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- A
- R. Anderson,
Security Engineering,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001.
- C. Aumüller, B. Bier, W. Fischer, P. Hofreiter, J.-P. Seifert,
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- AG
- M. L. Akkar, C. Giraud,
``An implementation of DES and AES, secure against some attacks'',
Proc. of CHES '01,
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- AK1
- R. Anderson, M. Kuhn,
``Tamper Resistance - a cautionary note'',
Proc. of 2nd USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce,
pp. 1-11, 1996.
- AK2
- R. Anderson, M. Kuhn,
``Low cost attacks attacks on tamper resistant devices'',
Proc. of 1997 Security Protocols Workshop,
Springer LNCS vol. 1361, pp. 125-136, 1997.
- D. Boneh, R. A. DeMillo, R. Lipton,
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Journal of Cryptology
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- F. Bao, R. H. Deng, Y. Han, A. Jeng, A. D. Narasimbalu, T. Ngair,
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Proc. of 1997 Security Protocols Workshop,
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- BS97
- E. Biham, A. Shamir,
``Differential fault analysis of secret key cryptosystems'',
Proc. of CRYPTO '97,
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- BS99
- E. Biham, A. Shamir,
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- BS02
- J. Blömer, J.-P. Seifert,
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- J.-S. Coron, P. Kocher D. Naccache,
``Statistics and Secret Leakage'',
Proc. of Financial Cryptography,
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- DR1
- J. Daemen, V. Rijmen,
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pp. 122-132, 1999.
- DR2
- J. Daemen, V. Rijmen,
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- J. Daemen, M. Peeters, G. Van Assche,
``Bitslice ciphers and implementation attacks'',
Proc. of Fast Software Encryption 2000,
Springer LNCS vol. 1978, pp. 134-149, 2001.
- Federal Information Processing Standard,
``Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)'',
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 2001,
- Gu1
- P. Gutmann,
``Secure deletion of data from magnetic and solid-state memory'',
Proc. of 6th USENIX Security Symposium,
pp. 77-89, 1997.
- Gu2
- P. Gutmann,
``Data Remanence in Semiconductor Devices'',
Proc. of 7th USENIX Security Symposium,
- Inf1
- Infineon Technologies AG,
``Security & Chip Card ICs, Crypto2000, Modular Arithmetic Coprocessor,
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- Inf2
- Infineon Technologies AG,
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- M. Joye, A. K. Lenstra, J.-J. Quisquater,
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- M. Joye, J.-J. Quisquater, F. Bao, R. H. Deng,
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- M. Joye, J.-J. Quisquater, S. M. Yen, M. Yung,
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- KR
- B. Kaliski, M. J. B. Robshaw,
``Comments on some new attacks on cryptographic devices'',
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- KK
- O. Kömmerling, M. Kuhn,
``Design Principles for Tamper-Resistant Smartcard Processors'',
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- KQ
- F. Koeune, J.-J. Quisquater,
``A timing attack against Rijndael'',
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- O. Kocar,
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- Koch
- P. Kocher,
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- P. Kocher, J. Jaffe, J. Jun,
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- R. Karri, K. Wu, P. Mishra, Y. Kim,
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- Li
- H. Lipmaa,
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- Ma
- D. P. Maher,
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- Me
- T. Messerges,
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- S. W. Moore, R. J. Anderson, M. G. Kuhn,
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- D. Naccache, D. M'Raihi,
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- Pai
- P. Pailler,
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- I. Petersen,
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- Sa
- J. Savard,
``The Advanced Encryption Standard (Rijndael)'',
- SQ
- D. Samyde, J.-J. Quisquater,
``ElectroMagnetic Analysis (EMA): Measures and Countermeasures for Smart Cards'',
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- A. Satoh, S. Morioka, K. Takano, S. Munetoh,
``A compact Rijndael hardware architecture with S-Box optimization'',
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- SA
- S. Skorobogatov, R. Anderson,
``Optical Fault Induction Attacks'',
Proc. of CHES '02,
Springer LNCS, pp. 2-12, 2002.
- Wo
- J. Wolkerstorfer,
``An ASIC implementation of the AES MixColumn-operation'',
Graz University of Technology, Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications,
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- J. Wolkerstorfer, E. Oswald, M. Lamberger,
``An ASIC implementation of the AES S-Boxes'',
Proc. of CT-RSA Conference 2002,
Springer LNCS vol. 2271, 2002.
- YJ
- S.-M. Yen, M. Joye,
``Checking before output may not be enough against fault-based cryptanalysis'',
IEEE Trans. on Computers
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- S.-M. Yen, S.-J. Kim, S.-G. Lim, S.-J. Moon,
``RSA Speedup with Residue Number System immune from Hardware fault cryptanalysis'',
Proc. of the ICISC 2001,
Springer LNCS, 2001.
- S.-M. Yen, S.-J. Kim, S.-G. Lim, S.-J. Moon,
``A countermeasure against one physical cryptanalysis may benefit another attack'',
Proc. of the ICISC 2001,
Springer LNCS, 2001.
- YT
- S.-M. Yen, S. Y. Tseng,
``Differential power cryptanalysis of a Rijndael implementation'',
LCIS Technical Report TR-2K1-9, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Central University, Taiwan, 2001.
- ZM
- Y. Zheng, T. Matsumoto,
``Breaking real-world implementations of cryptosystems by manipulating their random number generation'',
Proc. of the 1997 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security,
Springer LNCS, 1997.
Roger Fischlin