LISA '10 Call for Participation
Possible Topics for Authors and Speakers
Technical Challenges
- Authentication and authorization: "Single sign-on" technologies, identity management
- Autonomic computing: Self-repairing systems, zero administration systems, fail-safe design
- Computer-human interaction
- Configuration management: Specification languages, configuration deployment
- Cloud computing: Managing and deploying your applications in the cloud
- Data center design: Modern methods, upgrading old centers
- Data management: DBMS management systems, deployment architectures and methods, real world performance
- Email and messaging: Messaging protocols and infrastructures, spam prevention
- Grid computing: Management of grid fabrics and infrastructure
- Hardware: Multicore processor ramifications
- Mobile computing: Supporting and managing laptops and remote communications
- Multiple platforms: Integrating and supporting multiple platforms (e.g., Linux, Windows, Macintosh)
- Networking: New technologies, network management
- Security: Malware and virus prevention, security technologies and procedures, response to cyber attacks targeting individuals
- Standards: Enabling interoperability of local and remote services and applications
- Storage: New storage technologies, remote filesystems, backups, scaling
- Web 2.0 technologies: Using, supporting, and managing wikis, blogs, and other (collaboration) tools in Web 2.0 space
- Virtualization: Managing and configuring virtualized resources
Professional Challenges
- Budgeting: Definitions and methods
- Communication: Tools and procedures for improving communication between administrators and users, distribution organizations, or teams
- Consolidation: Merging and standardizing infrastructures and procedures
- Devolution: Managing dependence on devolved services (calendars, mail, Web 2.0, etc.) and users
- Documenting: Tools and techniques to document your work
- Ethics: Common dilemmas and outcomes
- Flexibility: Responding effectively to changes in technology and business demands
- In-house development: The (dis)advantages and pitfalls of in-house technology development
- Legislation: Security, privacy
- Management: The interface and transition between "technical" and "managerial"
- Metrics: Measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of technologies and procedures
- Outsourcing/offshoring system administration and system engineering: Is it possible?
- Proactive administration: Transitioning from a reactive culture
- Standardizing methodologies: Sharing best practice and lessons learned
- Training and staff development: Developing and retaining good system administrators; certifications
- User support: Systems and procedures for supporting users
This topic list should not be considered exhaustive. Good proposals
related to any important aspect of system and network administration
or engineering are always welcome. If you are unsure whether your topic
is appropriate, contact the Program Chair.
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