``If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?'' George Berkeley
Storage systems comprised of multiple disks are the backbone of modern computing centers, and when the storage system is down, the entire center can grind to a halt. Downtime is clearly expensive; for example, in the on-line business world, millions of dollars per hour are lost when systems are not available [26,34].
Storage system availability is formally defined as the mean time between
failure (MTBF) divided by the sum of the MTBF and the mean time to recovery
[17]. Hence, to improve
availability, one can either increase the MTBF or decrease the MTTR. Not
surprisingly, researchers have studied both of these components of
To increase the time between failures of a large storage array, data redundancy techniques can be applied [4,6,8,18,22,31,32,33,43,47]. By keeping multiple copies of blocks, or through more sophisticated redundancy schemes such as parity-encoding, storage systems can tolerate a (small) fixed number of faults. To decrease the time to recovery, ``hot spares'' can be employed [21,29,32,36]; when a failure occurs, a spare disk is activated and filled with reconstructed data, returning the system to normal operating mode relatively quickly.
However, the narrow interface between file systems and storage [13] has curtailed opportunities for improving MTBF and MTTR. In a RAID-5 storage array, if one disk too many fails before another is repaired, the entire array is corrupted. This ``availability cliff'' is a result of the storage system laying out blocks oblivious of their semantic importance or relationship; most files become corrupted or inaccessible after just one extra disk failure. Until a time-consuming restore from backup, the entire array remains unavailable, although most disks are still operational. Further, because the storage array has no information on which blocks are live in the file system, the recovery process must restore all blocks in the disk. This unnecessary work slows recovery and reduces availability.
An ideal storage array fails gracefully: if th of the
disks of the system are down, at most
th of the data is
unavailable. An ideal array also recovers more intelligently,
restoring only live data. In effect, more ``important'' data is less likely
to disappear under failure, and such data is restored earlier during
recovery. This strategy for data availability stems from
Berkeley's observation about falling trees: if a file isn't available,
and no process tries to access it before it is recovered, is there truly
a failure?
To explore these concepts and provide a storage array with more graceful failure semantics, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of D-GRAID, a RAID system that Degrades Gracefully (and recovers quickly). D-GRAID exploits semantic intelligence [44] within the disk array to place file system structures across the disks in a fault-contained manner, analogous to the fault containment techniques found in the Hive operating system [7] and in some distributed file systems [24,42]. Thus, when an unexpected ``double'' failure occurs [17], D-GRAID continues operation, serving those files that can still be accessed. D-GRAID also utilizes semantic knowledge during recovery; specifically, only blocks that the file system considers live are restored onto a hot spare. Both aspects of D-GRAID combine to improve the effective availability of the storage array. Note that D-GRAID techniques are complementary to existing redundancy schemes; thus, if a storage administrator configures a D-GRAID array to utilize RAID Level 5, any single disk can fail without data loss, and additional failures lead to a proportional fraction of unavailable data.
In this paper, we present a prototype implementation of D-GRAID, which we refer to as Alexander. Alexander is an example of a semantically-smart disk system [44]. Built underneath a narrow block-based SCSI storage interface, such a disk system understands file system data structures, including the super block, allocation bitmaps, inodes, directories, and other important structures; this knowledge is central to implementing graceful degradation and quick recovery. Because of their intricate understanding of file system structures and operations, semantically-smart arrays are tailored to particular file systems; Alexander currently functions underneath unmodified Linux ext2 and VFAT file systems.
We make three important contributions to semantic disk technology. First, we deepen the understanding of how to build semantically-smart disk systems that operate correctly even with imperfect file system knowledge. Second, we demonstrate that such technology can be applied underneath widely varying file systems. Third, we demonstrate that semantic knowledge allows a RAID system to apply different redundancy techniques based on the type of data, thereby improving availability.
There are two key aspects to the Alexander implementation of graceful degradation. The first is selective meta-data replication, in which Alexander replicates naming and system meta-data structures of the file system to a high degree while using standard redundancy techniques for data. Thus, with a small amount of overhead, excess failures do not render the entire array unavailable. Instead, the entire directory hierarchy can still be traversed, and only some fraction of files will be missing, proportional to the number of missing disks. The second is a fault-isolated data placement strategy. To ensure that semantically meaningful data units are available under failure, Alexander places semantically-related blocks (e.g., the blocks of a file) within the storage array's unit of fault-containment (e.g., a disk). By observing the natural failure boundaries found within an array, failures make semantically-related groups of blocks unavailable, leaving the rest of the file system intact.
Unfortunately, fault-isolated data placement improves availability at a cost; related blocks are no longer striped across the drives, reducing the natural benefits of parallelism found within most RAID techniques [15]. To remedy this, Alexander also implements access-driven diffusion to improve throughput to frequently-accessed files, by spreading a copy of the blocks of ``hot'' files across the drives of the system. Alexander monitors access to data to determine which files to replicate in this fashion, and finds space for those replicas either in a pre-configured performance reserve or opportunistically in the unused portions of the storage system.
We evaluate the availability improvements possible with D-GRAID through trace analysis and simulation, and find that D-GRAID does an excellent job of masking an arbitrary number of failures from most processes by enabling continued access to ``important'' data. We then evaluate our prototype Alexander under microbenchmarks and trace-driven workloads. We find that the construction of D-GRAID is feasible; even with imperfect semantic knowledge, powerful functionality can be implemented within a block-based storage array. We also find that the run-time overheads of D-GRAID are small, but that the CPU costs as compared to a standard array are high. We show that access-driven diffusion is crucial for performance, and that live-block recovery is effective when disks are under-utilized. The combination of replication, data placement, and recovery techniques results in a storage system that improves availability while maintaining a high level of performance.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we present extended motivation, and in Section 3, we discuss the design principles of D-GRAID. In Section 4, we present trace analysis and simulations, and discuss semantic knowledge in Section 5. In Section 6, we present our prototype implementation. We evaluate our prototype in Section 7, discuss alternative methods to implementing D-GRAID and the commercial feasibility of a semantic disk based approach in Section 8. In Section 9, we present related work and conclude in Section 10.