Technical Sessions
Wed., Dec. 6 |
Thurs., Dec. 7 |
Fri., Dec. 8 |
Guru Is In
All in one file
Get the Solutions from the Experts
Have a question that's been bothering you? Try asking a guru! Experts from the USENIX and SAGE community will be available to spark controversy and answer questions. These are informal discussions among participants, one more way to transmit information at the conference.
If you would like
to volunteer your expertise, please contact Lee Damon at
Wednesday, December 5, 2001
11:00 am-12:30 pm
Gerald Carter, Hewlett-Packard
Gerald Carter has been a member of the SAMBA Team since 1998
and is employed by Hewlett-Packard. He is currently working on
a guide to LDAP for system administrator's with O'Reilly
Publishing. He holds a master's degree in computer science
from Auburn University where he was also previously
employed as a network and systems administrator. Gerald
has published articles with various web based magazines such
as Linuxworld, and has authored instructional course for companies
such as Linuxcare. In addition to this, he acted as the lead
author of "Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" by Sams Publishing.
2:00 pm-3:30 pm
Esther Filderman, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, and Garry Zacheiss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Note: this will be a joint session.
Having worked for Carnegie Mellon University since 1988 Esther
has been working with AFS since it's toddlerhood, and is currently
a Senior Systems Mangler and AFS administrator for the Pittsburgh
Supercomputing Center. Esther has been helping to bring AFS content
to LISA conferences for four years. Garry Zacheiss has spent three years working for MIT Information Systems doing both development and systems administration. As a member of the Athena Server Operations team, he works on maintaining and expanding the AFS cells used by Athena, MIT's Academic Computing Environment, as well as enhancing Moira, MIT's host and user account management system.
Infrastructure Architecture
4:00 pm-5:30 pm
Steve Traugott, TerraLuna, LLC
Steve helped pioneer the term "Infrastructure Architecture",
and has worked towards industry acceptance of this "SysAdmin++"
career track for the last several years. He is a consulting
Infrastructure Architect, and publishes tools and techniques for
automated systems administration. His deployments have ranged from
financial trading floors and NASA supercomputers to web farms and
growing startups.
Thursday, December 6, 2001
9:00 am-10:30 am
Greg Rose, QUALCOMM, Inc.
Greg Rose is a Principal Engineer for QUALCOMM International, based in
Australia, where he works on cryptographic security and authentication for
third-generation mobile phones and other technologies. He holds a number of
patents for cryptographic methods and has successfully cryptanalyzed widely
deployed ciphers.
Writing Papers for Usenix Refereed Track
11:00 am-12:30 pm
Tom Limoncelli, Lumeta
Thomas A. Limoncelli is a Unix sysadmin and network administrator,
author, and activist. He has had many papers accepted by LISA and
has presented many Invited Talks and recently co-authored a book
with Christine Hogan titled "The Practice of System and Network
Administration", which is now in stores. He has served on the LISA
Program Committee many times, including two years as Invited Talks
Co-Chair. He is currently the Director of Operations at Lumeta
Corporation in Somerset, New Jersey USA.
2:00 pm-3:30 pm
W. Curtis Preston, Storage Designs
Curtis is the owner of Storage Designs, a consulting company
dedicated entirely to selecting, designing, implementing, auditing,
and educating people about storage systems. Curtis has nine years
experience designing storage systems for many environments, both
large and small. He has developed a number of freely available
tools, including ones that perform live backups of Oracle, Informix,
and Sybase. Curtis is the administrator of the NetBackup, and NetWorker
FAQs. He is also the author of O'Reilly's "UNIX Backup &
Recovery," and "Using SANs & NAS," as well as a monthly column in and SysAdmin magazines.
Friday, December 7, 2001
Sysadmin for Suits
9:30 am-10:30 am
Bill Labrie, American Express
Bill has spent 5 years at American Express as both a sysadmin
and a lead of sysadmins. He is currently the lead over a group of
8 NT, AIX, and Solaris admins. In the last 18 months he has helped his group rise from a beaten-down and overworked group to one that is virtually setting standards for service as well as
driving changes in the management of systems throughout the
company. He will lead a discussion of the special challenges faced by UNIX admins in a large-scale corporate atmosphere.
Email MTAs
11:00 am-12:30 pm
Eric Allman, Sendmail, Inc.
Eric is the original author of sendmail. He is the author of
syslog, tset, the -me nroff macros, and trek. He was the chief
programmer on the INGRES database management project, designed
database user and application interfaces at Britton Lee, and
contributed to the Ring Array Processor project at the International
Computer Science Institute. He is a former member of the USENIX
Board of Directors.
Computer Room Design/Layout
2:00 pm-3:30 pm
Adam Moskowitz
Adam Moskowitz has designed, built, and overhauled computer
rooms ("data centers") for such companies as Open Market, Genome
Therapeutics, and LION Bioscience Research; he has also designed
and built high-density compute clusters for companies including
Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Biogen. Adam has over 20 years experience
as a programmer and systems architect, has sat on several LISA and
USENIX program committees, and is the coordinator of the LISA Advanced
Topics Workshop.