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HotOS X Paper    [HotOS X Final Program]

patch (1) Considered Harmful

Marc E. Fiuczynski
Princeton University
Robert Grimm
New York University
Yvonne Coady
University of Victoria
David Walker
Princeton University


Linux is increasingly used to power everything from embedded devices to supercomputers. Developers of such systems often start with a mainline kernel from and then apply patches for their application domain. Many of these patches represent crosscutting concerns in that they do not fit within a single program module and are scattered throughout the kernel sources--easily affecting over a hundred files. It requires nontrivial effort to maintain such a crosscutting patch, even across minor kernel upgrades due to the variability of the kernel proper. Moreover, it is a significant challenge to ensure the kernel's correctness when integrating multiple crosscutting concerns. To make matters worse, developers use simple code merging tools that directly manipulate source file lines instead of relying on a lexical, grammatical, or semantic level of abstraction. The result is that patch maintenance is extremely time consuming and error prone. In this paper, we propose a new tool, called c4, designed to help manipulate patches at the level of their abstract syntax and semantics. We believe our approach will simplify the management of OS variations and thereby improve OS evolution.


Over the past years open source operating systems, particularly Linux, have experienced tremendous growth. Industry and governments alike are relying upon such software to reduce the cost and time-to-market of developing WiFi routers, cell phones, and telecommunications equipment and of running services on specialized servers, clusters, and high-performance supercomputers. One important benefit of using Linux for these systems is that developers have access to all kernel sources and can easily create variants that are directly tailored for their application domains. As such, Linux also is an attractive platform for OS research, as it offers the potential for a speedy technology transfer.

Major variants to a mainline Linux kernel are typically represented in terms of higher-level extensions that are implemented through so-called patch sets or, simply, patches. For example, embedded systems require changes that reduce the kernel's memory footprint (e.g., Linux-Tiny (21) or uCLinux (32)), desktops require strong security mechanisms that reduce the impact of viruses and worms (e.g., LSM (20)), time-shared servers require resource management subsystems to isolate users from each other (e.g., VServer (23) or CKRM (4)), and super computers require special resource management modifications that scale the OS to a large number of components (e.g., CPUSETS (9)). Many of these kernel extensions do not fit within a single source file and are scattered throughout the kernel sources. As shown in the following table, each extension can easily cover a hundred existing kernel files, even though it represents a logical unit, expressing a single crosscutting concern:

Patch New Files Modified Kernel Files
Nooks (30) 68 108
CKRM (4) 48 53
LSM (20) 123 85
Kernel Probes (17) 13 20
LTT (22) 9 71
VServer (23) 40 211
Linux-Tiny (21) 7 142
CPUSETS (9) 1 3
ALSA (1) 200 540
LLA (24) 1 39

It requires non-trivial effort to maintain even a small crosscutting extension between minor kernel upgrades due to the variability of the kernel proper. Moreover, it is a tremendous challenge to ensure the kernel's correctness when integrating multiple crosscutting kernel extensions, as even for the small number of patch sets shown in the above table there is significant overlap in the files affected by the different extensions. To make matters worse, developers currently use simple code merging tools (e.g., diff and patch), which are limited to indicating conflicts based upon textual comparison. Experience with maintaining a variant of the Linux kernel for PlanetLab (which contains several major variants to the mainline code base) as well as anecdotal evidence from the Linux and OS research communities suggest that this approach is error prone and time consuming.

Developers wishing to merge their kernel extensions into the mainline code base must repeatedly go through this process, because any non-trivial change to Linux's architecture takes time to be reviewed and accepted. Anecdotal evidence (e.g., LSM, LTT, ALSA) suggests that it may take anywhere from one to three years before a crosscutting kernel extension is fully integrated into the mainline kernel.

This leads to a natural selection of kernel extension developers: those that are persistent and those that are not. While this natural selection weeds out the weak, it also eliminates strong work done by members of the OS research community. For example, the Nooks (30) project for recoverable Linux device drivers has garnered best paper awards at both SOSP and OSDI. Yet the work remains relegated to Linux 2.4.18, which was the kernel version at the start of Nooks in Feb. 2002. The problem is not laziness! Rather, with today's tools, it is simply too tedious to keep up with the changes that occur between even minor releases of Linux, e.g., from 2.4.18 to 2.4.19.

Our position is that a better method is needed--beyond diff and patch--that reduces the amount of work it takes to maintain and review a crosscutting kernel extension in Linux. The remainder of this paper describes our work towards such a solution: a semantic patch system called c4 for CrossCutting C Code. A semantic patch basically amounts to a set of transformation rules that precisely specify the conditions under which changes need to be made and the means for rewriting the affected code. Its compact yet human readable form lets a community of developers easily understand and discuss a crosscutting kernel extension, thereby helping reduce the time and effort required to evolve the kernel.

