LISA '05 Paper
[LISA '05 Technical Program]
Towards a Deep-Packet-Filter Toolkit for Securing Legacy Resources
James Deverick and Phil Kearns - The College of
William and Mary
Pp. 237-248 of the Proceedings of LISA '05:
Nineteenth Systems Administration Conference, (San Diego, CA:
USENIX Association, December 2005).
Users of a network system often require access to legacy
resources. Providing this access is a difficult task for system
administrators because the access protocols for those resources are
typically insecure. A common approach is to develop a custom wrapper
or proxy that securely processes user requests before forwarding them
to the legacy server. The problem with this approach is that
administrators must develop a custom solution for every resource. We
believe that there are common requirements for managing these
resources that can be addressed from a more centralized model. The
userspace queuing extensions of the Netfilter firewall modules provide
a generic environment in which protocol-aware deep packet filters can
be constructed to enhance the security of resource access protocols.
We employ this environment to strengthen two commonly used legacy
protocols, and compare their requirements. We show that it is possible
to secure legacy resources with minimal degradation in performance. We
also discuss considerations for development of a deep packet filter
toolkit to aid system administrators in securely managing legacy
network resources.
It has been our experience that, for a variety of reasons,
production networks typically house several legacy resources. It may
be the case that an application critical to the users of a network is
no longer under active development, and no adequate substitute has
been found. If a newer solution is available, other factors such as
deployment cost or compatibility concerns may prevent its
installation. The result is that system administrators must provide
access to resources that employ inherently insecure protocols, a
concept in conflict with their responsibility to maintain the security
of the network and its resources.
By developing a way to manage these resources securely,
administrators can continue to provide the needed services without
endangering other components of the system or risking the integrity of
the resources themselves. Currently, the only way to achieve this is
to develop a custom environment in which to "wrap" each resource. No
toolkit or framework exists that allows administrators to secure
existing protocols with minimal effort. We believe that despite the
arbitrary complexity of a protocol, certain common requirements exist
for administrators that allow the development of such a toolkit.
As the basis for this toolkit, we employ the userspace queuing
extensions of the Netfilter firewall [17] distributed with the Linux
operating system. The processing capabilities provided by the
userspace extensions allow us to collect any information deemed
appropriate for a resource request before determining if the traffic
should be allowed to contact the server. We can delay, alter, or
reroute packets, interactively challenge authenticity, collect system
status information, or anything else dictated by the protocol and
administrative requirements of the resource at hand.
To illustrate both the power and flexibility of this approach, we
consider two common protocols and the weaknesses they contain. In both
cases, newer versions or extensions exist that address those problems,
but we assume that some other consideration such as cost or
compatibility prevents them from being deployed. This provides an
example of what we believe to be a common issue in typical network
system environments. Specifically, we discuss the lpr
line printer protocol as defined by RFC 1179 [9] and the Network File
System (NFS) protocol, version 3 [2]. Both of these systems provide
essential resources to users, yet neither provides any strong
authentication of those users.
Using the Netfilter userspace queuing extensions, we develop
strong user authentication for each of these protocols. In the case of
lpr, we employ public-key cryptography to ensure that
users can only submit print jobs under their own identities. This
prevents users from constructing raw print job control files in order
to print under a false identity, possibly bypassing quota enforcement.
Our technique also directly authenticates users, allowing
administrators to open the print server to outside domains, such as
wireless networks, providing users the ability to print securely from
their laptops. For the NFS example, we use symmetric-key challenge-response authentication to secure filesystem mount requests. In order
to mount a secured filesystem, a client must be in possession of the
current key and know the format of the challenge issued by the
firewall. This prevents unauthorized client machines from mounting
remote filesystems simply by pretending to be authorized hosts.
Both of our extensions significantly improve the security of the
original protocols, while introducing minimal overhead. They
demonstrate how two vastly different protocols can be secured by the
same basic technique, and suggest a set of tools that could be used by
administrators to secure legacy applications and protocols with
significantly less effort than is currently required.
Figure 1: Prototype testbed.
