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Tech Sessions: Wednesday, February 16 | Thursday, February 17
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
9:00 a.m.–10:30 p.m.

A Study of Practical Deduplication
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We collected file system content data from 857 desktop computers at Microsoft over a span of 4 weeks. We analyzed the data to determine the relative efficacy of data deduplication, particularly considering whole-file versus block-level elimination of redundancy. We found that whole-file deduplication achieves about three quarters of the space savings of the most aggressive block-level deduplication for storage of live file systems, and 87% of the savings for backup images. We also studied file fragmentation finding that it is not prevalent, and updated prior file system metadata studies, finding that the distribution of file sizes continues to skew toward very large unstructured files.

Tradeoffs in Scalable Data Routing for Deduplication Clusters
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As data have been growing rapidly in data centers, deduplication storage systems continuously face challenges in providing the corresponding throughputs and capacities necessary to move backup data within backup and recovery window times. One approach is to build a cluster deduplication storage system with multiple deduplication storage system nodes. The goal is to achieve scalable throughput and capacity using extremely high-throughput (e.g. 1.5 GB/s) nodes, with a minimal loss of compression ratio. The key technical issue is to route data intelligently at an appropriate granularity. We present a cluster-based deduplication system that can deduplicate with high throughput, support deduplication ratios comparable to that of a single system, and maintain a low variation in the storage utilization of individual nodes. In experiments with dozens of nodes, we examine tradeoffs between stateless data routing approaches with low overhead and stateful approaches that have higher overhead but avoid imbalances that can adversely affect deduplication effectiveness for some datasets in large clusters. The stateless approach has been deployed in a two-node commercial system that achieves 3 GB/s for multi-stream deduplication throughput and currently scales to 5.6 PB of storage (assuming 20X total compression).

11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Capo: Recapitulating Storage for Virtual Desktops
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Shared storage underlies most enterprise VM deployments because it is an established technology that administrators are familiar with and because it good job of protecting data. However, shared storage is also very expensive to scale. This paper describes Capo, a transparent and persistent block request proxy for virtual machine disk images. Capo reduces the load on shared storage by using local disks as persistent caches, using multicast-based preloading to broadcast read results across a cluster, and by imposing differential durability – dividing a VM's file system into regions of varying writeback frequency. We motivate the system's design through the analysis of a week-long trace of 55 production virtual desktops and then describe and evaluate our implementation. Capo is particularly well suited for virtual desktop deployments, in which large numbers of VMs boot from a small number of "gold master" images and are refreshed on a periodic basis.

Exploiting Half-Wits: Smarter Storage for Low-Power Devices
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This work analyzes the stochastic behavior of writing to embedded flash memory at voltages lower than recommended by a microcontroller's specifications. Flash memory integrated within a microcontroller typically requires the entire chip to operate on common supply voltage almost double what the CPU portion requires. Our approach tolerates a lower supply voltage so that the CPU may operate in a more energy efficient manner. Energy efficient coding algorithms then cope with flash memory that behaves unpredictably. Our software-only coding algorithms (in-place writes, multiple-place writes, RS-Berger codes) enable reliable storage at low voltages on unmodified hardware by exploiting the electrically cumulative nature of half-written data in write-once bits. For a sensor monitoring application using the MSP430, coding with in-place writes reduces the overall energy consumption by 34%. In-place writes are competitive when the time spent on computation is at least four times greater than the time spent on writes to flash memory. Our evaluation shows that tightly maintaining the digital abstraction for storage in embedded flash memory comes at a significant cost to energy consumption with minimal gain in reliability.