Motivating Observations

We studied a number of patch files--LTT, Kernel Probes, LSM, and CKRM--that introduce new kernel extensions as well as patch files that update existing code in Linux. In general, the changes introduced by these patch files fall into three categories (a fourth category comprises modifications to Makefiles etc., which we do not consider):
  • Intraprocedural changes. Modifications to the internal logic of an existing function. These changes may eliminate bugs, but they do not change the type of the function and normally do not change its original intended semantics.
  • Intramodule changes. A coherent collection of modifications encapsulated within an existing module. These changes may modify many of the functions within a particular module, but they do not change the externally visible interface. Clients of the module do not need to change their code and usage patterns. We use the word ``module'' loosely here to mean any collection of components with a well-defined external interface including kernel subsystems. In particular, a module is not limited to a single kernel source file. For instance, changing all file operations to use ACLs rather than standard UNIX permissions would be an intramodule change.
  • Intermodule changes. Modifications that change intermodule interfaces or the visible semantics of an existing interface in fundamental ways. For instance, modifications of a function's type or the field makeup of a non-ADT data structure (e.g., adding, deleting, or changing the type of a field) are intermodule changes.

Our preliminary analysis of patches that update existing kernel functionality shows that the bulk fall into the intraprocedural and intermodule changes categories with very few intramodule changes category. In contrast, patches that introduce new kernel extensions fall primarily into the intramodule and, to a lesser extent, the intermodule changes categories.

As the size and scale of a kernel modification moves from intraprocedural to intramodule to intermodule, it becomes more and more difficult to apply and maintain the modification using the low-level line-by-line diffs that result from patch. There are two important reasons for this. First, the more expansive intra- and intermodule changes almost always encapsulate a new coherent unit of functionality. However, patch sets provide the programmer with no help in understanding the new unit of functionality in isolation. Since patch sets do not even operate on the concrete syntax of the programming language, they are often syntactically invalid fragments of code. They may also contain free variables that can only be resolved when the patch is applied to the kernel. Consequently, it is impossible to assign patches any precise semantics separately from the modules they modify.

Second, as the scope of a kernel modification extends, it becomes more and more likely that the change will conflict with other changes being made simultaneously to the kernel. The difficult and error-prone part of maintaining patches is attempting to understand these conflicts. Often, spurious conflicts arise due to the fact that patches operate on a line-by-line basis without regard either to the basic syntax of the language or, more importantly, to its semantics. In other words, when different developers modify the same lines of a file, patch will signal a conflict and a programmer must analyze, understand and modify the code at that location, even though the changes may be semantically independent of one another. Due to the complete lack of any abstraction or semantic meaningfulness of patches, it is easy to make mistakes during this process.

To illustrate these problems in more detail, consider the patch set for the Class-Based Kernel Resource Management (CKRM) project (4). CKRM is a new kernel mechanism that provides differentiated services for shared system resources, including CPU time, tasks, memory, and disk I/O. The application of this patch set results in a new Linux kernel variant suitable for servers that require stronger resource usage guarantees than the egalitarian approach used by the unmodified mainline kernel.

The actual CKRM extension consists of a set of files that specify where ``hunks'' of code are applied by patch, identifying specific line numbers or relative offsets within specific files. For example, this portion of the CKRM patch:

--- a/kernel/sys.c Sat Sep 18 19:28:57 2004
+++ b/kernel/sys.c Tue Feb 01 22:03:15 2005
@@ -638,6 +642,9 @@
     return -EPERM;
+ ckrm_cb_gid();
  return 0;
@@ -726,6 +733,8 @@
     current->suid = current->euid;
  current->fsuid = current->euid;
+ ckrm_cb_uid();
  return security_task_post_setuid(old_ruid,

instruments kernel/sys.c with calls to the ckrm_cb_gid()/uid() functions. Line numbers are represented as relative offsets indicated by @@line-info@@. Upon closer inspection of the patch we observe a pattern: all calls to ckrm_cb_gid()/uid() (6 in total) directly precede return statements.

The same pattern emerges for other kernel extensions, such as LSM and VServer, that hook themselves into specific Linux subsystems. Thus, composing several such kernel extensions or updating to a new release of the kernel may result in unnecessary patch conflicts. Such conflicts typically need to be resolved manually, which is clearly tedious. Section 3 presents our solution to this problem, which transforms these intramodule changes into aspects using aspect-oriented software development (2) (AOSD) techniques.

Intermodule changes often involve modifications to either a function's signature or the field makeup of a data structure. But changing a function's signature or deleting/changing a data structure's fields can have far-reaching consequences: it requires updating all modules that directly use them. Consequently, capturing such changes with diff and patch requires manually updating all dependent modules. This is prohibitive when the interface changes are in the kernel proper or in the generic device driver framework and trigger corresponding changes in specific device drivers--there might be hundreds.

