To show that fault detection is useful and practical, we present NetReview, a fault detection system for the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). NetReview records BGP routing messages in a tamper-evident log, and it enables ISPs to check each other's logs against a high-level description of the expected behavior, such as a peering agreement or a set of best practices. At the same time, NetReview respects the ISPs' privacy and allows them to protect sensitive information. We have implemented and evaluated a prototype of NetReview; our results show that NetReview catches common Internet routing problems, and that its resource requirements are modest.
Many (but not all) of these problems are rooted in the absence of a mechanism to verify routing information. BGP essentially allows anyone to announce any route, whether that route actually exists or not. Hence, there has been a lot of work on securing BGP. However, most of this work focuses on fault prevention, that is, masking routing problems by suppressing invalid route announcements. This approach is effective against many common problems, but it cannot prevent other, equally common faults; for example, an ISP might fail to announce a route because of an incorrect export filter. Existing security extensions to BGP, such as S-BGP [22] and soBGP [34], are not effective against such faults. Moreover, existing fault prevention systems require significant buy-in before they can yield much benefit, and they require an Internet-wide public-key infrastructure (PKI); for these and other reasons, prevention systems have not yet achieved widespread deployment.
In this paper, we take a different and complementary approach, namely fault detection. If we cannot prevent every routing problem, why not at least ensure that each problem is detected and linked to the ISP that caused it? Fault detection is easy to deploy incrementally: it does not require a central PKI or cryptography on the critical path, and it yields benefits even when the deployment consists of just a few ISPs (or even a single ISP). Moreover, if we accept the possibility of some delay between the occurrence of a fault and its detection, we can catch a very general class of faults, including router and link failures, software bugs, misconfigurations, policy violations, and even attacks by hackers or spammers. In particular, we can detect faults that would be difficult or impossible to prevent, e.g., when a faulty or misconfigured router fails to propagate certain routes.
Fault detection has two main benefits. The first (and most obvious) benefit is that ISPs are automatically informed about routing problems and their causes, which enables them to respond quickly. Thus, ISPs no longer have to rely on monitoring heuristics or customer complaints to find out about problems, which increases customer satisfaction and enables ISPs to swiftly respond even to minor problems. Also, since detection links faults to their causes, ISPs no longer need to diagnose faults manually. Finally, ISPs obtain a `safety net' that enables them to respond to unexpected problems.
The second, more indirect benefit of fault detection is that it makes an ISP's reliability transparent. Today, ISPs may have little to gain from pushing reliability beyond a certain point, since customers cannot easily attribute a given routing problem to a particular ISP. Fault detection is an opportunity for reliable ISPs to showcase their good performance and to distinguish themselves from the competition, which could help them attract new customers. In the long term, this could even result in a market for reliability, in which customers could directly compare the routing performance of potential providers.
At first, fault detection may appear to be a simple matter of keeping logs of all routing messages and inspecting them (perhaps even manually) for routing problems. However, the problem is complicated by several unique aspects of the interdomain routing system. First, detecting certain types of faults requires that ISPs share information, because the fault cannot be detected based on one ISP's view of the network alone. However, ISPs wish to minimize the amount of information they release to their competitors. Thus, a detection system must balance its detection power against the scope of the information ISPs need to release. Second, the amount of log data collected is so vast that manual inspection is out of the question, except in the most egregious cases. Third, the logs may be incomplete or even incorrect, not least because the routing system is often attacked by hackers who may try to manipulate records in order to cover their tracks. Finally, if the information about faults is to be used as a measure of reliability, we must avoid both false positives and false negatives, which rules out heuristic solutions.
To demonstrate that fault detection is viable, we present NetReview, a system that implements fault detection for BGP. NetReview reliably and automatically detects routing problems by checking secure traces of BGP messages against high-level specifications of the expected routing behavior. NetReview respects the ISPs' privacy and provides strong guarantees: it does not produce false positives or false negatives even when under attack by a Byzantine adversary. Using a prototype implementation of NetReview, we show that its resource requirements are modest, and that it is effective against common Internet routing problems.
