Paper - 1999 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 6-11, 1999, Monterey, California, USA   
[Technical Program]
Pp. 225238 of the Proceedings |  |
Reducing the Disk I/O of Web Proxy Server Caches
Carlos Maltzahn and Kathy J. Richardson
Compaq Computer Corporation
Network Systems Laboratory
Palo Alto, CA,
Dirk Grunwald
University of Colorado
Department of Computer Science
Boulder, CO
The dramatic increase of HTTP traffic on the Internet has resulted in wide-spread
use of large caching proxy servers as critical Internet infrastructure
components. With continued growth the demand for larger caches and higher
performance proxies grows as well. The common bottleneck of large caching
proxy servers is disk I/O. In this paper we evaluate ways to reduce the
amount of required disk I/O. First we compare the file system interactions
of two existing web proxy servers, Cern and
Then we show how design adjustments to the current Squid
cache architecture can dramatically reduce disk I/O. Our findings suggest
two that strategies can significantly reduce disk I/O: (1) preserve locality
of the HTTP reference stream while translating these references into cache
references, and (2) use virtual memory instead of the file system for objects
smaller than the system page size. The evaluated techniques reduced disk
I/O by 50% to 70%.
1 Introduction
The dramatic increase of HTTP traffic on the Internet in the last years
has lead to the wide use of large, enterprise-level World-Wide Web proxy
servers. The three main purposes of these web proxy servers are to control
and filter traffic between a corporate network and the Internet, to reduce
user-perceived latency when loading objects from the Internet, and to reduce
bandwidth between the corporate network and the Internet. The latter two
are commonly accomplished by caching objects on local disks.
With the availability of faster processors and cheaper main memory,
the common bottleneck of today's large web proxy servers is disk I/O [30].
One easy solution to this problem would be to store the entire cache in
main memory. However, various studies have shown that the web cache hit
rate is logarithmic-proportional to the amount of traffic and the size
of the client population [16, 11,
as well as logarithmic-proportional to the cache size [2,
7, 31,
9, 11] (see
[5] for a summary and possible explanation).
In practice this results in cache sizes in the order of 10G Bytes or more
[28]. To install a server with this
much main memory is in many cases still not feasible.
Until main memory becomes cheap enough, Web caches will use disks, so
there is a strong interest in reducing the overhead of disk I/O. Some commercial
Web proxy servers come with hardware and a special operating system that
is optimized for disk I/O. However, these solutions are expensive and in
many cases not affordable. There is a wide interest in portable, low-cost
solutions which require not more than standard off-the-shelf hardware and
software. In this paper we are interested in exploring ways to reduce disk
I/O by changing the way a Web proxy server application utilizes a general-purpose
Unix file system using standard Unix system calls.
In this paper we compare the file system interactions of two existing
web proxy servers, Cern [18]
Squid [29].
We show how adjustments to the current
cache architecture can dramatically reduce disk I/O. Our findings suggest
that two strategies can significantly reduce disk I/O: (1) preserve locality
of the HTTP reference stream while translating these references into cache
references, and (2) use virtual memory instead of the file system for objects
smaller than the system page size. We support our claims using measurements
from actual file systems exercised by a trace driven workload collected
from proxy server log data at a major corporate Internet gateway.
In the next section we describe the cache structure of two widely used
web proxy servers and their interaction with the underlying file systems.
We then propose a number of alternative cache structures. While these cache
structures assume infinite caches we investigate finite cache management
strategies in section 3 focusing on disk I/O. In section 4 we present the
methodology we used to evaluate the cache structures and section 5 presents
the results of our performance study. After discussing related work in
section 6, we conclude with a summary and future work in section 7.
2 Cache Architectures of Web Proxy Servers
We define the cache architecture of a Web proxy server as the way
a proxy server interacts with a file system. A cache architecture names,
stores, and retrieves objects from a file system, and maintains application-level
meta-data about cached objects. To better understand the impact of cache
architectures on file systems we first review the basic design goals of
file systems and then describe the Unix Fast File System (FFS), the standard
file system available on most variants of the UNIX operating system.