The Bossa project (13,27) encapsulates new functionality for Linux in a single component, where the component interface specifies rewrite rules to compose the code with the base program. The rewrite rules leverage temporal logic to describe execution points in the program. Lawall et al. (19) attack this problem at a different level, percolating interface changes throughout the Linux code base. Similar to our approach, this work builds on a kind of semantic patch, which relies on code rewriting rules to automate the task of updating dependent modules. While this appears promising, we observe that intermodule changes might be better handled by: (1) a systematic conversion of non-ADTs used across Linux subsystems to ADTs, thereby making further changes to them intramodule changes, and (2) using well-established interface versioning techniques such as Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM).

The c4 Semantic Patch Compiler

Recognizing that intramodule and intermodule changes are common to new kernel extensions for Linux, our approach is to make them part of the kernel's architecture by leveraging AOSD techniques. More specifically, our approach is to express these changes as semantic patches using aspects, which provide a language-supported methodology for integrating crosscutting concerns with a program. The benefits of aspects are twofold. First, they provide a well-defined specification of domain-specific features that is separate from baseline functionality, yet can be automatically integrated with the kernel. Second, we believe that aspects enable tools that perform automatic analysis of the implications of composing several crosscutting concerns and identify true semantic conflicts as opposed to the line-by-line conflicts identified by patch.

The main research questions raised by our approach are (1) how to extend C with aspects without impacting compatibility, readability, or performance and (2) how to automate the identification and resolution of conflicts between aspects. However, fully exploring these research questions requires building the corresponding tools. To reduce the required engineering effort, we are not implementing a self-contained C compiler for our AOSD-enhanced C language, called c4 for CrossCutting C Code. Rather, we leverage existing platform support for C and rely on a pipeline that first invokes the C preprocessor, which resolves all # directives, then the c4 compiler to translate aspect-enhanced code to plain C, and finally gcc, which performs traditional optimizations and code generation. To further reduce the engineering effort required for building c4, we are implementing c4 on top of the xtc compiler framework (14,15), which provides a toolkit for building extensible source-to-source transformers. In the rest of this section, we present the proposed aspect-oriented language enhancements to C by example and then discuss our approach to non-interference analysis for aspects.

The c4 Language

In c4, which is based on AspectC (8), aspects structure and modularize concerns that crosscut functions. Due to space constraints, we do not define the c4 language in detail. Rather, we illustrate the gist of its features on the example of instrumenting the kernel with calls to ckrm_cb_gid()/uid() after the execution of sys_setregid()/setreuid(), sys_setgid()/setuid(), and sys_setresgid()/setresuid(), respectively:
aspect (CKRM) {
     pointcut setuid() : 
       execution(long sys_setreuid(..))  ||
       execution(long sys_setresuid(..)) ||
       execution(long sys_setuid(..));

     after setuid() { ckrm_cb_uid(); }

     pointcut setgid() :
       execution(long sys_setregid(..))  ||
       execution(long sys_setresgid(..)) ||
       execution(long sys_setgid(..));

     after setgid() { ckrm_cb_gid(); }

The execution keyword refers to principled points in the execution of a program called join points (e.g., sys_setreuid). A pointcut statement groups one or more join points, which can then be referenced by advice to define actions for these join points. In our example, we only use after advice, which indicates that the actions (the explicit C code) should be performed after the execution of the join points.

The aspect code thus structures the modifications to the mainline code, which are automatically merged, or weaved, with the appropriate C code by the c4 compiler. In contrast to the line-by-line patch shown in Section 2, the interaction with the kernel becomes explicit at the level of functions and parameters involved; hence, code becomes more amenable to semantic analysis and developers can reason about any interactions at a higher level. Previous work has shown that this reduces the complexity of crosscutting concerns (7,28,6).

Note that the c4 language is richer than suggested by this example. In particular, it supports not only after, but also before and around, with the latter replacing an existing mainline function. Coady describes this in further detail for AspectC (8), upon which c4 is based. Further note that we aim to reduce developers' exposure to c4 as much as possible. In particular, we are exploring how to support simple annotations of the form aspect(Name){...}, which can be added inline at the beginning or end of system functions and are then automatically extracted and converted into fully-featured aspects by the c4 compiler.