Consistent and Durable Data Structures for Non-Volatile Byte-Addressable Memory
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The predicted shift to non-volatile, byte-addressable memory (e.g., Phase Change Memory and Memristor), the growth of "big data", and the subsequent emergence of frameworks such as memcached and NoSQL systems require us to rethink the design of data stores. To derive the maximum performance from these new memory technologies, this paper proposes the use of single-level data stores. For these systems, where no distinction is made between a volatile and a persistent copy of data, we present Consistent and Durable Data Structures (CDDSs) that, on current hardware, allows programmers to safely exploit the low-latency and non-volatile aspects of new memory technologies. CDDSs use versioning to allow atomic updates without requiring logging. The same versioning scheme also enables rollback for failure recovery. When compared to a memory-backed Berkeley DB B-Tree, our prototype-based results show that a CDDS B-Tree can increase put and get throughput by 74% and 138%. When compared to Cassandra, a two-level data store, Tembo, a CDDS B-Tree enabled distributed Key-Value system, increases throughput by up to 250%–286%.

2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.

CAFTL: A Content-Aware Flash Translation Layer Enhancing the Lifespan of Flash Memory based Solid State Drives
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Although Flash Memory based Solid State Drive (SSD) exhibits high performance and low power consumption, a critical concern is its limited lifespan along with the associated reliability issues. In this paper, we propose to build a Content-Aware Flash Translation Layer (CAFTL) to enhance the endurance of SSDs at the device level. With no need of any semantic information from the host, CAFTL can effectively reduce write traffic to flash memory by removing unnecessary duplicate writes and can also substantially extend available free flash memory space by coalescing redundant data in SSDs, which further improves the efficiency of garbage collection and wear-leveling. In order to retain high data access performance, we have also designed a set of acceleration techniques to reduce the runtime overhead and minimize the performance impact caused by extra computational cost. Our experimental results show that our solution can effectively identify up to 86.2% of the duplicate writes, which translates to a write traffic reduction of up to 24.2% and extends the flash space by a factor of up to 31.2%. Meanwhile, CAFTL only incurs a minimized performance overhead by a factor of up to 0.5%.

Leveraging Value Locality in Optimizing NAND Flash-based SSDs
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NAND flash-based solid-state drives (SSDs) are increasingly being deployed in storage systems at different levels such as buffer-caches and even secondary storage. However, the poor reliability and performance offered by these SSDs for write-intensive workloads continues to be their key shortcoming. Several solutions based on traditionally popular notions of temporal and spatial locality help reduce write traffic for SSDs. However, another form of locality - value locality - has remained completely unexplored. Value locality implies that certain data items (i.e., "values," not just logical addresses) are likely to be accessed preferentially. Given evidence for the presence of significant value locality in real-world workloads, we design CA-SSD which employs content-addressable storage (CAS) to exploit such locality. Our CA-SSD design employs enhancements primarily in the flash translation layer (FTL) with minimal additional hardware, suggesting its feasibility. Using three real-world workloads with content information, we devise statistical characterizations of two aspects of value locality - value popularity and temporal value locality - that form the foundation of CA-SSD. We observe that CA-SSD is able to reduce average response times by about 59-84% compared to traditional SSDs. Even for workloads with little or no value locality, CA-SSD continues to offer comparable performance to a traditional SSD. Our findings advocate adoption of CAS in SSDs, paving the way for a new generation of these devices.

Reliably Erasing Data from Flash-Based Solid State Drives
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Reliably erasing data from storage media (sanitizing the media) is a critical component of secure data management. While sanitizing entire disks and individual files is well-understood for hard drives, flash-based solid state disks have a very different internal architecture, so it is unclear whether hard drive techniques will work for SSDs as well. We empirically evaluate the effectiveness of hard drive-oriented techniques and of the SSDs' built-in sanitization commands by extracting raw data from the SSD's flash chips after applying these techniques and commands. Our results lead to three conclusions: First, built-in commands are effective, but manufacturers sometimes implement them incorrectly. Second, overwriting the entire visible address space of an SSD twice is usually, but not always, sufficient to sanitize the drive. Third, none of the existing hard drive-oriented techniques for individual file sanitization are effective on SSDs. This third conclusion leads us to develop flash translation layer extensions that exploit the details of flash memory's behavior to efficiently support file sanitization. Overall, we find that reliable SSD sanitization requires built-in, verifiable sanitize operations.