2.1 File systems
Since the speed of disks lags far behind the speed of main memory the most
important factor in I/O performance is whether disk I/O occurs at
all ([17], page 542). File
systems use memory caches to reduce disk I/O. The file system provides
a buffer cache and a name cache. The buffer cache serves
as a place to transfer and cache data to and from the disk. The name cache
stores file and directory name resolutions which associate file
and directory names with file system data structures that otherwise reside
on disk.
The Fast File System (FFS) [20]
divides disk space into blocks of uniform size (either 4K or 8K
Bytes). These are the basic units of disk space allocation. These blocks
may be sub-divided into fragments of 1K Bytes for small files or
files that require a non-integral number of blocks. Blocks are grouped
into cylinder groups which are sets of typically sixteen adjacent
cylinders. These cylinder groups are used to map file reference locality
to physically adjacent disk space. FFS tries to store each directory and
its content within one cylinder group and each file into a set of adjacent
blocks. The FFS does not guarantee such file layout but uses a simple set
of heuristics to achieve it. As the file system fills up, the FFS will
increasingly often fail to maintain such a layout and the file system gets
increasingly fragmented. A fragmented file system stores a large
part of its files in non-adjacent blocks. Reading and writing data from
and to non-adjacent blocks causes longer seek times and can severely reduce
file system throughput.
Each file is described by meta-data in the form of inodes. An
inode is a fixed length structure that contains information about the size
and location of the file as well as up to fifteen pointers to the blocks
which store the data of the file. The first 12 pointers are direct pointers
while the last three pointers refer to indirect blocks, which contain
pointers to additional file blocks or to additional indirect blocks. The
vast majority of files are shorter than 96K Bytes, so in most cases an
inode can directly point to all blocks of a file, and storing them within
the same cylinder group further exploits this reference locality.
The design of the FFS reflects assumption about file system workloads.
These assumptions are based on studies of workloads generated by workstations
[23, 24].
These workstation workloads and Web cache request workloads share many,
but not all of the same characteristics. Because most of their behavior
is similar, the file system works reasonably well for caching Web pages.
However there are differences; and tweaks to to the way cache objects map
onto the file system produce significant performance improvements.
We will show in the following sections that some file system aspects
of the workload characteristics generated by certain cache architectures
can differ from usual workstation workloads. These different workload characteristics
lead to poor file system performance. We will also show that adjustments
to cache architectures can dramatically improve file system performance.
2.2 File System Aspects of Web Proxy Server Cache Workloads
The basic function of a Web proxy server is to receive a request from a
client, check whether the request is authorized, and serve the requested
object either from a local disk or from the Internet. Generally, objects
served from the Internet are also stored on a local disk so that future
requests to the same object can be served locally. This functionality combined
with Web traffic characteristics implies the following aspects of Web proxy
server cache generated file system loads:
Figure 1: The dynamic size distribution of cached
objects. The graph shows a cumulative distribution weighted by the number
of objects. For example 74% of all object referenced have a size of equal
or less than 8K Bytes.
Entire Files Only
Web objects are always written or read in their entirety. Web objects
do change, but this causes the whole object to be rewritten; there are
no incremental updates of cached Web objects. This is not significantly
different than standard file system workloads where more than 65% of file
accesses either read or write the whole file. Over 90% either read or write
sequentially a portion of a file or the whole file [4].
Since there are no incremental additions to cached objects, it is likely
that disk becomes more fragmented since there are fewer incremental bits
to utilize small contiguous block segments.
Due to the characteristics of Web traffic, 74% of referenced Web
objects are smaller than 8K Bytes. Figure 1
illustrates this by showing the distribution of the sizes of cached objects
based on our HTTP traces, which are described later. This distribution
is very similar to file characteristics. 8K Byte is a common system page
size. Modern hardware supports the efficient transfer of system page sizes
between disk and memory. A number of Unix File Systems use a file system
block size of 8K and a fragment size of 1K. Typically the performance of
the file system's fragment allocation mechanism has a greater impact on
overall performance than the block allocation mechanism. In addition, fragment
allocation is often more expensive than block allocation because fragment
allocation usually involves a best-fit search.
