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Related Works: Member Revocation

At any time a member can decide to leave the group. In this case, we can reasonably think that he will not try to cheat in the future, but it is far from sure. Furthermore if a member is revoked from the group against his will, it is very plausible that he will try to keep on signing even if he has not the right to anymore. In both cases, it is necessary to set up a mechanism which prevents this type of fraud.
The paper of E. Bresson and J. Stern [4] proposed the most intuitive solution which consists for the signer in proving that he is different from any revoked member. But this method obviously generates a signature whose size linearly increases according to the number of revoked members.
In a recent paper, Song [14] proposed two revocation methods that are relatively similar and provide constant-length signatures and a constant work for the group manager. But the work of the verifier is also linear in the number of revoked members. Moreover, the solution is not very practical since it deals with a group with a limited life-expectancy.
Ateniese, Song and Tsudik [2] proposed a modification of the Ateniese et al. scheme [1] to improve member revocation, which also provides a constant size of signature. But works during the revocation phase and the verification one are linear in the number of revoked members. Finally, the cost of the signature is very expensive and consequently it is an overall unpractical solution.
Very recently, Camenisch and Lysyanskaya [5] proposed the first practical method for member revocation. It is also based on the scheme of Ateniese et al. [1] and therefore is not really generic (i.e. cannot be easily applied to any other group signature scheme). Moreover the signer has to make (possibly off-line) a number of modular exponentiations which is proportional to the number of modifications in the group (addition or deletion) until his last signature. Finally, this solution implies additional proofs of knowledge and, consequently, many other modular exponentiations.

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