All sessions will take place in the Ballroom West (Level 4) unless otherwise noted.
Session papers with links below are available to workshop registrants immediately and to everyone beginning August 10, 2009.
Monday, August 10, 2009
8:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast, Ballroom Foyer (Level 4)
9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Opening Remarks and Award
Program Co-Chairs: David Jefferson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Joseph Lorenzo Hall, University of California, Berkeley/Princeton University; Tal Moran, Harvard University
Keynote Address
Speaker: Lawrence Norden, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
Paper in Slides
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10:00 a.m.–10:20 a.m. Break
10:20 a.m.–11:10 a.m. |
Session Chair: Alan Sherman, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Now Do Voters Notice Review Screen Anomalies? A Look at Voting System Usability
Bryan A. Campbell and Michael D. Byrne, Rice University
Paper in PDF | Slides
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Style Guide for Voting System Documentation: Why User-Centered Documentation Matters to Voting Security
Dana Chisnell, UsabilityWorks; Susan Becker, Codewords; Sharon Laskowski and Svetlana Lowry, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Paper in PDF | Slides
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11:10 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Break
11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m. |
Session Chair: Jeremy Epstein, SRI International
E-Voting and Forensics: Prying Open the Black Box
Matt Bishop and Sean Peisert, University of California, Davis; Candice Hoke, Cleveland State University; Mark Graff and David Jefferson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Paper in PDF | Slides
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Detecting Voter Fraud in an Electronic Voting Context: An Analysis of the Unlimited Reelection Vote in Venezuela
Inés Levin, Gabe A. Cohn, Peter C. Ordeshook, and R. Michael Alvarez, California Institute of Technology
Paper in PDF | Slides
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12:20 p.m.–1:50 p.m. Workshop Luncheon, Ballroom East (Level 4) |
1:50 p.m.–2:40 p.m. |
Session Chair: Eric Rescorla, RTFM, Inc.
The New Jersey Voting-machine Lawsuit and the AVC Advantage DRE Voting Machine
Andrew W. Appel and Maia Ginsburg, Princeton University; Harri Hursti; Brian W. Kernighan and Christina D. Richards, Princeton University; Gang Tan, Lehigh University; Penny Venetis, Rutgers School of Law—Newark
Paper in PDF
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Can DREs Provide Long-Lasting Security? The Case of Return-Oriented Programming and the AVC Advantage
Stephen Checkoway, University of California, San Diego; Ariel J. Feldman, Princeton University; Brian Kantor, University of California, San Diego; J. Alex Halderman, University of Michigan; Edward W. Felten, Princeton University; Hovav Shacham, University of California, San Diego
Paper in PDF | Slides
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2:40 p.m.–3:10 p.m. Break
3:10 p.m.–3:55 p.m. |
Session Chair: Josh Benaloh, Microsoft Research
Understanding the Security Properties of Ballot-Based Verification Techniques
Eric Rescorla, RTFM, Inc.
Paper in PDF | Slides
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VoteBox Nano: A Smaller, Stronger FPGA-based Voting Machine
Ersin Öksüzoǧlu and Dan S. Wallach, Rice University
Paper in PDF | Slides
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Some Consequences of Paper Fingerprinting for Elections
Joseph A. Calandrino, William Clarkson, and Edward W. Felten, Princeton University
Paper in PDF
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3:55 p.m.–4:10 p.m. Break
4:10 p.m.–5:00 p.m. |
Invited Talk
Session Chair: David Jefferson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Speaker: The Honorable Rush Holt (NJ), United States Representative
Listen in MP3 format
5:00 p.m.–5:05 p.m.
5:05 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Dinner (on your own)
8:30 p.m.–10:00 p.m. |
Rump Session
Salon Drummond Centre (Level 3)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
8:30 a.m.–8:50 a.m. Continental Breakfast, Ballroom Foyer (Level 4)
8:50 a.m.–9:50 a.m.