The popularity of Web objects follows a
Zipf-like distribution
(where W = (Si=1N
and i is the ith most popular Web object) [15,
The a values range from 0.64 to 0.83. Traces
with homogeneous communities have a larger a
value than traces with more diverse communities. The traces generally do
not follow Zipf's law which states that a =
1 [33]. The relative popularity of objects
changes slowly (on the order of days and weeks). This implies that for
any given trace of Web traffic, the first references to popular objects
within a trace tend to occur early in the trace. The slow migration to
new popular items allows for relatively static working set capture algorithms
(see for example [27]). It also
means that there is little or no working set behavior attributable to the
majority of the referenced objects. File system references exhibit much
more temporal locality; allocation and replacement policies need to react
rapidly to working set changes.
Data Locality
A large number of Web objects include links to embedded objects that
are referenced in short succession. These references commonly refer to
the same server and tend to even have the same URL prefix. This is similar
to the locality observed in workstation workloads which show that files
accessed in short succession tend to be in the same file directory.
Meta-data Locality
The fact that objects with similar names tend to be accessed in short
succession means that information about those objects will also be referenced
in short succession. If the information required to validate and access
files is combined in the same manner as the file accesses it will exhibit
temporal locality (many re-references within a short time period). The
hierarchal directory structure of files systems tends to group related
files together. The meta-data about those files and their access methods
are stored in directory and inodes which end up being highly reused when
accessing a group of files. Care is required to properly map Web objects
to preserve the locality of meta-data.
Read/Write Ratio
The hit rate of Web caches is low (30%-50%, see [15,
31, 3]).
Every cache hit involves a read of the cache meta-data and a read of the
cached data. Every miss involves a read of the cache meta-data, a write
of meta-data, and a write of the Web object. Since there are typically
more misses than hits, the majority of disk accesses are writes. File systems
typically have many more reads than writes [23];
writes require additional work because the file system data must be properly
flushed from memory to disk. The high fraction of writes also causes the
disk to quickly fragment. Data is written, removed and rewritten quickly;
this makes it difficult to keep contiguous disk blocks available for fast
or large data writes.
Cached Web objects are (and should be) redundant; individual data
items are not critical for the operation of Web proxy caches. If the cached
data is lost, it can always be served from the Internet. This is not the
case with file system data. Data lost before it is securely written to
disk is irrecoverable. With highly reliable Web proxy servers (both software
and hardware) it is acceptable to never actually store Web objects to disk,
or to periodically store all Web objects to disk in the event of a server
crash. This can significantly reduce the memory system page replacement
cost for Web objects. A different assessment has to be made for the meta
data which some web proxy server use for cache management. In the event
of meta data loss, either the entire content of the cache is lost or has
to be somehow rebuilt based on data saved on disk. High accessibility requirements
might neither allow the loss of the entire cache nor time consuming cache
rebuilds. In that case meta data has to be handled similarly to file system
data. The volume of meta data is however much smaller than the volume of
cached data.
2.3 Cache Architectures of Existing Web Proxy Servers
The following describes the cache architectures we are investigating in
this paper. The first two describe the architectures of two widely used
web proxy servers, Cern and Squid.
We then describe how the
Squid architecture
could be changed to improve performance. All architectures assume infinite
cache sizes. We discuss the management of finite caches in section 3.
2.3.1 Cern
The original web server httpd was developed at CERN
and served as early reference implementation for World-Wide Web service.
can also be used as a web proxy server [18].
We refer to this function of httpd as ``Cern''.
Cern forks a new process for each request
and terminates it after the request is served. The forked processes of
use the file system not only to store cached copies of Web objects but
also to share meta-information about the content of the cache and to coordinate
access to the cache. To find out whether a request can be served from the
cache, Cern first translates the URL of the
request into a URL directory and checks whether a lock file for
the requested URL exists. The path of the URL directory is the result of
mapping URL components to directories such that the length of the file
path depends on the number of URL components. The check for a lock file
requires the translation of each path component of the URL directory into
an inode. Each translation can cause a miss in the file system's name cache
in which case the translation requires information from the disk.
The existence of a lock file indicates that another Cern
process is currently inserting the requested object into the cache. Locked
objects are not served from the cache but fetched from the Internet without
updating the cache. If no lock file exists, Cern
tries to open a meta-data file in the URL directory. A failure to do so
indicates a cache miss in which case Cern
fetches the object from the Internet and inserts it into the cache thereby
creating the necessary directories, temporary lock files, and meta-data
file updates. All these operations require additional disk I/O in the case
of misses in the file system's name and buffer cache. If the meta-data
file exists and it lists the object file name as not expired, Cern
serves the request from the cache.