Design Goals
Faced with the problems of securing and managing legacy resources
in a network, we define the following requirements for a useful
Neither client nor server components of any application should require
modification to take advantage of the features we provide. Many
existing approaches, such as application proxies, are not always
feasible since they require application code to be rewritten or
The solution must be generic enough to support any application with
minimal overhead. Each application will impose different requirements
on the solution. It should allow administrators to develop complex
management systems without developing entire filtering applications
from scratch.
The system must be able to adapt to changing conditions in the
environment, adjusting its filtering behavior accordingly. For
example, depending upon application requirements, traffic from
authenticated clients might not need to be filtered for a given period
of time.
General Related Work
Because we deal with protocol-specific traffic filtering, the most
relevant existing work relates to deep packet filtering [7].
Several authors have acknowledged that the basic address/protocol-based
filtering provided by traditional firewalls is not sufficient
for many applications. In cases where filtering requirements are tied
directly to a given protocol, stock firewalls are not appropriate.
Instead, a filter that examines protocol-specific information
contained in the packet payloads provides the required service.
Because deep packet filtering incurs a higher cost than traditional
header-based filtering, much of the research attention has been paid
to improving performance of these filters, even via hardware solutions
[4, 6, 18]. Very recently, it has been suggested [5] that forthcoming
firewalls must include some level of deep packet filtering capability,
due to the increasing number of application-level attacks. We agree,
and the toolkit we develop is an essential step toward integrating
these protocol-aware filtering capabilities in commonly existing
software-based firewalls.
Here we describe two prototypical applications chosen to
demonstrate the capabilities of our technique. Each is exemplary of
different components of the system interacting with different
protocols. Both of them were implemented on a six machine testbed in a
secure laboratory [12]. Figure 1 illustrates the testbed layout. The
firewall separates two private subnets. On one subnet resides three
test clients that interact with a server residing on the other subnet.
They are connected by a path that travels through the firewall. This
is designed to emulate a typical setup in which a perimeter firewall
protects a server or set of servers from client traffic, whether it
originates from an internal network or an outside internet. We also
place a client-class machine on the server subnet to provide control
data for performance analysis. Since it is on the same subnet, the
control client need not traverse the firewall to interact with the
server. The machine is composed of the same hardware that constitutes
the other three clients. By running identical client-server
applications on the control client and the firewalled client, we can
derive the overhead imposed by our toolkit. Note that a second path
exists through which traffic could possibly travel from clients to
servers, but this connection is not a part of the testbed. It is used
for administrative purposes in the lab environment.
iptables has a modular extension interface that
allows developers to introduce additional features. One module
included in the distribution introduces a QUEUE target
that stores packets in a kernel data structure until they are
retrieved by a userspace daemon. This daemon can then analyze the
packet and its contents, and determine an appropriate course of action
using the resources provided to userspace programs. Figure 2
illustrates the components of a firewall system that uses this
approach. Since it allows us to implement more detailed packet
analysis than the built-in features of iptables, we
employ this module in the implementation of our deep packet filter
NFS Prototype Implementation
The Network File System [2] allows filesystems on a sever to be
exported over a network to multiple clients. Clients can mount the
filesystem, which then appears as part of the local directory
structure; network operations are transparent to the user as he
interacts with the remote files.
Figure 2: Packet filtering with userspace
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p TCP -s $CLNTNET --dport sunrpc --tcp-flags syn syn -j ACCEPT
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p TCP -s $CLNTNET --dport nfs --syn -j ACCEPT
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p TCP -s $SERVER --tcp-flags ack ack -j QUEUE
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p TCP -s $CLNTNET --dport sunrpc --tcp-flags ack ack -j QUEUE
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p TCP -s $CLNTNET --dport sunrpc --tcp-flags urg urg -j QUEUE
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p TCP -s $CLNTNET --dport sunrpc --tcp-flags fin fin -j ACCEPT
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p UDP -s $CLNTNET --dport sunrpc -j QUEUE
Figure 3: Initial ruleset for authenticated
Since the filesystems being exported to remote clients may contain
sensitive information, we must ensure that only authorized clients are
able to mount them. The stock implementations of NFS provide simple
host-based authentication by comparing the IP address of a client from
which a mount request originates against a table of pre-authorized
client addresses. To further increase security, some environments
employ client MAC address filtering at the network switch level.