4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

A Scheduling Framework That Makes Any Disk Schedulers Non-Work-Conserving Solely Based on Request Characteristics
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Exploiting spatial locality is critical for a disk scheduler to achieve high throughput. Because of the high cost of disk head seeks and the non-preemptible nature of request service, state-of-the-art disk schedulers consider the locality of both pending and future requests. Though schedulers adopting the approach, such as the anticipatory scheduler, show substantial performance advantages, they need to know from which processes requests are issued to evaluate locality. This approach is not effective when the knowledge about processes is not available (e.g., in virtual machine environment, network or parallel file systems, and SAN) or the locality exhibited on a disk region is not solely determined by individual processes (e.g., in the case of cooperative process groups and disk array where requested data are striped). We propose a light-weight disk scheduling framework that does not require any process knowledge for analyzing request locality. Solely based on requests' own characteristics the framework can make any work-conserving scheduler non-work-conserving, i.e., able to take future requests as dispatching candidates, to fully exploit locality. Additionally, we show how to effectively extend the framework to the disk array environment. Our design, Stream Scheduling, is prototyped in the Linux kernel 2.6.31. With extensive experiments of representative benchmarks, and in various environments such as the Xen virtual machine and the PVFS parallel file system, we show that the proposed scheduling framework can improve their performance by up to 3.2 times.

Improving Throughput for Small Disk Requests with Proximal I/O
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This paper introduces proximal I/O, a new technique for improving random disk I/O performance in file systems. The key enabling technology for proximal I/O is the ability of disk drives to retire multiple I/Os, spread across dozens of tracks, in a single revolution. Compared to traditional update-in-place or write-anywhere file systems, this technique can provide a nearly seven-fold improvement in random I/O performance while maintaining (near) sequential on-disk layout. This paper quantifies proximal I/O performance and proposes a simple data layout engine that uses a flash memory-based write cache to aggregate random updates until they have sufficient density to exploit proximal I/O. The results show that with cache of just 1% of the overall disk-based storage capacity, it is possible to service 5.3 user I/O requests per revolution for random updates workload. On an aged file system, the layout can sustain serial read bandwidth within 3% of the best case. Despite using flash memory, the overall system cost is just one third of that of a system with the requisite number of spindles to achieve the equivalent number of random I/O operations.

FastScale: Accelerate RAID Scaling by Minimizing Data Migration
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Previous approaches to RAID scaling either require a very large amount of data to be migrated, or cannot tolerate multiple disk additions without resulting in disk imbalance. In this paper, we propose a new approach to RAID-0 scaling called FastScale. First, FastScale minimizes data migration, while maintaining a uniform data distribution. With a new and elastic addressing function, it moves only enough data blocks from old disks to fill an appropriate fraction of new disks without migrating data among old disks. Second, FastScale optimizes data migration with two techniques: (1) it accesses multiple physically successive blocks via a single I/O, and (2) it records data migration lazily to minimize the number of metadata writes without compromising data consistency. Using several real system disk traces, our experiments show that compared with SLAS, one of the most efficient traditional approaches, FastScale can reduce redistribution time by up to 86.06% with smaller maximum response time of user I/Os. The experiments also illustrate that the performance of the RAID-0 scaled using FastScale is almost identical with that of the round-robin RAID-0.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

The SCADS Director: Scaling a Distributed Storage System Under Stringent Performance Requirements
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Elasticity of cloud computing environments provides an economic incentive for automatic resource allocation of stateful systems running in the cloud. However, these systems have to meet strict performance Service-Level Objectives (SLOs) expressed using upper percentiles of request latency, such as the 99th. Such latency measurements are very noisy, which complicates the design of the dynamic resource allocation. We design and evaluate the SCADS Director, a control framework that reconfigures the storage system on-the-fly in response to workload changes using a performance model of the system. We demonstrate that such a framework can respond to both unexpected data hotspots and diurnal workload patterns without violating strict performance SLOs.

