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Detailed Instructions for Accepted Authors

FAST '04, March 31–April 2, 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA


  1. The Deadline: Confirmation of our faxed printout of your electronic file must be received by February 3, 2004.

  2. The format of the PDF:
    • The text of the paper must be set in two columns.
    • The type must be Times Roman or Times, 10 point type on 12 point (single-spaced) leading.
    • All fonts must be embedded.
    • The type block must be 6.5 inches wide by 9 inches deep. Wider or deeper type blocks will not print properly.
    • The notes and the list of references must appear at the end of the paper only.
    • Do not include page numbers or running titles in your PDF.

  3. Consent Form: We must receive your signed consent form(s) by February 3, 2004. All authors may sign a single form, or each author may send in a separate signed form, as convenient. You may mail your form to the USENIX office or fax it to 510.548.5738. Please mark it "Attn: Production Editor."

DEADLINE   (back to top)

The PDF, and author approval of our printout of it, are due on or before February 3, 2004. Files received after this date will not be included in the printed proceedings.

PLEASE NOTE: Simply email the PDF file of your paper and your fax number to We will print the paper in our office and fax you a copy for approval. Send the consent form by postal mail or fax to the USENIX office; see above).


The authors, not the USENIX staff, are solely responsible for the content and formatting of their paper. It is not possible to proofread or correct the papers before we print them. USENIX staff will be happy to advise about any aspect of paper presentation: send email to the Production Director, Jane-Ellen Long, before the paper submission deadline.


Content   (back to top)

Note: Some licensed material may not be publishable. USENIX does not have the resources to research licensed material, but must rely on your determination. If there is any question on this matter, please contact your program chair immediately.

A 200- to 300-word abstract should follow the title and author names, before the main body of the paper.

Please include a section at the end of your paper providing availability information. If the system you describe is available to others, and if more information (reports, etc.) may be obtained, indicate terms and contact information.

Proofread your paper carefully yourself, run a spell-checker, and also have someone else proofread it. See above, Your Responsibilities.

Format   (back to top)

USENIX tries to ensure a consistent style in our Proceedings. Authors should adhere to the following format parameters. Deviations from this style must be cleared with the Production Director, Jane-Ellen Long, before submission. Please notify your Program Chair of any deviations as well.

Please note: Reproduction will be black on white only, on flat-surface paper. Keep this in mind when producing illustrations, particularly when using shaded or variously stippled areas—many shadings are hard to differentiate in offset-printed copies.


  • Length: maximum 14 pages
  • No page numbers or running titles
  • Text block: 6.5" wide by 9" deep
  • 2 columns, each 3.125" wide
  • Gutter between columns: .25"
  • Times Roman or Times font
  • Text: 10 point type on 12 point (single-spaced) leading
  • Endnotes, equations, illustration captions: no smaller than 8 point
  • PAGE COUNT   (back to top)

    The paper should be a maximum of 14 pages long, including all references, diagrams, and appendices.

    THE HTML VERSION   (back to top)

    Email your HTML to in a compressed format (e.g., uuencoded tar, gzip, zip). Please be sure to include your .css file, if you're using one.

    Both the PDF and your fully formatted HTML, with any illustrations in PNG, GIF, or JPEG format, will be permanently mounted on the USENIX Web site and will be distributed to our Institutional Members.

    Deadline: If necessary, the HTML may follow the PDF by a day or two, although concurrent submission is strongly preferred.

    PRESENTATIONS   (back to top)

    Each paper will be scheduled in a 30-minute time period (no more than 25 minutes for your talk and at least 5 reserved for questions). We will monitor the time very closely and will not allow talks to run over their allotted time. Prepare your talks accordingly.

    Make sure your overheads or slides are legible from the back of the room. Please read the USENIX slide presentation guidelines. A good rule of thumb with respect to font size is that if you're using slide preparation software, such as PowerPoint, you should not use sizes smaller than the application's defaults.

    We will provide the following equipment:

    • 1 projector (either overhead or LCD—your choice)
    • 1 screen
    • 1 wired Lavalier microphone
    • cables and extension cords
    • A laser-style pointer
    Please note: laptops are not provided. If you wish to discuss any special A/V needs, please contact the USENIX Conference Department, via email at or via phone at 510-528-8649 ext. 21.

    QUESTIONS?   (back to top)

    If you have any questions that aren't answered above, contact:

    Program Chair: Chandu Thekkath,

    Production Director: Jane-Ellen Long,

    Meeting Planner (regarding hotel, registration, or audiovisual needs): USENIX Conference Department,

    ?Need help? Use our Contacts page.

    Last changed: 6 Nov. 2003 jel
    FAST '04

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