Existing work on securing interdomain routing has proven difficult to deploy. A natural question is whether a fault detection system would be hampered by similar problems. To address this concern, we show that NetReview can overcome common deployment hurdles: it can work with existing router hardware, it does not require a global PKI, it can be deployed incrementally, and it offers immediate benefits to early adopters.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we begin by giving some background on BGP, and we discuss the specific challenges of BGP fault detection. In Sections 3 and 4, we present the design of NetReview and its specification language. In Section 5, we report results from a feasibility study to show that fault detection is practical. In Section 6, we present solutions to various deployment-related problems, such as operation in a partial deployment or without a CA, and we point out incentives for adoption by ISPs. In Section 7, we describe some advanced features that could be added to NetReview. Section 8 discusses related work, and Section 9 concludes this paper.
To exchange routing information with each other, all ASes use the Border Gateway Protocol [28]. Each AS designates some of its routers as BGP speakers, which are then connected to BGP speakers in adjacent ASes. When a BGP speaker learns of a route to a new prefix, it can announce that route to its peers in adjacent ASes; if the route becomes unavailable later, it must withdraw the announcement. BGP is a path-vector protocol, that is, each announcement contains the sequence of ASes that the route traverses in an attribute called AS_PATH.
BGP specifies a mechanism for exchanging routing information. Which routes to use and whether or not to announce them to peers is decided independently by each AS according to its own policy; for example, an AS might prefer short routes to reduce latency. Some aspects of the policy are determined by an AS's business relationships; for example, an AS might agree to act as the provider for another AS, and it would then be expected to offer its customer a route to every prefix it can reach. Adjacent ASes usually sign a peering agreement, which specifies the obligations of each peer.
How can such a function Fa be defined? There are several sources of information that can be used for this purpose (of course, multiple sources can be combined):
According to our definition, each fault is local to a single AS. Thus, if a faulty AS a exports a bad route to a neighbor b, b does not become faulty for propagating the route – except if propagating the route constitutes a fault according to its own function Fb. A special case occurs when a link between two neighboring ASes fails. Since the link is shared by two ASes, we cannot attribute this event to an individual AS, so we attribute it to the pair of ASes instead.
However, there are several reasons why this strawman solution would not work in practice:
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Figure 1: System model. Each BGP speaker maintains a tamper-evident log of the BGP messages it exchanges with other ASes. Internal routing messages are not recorded. |
NetReview only records BGP messages that are exchanged with other ASes, but no internal routing messages. Thus, the log only contains information that an AS would reveal to other ASes anyway; the ISP's proprietary information, such as its internal topology, is not revealed. In addition, each ISP is free to decide which rules it wants to reveal to each auditor. For example, an ISP might choose to reveal its best-practice rules to everyone, and, in addition, it might reveal to each of its business partners a set of rules that describes its policy towards that partner. This is safe because the partner already knows that aspect of the policy from the peering agreement.
NetReview uses cryptographic authenticators [17] to detect if routing messages are not logged correctly. The log itself is tamper-evident, that is, it can detect if log entries are modified after the fact. Thus, NetReview can guarantee that log corruption – due to software bugs or hardware malfunctions – cannot cause faults to go undetected. This guarantee holds even in the presence of Byzantine faults, e.g., when hackers or spammers attempt to cover up the traces of an attack.
NetReview includes a simple specification language for writing rules. The resulting rules can be checked efficiently; we show that a commodity workstation is sufficient to audit several ASes in real time.
NetReview is designed to leverage existing trust and business relationships between neighboring ASes. We consider two ASes to be neighbors if they are connected by a direct link.
NetReview focuses on detecting observable faults, that is, faults that a) causally affect at least one non-faulty AS [16], and b) violate a rule that is revealed to at least one diligent AS. This restriction is inevitable because we cannot expect faulty routers to help with fault detection. An example of an unobservable fault would be two faulty routers sending bad routing updates to each other, but neither of them logging the messages or forwarding the authenticators to the other's neighbors. Such a fault cannot be detected as long as it does not affect a correct AS.
Under the above assumptions, NetReview guarantees that a) any observable fault is eventually detected and irrefutably linked to a faulty AS, and that b) no verifiable evidence is ever generated against a non-faulty AS.
NetReview's logs are based on the logs in PeerReview [17]. The logs are tamper-evident, that is, a router either records precisely the messages it has exchanged with other routers, or it is possible to detect that the router is faulty. Note that, since our goal is fault detection, we do not need to prevent faulty routers from tampering with their logs – being able to detect tampering is sufficient because it is clear evidence of a fault. Specifically, NetReview detects if a router (i) records a message it did not send or receive, (ii) omits a message it did send or receive, (iii) changes an existing log entry, or (iv) keeps multiple logs or a branched log. For lack of space, we only sketch the most important aspects of the log here. Please refer to [17] for a complete description.