Even in this case, however, a malicious user can gain unauthorized
access to the filesystem. He needs only to set manually the MAC
address for his network interface, configure his client with an
authorized IP address, and unplug a legitimate system. He can then
connect to the switch, replacing the connection of the system whose
MAC and IP addresses are being spoofed. By taking these steps, the
user presents a client to the system that, in most configurations of
the currently prevalent protocols, is indistinguishable from a valid,
authorized client. These considerations dictate the need for stronger
authentication of clients wishing to mount remote filesystems.
Related Work
Despite the presence of new, more secure, file sharing paradigms
[13, 3], traditional NFS is still widely used. Accordingly, some
attempts have been made to strengthen authentication in the NFS
protocol itself. Ashley, et al. [1] introduced role based access
control to the protocol. O'Shanahan [15] replaced the UID-based
authentication in NFS with a public-key cryptosystem. A less intrusive
modification was proposed by Goh, et al. [8]. In their system, the
client intercepts all filesystem operations and encrypts them on the
fly so that they are secure when stored on the server. The underlying
NFS structure isn't changed, but the data being stored within that
structure are modified transparently to the user. Our approach is
different in that no components of the system require modification of
any kind. Server and client daemon behavior is unchanged, as are the
data and metadata stored in the remote filesystem. The only component
we introduce is a client-side authentication daemon that responds to
challenges issued from the firewall during mount attempts. Assuming
that clients are not able to bypass the mount process, we gain a more
secure NFS environment. If, however, a client successfully guesses a
remote filehandle, it can modify the associated file by manually
constructing NFS packets and interacting directly with the server
daemon. Our approach, like any system that does not authenticate every
client-server interaction, cannot prevent this form of compromise.
Figure 5: Authenticated NFS service.
Connection Life Cycle
In order to challenge traffic destined for NFS mount daemons, we
must first learn the port at which those daemons are running. Since
the portmapper query for this information will always be destined for
the sunrpc port of the server, we can easily intercept
this traffic, remember that a client has requested this port
information, then allow the request to proceed.
Dynamic Rules
Our obligation to intercept any portmapper request defines the
initial iptables ruleset, illustrated in Figure 3.
When the server responds, we also intercept that information
before forwarding it to the client, and extract from the reply the
ports on which client's mount request will be made. We then inject a
new rule into the firewall that QUEUEs the client's
forthcoming mount request to the authentication daemon. The system can
handle requests from multiple clients simultaneously, provided that
the Netlink queue buffers do not overflow. If this occurs, packets are
dropped as though the firewall discarded them, or network congestion
Authentication Mechanism
We include an encrypted challenge-response scheme to authenticate
remote clients. When a client issues a mount request, it is
intercepted by the userspace daemon on the firewall and queued in a
data structure to be either accepted or dropped depending on the
result of the authentication process. The filtering daemon maintains a
state variable for each packet that records that packet's sequential
arrival order at the firewall. Since the value of this variable is
effectively unique for each packet over the lifetime of the system, we
can use it to key a data structure that records all unanswered
challenges. Our prototype uses a linked list to store this
information, allowing multiple simultaneous client connections. Figure
4 illustrates the structure of a single list node.
struct list_element
ipq_packet_msg_t *packet;
long packet_id;
long nonce;
struct list_element *prev;
struct list_element *next;
Figure 4: NFS packet queuing
The userspace daemon issues a challenge to the client consisting
of a symmetrically encrypted id-nonce pair, and waits in the
background for additional traffic to arrive. This traffic may be
another mount request that triggers the same process, lengthening the
queue, or it may be a client's response, determining the fate of the
mount request. The daemon can apply to a packet the same primitive
filtering targets as the kernel firewall. A library interface provided
by the queueing extension module described earlier provides these
targets, allowing the daemon to ACCEPT or
DROP a packet. If the client's response is satisfactory,
an ACCEPT verdict is issued on the original packet, and
the mount request is processed by the server. If not, then the packet
is dropped, and the server never sees the request. With encryption
keys pre-loaded on systems and restricted to root access, a malicious
user must successfully root-compromise a legitimate client to subvert
the protocol. Spoofing network addresses of any type is no longer
sufficient to gain access to the remote filesystem.
