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L. Breslau, P. Cao, L. Fan, G. Phillips, and S. Shenker. "Web Caching and Zipf-like Distributions: Evidence and Implications." IEEE INFOCOM 1999, New York NY, Mar 1999.
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M. Castro, P. Druschel, A. Ganesh, A. Rowstron, and D. Wallach. "Secure Routing for Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks." OSDI 2002, Boston MA, Dec 2002.
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M. Castro, P. Druschel, C. Hu, and A. Rowstron. "Exploiting Network Proximity in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks." Technical Report MSR-TR-2002-82, Microsoft Research, May 2002.
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E. Cohen and H. Kaplan. "Proactive Caching of DNS Records: Addressing a Performance Bottleneck." SAINT 2001, San Diego CA, Jan 2001.
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E. Cohen and S. Shenker. "Replication Strategies in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks." ACM SIGCOMM 2002, Pittsburgh PA, Aug 2002.
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R. Cox, A. Muthitacharoen, and R. Morris. "Serving DNS using a Peer-to-Peer Lookup Service." IPTPS 2002, Cambridge MA, Mar 2002.
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F. Dabek, F. Kaashoek, D. Karger, R. Morris, and I. Stoica. "Wide-Area Cooperative Storage with CFS." ACM SOSP 2001, Banff Alberta, Canada, Oct 2001.
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A. Gupta, B. Liskov, R. Rodrigues. "One Hop Lookups for Peer-to-Peer Overlays." HotOS 2003. Lihue HI, May 2003.
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N. Harvey, M. Jones, S. Saroiu, M. Theimer, and A. Wolman. "SkipNet: A Scalable Overlay Network with Practical Locality Properties.", USITS 2003, Seattle WA, Mar 2003.
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J. Jung, E. Sit, H. Balakrishnan, and R. Morris. "DNS Performance and Effectiveness of Caching." ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop 2001, San Francisco CA, Nov 2001.
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F. Kaashoek and D. Karger. "Koorde: A Simple Degree-Optimal Distributed Hash Table." IPTPS 2003, Berkeley CA, Feb 2003.
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D. Malkhi, M. Naor, and D. Ratajczak. "Viceroy: A Scalable and Dynamic Emulation of the Butterfly." ACM PODC 2002, Monterey CA, Aug 2002.
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P. Maymounkov and D. Maziéres. "Kademlia: A Peer-to-peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric." IPTPS 2002, Cambridge MA, Mar 2002.
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G. Plaxton, R. Rajaraman, and A. Richa. "Accessing nearby copies of replicated objects in a distributed environment." Theory of Computing Systems, 32:241-280, 1999.
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M. Roussopoulos and M. Baker. "CUP: Controlled Update Propagation in Peer-to-Peer Networks." USENIX 2003 Annual Technical Conference, San Antonio TX, Jun 2003.
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S. Ratnasamy, P. Francis, M. Hadley, R. Karp, and S. Shenker. "A Scalable Content-Addressable Network." ACM SIGCOMM 2001, San Diego CA, Aug 2001.
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A. Rowstorn and P. Druschel. "Pastry: Scalable, Decentralized Object Location and Routing for Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems." IFIP/ACM Middleware 2001, Heidelberg, Germany, Nov 2001.
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A. Rowstorn and P. Druschel. "Storage Management and Caching in PAST, a Large-Scale Persistent Peer-to-Peer Storage Utility." ACM SOSP 2001, Banff Alberta, Canada, Oct 2001.
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I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Karger, F. Kaashoek, and H. Balakrishnan. "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications." ACM SIGCOMM 2001, San Diego CA, Aug 2001.
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R. Tewari, M. Dahlin, H. Vin, and J. Kay. "Design Considerations for Distributed Caching on the Internet." ICDCS 1999, Austin TX, Jun 1999.
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U. Wieder and M. Naor. "A Simple Fault Tolerant Distributed Hash Table." IPTPS 2003, Berkeley CA, Feb 2003.
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H. Zhang, A. Goel, and R. Govindan. "Incrementally Improving Lookup Latency in Distributed Hash Table Systems." SIGMETRICS 2003, San Diego CA, Jun 2003.
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B. Zhao, L. Huang, J. Stribling, S. Rhea, A. Joseph, and J. Kubiatowicz. "Tapestry: A Resilient Global-scale Overlay for Service Deployment." IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, JSAC, 2003.
Venugopalan Ramasubramanian