Technical Sessions
[Wednesday, February 13]
[Thursday, February 14]
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Software Strategy from the 1980 Time Capsule
John R. Mashey, Sensei Partners
About 20 years ago, "Small Is Beautiful and Other Thoughts on Programming Strategies" and "Software Army on the March" were a related pair of frequently given talks. Just for fun, this talk uses the original slides, but adds commentary to bring them to 2002. The talk examines project success and failure, the common reasons thereof, strategies for failing quickly when necessary, and other related topics in engineering. Most still seem to apply well today, alas.
View these slide shows in HTML:
Small Is Beautiful (1977)
Software Army on the March (1982)
10:30 am - 11:00
am Break
11:00 am - 12:30
Hardware & Documentation
Chair, Jim Mock, Consultant
Porting NetBSD to the AMD x86-64: A Case Study in OS Portability
Frank van der Linden, Wasabi Systems, Inc.
Problems Updating FreeBSD's Card System from ISA to PCI
M. Warner Losh, Timing Solutions, Inc.
Experiences on an Open Source Translation Effort in Japan
Hiroki Sato and Keitaro Sekine, Tokyo University of Science
Spam--Roles and Responsibilities
Paul A. Vixie, Concerned Citizen
Protocols and practices designed for computer scientists and
members of the U.S. military are not always a perfect fit for broad commercial use. So it is in the case of e-mail, which has no practical authentication, auditing, rate limiting, or security. In this invited talk, Mr. Vixie will highlight some common abuses of the e-mail protocols and explain the roles and responsibilities of each party to such abuse.
12:30 pm - 2:00
pm Lunch (on your own)
2:00 pm - 3:30
Kernel Stuff
Chair: Chris Demetriou, Broadcom Corp.
Locking in the Multithreaded FreeBSD Kernel
John H. Baldwin, The Weather Channel
Advanced Synchronization in Mac OS X: Extending UNIX to SMP
and Real-Time
Louis G. Gerbarg, Apple Computer, Inc.
An Implementation of the Yarrow PRNG for FreeBSD
Mark R. V. Murray, FreeBSD Services, Ltd
The FreeBSD Documentation Project
Michael Lucas, Great Lakes Technologies Group
The FreeBSD Documentation Project produces the FreeBSD Handbook, FAQ, Programmers' Guide, and myriad other documents. It is perhaps the most straightforward part of FreeBSD to contribute to.
This mini-tutorial will teach people how to install current documentation and then how to create, test, and submit SGML Documentation Project patches. Users are encouraged to install /usr/ports/textproc/docproj on their laptops and bring them for hands-on training, but this is not required.
View this slide presentation in pdf format.
3:30 pm - 4:00
pm Break
4:00 pm - 5:30
BSD Status Reports
Chair: Marshall Kirk McKusick, Consultant
This session will begin with a short status report from each of the BSD projects. Following these presentations, the audience will be invited to lob questions to the speakers. The entire melee will be orchestrated by longtime BSD referee Kirk McKusick.
9:00 am - 10:30
UNIX: Not Just for Geeks Anymore . . .
Brett Halle, Director, Core OS Engineering, Apple Computer, Inc.
UNIX on the desktop has been the holy grail in our industry for many years. With BSD now showing up at the corner consumer electronics store, the attainment of that grail contains many implications for the future of software development. We will examine the challenges and opportunities ahead of us in this brave new world.
10:30 am - 11:00
am Break
11:00 am - 12:30
File Systems
Chair: Gregory Neil Shapiro, Sendmail, Inc.
Awarded Best Paper!
Running "fsck" in the Background
Marshall Kirk McKusick, Author and Consultant
Awarded Best Paper!
Design and Implementation of a Direct Access File System (DAFS) Kernel Server for FreeBSD
Kostas Magoutis, Harvard University
Rethinking /dev and Devices in the UNIX Kernel
Poul-Henning Kamp, The FreeBSD Project
Cryptography and Insecurity
Matt Blaze, AT&T
Cryptography sounds just wonderful. With a few simple algorithms, it is possible to separate the security of messages from the security of the media over which they are carried; public-key techniques even make it possible to have secure communication over completely public channels without advance arrangements. Now that crypto export restrictions have been relaxed, vendors are actually implementing it--the world has finally gotten serious about security, it seems.
And yet Internet attacks have become a far greater problem than they were in the bad old days before widely deployed cryptography. This talk will try to figure out who is to blame for this situation.
12:30 pm - 2:00
pm Conference Luncheon
2:00 pm - 3:30
Chair: Jun-Ichiro itojun Hagino, IIJ Research Laboratory/KAME Project
Resisting SYN Flood DoS Attacks with a SYN Cache
Jonathan Lemon, FreeBSD Project
Flexible Packet Filtering: Providing a Rich Toolbox
Kurt J. Lidl, Zero Millimeter LLC; Deborah G. Lidl and Paul R. Borman, Wind River Systems
A FreeBSD-Based Low-Cost Broadband VPN Router for a
Telemedicine Application
Gunther Schadow, Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
Taking an Open Source Project to Market: A Parable of Sendmail
Eric Allman, Chief Technology Officer, Sendmail, Inc.
Many things happen when a long-time open source project is converted to a commercial model. Some of these events are business-oriented and expected: for example, marketing and sales departments appear. Some are less obvious, involving sometimes subtle changes in the way engineering is done. The open source sendmail MTA has been the major MTA on the Internet since 1982. In 1998, as sendmail neared a "success disaster" (where the success of the project outstrips the ability of the development team to support it), a commercial company was formed to develop and support sendmail. The focus of this talk will be on how engineering has changed as a result, as opposed to examining the business model, but will necessarily also cover business-oriented material.
3:30 pm - 4:00
pm Break
4:00 pm - 5:30
System Administration
Chair: Rob Kolstad, Delos
SystemStarter and the Mac OS X Startup Process
Wilfredo Sánchez and Kevin Van Vechten
Log Monitors in BSD UNIX
Brett Glass, Glassware
Sushi: An Extensible Human Interface for NetBSD
Tim Rightnour, The NetBSD Project
Wireless Access Point Mapping
Simon Byers,
We relate our experiences in wireless AP mapping, giving a broad sweep through various motivations, implementations, analyzes, and applications. This will include practical descriptions of software, hardware, antennae, and other devices that we have found useful to exploit or measure wireless networks. We employ a very hands-on philosophy in our work and the talk. We consider formal research in this area to be important and shall illuminate examples of this with various applications, whether legitimate or otherwise.
View this presentation in pdf format.