Assuming that authentication succeeds, the firewall simply
forwards all other NFS traffic between these two systems; no further
intervention is imposed until the session ends. Since unmount requests
are also processed by mountd, an authentication
challenge will be issued at this stage as well. This is a desirable
behavior, as it prevents an unauthorized user from unmounting a
filesystem from beneath a legitimate user. Figure 5 illustrates the
message passing in the authenticated system.
Host Failures
In the event that the server crashes, the client loses
connectivity with the remote file system, but only while the server is
down. Since authentication only happens during mounts, a reboot of the
server simply delays NFS calls until the reboot is complete. The
client does not have to remount the filesystem unless something
catastrophic enough to change the filehandle on the server side has
Should the client crash, all mount information is lost during the
reboot. the client will need to remount the remote filesystem,
requiring that the authentication process be repeated. The firewall
and server have no way of knowing that the client crashed, and
assuming that the mount request is legitimate would open the system to
To measure the performance overhead associated with the system, we
run benchmarks from two client machines and determine achieved
bandwidth in the filesystem. One client mounts the NFS share through
the firewall, while the control client resides on the same subnet and
has a locally switched connection to the server. Figure 1 illustrates
the distinction.
Measurements were taken using the IOZone Filesystem benchmark
suite [10]. First, a 32 MB file is written to the NFS share. The suite
records the amount of time required to write the file and calculates
the achieved bandwidth. A similar approach is used to measure reading
performance. We present benchmark results for sequential and random
writing and reading of records ranging from 2KB to 1024KB in a
randomly generated 32 MB file. Data are presented within 95%
confidence intervals generated from 30 independent measurements of the
system's performance.
The benchmark suite allows us to compensate for many caching
effects. We employ some of these features to present clearer results.
Between every test, the filesystem is unmounted; this clears the
filesystem buffer cache, and forces the next test to interact directly
with the filesystem instead of a faster cached copy. We also employ a
setting that flushes the processor caches between each test to ensure
that no data are cached locally during read tests.
It is important to note that the benchmarks measure achieved
bandwidth in the filesystem only after it is mounted. Time required to
mount and unmount the filesystem is not included the results. This
means that the authentication mechanisms used must be timed
separately. What we measure here is how much the presence of the
firewall between the client and server slows down normal operations.
First, we consider the slowdown imposed by the firewall on
sequential read and write operations. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the
performance difference between the firewalled and control clients. In
both cases, the slowdown is likely to be less than 1% for any record
size. We consider this a negligible amount of overhead.
Next, we examine the random read and write cases. Figure 8
illustrates another negligible slowdown. In this case, the worst
slowdown is just under 3%, with most cases falling well below 1%. The
only case in which we see a significant slowdown imposed by the
firewall is randomly reading records from the file, as illustrated in
Figure 9. Here, the extreme case imposes a slowdown of about 11%, with
most cases incurring a slowdown near 6%. Given that only one type of
operation incurs a significant slowdown, and that slowdown, on
average, is only about 6%, we argue that the overhead imposed by the
system is small enough to justify the additional security afforded by
our approach.
The time required to mount the remote filesystem, including the
encrypted authentication exchange, was 268 11
S on the
firewalled client. The control client, which has a direct connection
to the server and does not perform an authentication exchange, mounted
the filesystem in 16 0.2
S. Relative to the performance of the
control client, the firewall introduces significant overhead in mount
the remote filesystem. Note, however, that this overhead is
encountered only when the filesystem is mounted, and the real time
required to mount the directory is still extremely small. Amortized
over the lifetime of the directory mount, the overhead is
LPR Prototype Implementation
RFC 1179 [9] defines the widely used lpr printing
protocol. It contains no support for secure authentication of users.
In environments where printing is monitored
Figure 6: Firewall performance relative to control
client. Sequential read of 32MB file. 95% confidence
Figure 7: Firewall performance relative to control
client. Sequential write of 32MB file. 95% confidence
monitored or under quota enforcement, this issue is significant. It
means that a user can easily submit printing jobs under another user's
ID, thereby bypassing the cost associated with his job request. This
same issue complicates the matter of allowing authorized users to
print without restriction based on network topology. Ideally, an
associate of a department should be able to print to that department's
printers whether using his desktop workstation or his laptop from
home. Since, however, the protocol doesn't support strong
authentication of users, allowing such open access would certainly
result in numerous unauthorized printing requests.
