HotOS X Paper   
[HotOS X Final Program]
WiDS: an Integrated Toolkit for Distributed System DevelopmentShiding Lin, Aimin Pan and Zheng Zhang Rui Guo† Zhenyu Guo† Abstract Faced with a proliferation of distributed systems in research and production groups, we have devised the WiDS ecosystem of technologies to optimize the development and testing process for such systems. WiDS optimizes the process of developing an algorithm, testing its correctness in a debuggable environment, and testing its behavior at large scales in a distributed simulation. We have developed many distributed protocols and systems using WiDS, including a large-scale backup service that is robust enough to be deployed. We have also used WiDS to perform ultra-large scale (>1million instances) simulation of a production protocol. In this paper, we describe the principles and design of WiDS, share the lessons that we learned, and discuss on-going research that will further reduce programming and debugging difficulties of distributed systems. 1. IntroductionResearch
and development of distributed system has always been a tricky business. The
process has many different stages, and each interdependent stage carries
different requirements. The protocols must first be fully specified and proved.
A correct implementation that follows is no trivial matter, as debugging a distributed
system is a known hard problem. For the purpose of developing Internet-scale
P2P systems [1][2][3], perhaps the most challenging is to fully understand
any performance issues before the system is deployed. To
mitigate some of these difficulties, we find that a systematic approach is helpful.
While the protocol specification, modeling, and proof remain too difficult to
be incorporated in an integrated toolkit, we have united the rest of the processes
in a single integrated toolkit called WiDS (WiDS
implements Distributed System). The
general philosophy of WiDS can be summarized as ¡°code once and run many ways¡±. WiDS
adopts an object-oriented and event-driven programming model, and provides a
small and straightforward set of APIs to support message exchanges and timers.
Once a distributed protocol is developed, it can be simulated within a single
address space on a single machine for debugging purposes, simulated on a
cluster of machines to understand its macro-behavior, or deployed and run in
the real. Users work with the same code base across different development
stages and link it to appropriate libraries accordingly. We have
researched and developed many of our protocols and systems using WiDS,
including a large scale, distributed backup service [4] that is robust enough to be deployed in MSR-Asia this
year. We have also done extensive testing for production code of a P2P protocol
[5] of more than one million instances, using hundreds of
clustered PCs. To our knowledge, this is the largest P2P simulation that has
ever been attempted. While all these exercises have demonstrated the value of
such an integrated toolkit, our experiences also point out more challenging
research directions to further reduce programming difficulties as well as to
improve the debugging process. Section
2 gives an overview of WiDS. We summarize our
experience of performing complete system development and large-scale testing in
Section 3. We discuss several new research focuses in Section 4. Section 5 discusses related work, and we conclude in Section 6. 2. The WiDS EcosystemTo
serve as a generic ecosystem for distributed system development, WiDS needs to achieve
several specific goals. First, there should be one single code base that is
easily shared across different development stages. It is
hazardous to maintain one code for simulation and another for real
deployment, and try to sync up as progress is made. Second,
while a distributed application is inherently more difficult to debug than a centralized
one, we would like the users to spend their debugging energy in one address
space as much as possible. Finally,
when required, WiDS should support large-scale performance study for system
scales approaching that of the real deployment. Since a distributed system is essentially a collection of autonomous state machines, WiDS adopts an event-driven and object-oriented programming model, and is implemented using C++. A WiDS object represents a protocol instance or a service, and is identified by the tuple <WIDSNODE, WIDSSTUB>, analogous to how a networked service is addressed in the real world. WiDS objects exchange asynchronous messages to each other. Each message is dispatched to the target object¡¯s corresponding handler, which was declared using a macro. WiDS also provides periodic and one-time timers so that users can implement various failure detection mechanisms. Figure 1. The ecosystem of WiDS-based protocol development and its five major
components. The shaded ones (WiDS-Mod and WiDS-Replay) are under development. These
APIs isolate a WiDS-programmed protocol from any particular runtime that users
want to employ. The WiDS runtimes fall into two general categories. The first
is the simulation mode, where the
runtime inserts and dispatches events through event wheel(s). Simulation mode
supports pluggable topology models, allowing users to exercise different code
paths in the protocol. The timestamp of a message is the source object¡¯s virtual
clock plus the delay specified by the topology model. Eventwheel(s) ensure the chronological
order of message execution, which in turn advances the simulation time. The simulation can be run on a single machine
(linked with WiDS-Dev), enabling debugging of multiple instances of a protocol
in the same address space. Alternatively, the simulation can be run in parallel