Opening Remarks
Program Co-Chairs: David Jefferson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Joseph Lorenzo Hall, University of California, Berkeley/Princeton University; Tal Moran, Harvard University
Invited Talk
Session Chair: Tal Moran, Harvard University
Voting Cryptography Tutorial for Non-Cryptographers
Ben Adida, Harvard University
Talk in Slides
Listen in MP3 format
9:50 a.m.–10:15 a.m. |
Session Chair: Tal Moran, Harvard University
Awarded Best Paper!
Electing a University President Using Open-Audit Voting: Analysis of Real-World Use of Helios
Ben Adida, Harvard University; Olivier de Marneffe, Olivier Pereira, and Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Université catholique de Louvain
Paper in PDF | Slides
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10:15 a.m.–10:35 a.m. Break
10:35 a.m.–11:50 a.m. |
Session Chair: Ron Rivest, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Efficient Receipt-Free Ballot Casting Resistant to Covert Channels
Ben Adida, Harvard University; C. Andrew Neff
Paper in PDF | Slides
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On Subliminal Channels in Encrypt-on-Cast Voting Systems
Ariel J. Feldman, Princeton University; Josh Benaloh, Microsoft Research
Paper in PDF | Slides
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Permutations in Prêt à Voter
Peter Y A Ryan, University of Luxembourg; Vanessa Teague, University of Melbourne
Paper in PDF | Slides
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11:50 a.m.–1:20 p.m. Workshop Luncheon, Ballroom East (Level 4)
1:20 p.m.–2:35 p.m. |
Session Chair: Lawrence Norden, New York University
Weight, Weight, Don't Tell Me: Using Scales to Select Ballots for Auditing
Cynthia Sturton, University of California, Berkeley; Eric Rescorla, RTFM, Inc.; David Wagner, University of California, Berkeley
Paper in PDF | Slides
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Automating Voting Terminal Event Log Analysis
Tigran Antonyan, Seda Davtyan, Sotiris Kentros, Aggelos Kiayias, Laurent Michel, Nicolas Nicolaou, Alexander Russell, and Alexander Shvartsman, University of Connecticut
Paper in PDF | Slides
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On the Security of Election Audits with Low Entropy Randomness
Eric Rescorla, RTFM, Inc.
Paper in PDF | Slides
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2:35 p.m.–3:05 p.m. Break
3:05 p.m.–4:10 p.m. |
Session Chair: Joseph Calandrino, Princeton University
Interstate Voter Registration Database Matching: The Oregon-Washington 2008 Pilot Project
R. Michael Alvarez, California Institute of Technology; Jeff Jonas, IBM Entity Analytics; William E. Winkler, Bureau of the Census; Rebecca N. Wright, Rutgers University
Paper in PDF | Slides
Software Support for Software-Independent Auditing
Gabrielle A. Gianelli, Jennifer D. King, Edward W. Felten, and William P. Zeller, Princeton University
Paper in PDF | Slides
Implementing Risk-Limiting Post-Election Audits in California
Joseph Lorenzo Hall, University of California, Berkeley, and Princeton University; Philip B. Stark and Luke W. Miratrix, University of California, Berkeley; Melvin Briones and Elaine Ginnold, Marin County, California, Registrar of Voters; Freddie Oakley, Yolo County, California, County Clerk/Recorder; Martin Peaden and Gail Pellerin, Santa Cruz County, California, County Clerk; Tom Stanionis, Yolo County, California, County Clerk/Recorder; Tricia Webber, Santa Cruz County, California, County Clerk
Paper in PDF | Slides
4:20 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
Short Intros for Demonstrations (1 min. each)
Session Chair: Tal Moran, Harvard University
4:30 p.m.–5:20 p.m.
System Demonstrations
Session Chair: Tal Moran, Harvard University
See the Call for Demos for information about participating.
5:20 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Closing Remarks