Operation: Each log is structured as a hash chain, i.e., every entry ei is associated with a sequence number si and a hash value hi that covers the entry itself and, transitively, all the previous entries. To explain the protocol for logging message exchanges, we use the example of two routers, Alice and Bob. Whenever Alice sends a message m to Bob, Alice first appends a SEND(m) entry to her log and then attaches an authenticator to m, which is a signed statement that Alice has logged the transmission of m. The authenticator αi = σAlice(si,hi) for an entry ei includes the entry's value in the hash chain hi and is signed with Alice's cryptographic key σAlice. The authenticator has two purposes: first, it convinces Bob, and any auditors of Bob's log, that the message is authentic, which rules out (i). Second, it serves as evidence that a SEND(m) entry must appear in Alice's log, which addresses case (ii) and, because of the hash chain, case (iii). When the message m arrives, Bob appends a RECV(m) entry to his log and then returns an acknowledgment to Alice, which includes an authenticator for the RECV(m) entry. At this point, both Alice and Bob have obtained evidence that the other side has properly recorded the message in their log.
NetReview imposes a limit on the number of unacknowledged messages that can be in flight between Alice and Bob at any given time. If this limit is reached, e.g., during an unplanned physical link failure or because Bob refuses to send acknowledgments, the operators are notified and must resolve the problem by leveraging their existing business relationship.
What if Alice or Bob log the message at first but modify or remove it later? When Bob receives the authenticator from Alice, he detaches it from the message (to save bandwidth) and forwards it to Alice's neighbors. Thus, Alice's neighbors eventually learn of all log entries for which Alice issued authenticators. Each neighbor periodically inspects Alice's log to check whether these entries actually appear. If an authenticator is properly signed but the corresponding entry is missing, then Alice must have tampered with the log, maintained multiple logs or a log with multiple branches, and the authenticator is a signed confession. This addresses (iv).
Protocol support: NetReview extends BGP with support for authenticators and acknowledgments. To limit the crypto overhead during bursts of updates, it also introduces a new composite message that allows multiple updates to be covered by a single authenticator (and thus by a single signature). We call this protocol variant BGP with acknowledgments, or BGP-A.
Log truncation: Routers require some storage for keeping the log. This storage does not have to be in the router itself – it could be on a separate blade, or on another computer – but capacity is limited, and log entries cannot be stored indefinitely. Therefore we allow routers to discard entries that are older than some time Tmax, e.g., one year. Since the log contains periodic snapshots of the routing tables, discarding old entries does not destroy information about long-lived routes.
For routers to agree when Tmax elapses, clocks must be loosely synchronized, e.g., within a few hours. NetReview enforces this by checking the timestamps on the authenticators. If a router's clock is not set properly, its messages will not be accepted by the adjacent routers.
If a log entry were not audited at least once during its lifetime, some faults could remain undetected. However, the typical audit period can be expected to be much shorter than the lifetime of log entries because ASes are likely to be interested in timely fault detection.
To inspect an interval I := [t1,t2] of a target's log, the auditor proceeds as follows:
Once an auditor has obtained evidence, it notifies the local administrator, who can use the evidence in several ways. For example, if a best-practice rule has been violated, the auditor can choose to make the evidence publicly available; thus, it is possible to evaluate an ISP's performance by asking its neighbors for evidence of faults. If a private rule was broken, the evidence can be used to convince an arbitrator or a judge.
The conformance check detects if the target has deviated from the BGP-A protocol. This is a purely syntactic check that does not consider which routes were announced, but rather how they were announced. For example, NetReview checks whether each message was well-formed and whether sessions were opened with the proper handshake before announcements were sent.
If the target AS passes the consistency and conformance checks, the auditor is convinced that the log accurately reflects the target's BGP traffic. The remaining check is designed to detect routing problems.
NetReview models the `global' routing state of an AS as follows. At any given point in time, the AS has a set of peering points with neighboring ASes, and for each peering point there are two routing information bases (RIBs): the outRIB contains routes that the AS has announced to its neighbor, and the inRIB contains routes that the neighbor has announced to the AS. Since BGP does not permit the announcement of multiple alternative routes, each RIB can contain at most one route for each prefix.