Related Work
Many approaches exist to solve this problem. LPRng [16] introduced
a new implementation of the protocol that supports the RFC 1179
interface while providing additional functionality such as Kerberos
authentication [14] and public-key cryptography support. Most
Figure 8: Firewall performance relative to control
client. Random read of 32MB file. 95% confidence
Figure 9: Firewall performance relative to control
client. Random write of 32MB file. 95% confidence
secure printing protocols that conform to the lpr
specifications are extensions of LPRng. While this approach does solve
the authentication problems we outline, LPRng is only compatible with
UNIX-like operating environments. Windows clients, while capable of
printing to RFC 1179 lpr servers, do not understand the
extensions in LPRng. Accordingly, they cannot take advantage of the
authentication attributes provided by the implementation. We offer an
enhancement to the standard RFC 1179 protocol that requires no changes
on either the client or server side, yet still introduces a strong
authentication scheme.
A common approach to strengthening the security of a legacy
protocol is to tunnel all of its traffic through an encrypted channel,
usually with SSH. This does provide stronger security, but the degree
of improvement is highly application specific. In this case, it only
partially authenticates the user. An SSH tunnel authenticates the
connection, but not the use of the protocol at hand. Suppose a legacy
line printer system is protected by an SSH tunnel, through which end
users must forward jobs.
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p TCP -d $SERVER --dport printer -j QUEUE
Figure 10: Initial ruleset for authenticated
remote printing.
struct client_element
// together these should indicate a TCP connection
__u32 sourceip; //source address of client
__u16 sourceport; //origin port on client
ipq_packet_msg_t *syn; //syn packet for connection
//will challenge this
// timeouts are needed to allow reuse of ports
struct timeval lasttime; //last activity time
// authentication attributes
long nonce, id; //to prevent replay attacks
unsigned char user[32]; //username from challenge
//control file must match
int checked;
// RFC 1179 defines the command protocol
unsigned char current_command; //last level 1 cmd rec'd
// control file is subcommand 02 after "receive job"
unsigned char current_subcommand; //last level 2 cmd rec'd
long ctl_length, ctl_consumed; //ctl file length
long data_length, data_consumed; //data file length
int fin;
// list operators
struct client_element *prev, *next;
Figure 11: lpr packet queuing
The result is that only authorized users will be able to submit
jobs, but there is no enforcement that those jobs be submitted in the
correct name. A user may have an account on the system, allowing her
to establish an SSH tunnel to the print server, but nothing stops her
from submitting the job under false identification (as described
below) once that tunnel is in place. A similar property holds true for
any encryption or tunneling scheme, including virtual private networks
or IPSec tunnels. If the underlying protocol doesn't directly support
user-specific strong authentication, then secure channels do not
provide robust authentication in typical production environments.
RFC 1179 requires that clients submit a print job control file to
the server in order to process a new job. Contained in this control
file is the username of the entity submitting the job. The problem is
that this field in the control file is presented in cleartext. Nothing
prevents a malicious user from altering the contents of this file
before the job is submitted, thereby tricking the server into printing
the job under someone else's userid. The scheme that we offer forces
the user to demonstrate with very high probability that he or she is,
in fact, the user designated in the control file for the job being
Simply put, we intercept the TCP syn packet
associated with the connection to lpd, the print server
process, and delay it at the firewall until we receive a digitally
signed message from the client informing us of the owner of the
incoming job. Once this information is stored, the TCP connection is
allowed to proceed, and when the control file begins to arrive at the
firewall, the daemon extracts the job user information from the file
and compares it to the signed username previously received. If they
match, then we know that the user for this job is authentic, so we
allow all other traffic on this connection through. If not, then we
immediately tear down the connection. The server will abort the job,
and the client's only option is to restart the job submission process.
User Authentication in Advance
The initial ruleset for our approach is as illustrated in Figure
This small ruleset simply propagates all lpd-bound
packets to our userspace daemon for processing, including the TCP
packets used to construct the connection over which the job transfer
will take place.
A client sends a print job to the print server in the standard
fashion. Between the client and the print server is the firewall,
listening for connection attempts destined for the print server's
spooling ports. When a TCP connection request is made, the firewall
intercepts the syn packet and stores it in a data
structure until it can confirm the identity of the client. Figure 11
illustrates the data structure used to store client information.
