Call for Papers
Conference Overview
Important Dates
Conference Organizers
Conference Topics
Technical Track and Symposia
Tutorials, Invited Talks, Workshops, WIPs, and BOFs
Paper Submissions
Call for Papers in PDF Format
Program Chair
Mark Burgess, Oslo University College
Program Committee
Eric Anderson, Univ. California, Berkeley
William Annis, University of Wisconsin
Alva Couch, Tufts University
Emmett Hogan, Certainty Solutions
Adam Moskowitz, Menlo Computing
Phil Scarr, Certainty Solutions
John Sellens, Certainty Solutions
Jon Stearley, Univ. New Mexico
Sigmund Straumsnes, Oslo University College
Ozan S. Yigit, Sun Microsystems
Invited Talks Coordinators
Esther Filderman, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Tom Limoncelli, Lumeta Corp.
Network/Security Track Coordinators
Cat Okita, Earthworks
Tom Perrine, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Workshop Coordinator
Pat Wilson, Univ. California, San Diego
The Guru Is In Coordinator
Lee Damon, University of Washington
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