We start by defining what constitutes a wireless link. Unlike in a
wired network, the links in a wireless network are not well-defined.
For the purposes of this paper, we define wireless links using packet loss
rate. We say that a link from node to node
, denoted by
exists if the packet loss rate in either direction does not exceed some
threshold. We defer a detailed discussion of the definition
until Section 4.2.
We now define a metric to measure interference between a pair of links.
Consider links and
. For some fixed packet size,
denote the unicast throughput of the link
, when
no other links are active in the network. Similarly define
for link
. Now assume that both
are active simultaneously. Let their respective unicast
throughput be denoted by
. Define
the link interference ratio as:
Thus, is the ratio of aggregate throughput of the links when
they are active simultaneously, to their aggregate throughput when they
active individually.
takes values between 1 and 0. The maximum value of
is 1,
which means that the aggregate throughput does not decrease when the links
are active simultaneously. Thus,
implies that the links
do not interfere. A value of
less than 1 means that the aggregate
throughput of the links decreases when they operate simultaneously.
implies that the links interfere with each other.
The links can interfere with each other due to several reasons,
listed below. Consider two links,
Carrier Sense:
The 802.11 protocol requires the sender to monitor the radio channel for
signs of activity, prior to transmitting a packet. If any activity is
detected, transmission is deferred until a later time 1. This is known as
carrier sensing. If the two senders, and
are within the
carrier sense range of each other, then only one of them will transmit
at a time. Otherwise, they may both transmit, and one of the following
may occur.
Data-Data Collision:
The transmission by may generate sufficient noise at
to interfere
with reception of the packet being sent by
. A similar ``collision''
may occur at
. This is known as the hidden terminal problem.
Data-ACK Collision:
For unicast communication, the 802.11 protocol requires the receiver
of a packet to transmit an acknowledgment to the sender. If node
successfully receives the data packet sent by
, it will transmit
an ACK. This transmission may interfere with ongoing reception of data
packet at
. A similar collision may occur at
ACK-Data Collision:
The data packet sent by may interfere with ongoing reception of ACK
sent by
. A similar collision may occur at
ACK-ACK Collision:
The ACK sent by may interfere with the reception of ACK sent by
. A similar collision may occur at
A typical value of is 0.5, which means that the aggregate throughput
of the links is halved when they are active together. This usually (but
not always) happens when the senders are within carrier sense range
of each other. The minimum value of LIR is 0. This means that the
links get zero throughput when they operate together. This can happen
if the senders are not within the carrier sense range of each other,
and collisions at the receiver are frequent.
In practice, we see a range of values instead of just the three
described above. They can result from packet losses, variable nature of
background noise etc. Many of the simple heuristics used to estimate
link interference only predict whether a pair of links interfere with
each other or not. In other words, they only predict
is less than
1. We term this as the ``binary'' notion of interference.