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PRESTO is an acronym for PREdictive STOrage.
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While not essential for our discussion, we present the general Box-Jenkins seasonal model for sake of completeness. The general model of order $ (p, d, q) \times (P, D, Q)_S$ is given by the equation

$\displaystyle \Phi_P(B^S)\cdot \phi_p(B)\cdot (1-B)^d(1-B^S)^DX_t = \theta_q(B)\Theta_Q(B^S)e_t$ (1)

where $ B$ is the backward operator such that $ B^iX_t = X_{t-i}$, $ S$ is the seasonal period, $ \theta$, $ \Theta$ are parameters of the model, and $ e_t$ is the prediction error.
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Since the seasonal period is set to one day, this amounts to a retraining after each season.