Program Analysis

Our initial research goal is to support the syntactic separation of crosscutting concerns through aspects. On their own, syntactic separation and automatic weaving of crosscutting concerns free developers from many low-level, time-consuming, and error-prone details of maintaining and applying kernel patches. However, in addition to supporting syntactic separation of crosscutting concerns, we are also targeting semantic separation through the detection of interference between concerns. When two concerns are semantically separate, the execution of one concern is guaranteed not to change the execution behavior of the other. For instance, semantically separate concerns do not mutate shared data structures either directly or indirectly through a series of function calls. Semantically separate concerns are of critical importance in large systems such as Linux, in which multiple developers work independently on their own system extensions. When concerns are semantically separate, these independent developers need not coordinate their work, analyze the code of the other developers, or even be aware that other projects are being developed. By definition, the work of one developer does not interfere with the other.

In addition to separating multiple ``after-the-fact'' concerns, it is useful to determine the degree to which a particular concern is separate from, or, conversely, interferes with, the mainline code. If a developer can prove, via an automated program analysis, that their concern does not interfere with the mainline code, then owners of the mainline are much more likely to integrate it into their system. Even if the owners themselves will not integrate the new concern, users will be less hesitant to download and apply the non-interfering kernel extension. We believe that analysis of noninterference properties of aspects can greatly speed technology transfer and integration of new ideas into Linux (and other open source software).

We have begun to investigate how to design a static program analysis that will detect whether a new concern interferes with the mainline computation (10) or with another, existing concern (3). This analysis makes use of previous work developed by programming language and security researchers on detecting and enforcing data integrity properties via information flow analysis. Our analysis is designed as a form of type-and-effect system that separates state into different logical protection domains, with one protection domain for each concern and one domain for the mainline computation. The analysis is designed to detect situations, in which code from one domain mutates state in another, either directly or indirectly through a series of function calls. We have formally proven a powerful non-interference result for our analysis.

While an important step, there still are considerable challenges to using this analysis in the context of C and the Linux kernel. A first step for this research will be to refactor crosscutting concerns in Linux and to analyze the degree to which various concerns really are separate from one another and the mainline kernel. This experience will be crucial in refining the theoretical analysis and in understanding the specific noninterference properties that will be useful (and possible) to specify and enforce. The next step will be to extend c4 with a system of annotations that let developers specify their noninterference and semantic separation requirements. Even without an analysis, the annotation system will be useful as a systematic form of documentation of developer intentions and requirements. The last step is to implement the analysis itself and test it on kernel extensions in Linux.

Related Work

Both IBM and Microsoft recently announced their intentions on using AOSD to improve the evolvability of complex software systems (18,31). Our work differs from these industry initiatives in three important aspects. First, we are investigating aspect-oriented programming within C as opposed to existing efforts on C++, C#, or Java. Consequently, our work directly applies to a large, existing code base. Second, we are specifically targeting the software architecture of a major open source operating system, which provides us with an opportunity to address a real-world problem faced by many organizations. Finally, we plan to develop formal semantics for reasoning about aspect-oriented technology in this domain, and use this formalization to develop program analysis tools to further aid systems programmers in general.

AOSD techniques have been previously applied to operating systems. Both Coady et al. (8) and Spinczyk et al. (25) demonstrate that concerns that crosscut traditional layers in OS structure can be cleanly defined and applied using aspects.

Over the last several years, a number of researchers have begun to build semantic foundations for aspect-oriented programming (33,16,5,26,34,11). This foundational, theoretical work provides a starting point for analyzing the properties of aspect-oriented programs, developing principled new programming features, and deriving useful program analyses. We plan to exploit our knowledge of and experience with these semantic foundations and type-based analyses as we develop the c4 language.

Recently, programming language researchers have also begun to try to understand and analyze interactions between separate concerns. For instance, Bauer et al. (3) introduces a theoretical language that includes several different ways for combining concerns and a type system for detecting when concerns apply to the same program points. In similar work, Douence et al. (12) analyze aspects defined by recursion together with parallel and sequencing combinators. They develop a number of formal laws for reasoning about their combinators and an algorithm that is able to detect aspect independence. These proposals present interesting techniques for detecting interference, but it appears that additional reasoning facilities will be required for analyzing crosscutting concerns in the Linux kernel, as many of the ``separate'' concerns actually reference the same program points. We believe that more recent work by Rinard (29) and Dantas (10), which analyzes aspect code to determine its memory effects, will help solve this problem.


Our position is that current techniques for evolving operating systems are ineffective, since they solely operate at a line-by-line level. Our work introduces a semantic patch system based on aspects that offers the ability to more rapidly and seamlessly move from idea to design to implementation for new OS features. Aspects' inherent separation of code from an operating system's mainline eases the maintenance of crosscutting concerns, thus speeding up the technology transfer of a new kernel extension from early prototype, through multiple design iterations, to a mainlined feature of an operating system that continues to evolve.

References Cited

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This paper was originally published in the Tenth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS X), June 12–15, 2005, Eldorado Hotel, Santa Fe, NM
Last changed: 17 Sept. 2005 aw
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