To determine how the target's routing state evolved over time, the auditor starts by loading the oldest checkpoint from each log, which contains a snapshot of the RIBs. Then it repeatedly picks the unprocessed message entry with the earliest timestamp across all logs, and it applies the updates in the message to the corresponding pair of RIBs. Thus, it obtains a sequence of routing states S(ti), where ti indicates the time of the message that triggered the change. Note that each S(ti) contains a pair of RIBs for each router or peering point; it is not a `global' RIB for the entire AS.
We have developed a simple specification language that ASes can use to formulate rules. In this language, a rule is written as a predicate on an individual routing state S(ti). For example, the rule
Instead, we only require that ASes commit to their rules by logging a hash value H(si,ri) for each rule ri. si is a 128-bit salt, which makes it difficult for an inquisitive auditor to learn sensitive information by checking for well-known rules, or to run a dictionary attack. On the other hand, if an auditor knows ri and si a priori (perhaps from a peering agreement it shares with that AS, or because the AS has revealed them earlier), it can easily check whether the corresponding hash value is present. If not, it can use the log as evidence and file a complaint against the AS for breaking the contract.
Why would an AS commit to any rules at all, and why would it reveal a rule to an auditor? For example, ASes can use NetReview to enforce provisions from their peering contracts. The parties could agree to a set of rules and add them to their respective logs; they would then reveal these rules to each other, but not to anyone else. Or an AS could adopt a set of best-practice rules to highlight its good performance, and reveal these rules to everyone.
Second, rules are partial specifications of the expected behavior. The above example only describes what should happen to routes that are announced to AS 18 and whose prefix is in P, but it does not say anything about the other routes. Thus, an AS can reveal a rule without revealing its entire routing policy. Also, we can vary the strength and number of rules and thus control how restrictive the checking should be.
Finally, rules are time-local, that is, they depend only on a small number of past and future states. This is possible because interdomain routing is essentially memoryless: whether or not a route is exported depends solely on which routes are currently available; it is irrelevant whether a route was available earlier, or will become available later.3 This improves efficiency considerably, since NetReview only needs to remember a small number of routing states at any given time.
const setof(integer) asns = { 8, 9 }; forall cpref in affectedPrefixes, peer in asns { forall p1 in peeringPoints(peer), p2 in peeringPoints(peer) { (p1 != p2) => forall route in outRIB(peer, p1, intersect[now-5.0s,now]) { (prefix(route) == cpref) => exists route2 in outRIB(peer, p2, union[now-5.0s,now]) { (prefix(route2) == prefix(route)) and (sizeof(as_path(route2)) == sizeof(as_path(route))) } } } }; |
Figure 2: Example rule in the syntax used by the NetReview rule checker. intersect[a,b] selects routes that were announced continuously between time a and time b, while union[a,b] selects routes that were announced at any point between time a and time b. now is the point in time for which the rule is evaluated. |
To avoid false positives in this case, we must introduce a bit of leeway. NetReview's specification language contains two timing-related operators. Both operators take an interval I = [t-α,t+β] as an argument, where t is an instant in time and α and β specify how far the interval extends into the past and into the future, respectively. The union operator returns all routes that have been advertised at some point in I, and the intersection operator returns all routes that have been advertised continuously during I. This allows us to mask transient inconsistencies. For example, we might stipulate that a route may only be exported if a prefix of that route was available within two seconds of the current time, or that a route must be exported to some neighbor if it has been available for at least five seconds. We limit α and β to 60 seconds each; thus, the auditor must remember at most two minutes' worth of past or future states.
If a rule contains interval operators, it can miss actual transient faults that exist for less than α+β seconds. The interval needs to be no larger than the maximum propagation delay plus the maximum clock skew among the routers of an AS, so this is not a serious limitation.
In practice, we can dramatically reduce the number of predicate evaluations using two simple optimizations. First, since rules typically consider each prefix individually, we can often restrict universal quantifiers to the set of prefixes that are actually affected by a routing change during the current evaluation. This set of prefixes is made available in a special variable called affectedPrefixes. Second, we can apply some simple query optimizations. For example, in the rule in Figure 2, NetReview combines the check for prefix(route)==cpref with the innermost forall quantifier, which reduces the quantifier to a simple projection.
To achieve this, we injected an Internet BGP trace into one of the ASes, including a checkpoint of the initial routing table. From there, the routes were propagated to the other ASes via BGP, creating BGP traffic on each link and populating the other routing tables. This mimicked the conditions that would have occurred if our model topology had been part of the global Internet, so we could get realistic estimates for many performance metrics, e.g., how quickly the logs grow and how much time is required for checking. We found that, since the first trace already contained a route to each available prefix, injecting additional traces would not have increased the routing table sizes.
