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Atul Adya, William J. Bolosky, Miguel Castro, Ronnie Chaiken, Gerald Cermak, John R. Douceur, John Howell, Jacob R. Lorch, Marvin Theimer, and Roger Wattenhofer.
FARSITE: Federated, available, and reliable storage for an incompletely trusted environment.
In 5th Symp. on Op. Sys. Design and Impl. (OSDI), Boston, MA, USA, December 2002.

Thomas Anderson, Michael Dahlin, Jeanna Neefe, David Patterson, Drew Roselli, and Randolph Wang.
Serverless Network File Systems.
In 15th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 109-126, Copper Mountain, CO, USA, December 1995.

William J. Bolosky, John R. Douceur, David Ely, and Marvin Theimer.
Feasibility of a Serverless Distributed File System Deployed on an Existing Set of Desktop PCs.
In Conf. on Measurement and Modeling of Comp. Sys. (SIGMETRICS), pages 34-43, Santa Clara, CA, USA, June 2000.

B. Callaghan, B. Pawlowski, and P. Staubach.
RFC1813: NFS version 3 protocol specification., June 1995.

Pei Cao and Sandy Irani.
Cost-Aware WWW proxy caching algorithms.
In 1st USENIX Symp. on Internet Tech. and Sys. (USITS), Monterey, CA, USA, December 1997.

Frank Dabek, Frans Kaashoek, David Karger, Robert Morris, and Ion Stoica.
Wide-area cooperative storage with CFS.
In 18th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 202-215, Lake Louise, AB, Canada, October 2001.

Alan J. Demers, Daniel H. Greene, Carl Hauser, Wes Irish, and John Larson.
Epidemic algorithms for replicated database maintenance.
In 6th Symp. on Princ. of Distr. Comp. (PODC), pages 1-12, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 1987.

Armando Fox and Eric A. Brewer.
Harvest, yield, and scalable tolerant systems.
In 6th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HOTOS-VI), pages 174-178, Rio Rico, AZ, USA, March 1999.

P. Francis, S. Jamin, C. Jin, Y. Jin, D. Raz, Y. Shavitt, and L. Zhang.
IDMaps: A global Internet host distance estimation service.
IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking (TON), 9(5):525-540, October 2001.

Richard A. Golding, Darrell D. E. Long, and John Wilkes.
The refdbms distributed bibliographic database system.
In USENIX Winter Tech. Conf., San Francisco, CA, USA, January 1994.

Jim Gray.
A census of Tandem system availability between 1985 and 1990.
IEEE Trans. on Reliability, 39(4):409-418, October 1990.

Håkan Grahn and Per Stenström and Michel Dubois.
Implementation and evaluation of update-based cache protocols under relaxed memory consistency models.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 11(3), June 1995.

John Howard, Michael Kazar, Sherri Menees, David Nichols, M. Satyanarayanan, Robert Sidebotham, and Micahel West.
Scale and performance in a distributed file system.
ACM Trans. on Comp. Sys. (TOCS), 6(1), 1988.

M. Ji, E. Felten, R. Wang, and J. P. Singh.
Archipelago: an island-based file system for highly available and scalable Internet services.
In USENIX Windows Systems Symposium, August 2000.

Leonard Kawell Jr., Steven Beckhart, Timoty Halvorsen, Raymond Ozzie, and Irene Greif.
Replicated document management in a group communication system.
In Conf. on Comp.-Supported Coop. Work (CSCW), Chapel Hill, NC, USA, October 1988.

Minkyong Kim, Landon P. Cox, and Brian D. Noble.
Safety, visibility, and performance in a wide-area file system.
In USENIX Conf. on File and Storage Sys. (FAST), Monterey, CA, January 2002. Usenix.