After storing the TCP syn packet, the firewall
issues a challenge to the client machine. A specialized daemon on the
client listens for and responds to these challenges. The format of the
challenge is simple; it consists of a packet id and a random nonce to
avoid replay attacks. When the client-side daemon receives this
challenge it constructs a response consisting of the same packet id,
the incremented nonce, the userid of the owner of the daemon
(presumably the person submitting the job), and the digital signature
for the message as associated with the given userid. Figure 12
illustrates the response issued from the client upon receiving a
challenge from the firewall.
Figure 12: Structure of the printing challenge
When the firewall daemon receives the client's response, it first
verifies that the signature on the response is valid. To accomplish
this step, enterprise environments will require the employment of a
scalable public key infrastructure. The details of of such a system
are beyond the scope of our discussion. The prototype we present
simply assumes that the public keys for legitimate users are located
in a directory to which the firewall daemon has read access. The
daemon searches that directory for a key with the name
<userid>.pem, where <userid>
is extracted from the cleartext portion of the client's response. If
the signature is not valid for the message, then we do not allow the
TCP connection request to reach the server at all.
To enhance the performance of the system and reduce unnecessary
network traffic, we do not free the allocated data structures for the
connection right away. Because the daemon must only assume a strict
conformity to RFC 1179, we do not know what to expect from the client
in response to the initial connection packet being dropped. LPRng
version 3.8.19 will issue three connection attempts, each timing out
at 10 seconds, before giving up on the connection. Alternate
implementations of the protocol may use different approaches. Some may
even depend solely on the reliability components of TCP to establish
the connection. Once the data structures are de-allocated,
syn packet retransmissions from the client will be seen
by the firewall as new connection attempts, resulting in a repetition
of the authentication process. We avoid this by leaving the data
structures in place long enough to ensure that the syn
packets are re-transmissions and not new connection requests; having
this information allows us to silently discard those packets without
consuming additional bandwidth and processor time. In the prototype
implementation, this timeout variable is static. For a production
release, we would allow a configurable runtime option to set this
variable, since the administrator would have the context information
needed to optimize it.
At this point, the firewall has created an instance of the data
structure illustrated in Figure 11 and loaded it with with client IP
address/port number combination and the verified username of the
entity submitting the request. By indexing the data structure on host
IP/port pairs, we can handle inbound packets from a number of
different connections simultaneously.
Administrative Jobs
The LPR protocol allows the superuser significantly more control
over job submission and administration than regular users. For
example, an administrative user can issue or remove a print job with a
manually specified username as the owner of that request. The benefit
of this is that system administrators can delete pending print jobs
through the LPR interface without having to assume the identity of the
actual owner or manually modify the state of the printing system.
This means that for connections submitted by the root user of a
client machine, the embedded user information may not match the
credentials presented during authentication of the connection. Suppose
that Mary needs to print a large document, and the department in which
she works has a specially designated printer for large jobs. She sends
the job to the print server without specifying the correct printer,
and the job lands in the queue for the default printer, which can't
correctly handle the large job. The system administrator notices the
problematic job, and sends an lprm command for that job
to the print server as the root user on Mary's machine. The server
deletes the pending job, and Mary can be informed that her job was
canceled and she should submit it to the correct printer.
If we absolutely require that requests be submitted in the name of
the user whose credentials were presented during authentication, we
break this component of the protocol. Accordingly, we must make a
special case for jobs submitted from root users. If the challenge
response packet contains root as the userid, and is
properly signed, then we can make no assumptions about what user
information the actual job request will contain. With a valid
signature on the challenge response, we know that the client must be
an authorized administrative user. Therefore, we place no restrictions
on what can be done over the lifetime of that connection.
lpr Job Interception
Once the authentication process is complete (and assuming the
authenticated user is not root), the userspace daemon
still intercepts the traffic, because it must confirm that job is
actually submitted as the user who authenticated with the firewall. It
observes the stream as it passes through, watching for the octet that
indicates the user field of the control file. The
control file consists of commands, subcommands, and data, exactly one
combination of which indicates the user for the current job.
Specifically, we let everything through until we reach command 2
(receive job), subcommand 2 (receive control file), at which point we
begin parsing the control file.