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Figure 3: AS topology in our experiments. AS 2 receives updates from an Internet BGP trace. |
For each AS, we configured a default routing policy that satisfies the Gao-Rexford conditions [11]. If a route is imported from a customer, it is exported to all neighbors; otherwise (if the route is from a peer or provider), it is exported only to customers. In some of our experiments, we vary this policy by injecting configuration errors or imposing additional constraints. Internally, each AS uses a full-mesh iBGP topology. We did not set up route reflectors because NetReview is oblivious to iBGP.
We injected routing updates from a RouteViews BGP trace [30] into AS 2. We used a 15-minute trace that was collected by a Zebra router at Equinix in Ashburn, VA, on January 27, 2008. The collecting router peers with nine other ASes. The trace contains 15,141 updates from these neighbors, and the corresponding RIB snapshot contains 243,198 unique prefixes. Thus, AS 2 behaved as if it were connected to the Internet in Ashburn, VA, and it exported a realistic set of prefixes to the other ASes.
NetReview's overhead depends in part on the number of neighbors an AS has. Unless otherwise noted, the numbers we report are for AS 5. Since 92% of Internet ASes have degree five or less [3], our results are representative of all but the largest Internet ISPs.
Table 1: Rules we checked in our experiments. Each rule is explained in Section 5.3. The variables a, a' are for AS numbers, p, p' are for peering points, and r, r' are for routes. inRIB(a,p) and outRIB(a,p) stand for the sets of routes imported and exported, respectively, to AS a over peering point p; they can be combined with an interval operator.5 |
We ran a series of six trials. In the first trial, we used the correct configuration for each AS. In the following five trials, we made a configuration change to a NetReview-enabled AS at some point during the experiment that caused one of the five rules to be violated. After each trial, we audited all the logs.
As expected, NetReview did not report any problems during the first trial. In each of the other trials, it reported the fault we had injected. The output also included the time interval in which the fault appeared, as well as the variable assignments (prefixes, AS numbers etc.) for which the corresponding rule did not hold. This is valuable for administrators because it shows not only where the fault occurred (in the audited AS) but also for which prefix the exported paths did not have the same length, which peering points were affected, etc.
Unlike BGP messages, BGP-A messages can contain updates for multiple different routes, which explains why the number of messages is much lower than the number of routing changes in our BGP trace. This also limits the number of validations that are required when updates arrive in bursts. For example, if a router is restarted and receives full routing tables from its neighbors, it only needs to check one signature per routing table. This is in contrast to S-BGP [22], which needs to check a signature for every single route.
Auditors need processing power to extract the routing state from the logs, and to check it against the specified rules. In our experiments, we found that the processing time was dominated by rule checking, which in turn depends on the number of routing changes as well as the complexity of the rules. Our five rules can be evaluated independently for each prefix, so the first optimization from Section 4.4 can be used. It would take more time to check rules that depend on a large number of different prefixes, but we are not aware of any useful rules that have this property.
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Figure 4: Average processing time required to check a rule over one second of log data (the error bars show the 5th and the 95th percentile). The speed is sufficient for checking multiple ASes in real time. |
In practice, the checking time would also depend on the number and complexity of the rules the target AS is revealing to the auditor. There is little published information about the policies used by commercial ASes, so we cannot say how large a `typical' set of rules would be. We already included a generic policy rule (rule #2) in our set, which may be sufficient for small ASes. Even if we assume that a typical set contains 20 rules (four times the size of our set), an AS with five neighbors would still only need a single workstation to perform real-time auditing. If an AS has more neighbors, it can spread the load across multiple machines, since rule checking can be trivially parallelized.
The size of a checkpoint is dominated by the RIBs; it depends on the number of prefixes and peering points. One RIB with 244,000 prefixes and a 90-second history takes about 9.0 MB, so, if we conservatively assume that each prefix appears in every inRIB and every outRIB, a complete checkpoint for an AS with six peering points could take up to 108 MB. If the AS records one checkpoint every minute and keeps all checkpoints for one day, plus one checkpoint for each day of the last year, it would require up to 190 GB.
