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The Problems with DEMOTE

While the DEMOTE technique strives to improve the aggregate hit ratio over the non-exclusive variant, the overall performance might in fact suffer because of the cost of the DEMOTE operation, including: (i) network traffic to send evicted pages to lower caches, and (ii) processor cycles consumed to prepare, send and receive demoted pages. This has thwarted the practical deployment of DEMOTE in real systems.

In cases where inter-cache bandwidth is tight, or the workload throughput is high, the average response time suffers in spite of a higher hit ratio. This happens as reads stall until demotions (sometimes in multiple levels) can create space for the new page. Further, an eviction, which used to be a trivial operation, now becomes an expensive operation almost equivalent to a write request to the lower cache. This leads to further degradation of performance. Add to this the concern that for workloads that do not exhibit temporal locality, like purely sequential (or purely random), all demotions are futile and we end up wasting critical network resources when most needed.

Eviction-based cache replacement [6] was proposed to alleviate the network bandwidth wastage. A list of evicted pages is sent periodically to the lower cache which reloads them from the disks into its cache. We have observed for many real systems and benchmarks these extra reads increase the average miss penalty, diminishing or defeating the benefits of any increase in hit ratio that such exclusive caching can provide. There have been other attempts to partially mitigate the cost of demotions [34] or the cost of the extra I/Os on the disks [6] by grouping them and using `idle time'. In our opinion, idle time should never be considered free as it can be used by other algorithms like prefetching to improve read performance. Sophisticated enterprise-class systems which run round the clock strive hard to minimize idle-time. ULC and KARMA do reduce the number of low reuse pages that enter the higher caches and thereby minimizing the bandwidth wastage. However, ULC's complexity and KARMA's dependence on application hints make them less generally applicable.

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root 2008-01-08