Each line in the control file has a specific format: some
character indicates what data will appear on the line, then the rest
of the line is that data. For our purposes, we skip lines in the
control file until we see one that beings with the character
0x0A, which indicates the ascii username of the owner of
the job being submitted. If this user matches the user that previously
authenticated, we forward all remaining traffic to the server. Because
there may be additional packets already queued in the Netlink buffers,
we leave the userspace data structures in place and set a flag
indicating that everything else on that connection should immediately
be forwarded.
To enhance performance, we also inject two rules into the kernel
firewall tables. One forwards everything except the TCP
fin packet for the connection directly to the server. By
bypassing the userspace propagation for the remaining packets, we
significantly reduce the amortized cost of the authentication process.
The second rule matches the TCP fin packet from the
client, indicating the end of the connection. This packet is forwarded
to the userspace daemon, which de-allocates the data structures for
this client, then forwards the final packet to the server.
If the user in the control file does not match the authenticated
user, no further data will be sent to the print server, and the
connection between the server and client will be aborted. Since the
job is not actually processed until all of the control file is
received, the document will never print.
Authentication Failure and Cleanup
When the firewall denies a print job that has failed the
authentication process, the server already has begun receiving the
print job. Once the job is denied, these connections must be destroyed
so that the server can process additional jobs in its queue. If we do
nothing, eventually, both the server and client will timeout and the
job will be aborted. The problem with this approach is that in the
meantime, jobs accumulate in the queue and are delayed while the
server waits for additional data that will never arrive. A better
approach is to actively destroy the connection, resulting in an
immediate abortion of the job on the server side. We employ the
techniques of Lowth [11] to accomplish this. Excerpts from his TCP/IP
connection cutter software, available under GNU Public License,
satisfy our requirements that both ends of the connection be shut down
upon seeing an invalid user for a print job.
Performance Analysis
We measure the impact the filter has on two aspects of the
printing system: connections and bandwidth. We present these data
separately because there is a significant amount of initial overhead
on a per-connection basis due to the asymmetric encryption used for
advance user authentication. Once that is complete, the filter imposes
minimal overhead on data transmission. Measurements were conducted
from both firewalled and control clients, as in the NFS benchmarks.
To calculate job submission times, we modified the source code
of the print server daemon to record the arrival time of the first
and last packets on the connection, and present the difference in
a log file. The same file was printed from both the firewalled
client and the control client in these measurements. Submitting a
17 byte text file from the control client took 47,719 3,569 S. As expected, the firewalled client
achieved a slightly slower rate of transmission, requiring 202,420 21,660 S to complete.
Figure 13: Firewall performance relative to control
client. Receipt of control and data files at print server. 95%
confidence intervals.
Unlike connection times, which experience a small, static delay
with respect to file size, we see in Figure 13 the impact of
channelling each packet through the firewall. As files grow in size,
more packets are required to contain them; each of these packets must
traverse the firewall, experiencing a small delay that is cumulative
for submitted job.
Future Work
Having constructed prototypes and described potential uses of our
system, we now outline specific tasks that we intend to pursue in the
next stages of the project. We present our envisioned final product,
complete with additional examples of applications that can take
advantage of the services it provides. We are currently developing a
firewall management toolkit for the Netfilter system that uses the
userspace queuing extensions to allow more active participation from
the firewall in the system at large. Figure 14 illustrates the
proposed basic structure of the system. The toolkit will include
several built-in functions to achieve tasks that we believe will be
common in applications. Some functions will be statically implemented;
others will be implemented via a pluggable module interface. This
allows implementations to be swapped out as appropriate for specific
Figure 14: Basic toolkit structure.
Figure 15: Toolkit modules.
Illustrated in Figure 15, we plan to include a module interface at
both ends of the toolkit in the interest of keeping the solution
generic. The manner in which the system interacts with filtering
daemons is defined by the library interface modules. Similarly, the
system's interaction with the Netfilter queuing system is defined by
the queue-level modules, though the variability in the latter should
be less prominent given the restrictive interface of the queuing
Note that services need not be placed behind protections provided
by the firewall toolkit. They still have access to basic services
provided by the underlying Netfilter system, should the administrators
deem it appropriate. Our proposed toolkit is an extension of the
firewall model, not a replacement for it. The administrator can
construct rulesets that direct traffic for only some services through
the system. Other services can use traditional protections, since only
those rules that specify the QUEUE target will be
propagated to the toolkit.