In our experiment, the log grew at a rate of about 332 kB per minute (without checkpoints). Hence, we estimate that one year's worth of log data would take about 166 GB. The log size is also a function of the number of peering points and the frequency of routing changes. Since the log mostly contains routing updates, its growth rate is roughly proportional to the amount of BGP traffic an AS generates. Recall that the numbers we report are for an AS with five neighbors; if an AS has more neighbors (and thus more peering points), its storage requirements are higher. For the largest ASes (UUNet has 2,652 neighbors), on the order of a hundred Terabytes of storage may be necessary to store the log for a year. However, the log would be distributed over thousands of routers.
Auditors require no permanent storage; however, it makes sense for them to cache a recent checkpoint for each AS they are auditing, so they do not have to download one repeatedly.
In terms of traffic, BGP sessions and BGP-A sessions are quite similar. If 1024-bit keys are used, a BGP-A message and its acknowledgment have 367 header bytes, while a BGP message only has 16. On the other hand, a BGP-A message can advertise many different routes, while a BGP message can only advertise one. In our experiment, AS 5 generated an average of 132 kB of BGP-A messages and acknowledgments per minute; these were equivalent to 135 kB of BGP messages.
Upon receiving a message or an acknowledgment, a BGP-A speaker detaches the authenticator and forwards it to the sender's neighbors. With 1024-bit keys, the size of an authenticator is 156 bytes; in our experiment, AS 5's neighbors sent 2.1 MB of AS 5's authenticators over the 15-minute period. However, authenticators are also collected from messages read during an audit, so the required traffic is quadratic in the number of neighbors: each neighbor audits each message and sends the corresponding authenticator to each of the other neighbors. This can be a problem for large ASes (e.g. UUNet). Therefore, authenticators from large ASes should be sent to only a subset of its neighbors. This does not affect NetReview's guarantees as long as the subsets used by all neighbors intersect in at least one diligent neighbor.
In our experiment, all audits were incremental; the auditor transferred a full checkpoint once and then retrieved only the log entries that were added since the last audit. In the limit, the required traffic is the size of the log times the number of auditors, plus some overhead for headers.
In total, AS 5 caused about 420 kbps of BGP-A traffic, including routing updates, auditing, and authenticators sent by the neighbors. This corresponds to the bandwidth of a typical DSL upstream, which is insignificant compared to the amount of traffic ISPs routinely handle.
We solve this problem using a web-of-trust approach that is inspired by [33,34]. Each AS initially generates a key pair and creates a self-signed certificate. Then it sends the certificate to its immediate neighbors, who append their own endorsement and forward it on to their neighbors, etc. The overhead for flooding certificates is not a concern, because the AS topology changes slowly.
Each AS obtains a database of all certificates, each with a chain of endorsements that corresponds to the shortest path between the local AS and the AS represented by a given certificate. Can these certificates be trusted? We can safely assume that each AS knows the true identity of the neighbor attached to each of its physical links. Moreover, we have assumed earlier that each AS has a diligent neighbor. This neighbor can detect if the AS signs a certificate that do not correspond to its true identity, or endorses a certificate that does not come from one of its neighbors. Thus, a node can (transitively) trust every certificate that is endorsed by one of its neighbors.
In addition, we require each AS to log a public pledge that specifies its current ASN and prefix ownerships.7 ASes extract this pledge during audits and compare it to their database; if there is any change, they flood it to all other ASes. Thus, NetReview can detect if two ASes claim ownership of the same ASN or of overlapping prefixes, and it provides each with evidence of the other's claim. The conflict can then be resolved through existing mechanisms, e.g., by a mediator or a judge.
By default, BGP-A speakers and monitors record only BGP-A messages in their logs, and auditors use only BGP-A messages to reconstruct the routing information. However, legacy neighbors have no components that speak BGP-A. If we simply omitted all routes imported from or exported to these neighbors, the information in the log might not be sufficient to evaluate many interesting conditions. For example, if an AS acts as a provider for another AS, it may be required to export routes for all prefixes it knows about, even if the corresponding route is through a non-participant. Therefore, if an AS has legacy neighbors, its BGP-A speakers and monitors additionally record all the (unsigned) BGP messages they exchange with these neighbors.
Why keep this information in the secure record if a faulty participant AS can simply record whatever it wants? There are three reasons. First, we can isolate non-malicious faults such as misconfigurations or hardware failures, where the faulty AS still records correct information. Second, even if an AS lies about the routes it is importing or exporting via BGP, it must lie consistently to avoid detection by the auditors. For example, if the AS claims to have imported a certain route via BGP, it must re-export that route to each participating neighbor if required by its peering agreement, and it cannot export different versions to different neighbors.
