Sponsored by USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association, in cooperation with the IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems (TCOS)
Important Dates
Notification to authors:
March 6, 2007

Final position papers due:
April 10, 2007

Publication of papers for participants:
April 17, 2007
Past Symposia
Check out the Proceedings of the past HotOS workshops.
Hotel & Travel Information
Catamaran Resort Hotel
3999 Mission Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92109
Telephone: 858.539.8700
USENIX has negotiated special rates for workshop attendees at the Catamaran Resort Hotel. Information on rates and how to make your reservation will be available in mid-March.
Traveling to HotOS XI from outside the U.S.A.?
See detailed advice from the National Academies about visiting the United States.