on a cluster of machines to investigate performance issues for very large
scales (linked with WiDS-Par). In the network
execution mode, WiDS provides a socket-based library (WiDS-Comm), yielding
a system ready to run in the real network environment. WiDS users always work
with the same code base, invoking different runtimes by simply re-linking to
different libraries according to their needs. Figure
1 summarizes these components of the WiDS development
lifecycle. Two new members of the WiDS package, WiDS-Mod and WiDS-Replay, will
be introduced in Section 4. Figure 2. The WiDS architecture. Different runtimes are shaped by integrating
some of the four modules: topology model, networking, system timer and event
wheel. Figure 2 depicts the WiDS runtimes. It contains topology
models that generate latency and state for links between two simulated nodes, a
crystal to trigger physical time
signals, networking support based on native sockets to transport messages
across physical machine boundaries, and an event wheel that stores all the
events encapsulating messages, timers, and synchronous calls. Different WiDS
runtimes are shaped by integrating some of these functionalities and, more
importantly, different scheduling mechanism in the event wheel. There is a watchdog
facility to check the progress of events, which is especially important to deal
with stragglers in large-scale simulation. The monitor offers interactive simulation
ability so that the user can break or step at event granularity. Along with the
protocol, the user must also supply a driver program to instantiate the
protocol instances, feed inputs, and inject events. In the simulation mode, the
driver also specifies the topology model and node behavior (e.g., crash or create).
WiDS parallel simulation is master-slave architected and proceeds in rounds. During
each round, the master calculates a safe window (of simulation time) by looking
at the head events of the slaves, and then informs the slaves to execute any
events within that window. This barrier model becomes increasingly inefficient
with more machines. To improve simulation performance, we have developed an optimization
called Slow Message Relaxation (SMR) that simulates a window of ticks per
round. This raises the possibility that a slave machine has already advanced
its simulation clock when an event with a smaller timestamp arrives. We call such
a message a Slow Message, and simply set
its timestamp to the node¡¯s current clock value before passing it to its
handler. The rationale is that this is as if the message had suffered some
extra delay in the network. A correctly designed distributed protocol should have
already handled any network-jitter generated abnormality. However, slow
messages may lead to problems that otherwise would not have appeared such as false
time-outs, and may change the statistics that the simulation is measuring as
well. Our analysis shows that as long as the window width is kept under some
value (automatically derived from the timer APIs), there will be negligible
impact. Furthermore, the window width can be adaptively adjusted to achieve the
optimal performance at runtime. We have verified that this optimization
achieves an order of magnitude performance improvement simulating several large
scale P2P protocols, without compromising the statistical accuracy of the simulation
results [6]. 3. Experience with WiDS3.1 Complete system developmentOne of the complete distributed systems we
have developed is the BitVault data retention platform [4]. BitVault employs commodity PCs as building blocks to
construct a distributed backup service that is scalable, highly reliable, and highly
available. Topology-wise, nodes are arranged in a ring. At the bottom layer,
there is a voting-based failure detector to monitor the health of each node by
a constant number of its neighbors. A failure or new node join event is then
broadcasted in O(logN) steps to all
other members, and anti-entropy is employed to ensure the eventual convergence
of membership. These protocols comprise an eventual consistent membership
protocol. Above that, a placement policy places multiple replicas on a constant
number of nodes, and a distributed indexing mechanism tracks the location of an
object. We use massively parallel repair to deliver order-of-minutes repair
time for a failed disk upon the notification of membership change. There is a
scalable monitoring infrastructure embedded in the system to trigger load balancing
automatically. BitVault is entirely developed and maintained using WiDS. Each BitVault node comprises several objects
that implement different functions (e.g., membership, monitoring, index, data
etc.), and these objects communicate with each other using WiDS messages. BitVault
is robust enough that we plan to roll out a 32-node installation as an interactive
backup service in the first half of this year. Although WiDS significantly improved the
development process of BitVault, during the course we have learned several
important lessons that lead to the further development and research focuses for
WiDS. First, while the event-based programming model is a natural fit to implement
state machines, it is still difficult to program and debug. This is especially true
for protocols that have multiple phases. For those protocols, the event model
will spread the protocol logic in multiple event handlers, and the program must
therefore explicitly handle the context moving from one handler to the other. A
protocol that is multi-phased but deals with a single remote party is most
easily programmed using a single thread with remote procedure calls (RPC).
