International Workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling (WiTMeMo '05)
In conjunction with MobiSys '05
June 5, 2005
Seattle, Washington, USA
Paper submissions due: March 17, 2005 Deadline Extended!
Notification of acceptance: April 18, 2005
Camera-ready final papers due: May 10, 2005
General Chair:
Kang G. Shin, University of Michigan, USA
Steering Committee Chair:
Victor Bahl, Microsoft Research, USA
Workshops Chair:
Apratim Purakayastha, IBM Research, USA
WiTMeMo Workshop Co-Chairs:
Maria Papadopouli, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dina Papagiannaki, Intel Research Cambridge
WiTMeMo Workshop Program Committee:
Mary Baker, HP Labs
Suman Banerjee, University of WisconsinMadison
Andrew Campbell, Columbia University
Paul Castro, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Christophe Diot, Intel Research
Tristan Henderson, Dartmouth College
Felix Hernandez-Campos, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Xiaoqiao Meng, University of California, Los Angeles
Maria Papadopouli, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Konstantina Papagiannaki, Intel Corporation
Pablo Rodriguez, Microsoft Research Ltd, Cambridge
Haipeng Shen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Suresh Singh, Portland State University
Leandros Tassiulas, University of Thessaly
Mark Yarvis, Intel Corporation
The rapid deployment of wireless infrastructures in various
environments triggers new applications and services that in turn
generate a richer set of traces for analysis. There is a need for
more realistic models of traffic, mobility, and association patterns.
This can be beneficial in capacity planning, administration, and
deployment of wireless infrastructures, protocol design for wireless
applications and services, and their performance analysis.
The Wireless Traffic Measurements and Modeling Workshop is intended to
serve as a forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry
to exchange and discuss their experiences and research results about
all aspects of measurements and modeling of applications, usage,
access, load, and mobility in wireless networks. It will also initiate
discussions on how to use these models to improve the performance of
wireless networks. Furthermore, it aims in enhancing and accelerating
the process of sharing traces, implementations, and test suites.
In this workshop, we would like to solicit short papers (6 pages) that
report on experiences obtained from operational wireless experiments
in testbeds or the field. We will use the EDAS system for the paper
submission. We plan to get industrial sponsorship to support a best
paper and presentation award and a keynote speaker. Along with regular
presentations we plan to have speakers and/or panel discussions that
encourage more active participation of the attendees.
Topics of particular interest include but are not limited to:
- Methods for collecting and analyzing measurements in different wireless environments (infrastructures, sensor networks)
- Workload characterization and traffic analysis
- User mobility modeling
- Software tools in support of measurements
- Measurement-based inference of network properties (for normal or abnormal behavior, network topology, hot spots)
- Design of monitoring systems, sampling methods, and anomaly detection
- Temporal and spatial evolution of wireless networks
- Evaluation of forecasting algorithms for wireless traffic load
- Comparative analysis on different wireless networks
- Techniques for improving the repeatability of tests
Submission Guidelines
Papers should be submitted via EDAS. Submissions should be no more than
six 8.5"x11" pages, including figures, tables, and references,
two-column format, using 10-point type or greater. Please be aware that
all submissions should allow for double-blind reviewing. This
means that the authors will not know the identity of the program
committee members and referees who review the paper, nor will the
program committee members and referees know the identity of the authors.
As an author, please preserve the anonymity of your submission by
removing the author names and any possible references that may reveal
your identity.
MobiSys and its workshops, like most conferences and journals, require
that papers not be submitted simultaneously to any other conference or
publication, that submissions not have been published previously, and
that accepted papers not be subsequently published elsewhere without
acknowledgement of the original publication. Papers accompanied by
nondisclosure agreement forms are not acceptable and will be returned to
the author(s) unread. All submissions will be held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.
Registration Materials
Complete program and registration
information for MobiSys '05 and its workshops will be available in March 2005 on the conference Web
site. The information will be in both HTML and a printable PDF file.
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