Scale and Concurrency of GIGA+: File System Directories with Millions of Files
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We examine the problem of scalable file system directories, motivated by data-intensive applications requiring millions to billions of small files to be ingested in a single directory at rates of hundreds of thousands of file creates every second. We introduce a POSIX-compliant scalable directory design, GIGA+, that distributes directory entries over a cluster of server nodes. For scalability, each server makes only local, independent decisions about migration for load balancing. GIGA+ uses two internal implementation tenets, asynchrony and eventual consistency, to: (1) partition an index among all servers without synchronization or serialization, and (2) gracefully tolerate stale index state at the clients. Applications, however, are provided traditional strong synchronous consistency semantics. We have built and demonstrated that the GIGA+ approach scales better than existing distributed directory implementations, delivers a sustained throughput of more than 98,000 file creates per second on a 32-server cluster, and balances load more efficiently than consistent hashing.

AONT-RS: Blending Security and Performance in Dispersed Storage Systems
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Dispersing files across multiple sites yields a variety of obvious benefits, such as availability, proximity and reliability. Less obviously, it enables security to be achieved without relying on encryption keys. Standard approaches to dispersal either achieve very high security with correspondingly high computational and storage costs, or low security with lower costs. In this paper, we describe a new dispersal scheme, called AONT-RS, which blends an All-Or-Nothing Transform with Reed-Solomon coding to achieve high security with low computational and storage costs. We evaluate this scheme both theoretically and as implemented with standard open source tools. AONT-RS forms the backbone of a commercial dispersed storage system, which we briefly describe and then use as a further experimental testbed. We conclude with details of actual deployments.

11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Emulating Goliath Storage Systems with David
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Benchmarking file and storage systems on large file-system images is important, but difficult and often infeasible. Typically, running benchmarks on such large disk setups is a frequent source of frustration for file-system evaluators; the scale alone acts as a strong deterrent against using larger albeit realistic benchmarks. To address this problem, we develop David: a system that makes it practical to run large benchmarks using modest amount of storage or memory capacities readily available on most computers. David creates a "compressed" version of the original file-system image by omitting all file data and laying out metadata more efficiently; an online storage model determines the runtime of the benchmark workload on the original uncompressed image. David works under any file system as demonstrated in this paper with ext3 and btrfs. We find that David reduces storage requirements by orders of magnitude; David is able to emulate a 1 TB target workload using only an 80 GB available disk, while still modeling the actual runtime accurately. David can also emulate newer or faster devices, e.g., we show how David can effectively emulate a multi-disk RAID using a limited amount of memory.

Just-in-Time Analytics on Large File Systems
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As file systems reach the petabytes scale, users and administrators are increasingly interested in acquiring high-level analytical information for file management and analysis. Two particularly important tasks are the processing of aggregate and top-k queries which, unfortunately, cannot be quickly answered by hierarchical file systems such as ext3 and NTFS. Existing pre-processing based solutions, e.g., file system crawling and index building, consume a significant amount of time and space (for generating and maintaining the indexes) which in many cases cannot be justified by the infrequent usage of such solutions. In this paper, we advocate that user interests can often be sufficiently satisfied by approximate - i.e., statistically accurate - answers. We develop Glance, a just-in-time sampling-based system which, after consuming a small number of disk accesses, is capable of producing extremely accurate answers for a broad class of aggregate and top-k queries over a file system without the requirement of any prior knowledge. We use a number of real-world file systems to demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy and scalability of Glance.

Making the Common Case the Only Case with Anticipatory Memory Allocation
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We present Anticipatory Memory Allocation (AMA), a new method to build kernel code that is robust to memory-allocation failures. AMA avoids the usual difficulties in handling allocation failures through a novel combination of static and dynamic techniques. Specifically, a developer, with assistance from AMA static analysis tools, determines how much memory a particular call into a kernel subsystem will need, and then pre-allocates said amount immediately upon entry to the kernel; subsequent allocation requests are serviced from the pre-allocated pool and thus guaranteed never to fail. We describe the static and run-time components of AMA, and then present a thorough evaluation of Linux ext2-mfr, a case study in which we transform the Linux ext2 file system into a memory-failure robust version of itself. Experiments reveal that ext2-mfr avoids memory-allocation failures successfully while incurring little space or time overhead.