However, the thread model falls short if the protocol has a concurrent phase
that involves multiple parties, since it must spawn separate threads to deal
with these parties and then sync-up later on. The thread model must also carefully
guard critical sections, which is non-trivial and something that the event
model does not need to handle. Many distributed protocols, however, are in fact
both multi-phase and multi-partied (e.g., two-phase commit). A good number of
BitVault protocols fall into this category. Therefore, in terms of programming
effort, neither the event nor the thread model is an ideal fit. These experiences
motivate us to develop both new APIs and architecture to further mitigate the
program burden (c.f. Section-4.1). Second, the WiDS runtime schedules at event
granularity. This implies that events are handled in turn, and one¡¯s execution
can not be preempted by others. It is usually not a problem. However, consider
an event that is sandwiched by two heartbeat events. If the middle event takes an
exceptionally long time to complete (e.g., a blocking disk I/O) then the timer
logic can be violated. In the case of BitVault, it is possible for the failure
detector to wrongly signal the crash of a node, allowing the repair mechanism to
kick in, which can only make things worse. This particular issue can be resolved
by offering a failure detection service inside the WiDS runtime so that one can
register the interested endpoints and be notified when an endpoint fails to
respond. By decoupling the dependency, the probe and response can run in
parallel with the execution of events, fulfilled by the WiDS runtime. However, at
its core, the issue is the handling of time-critical events and the provisioning
of some level of real-time guarantee. Since objects typically implement a
service (e.g., the membership protocol), and the WiDS objects communicate only
through messages, one thing we plan to do is to allow events of more
time-critical objects to preempt other events. The other possibility is to develop
a Yield
API so that the user can chop a long-running event. Third, related to the above two issues, many of the bugs did not manifest until the system was run in network execution mode, no matter how hard we tried to stress the code path in simulation mode. One reason is that event handling can take arbitrarily long in network execution mode, as opposed to one (simulated) clock tick in simulation. Thus the sequence of events can differ in unexpected ways, making it difficult to discover those bugs in the simulation environment. This experience propels us to develop WiDS-Replay (Section 4.2), which logs events and deterministically replays them in simulation mode. That is to say, we¡¯d like to build a two-way street between WiDS-Dev and WiDS-Comm. 3.2 Large-scale testingPNRP [5] is a P2P name resolution protocol with a target scale
of tens of millions of nodes. Working with our product division partners, we ported
PNRP to run on WiDS, and used WiDS-par to understand its macro-behavior. We
have successfully completed many simulation runs of more than a million PNRP
instances using hundreds of PCs. Some of the simulations took weeks to
complete. This work has allowed us to gain insights into the system behavior,
identify performance and network overhead, and remove design limitations that become
apparent only under stress and at such a large scale. Running a large-scale program on a cluster
of machines almost inevitably brings up the same set of (mundane) issues. These
include deploying and version-controlling the code, monitoring the health of
the runs, managing the cluster, dealing with stragglers, and gathering statistics
for final analysis. Moreover, heterogeneity in both software and hardware is
much more than a performance (and hence configuration) issue. We ran into cases
where some machines were equipped with mobile NICs or had stale network drivers
and therefore could not handle bulk traffic. In both cases we ran
micro-benchmark with a binary search strategy to isolate them. Clearly this
process needs to be automated. Finally, we also realized that the master-slave
architecture of WiDS-par needs to be changed if we are to attempt scales beyond
