Workshop 1: AFS
Coordinators: Esther Filderman, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Derrick
Brashear, Carnegie Mellon University, and Ted McCabe, MIT
This workshop for experienced AFS administrators will be a mix of papers
presented by willing participants and active discussion about work currently
being done, issues in AFS administration, and issues relating to IBM-AFS,
OpenAFS, and Arla.
Participation is limited to 35 people. Writing or presenting a paper is not
required, but a willingness to participate actively in the workshop is
essential. For information about the workshop and how to apply to participate,
please see the AFS Workshop page at
Workshop 2: Best
Practices in Intrusion Detection and Incident Response
Coordinators: Tom Perrine, San Diego Supercomputer Center, and Pat Wilson,
University of California at San Diego
We'll gather to discuss enterprise-level intrusion detection/incident response
strategies, with an eye towards producing a document outlining best practices.
To register for this workshop, please send mail to with a short
description of your site's size/scope and the IDS/IR mechanisms you have in
place (overview only).
Workshop 3:
Teaching System Administration
Coordinators: John Sechrest, PEAK, Inc., and Curt Freeland, University of
Notre Dame
The focus of the workshop is the implementation of the course framework
developed at the USENIX System Administration Education Workshop at LISA '99.
Participants will work toward the development of course materials (syllabus,
lectures, labs, homework problems, and exams) suitable for use in a
college-level course on system administration.
This one-day workshop will focus on group discussions of course materials,
collaboration, taxonomy, and learning objectives in the context of teaching
system administration courses.
Participants will be current and potential instructors of university-level
system administration courses, corporate training coordinators, and senior
system administrators with an interest in this topic.
To register for this workshop, please send email with a short description of
your background in teaching system administration to
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Workshop 4: cfengine
Coordinator: Mark Burgess, Oslo University College
This workshop is an opportunity to discuss cfengine's development, new
technologies, and all projects related to cfengine. Attendance at the workshop
will be limited to about 30. Priority will be given to those who submit a brief
written proposal for a topic for discussion.
The format of the workshop will be a brief presentation, followed by discussion.
The aim is for each presenter to take responsibility for their topic and to
write a short summary paper for a workshop proceedings which will be published
on the Web. Sample topics:
- Overview of cfengine 2
- Public key infrastructures
- Documentation projects
- Configuration repository
- Front ends for cfengine
- Configuration methods
- Enterprise-level management
- Intrusion detection tie-in (snort, etc.)
To register for the workshop, send your proposal to Be sure to visit the workshop
Web site at
Workshop 5:
Coordinators: Cat Okita, Earthworks, and Tom Limoncelli, Lumeta Corp
Finding yourself doing more "supervisor" stuff? Need help? Many system
administrators find themselves managing other system administrators, either
officially or unofficially. The more experienced sysadmins become, the more
likely it is that they will be asked to do "management" things. In this
workshop, attendees will describe real management situations and will discuss
ways of handling these situations, with particular attention to issues specific
to managing system administrators. Both old-timers and new managers will find it
useful to attend. The format will be facilitated discussion. In order to promote
frank speech, we'd like to encourage a "one employee per company or division"
To register for this workshop, please send email with a short description of
your management background to
Workshop 6:
Taxonomy of System Administration
Cooordinator: Rob Kolstad, Delos Enterprises
This year's LISA taxonomy workshop will extend the work on the grid of almost
1,500 administration activities created since last year's workshop. A summary of
progress since the last workshop will be given, then participants will discuss
the next actions to create the System Administration Book of Knowledge,
the current implementation of Geoff Halprin's initial taxonomy. If history is
any indicator, the morning will be presentations, philosophy discussions, and
debates, while the afternoon will include creation of prototypes and mechanisms
to enable distributed updates of the next document (or whatever the next step is
determined to be). To register, please send a short (~3 sentences) statement to