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Limitations and Future Work

One of the possible usage scenarios for the system architecture described in this paper is in the area of content delivery networks (CDNs), used for replicating semi-static Web content such as product catalogues for e-commerce, or academic, medical and legal databases. One possibility is having the organization that owns the data content to provide the master servers, while the CDN provides the slaves. Yet another possibility is to have the CDN itself divide its servers in a trusted core and a much larger set of outsourced and thus less trusted support servers. This scenario seems particularly realistic given the fact that most CDNs physically host most of their servers with Internet service providers and only remotely administer them.

The work presented in this paper is based on the fundamental assumption that byzantine failures are rare events, so applications can be optimized to work efficiently in the common case - when everything works correctly. This assumption is also the major limitation of our approach as it cannot be used (or at least is not efficiently) in scenarios when 100% security guarantees are required. However, looking at the current state of the Internet (the vast majority of WWW traffic is not encrypted, and even secure DNS is slow in gaining acceptance) it seems there are numerous applications where people can do well even without strong security guarantees.

The other limitation of our approach is that there is a certain latency for propagating writes, and in order to avoid race conditions we need to limit the frequency of such operations. As a result, the architecture described in this paper is appropriate for applications with a high reads to writes ratio. CDNs used for replicating slowly changing Web content, as well as academic, legal or medical databases clearly fall in this category. On the other hand, it would be impractical to use this architecture for disseminating data that changes rapidly and requires tight freshness guarantees, such as live stock quotes.

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Popescu Bogdan