Third, logging BGP messages enables an intermediate level of participation in NetReview. If a non-participant AS a is a neighbor of a participant AS b, a can act as an auditor and compare b's log to the BGP messages b actually sent, without fully deploying fault detection itself. All a needs is the NetReview auditor software and a current snapshot of its own BGP tables. If a finds a discrepancy, it can investigate it by contacting the participant AS b. This option could encourage neighbors of participant ASes to `try out' fault detection.
Partial deployment requires an addition to the web-of-trust technique in Section 6.1. As long as the deployment is contiguous in the AS graph (which is likely if tier-1 ASes join first), the technique works as described. When a second `island' of participants arises, at least one member of each island must exchange cryptographic credentials out-of-band. These members are then considered NetReview neighbors (even though they do not share a physical link), and they forward certificates from their respective islands to ensure that each AS has a full set. To increase the chance that ASes in small islands have a diligent neighbor, they also collect authenticators for each other and periodically audit each other's log.
There are two ways to configure a monitor [29]. A proxying monitor interposes on all BGP connections of its local AS. When it receives a BGP message from a local border router, it sends an equivalent BGP-A message to the remote BGP-A speaker (or monitor) and vice versa. A mirroring monitor snoops on the existing control connections, e.g., using a port replicator, the BGP monitoring protocol [31], or additional BGP sessions. Whenever it sees an outgoing message on the legacy BGP connection, it sends a BGP-A message with the same information over a separate connection to the neighbor's BGP-A speaker or monitor.
Mirroring monitors are safer because the routers do not depend on them. If a monitor fails, the routers can still send or receive routing updates via BGP and normal operation is not affected. On the other hand, mirroring monitors allow inconsistencies between the updates sent via BGP and BGP-A. Consider a case where a misconfigured or faulty router advertises some route A to its monitor and a different route B to the adjacent AS. The monitor would record route A in the tamper-evident log, and the AS could not be held accountable for route B.
To address this case, mirroring monitors maintain a third RIB for each peering point, which we will call inRIB-BGP. The inRIB contains the routes advertised via BGP-A as before, while the inRIB-BGP contains the routes received over the monitor's BGP sessions. Normally the two are identical; the scenario described earlier would manifest itself as an inconsistency between inRIB and inRIB-BGP in two adjacent ASes. Thus, an inconsistency cannot go undetected; however, an auditor cannot decide whether an inconsistency between inRIB and inRIB-BGP is caused by the audited AS or by its neighbor, and therefore must suspect both. Because BGP neighbors have a business relationship, they can be expected to swiftly sort out a demonstrated inconsistency between their advertised routes.
Market forces: The first adopters of NetReview are likely to be large ISPs, such as tier-1 and tier-2 ASes, who tend to adopt new routing technology and best practices early. As a result, their routing performance is often excellent. These ASes can demonstrate their excellent performance by offering fault detection as a value-added service to their customers and thus distinguish themselves from the competition.
Once fault detection is on the market, competitors are encouraged to measure up by offering the service themselves. Thus, small islands of participants emerge. At this point, when a fault is caused by a non-participant, the participants can handle any complaints by proving that they are not the cause, and by tracing the problem to a non-participant just outside the island's perimeter, who must then handle the complaint. This creates an incentive for ASes to be inside the perimeter, and thus causes the islands to expand and the gaps between them to shrink.
Note that this approach works for NetReview because, unlike secure routing protocols like S-BGP, it is effective even in a small deployment of just a few ASes.
Root-cause analysis: As an additional benefit, participant ASes can use the fault detection system to diagnose faults even if the cause is in a non-participating AS. Since non-participants do not sign messages, do not maintain tamper-evident logs, and do not reveal any rules, we cannot guarantee that the diagnosis will always be accurate, and we cannot detect certain types of faults, such as policy violations. However, even an approximate diagnosis enables the AS to respond more effectively to faults.
Since non-participants do not have tamper-evident logs, we cannot directly apply auditing to find faults. Instead, we can use the participants' logs as a giant BGP looking glass that provides information about BGP updates from many vantage points. There are several proposed systems that can use this data to diagnose faults [10,13,21,32]. In fact, because NetReview records a history of past states, it provides even more information than existing systems need; this could be used to develop even more powerful systems.