John Kubiatowicz, David Bindel, Yan Chen, Steven Czerwinski, Patrick Eaton, Dennis Geels, Ramakrishna Gummadi, Sean Rhea, Hakim Weatherspoon, Westley Weimer, Chris Wells, and Ben Zhao.
OceanStore: An architecture for global-scale persistent storage.
In 9th Int. Conf. on Arch. Support for Prog. Lang. and Op. Sys. (ASPLOS-IX), pages 190-201, Cambridge, MA, USA, November 2000.

P. Kumar and M. Satyanarayanan.
Flexible and safe resolution of file conflicts.
In USENIX Winter Tech. Conf., pages 95-106, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 1995.

David Mazières.
A toolkit for user-level file systems.
In USENIX Annual Tech. Conf., Boston, MA, USA, June 2001.

Lily B. Mummert, Maria R. Ebling, and M. Satyanarayanan.
Exploiting weak connectivity for mobile file access.
In 15th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 143-155, Copper Mountain, CO, USA, December 1995.

Athicha Muthitacharoen, Benjie Chen, and David Mazières.
A low-bandwidth network file system.
In 18th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 174-187, Lake Louise, AB, Canada, October 2001.

Athicha Muthitacharoen, Robert Morris, Thomer M. Gil, and Benjie Chen.
Ivy: A read/write peer-to-peer file system.
In 5th Symp. on Op. Sys. Design and Impl. (OSDI), Boston, MA, USA, December 2002.

D. Scott Parker, Gerald Popek, Gerard Rudisin, Allen Stoughton, Bruce Walker, Evelyn Walton, Johanna Chow, David Edwards, Stephen Kiser, and Charles Kline.
Detection of mutual inconsistency in distributed systems.
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, SE-9(3):240-247, 1983.

Konstantinos Psounis and Balaji Prabhakar.
A randomized web-cache replacement scheme.
In Infocom, Anchorage, AL, USA, April 2001.

David H. Ratner.
Roam: A Scalable Replication System for Mobile and Distributed Computing.
PhD thesis, UC Los Angeles, 1998.
Tech. Report. no. UCLA-CSD-970044.

Luigi Rizzo.
Dummynet,, 2001.

Antony Rowstron and Peter Druschel.
Storage management and caching in PAST, a large-scale, persistent peer-to-peer storage utility.
In 18th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 188-201, Lake Louise, AB, Canada, October 2001.

Yasushi Saito and Christos Karamanolis.
Replica consistency management in the pangaea wide-area file system.
Technical report, HP Labs, 2002.
To be published.

Yasushi Saito, Jeffrey Mogul, and Ben Verghese.
A Usenet performance study, September 1998.

Sleepycat Software.
The Berkeley database, 2002.

Susan Spence, Erik Riedel, and Magnus Karlsson.
Adaptive consistency--patterns of sharing in a networked world.
Technical Report HPL-SSP-2002-10, HP Labs, February 2002.

Douglas B. Terry, Marvin M. Theimer, Karin Petersen, Alan J. Demers, Mike J. Spreitzer, and Carl H. Hauser.
Managing update conflicts in Bayou, a weakly connected replicated storage system.
In 15th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 172-183, Copper Mountain, CO, USA, December 1995.

Chandramohan Thekkath, Timothy Mann, and Edward Lee.
Frangipani: a scalable distributed file system.
In 16th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 224-237, St. Malo, France, October 1997.

Robbert van Renesse, Yaron Minsky, and Mark Hayden.
A gossip-style failure detection service.
In IFIP Int. Conf. on Dist. Sys. Platforms and Open Dist. (Middleware), 1998.

Werner Vogels.
File system usage in Windows NT 4.0.
In 17th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 93-109, Kiawah Island, SC, USA, December 1999.

Bruce Walker, Gerald Popek, Robert English, Charles Kline, and Greg Thiel.
The Locus distributed operating system.
In 9th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 49-70, Bretton Woods, NH, USA, October 1983.

Haifeng Yu and Amin Vahdat.
The Costs and Limits of Availability for Replicated Services.
In 18th Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), pages 29-42, Lake Louise, AB, Canada, October 2001.

Yasushi Saito 2002-10-08