a few million protocol instances. Another approach we are considering is to
swap states to disk and use intelligent prefetching policies to overlap the
time of loading state from disk with simulation computation. By boosting
per-machine simulation scale, we hope to reduce the number of total machines
needed and thus the barrier overhead. 4. Research in Progress4.1 WiDS-ModA typical development process starts with some pseudo-code that bridges protocol logic with the real implementation. Currently WiDS covers the development process starting from the implementation stage. The problem is that there is a large gap between the protocol logic and the final codes, resulting in coding as well as maintenance difficulties. This is especially problematic when there are many complicated and intertwined protocols involved in a system (as in BitVault). WiDS-Mod borrows the principle of
Intentional Programming [7] and adopts a hybrid approach. Taking advantage of
temporal logic [8] and UML [9], our description language allows users to specify
protocol logic in an abstract level and in the GUI (e.g. Figure 3(a)). The protocol logic is then automatically turned
into skeleton code (c.f. Figure
3(c)). The users then fill in the rest of
implementation, such as the code
that examines the field of the AckBuf returned
from the slaves to set the all_ready
flag that decides whether to proceed to the commit phase of a two-phase commit
protocol. Figure 3. WiDS-Mod:
(a) the model of the 2PC protocol; (b) codes using event-driven programming
(coordinator side); (c) Sample code generated from the model. This approach shrinks the gap between the
high-level protocol specification and implementation, which is itself broken
down into the logic level and the detailed handler level. Our point is that,
for distributed system, these two levels already have inherently different natures
and complexities (e.g., logical versus implementation correctness), so we might
as well program them in different ways. As we discussed in Section 3.1, many distributed protocols work in phases, each of
which may involve multiple remote entities. A number of BitVault protocols fall
into this category. For these protocols, a purely event-driven programming
model quickly becomes awkward. Figure
3(a) shows the classic two-phase commit protocol, and
the three separate code blocks (Figure
3(b)). Independent of the modeling effort, therefore, we need to extend both the WiDS APIs and the runtime. For instance, SendMsg() is a synchronous call which will block the caller until the destination has processed the message and sent back acknowledgement, and PAR_BEGIN/PAR_END closure offers a barrier semantic, which will parallelize all synchronous messaging operations inside and resume execution when all of them are finished. With user-level threading [10], we will be able to wrap the synchronous calls in the continuation events and offer thread-like semantics, and can additionally accommodate multi-party semantics, something that the pure thread model has difficulty to do. All these attempts are to further reduce programming difficulties while leveraging the strengths of both the event and thread model. 4.2 WiDS-ReplayBy exercising different network models, a
good portion of protocol bugs can be rooted out. Unfortunately the remaining bugs,
which will only surface in the network execution mode, are also the more
difficult ones to find. In comparison,
the cyclic debugging process [11] we are so used to in analyzing bugs in sequential
applications, in which one sets a debugging point and repeats the execution,
quickly becomes too much to afford. And yet writing out and then analyzing
logs is also a grueling exercise. WiDS-Replay is a set of utilities aimed at
analyzing bugs that occur only during the network execution by bridging with
the simulation mode. The general methodology of WiDS-Replay is
straightforward. When running in the network execution mode, checkpoints are
executed at each machine for all important states, and logs are also kept for
any inputs between the checkpoints that may change the state of a running
protocol instance (file I/O, wall-clock, random number generators, etc.).