For each deployment size, we simulated 10,000 trials as follows: we randomly picked an AS and calculated the shortest path to a random other AS using the Gao-Rexford conditions, then we picked a random AS on that path as the faulty AS and measured the number of candidates. We report averages over all 10,000 trials.
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Figure 5: Fault localization under partial deployment. Shown is the average number of ASes that could have caused an observed failure. |
In both cases, the average number of candidates starts at four (the average AS path length on the Internet). However, if the ASes with the most neighbors deploy NetReview first, the average decreases much more rapidly and reaches perfect localization with only a 15% deployment. The reason is that there are only about 12-15 tier-1 ASes; once these have deployed NetReview, faults can already be localized to one half of the path. 85% of the ASes in the Internet do not have customers of their own; once the other 15% participate, faults can be localized to one of them or to one of their customers.
This result shows that early adopters of a fault detection system like NetReview can derive considerable benefits from it; a deployment that includes the 0.1% highest-degree ASes would already be able to double the accuracy of its diagnoses. In contrast, fault prevention systems like S-BGP are only effective when they are already widely deployed.
Technically, it is not difficult to fetch the logs from multiple ASes and to evaluate rules over multiple RIBs. However, routing policies are typically pair-wise confidential; thus, the check would have to be performed by a mutually trusted auditor. An alternative method to detect such policy conflicts, proposed in [15], is to have ASes annotate BGP advertisements with a history in a manner that preserves the privacy of the routing policies. Because NetReview records and publishes histories of BGP advertisements as part of its regular operation, this technique can be readily applied.
For example, suppose AS B advertises route ``B C'' to AS A but instead forwards A's traffic to AS D. If D passively monitors the traffic received from B, D can observe that A's packets are misrouted. D can add this observation to its log, and any auditors can thus obtain evidence of a data-plane inconsistency between B and D.
However, NetReview could easily be adapted to cover intra-domain routing using a separate, private record. ASes could then perform internal audits to discover misconfigurations or compromised routers in their internal network, even when these routers have not (yet) caused a routing problem that would be visible to a neighbor.
AudIt [2] can determine which ASes are losing or delaying packets on the data plane. However, AudIt can only reveal the symptoms of a malfunctioning control plane, whereas control-plane fault detection can perform diagnosis.
Prevention: Secure routing protocols [20,22,33,34] can ensure that (i) a route advertisement originates from the legitimate origin AS and that (ii) the AS-path of a route advertisement has not been modified or forged. On the one hand, secure routing protocols can prevent certain types of faults, whereas NetReview can only detect them; on the other hand, NetReview covers a larger class of faults, including policy violations (such as a faulty AS redistributing routes from one upstream provider to another), it can localize faults, and it provides incentives to avoid them. Perhaps more importantly, secure routing protocols do not provide appreciable benefits until many (if not all) ASes have adopted them, which explains in part why they have not yet been deployed, whereas NetReview is effective even in small deployments.
N-BGP [29] uses trusted hardware to enforce a BGP safety specification for individual routers. Unlike N-BGP, NetReview does not require trusted hardware and it produces evidence of faults that can be verified by third parties. Moreover, NetReview is designed to check an entire AS's operation, not only against a safety specification but also against the AS's routing policy as specified in its peering agreements.
AIP [1] is a clean-slate redesign of IP that, among other things, would greatly simplify the deployment of a secure routing protocol. However, even if AIP were to replace IP entirely, it would be subject to the limitations of secure routing protocols described above.
Accountability: NetReview's tamper-evident log is based on the log in PeerReview [17], a general accountability framework for distributed systems. However, NetReview goes beyond PeerReview, which is based on assumptions that do not hold in interdomain routing. For example, PeerReview requires a certificate authority, it cannot operate in a partial deployment, it cannot protect the business secrets of ISPs, and it detects neither policy violations nor any other condition that involves more than one router.
2 In Section 3.9, we describe how the auditor can verify that the rules are genuine.
3 A notable exception is age-based tie breaking. We handle this by including the age of each route in the RIBs.
4 The use of a distributed snapshot algorithm such as [6] could avoid this problem, but it would require changes to the ISPs' internal route distribution mechanism.
5 The interval sizes we use are worst-case values for a mirroring monitor (mainly due to MRAI timers). Much smaller intervals would suffice if the monitor is attached via port replicators or BMP [31].
6 The processing time varies considerably because some one-second intervals contain many updates, while others contain none at all.
7 Prefixes used for IP anycast [26] require special handling because they may be owned by multiple ASes simultaneously.