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Checking Implementation Robustness

A TCP implementation should be robust against malformed packets sent by a misbehaving peer. Ideally, we would like to send all possible packets at each implementation state and ensure that the implementation handles them satisfactorily. However, this requires trying a prohibitively large number of transitions (exponential in the size of the packet) at every state. Also, most of the packets thus generated will be invalid TCP packets that will be dropped after a few simple checks.

We overcome this problem by generating well-formed TCP packets that are only slightly different from normal packets expected in a particular state. The system consists of two (well-behaved) TCP implementations communicating over an adversarial network. Apart from losing, reordering and duplicating packets, the network can slightly mutate a packet when it is received by the implementation. Mutating a packet includes toggling the control bits in the packet and pruning the packet data to generate very small packets. After performing the mutation, the network ensures that the packet is still well-formed by recomputing the checksum and appropriately modifying the sequence numbers whenever it toggles the SYN and FIN control bits in the packet.

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Madanlal Musuvathi 2004-03-03