4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

Exploiting Memory Device Wear-Out Dynamics to Improve NAND Flash Memory System Performance
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This paper advocates a device-aware design strategy to improve various NAND flash memory system performance metrics. It is well known that NAND flash memory program/erase (PE) cycling gradually degrades memory device raw storage reliability, and sufficiently strong error correction codes (ECC) must be used to ensure the PE cycling endurance. Hence, memory manufacturers must fabricate enough number of redundant memory cells geared to the worst-case device reliability at the end of memory lifetime. Given the memory device wear-out dynamics, the existing worst-case oriented ECC redundancy is largely under-utilized over the entire memory lifetime, which can be adaptively traded for improving certain NAND flash memory system performance metrics. This paper explores such device-aware adaptive system design space from two perspectives, including (1) how to improve memory program speed, and (2) how to improve memory defect tolerance and hence enable aggressive fabrication technology scaling. To enable quantitative evaluation, we for the first time develop a NAND flash memory device model to capture the effects of PE cycling from the system level. We carry out simulations using the DiskSim-based SSD simulator and a variety of traces, and the results demonstrate up to 32% SSD average response time reduction. We further demonstrate that the potential on achieving very good defect tolerance, and finally show that these two design approaches can be readily combined together to noticeably improve SSD average response time even in the presence of high memory defect rates.

FAST: Quick Application Launch on Solid-State Drives
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Application launch performance is of great importance to system platform developers and vendors as it greatly affects the degree of users' satisfaction. The single most effective way to improve application launch performance is to replace a hard disk drive (HDD) with a solid state drive (SSD), which has recently become affordable and popular. A natural question is then whether or not to replace the traditional HDD-aware application launchers with a new SSD-aware optimizer. We address this question by analyzing the inefficiency of the HDD-aware application launchers on SSDs and then proposing a new SSD-aware application prefetching scheme, called the Fast Application STarter (FAST). The key idea of FAST is to overlap the computation (CPU) time with the SSD access (I/O) time during an application launch. FAST is composed of a set of user-level components and system debugging tools provided by the Linux OS (operating system). In addition, FAST uses a system-call wrapper to automatically detect application launches. Hence, FAST can be easily deployed in any recent Linux versions without kernel recompilation. We implemented FAST on a desktop PC with a SSD running Linux 2.6.32 OS and evaluated it by launching a set of widely-used applications, demonstrating an average of 28% reduction of application launch time as compared to PC without a prefetcher.

Cost Effective Storage using Extent Based Dynamic Tiering
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Multi-tier systems that combine SSDs with SAS/FC and/or SATA disks mitigate the capital cost burden of SSDs, while benefiting from their superior I/O performance per unit cost and low power. Though commercial SSD-based multi-tier solutions are available, configuring such a system with the optimal number of devices per tier to achieve performance goals at minimum cost remains a challenge. Furthermore, these solutions do not leverage the opportunity to dynamically consolidate load and reduce power/operating cost. Our extent-based dynamic tiering solution, EDT, addresses these limitations via two key components of its design. A Configuration Adviser EDT-CA determines the adequate mix of storage devices to buy and install to satisfy a given workload at minimum cost, and a Dynamic Tier Manager EDT-DTM performs dynamic extent placement once the system is running to satisfy performance requirements while minimizing dynamic power consumption. Key to the cost minimization of EDT-CA is its ability to simulate the dynamic extent placement afforded by EDT-DTM. Key to the overall effectiveness of EDT-DTM is its ability to consolidate load within tiers when feasible, rapidly respond to unexpected changes in the workload, and carefully control the overhead due to extent migration. Our results using production workloads show that EDT incurs lower capital and operating cost, consumes less power, and delivers similar or better performance relative to SAS-only storage systems as well as other simpler approaches to extent-based tiering.

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