little sharing is attributed to zero pages, indicating that most sharing is due to redundant code and read-only data pages. The bottom graph plots these metrics as a percentage of aggregate VM memory. As the number of VMs increases, the sharing level approaches 67%, revealing an overlap of approximately two-thirds of all memory between the VMs. The amount of memory required to contain the single copy of each common shared page (labelled Shared - Reclaimed), remains nearly constant, decreasing as a percentage of overall VM memory.
The CPU overhead due to page sharing was negligible. We ran an identical set of experiments with page sharing disabled, and measured no significant difference in the aggregate throughput reported by the CPU-bound benchmarks running in the VMs. Over all runs, the aggregate throughput was actually 0.5% higher with page sharing enabled, and ranged from 1.6% lower to 1.8% higher. Although the effect is generally small, page sharing does improve memory locality, and may therefore increase hit rates in physically-indexed caches.
These experiments demonstrate that ESX Server is able to exploit sharing opportunities effectively. Of course, more diverse workloads will typically exhibit lower degrees of sharing. Nevertheless, many real-world server consolidation workloads do consist of numerous VMs running the same guest OS with similar applications. Since the amount of memory reclaimed by page sharing is very workload-dependent, we collected memory sharing statistics from several ESX Server systems in production use.
Figure 5 presents page sharing metrics
collected from three different production deployments of ESX Server.
Workload , from a corporate IT department at a Fortune 50 company,
consists of ten Windows NT 4.0 VMs running a wide variety of
database, web, and other servers. Page sharing reclaimed nearly a
third of all VM memory, saving 673 MB. Workload
, from a nonprofit
organization's Internet server, consists of nine Linux VMs ranging in
size from 64 MB to 768 MB, running a mix of mail, web, and other
servers. In this case, page sharing was able to reclaim 18.7% of VM
memory, saving 345 MB, of which 70 MB was attributed to zero pages.
Finally, workload
is from VMware's own IT department, and provides
web proxy, mail, and remote access services to our employees using
five Linux VMs ranging in size from 32 MB to 512 MB. Page sharing
reclaimed about 7% of VM memory, for a savings of 120 MB, of which
25 MB was due to zero pages.