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9.1.2 Use of OSPFScan for Detailed Analysis

In this section, we touch on ways in which the OSPFScan has been used for analyzing long-term behavior of OSPF. For both the networks where the monitor is deployed, in addition to archiving all LSAs, we also archive topology snapshots and LSAG message logs. Furthermore, we use the OSPFScan to extract change LSAs, topology change records and to compute routing tables for each router, grouped by 24-hour intervals. All this data (raw and change LSAs, topology change records, routing tables, topology snapshots, and LSAG message logs) forms the data repository for the OSPFScan analysis. Although there is a redundancy (raw LSAs are sufficient to construct all other forms of data), we have found that keeping the derived data greatly assists interactive analysis of OSPF behavior. To illustrate, suppose a user is interested in analyzing how the path between two end-points evolved over time. It is much faster to automatically compute paths between two end-points using the routing table data than to construct the paths from raw LSAs.

Specific illustrations of the OSPFScan usage include:

Duplicate LSA analysis: The LSA traffic analysis in the enterprise network by the OSPFScan [7] revealed excessive duplicate LSA traffic. For some OSPF areas, the duplicate LSA traffic formed 33% of the overall LSA traffic. Subsequent analysis led to the root-cause of the excessive traffic and preventative measures, details of which can be found in [7].

Change LSA statistics: The SPF calculation on Cisco routers is paced by two timers [20]: (i) spf-delay, which specifies how long OSPF waits between receiving a topology change and starting an SPF computation; and (ii) spf-holdtime, which determines the lag between two successive SPF computations. In order to reduce OSPF convergence time, it is desirable to decrease these timers to small values; however, reducing these values too much can lock the routers into performing excessive SPF calculations, possibly destabilizing the network. Analysis of the inter-arrival time of change LSAs in the network can help administrators configure these timers to ``good'' values. The network administrators of the ISP network have done precisely this. To facilitate the process, we built a web-site on top of the change LSA repository, providing statistics such as minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation and empirical CDF of inter-arrival times of change LSAs over a given time period and for a given LSA type.
Availability analysis: Assessing reliability and availability of intra-domain routing is crucial for deploying new services and associated service assurances into the network. OSPF monitor data has proved very useful in answering questions such as: what is the mean down-time and mean service-time for links and routers in the network at the IP level? Again, we created a web-site to answer such questions for the ISP network. The site relies on the topology change records stored in the repository.
Use of OSPF routing tables: For each router, the routing table archive contains the entire history of routing tables across the measurement interval (e.g., several months or longer). This data is being used by the ISP network engineering teams to determine and analyze end-to-end paths within the network at any instance of time, to correlate OSPF routing changes with I-BGP updates seen in the network [18], and to analyze how OSPF events impact the traffic flow within the network by correlating this data with active probing.

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aman shaikh