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CMC Overview

CMC is an explicit model checker that directly executes a given protocol implementation. One way to understand the working of CMC is to consider it as a backtracking network simulator. Like any network simulator [25], CMC runs a protocol description along with a suitable environment that consists of a network model and a user model. Instead of using a simplified protocol description, CMC executes an actual implementation of the protocol (along the lines of [7]). As in a network simulator, CMC enables protocol behavior by triggering the events in the environment, such as network interrupts, timeouts, and user inputs.

However, the key difference between CMC and a network simulator is that CMC checkpoints the system state at specific points. This provides two important capabilities. First, CMC can backtrack to a previous state and explore a different sequence of events. In contrast, a network simulator is restricted to exploring a single event sequence determined by the initial random seed provided to the simulator. Second, CMC stores a signature of each checkpointed state in a hash table. By doing so, CMC avoids redundantly exploring a system state more than once. This is particularly helpful when exploring all event interleavings in the system.

CMC is implemented as a library that links with the C (or C++) implementation of the network protocol. CMC models a given system as one or more interacting processes. Each process can have one or more threads. A CMC process behaves in many respects like a normal operating system process; each process has its own copy of global variables, heap, and stacks for each of its threads. Processes do not share state, but communicate with each other through a region of shared memory. CMC along with all the process in the system run as a single operating system process. Internally, each process is implemented as one or more user space threads.

The notions of processes and threads provide a straightforward way to model network protocols. Each process models a node in the network and executes the implementation of the protocol. If the implementation is multithreaded (as is the case with the Linux TCP implementation), a CMC process can allocate a thread for each threads of execution in the implementation. The processes can communicate with each other using a network modeled using the shared memory region.

A user has to perform the following tasks before a protocol can be model checked. First, the protocol implementation should run as a closed system in a CMC process. Typically, this involves extracting the protocol specific parts from an implementation and providing stubs or support functions to close the system. This task is necessary for unit-testing the protocol implementation, or to execute the implementation as is in a network simulator [7].

Second, the user specifies the nondeterminism in the system. This allows CMC to explore multiple executions from a single state. In most cases, this involves calling special functions in the CMC library. For instance, CMC provides a send() function that nondeterministically drops any packet sent to the network. As a result, CMC explores two possible executions for every packet; one in which the packet is sent to the network, and the other in which the packet is dropped.

Third, the user provides some correctness properties about the protocol. The user specifies these properties as invariants implemented as boolean functions (in C), which CMC evaluates at each state during state space exploration. For instance, a user can provide a function that checks if a TCP implementation reduces the congestion window in response to a packet loss.

Given an appropriate system that includes the protocol implementation, CMC systematically enumerates the possible states of the system. The system state includes the state of all processes and the state of the shared memory region. The state of process consists of the contents of all the global variables, the heap, and the stacks (and register contents) of all the threads in the process.

CMC starts from the initial state of the system, and recursively generates all its successors. From each state, CMC executes a transition to generate a successor state. A transition roughly corresponds to the handling of a protocol event, such a packet reception or a timeout, by some thread of a process in the system. Due to nondeterminism in the system, there can be more than one transition possible from a state, each potentially leading to a different successor state.

The state space is prohibitively large for most non-trivial systems. As a result, it is impossible to enumerate all possible states of a given system with limited resources. While not able to provide absolute guarantees about a given protocol implementation, CMC focuses on exploring as many different protocol behaviors as possible before running out of resources (§5).

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Madanlal Musuvathi 2004-03-03