Planned Toolkit Modules
The prototypes we have implemented dictate a set of useful modules
for the toolkit. They provide basic functionality that we believe will
be common in several filtering applications. Here, we outline several
of the planned toolkit modules. The complete list of included modules
will be determined as we construct the system and determine common
needs among potential applications. A systems administrator can
implement and supply additional modules as deemed necessary for the
desired application. This shields application development from
cryptographic implementations and allows the administrator to focus on
more abstract functions appropriate to the application at hand.
Cryptographic Support for Authentication
Since nearly every application we have proposed relies heavily on
authentication and authorization, we must provide direct support for
those features in our toolkit. Different forms of authentication
require different types of cryptography, so the interface should be
generic and configurable, providing support for arbitrary
cryptographic modules.
Common paradigms such as RSA digital signatures and fast Blowfish
encryption will be included toolkit modules in the system we build.
Instead of relying on high-level generic interfaces provided by the
standard cryptographic libraries, the administrator will have access
to a suite of cryptographic functions tailored to packet-level
encryption and challenge-response authentication schemes.
Connection Destruction
In most cases where an authentication challenge fails, we envision
the need to abort any pending connections to the server. In the NFS
case, this is trivial, since authentication failure is detectable
before a client actually connects to the server, and subsequent
application traffic is sent over the connectionless UDP protocol. A
failed authentication simply means that the firewall blocks all
application traffic from the suspicious client, and none reaches the
The lpr example demonstrates a more difficult case,
however, where authentication cannot be detected until after
the server connection is in place. Here, we must forcefully terminate
the open connection to prevent the client from sending any additional
data to the server. The prototype includes code to accomplish this
based on [11], but it adds unnecessary complexity to the filtering
daemon. Such a common function is exemplary of the modules our toolkit
will include.
Ruleset Modifications
Both of the prototypes we preset modify the kernel firewall's
ruleset over the lifetime of the system. The NFS example injects a
rule to QUEUE incoming mount requests after it learns
the port location of the file server's mount daemon. The LPR prototype
injects a rule to accept all remaining traffic on a connection if
authentication succeeds. The first case is functional in nature; the
second is a performance enhancement.
Both implementations achieve this via invocations of the userspace
iptables utility. Since that utility interacts with the
kernel firewall through system calls that modify network sockets, we
can achieve the same functionality directly. We will include a module
that provides a library interface to the underlying firewall ruleset,
allowing direct modification of the rules in response to changing
system conditions. This will significantly reduce the overhead
required to provide a dynamic ruleset.
Implementations and Evaluations
With a toolkit in place, we intend to revisit the two prototypes
presented earlier, and re-implement them using the firewall toolkit.
This will allow us to offer a comparison of brute force
implementations with toolkit assisted constructions. We can compare
the ease and efficiency of implementations, and analyze the
differences in performance overhead obtained in each method.
Because we are dealing with a real-time environment, performance
is of paramount concern. We must take steps to ensure that our toolkit
introduces minimal overhead. In order to achieve this, careful
measurements must be taken on each module that we introduce.
We have presented two prototypical applications that illustrate
how the userspace queuing extensions of a commonly available firewall
can be used to secure legacy protocols. The performance imposition of
our system is minimal, and certainly justified in light of the
increased security and functionality the system can introduce. We have
discussed how this approach can be extended into a toolkit that system
administrators can use to secure additional legacy protocols and
introduce additional arbitrary functionality at the firewall. We
believe that the toolkit we discuss will allow administrators to
balance more easily the need to provide existing services to users
with the need to maintain security features in a networked
environment. Finally, we have outlined a larger, more general
application to which our toolkit will be useful, demonstrating the
flexibility of our approach.
Author Biographies
James Deverick is currently a Ph.D. candidate and systems
administrator at The College of William and Mary's Department of
Computer Science. His research focuses on building active firewalls
that enhance the security of legacy systems. Reach him at
Phil Kearns is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the
College of William and Mary. His research interests lie in the general
area of computer systems.
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