Finally, user-defined logs are coalesced and dumped into the same log file. We
then start the protocol in the simulation mode, reloading the checkpoint and
log traces to reconstruct context. Notice that in the network mode every
instance is running as a separate process, whereas in the simulation mode each
instance is a WiDS object. Therefore we carefully perform data marshalling and
de-marshaling to make sure that the object states are loaded correctly. In the
replay phase, we navigate the traces at the granularity of log entries while
bringing up the code alongside as the navigation context. We then use deterministic
forward and backward replay to examine the program state, doing this across
different objects (and hence protocol instances running on different machines)
when necessary. The object-oriented programming model of
WiDS makes it possible to replay a distributed protocol within a single address
space and on a single machine. Therefore, WiDS-Replay
provides the capability of virtualizing
the distributed system debugging process. A prototype of WiDS-Replay has
already been built, but much more needs to be researched and developed before
it can be put into practice. WiDS-Replay can also work within the simulation mode. Here, periodic checkpoint is sufficient for deterministic replay, assuming that the simulation environment is also checkpointed. One may argue that since simulation is deterministic anyways, why bother with checkpointing. The truth is that for a complex protocol, it often takes a long time to reach a faulty point. Checkpointing segments the debugging process and allows the user to invoke different debugging details when appropriate. 5. Related WorkAs
observed in [12], sharing the same code base for the purpose of development,
simulation, and deployment is a popular notion. There have been some attempts
along the same line. For instance, Neko [13] is a java platform that allows the same
algorithm to run both in simulation and in real network. Though we do share the
same philosophy, their interfaces and architecture are quite different from
ours. Neko does not offer parallel simulation capability, and it is not clear
whether it has been used to build a complete system. While WiDS offers native C/C++ support, MACEDON
[14] takes a different approach by offering a domain-specific
language for FSM (finite state machine) based protocols. The MACEDON approach
is geared towards quick prototyping overlay applications. Large-scale
performance study requires an emulation approach (discussed below), though it
should be possible to add PDES (Parallel Discrete Event Simulation [15]) support as well. One thing that MACEDON does very
well is to abstract many common services of overlay systems into generic packages.
WiDS can take the same approach for services such as failure detector and
membership protocols, which are common building blocks for distributed system. One contribution
of the current WiDS package is its capability of performing large-scale
simulation and testing on clustered machines. While there have been many works
on PDES, our Slow Message Relaxation optimization is unique in that it takes
advantages of the time slacks that all distributed protocols use to cope with
unreliable network transmission. A related approach to large scale testing is emulation, which is exactly the same as
the network execution mode of WiDS except that many (typically thousands of) instances
of protocols run on each testing node, and the packets are routed through a
cluster of machines modeling the Internet topology and (therefore) packet
delays [16][17]. There are pros and cons in these two approaches, and
it will be an interesting research topic to identify synergy. The
versatility of WiDS extends to cover other important aspects of the development
process. WiDS-Mod borrows principles from Intentional Programming [6] to abstract high level logic (intention) from implementation.
WiDS-Mod provides a natural and formal model, and yet reserves sufficient flexibility
for developers to describe their implementation details. The
idea of using checkpoint and logging at runtime to discover difficult bugs
using deterministic replay is an old one [18]. WiDS-Replay checkpoints and logs distributed
protocols as they are run in the real environment, but deterministically replays
and debugs the protocols on a single machine within one address space. As far as we know, this is a novel
approach. 6. ConclusionWiDS
was born in response to many early lessons we learned when researching and
developing several P2P protocols. As an integrated toolkit that covers rapid
prototyping, large-scale simulation, and deployment, it has already
significantly improved our productivity. Still, to become truly holistic, WiDS must
evolve further to address the difficulties of programming as well as debugging
distributed systems. Acknowledgement We would
like to thank Reference:[1]
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Lamport, ¡°Specifying
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Information Networking (ICOIN-15), (Beppu City, Japan), Feb. 2001. [14] A. Rodriguez, C. Killian, [15]
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and Accuracy in a Large-Scale Network Emulator¡±, in OSDI, December 2002 [17] Emulab project, the |
This paper was originally published in the
Tenth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS X),
June 1215, 2005, Eldorado Hotel, Santa Fe, NM
Last changed: 17 Sept. 2005 aw |