2.3.2 Squid
The Squid proxy [29]
uses a single process to eliminate
overhead of process creation and termination. The process keeps meta-data
about the cache contents in main memory. Each entry of the the meta-data
maps a URL to a unique file number and contains data about the ``freshness''
of the cached object. If the meta-data does not contain an entry for the
requested URL or the entry indicates that the cached copy is stale, the
object is fetched from the Internet and inserted into the cache. Thus,
with in-memory meta-data the disk is never touched to find out whether
a request is a Web cache miss or a Web cache hit.
A unique file number
n maps to a two-level file path that contains
the cached object. The file path follows from the unique file number using
the formula
(x,y,z) = (n mod l1,
mod l2,
where (x,y,z) maps to the file path ``x/y/z'', and
and l2 are the numbers of first
and second level directories. Unique file numbers for new objects are generated
by either incrementing a global variable or reusing numbers from expired
objects. This naming scheme ensures that the resulting directory tree is
balanced. The number of first and second level directories are configurable
to ensure that directories do not become too large. If directory objects
exceed the size of a file block, directory look-up times increase.
2.4 Variations on the Squid Cache Architecture
The main difference between
and Squid is that Cern
stores all state on disk while
Squid keeps
a representation of the content of its cache (the meta data) in main memory.
It would seem straightforward to assume that Cern's
architecture causes more disk I/O than Squid's
architecture. However, as we showed in [19],
Cern's and Squid's
disk I/O are surprisingly similar for the same workload.
Our conjecture was that this is due to the fact that Cern's
cache architecture preserves some of the locality of the HTTP reference
stream, while Squid's unique numbering scheme
destroys locality. Although the Cern cache
has a high file system overhead, the preservation of the spatial locality
seen in the HTTP reference stream leads to a disk I/O performance comparable
to the Squid cache.
We have designed two alternative cache architectures for the Squid
cache that improve reference locality. We also investigated the benefits
of circumventing the common file system abstractions for storing and retrieving
objects by implementing memory-mapped caches. Memory mapped caches
can reduce the number of file-system system calls and effectively use large
primary memories. However, memory-mapped caches also introduce more complexity
for placement and replacement policies. We will examine several such allocation
2.4.1 SquidL
We designed a modified Squid cache architecture,
to determine whether a locality-preserving translation of an HTTP reference
stream into a file system access stream reduces disk I/O. The only difference
between Squid and SquidL
is that SquidL derives the URL directory name
from the URL's host name instead of calculating a unique number. The modified
formula for the file path of a cached object is now
(x,y,z) = (h(s) Ù
m |
, h(s) Ù m |
, n) |
where s is the host name of the requested URL, h is a hash
Ù is the bitwise conjunction,
a bit mask for the first level directories, and ml2
for the second level directories.
Figure 2: The locality of server names in
an HTTP request stream. The data is based on an HTTP request stream with
495,662 requests (minus the first 100,000 to warm up the cache).
The rationale of this design is based on observation of the data shown
in figure 2 (based on our HTTP traces, see
below): the temporal locality of server names in HTTP references is high.
One explanation for this is the fact that a large portion of HTTP requests
are for objects that are embedded in the rendition of a requested HTML
object. HTTP clients request these ``in-lined'' objects immediately after
they parsed the HTML object. In most HTML objects all in-lined objects
are from the same server. Since SquidL stores
cached objects of the same server in the same directory, cache references
to linked objects will tend to access the same directory. This leads to
a burst of requests to the same directory and therefore increases the temporal
locality of file system requests.
One drawback of SquidL is that a single
directory may store many objects from a popular server. This can lead to
directories with many entries which results in directory objects spanning
multiple data blocks. Directory lookups in directory objects that are larger
than one block can take significantly longer than directory lookups in
single block directory objects [21].
If the disk cache is distributed across multiple file systems, directories
of popular servers can put some file systems under a significantly higher
workload than others. The SquidL architecture
does produce a few directories with many files; for our workload only about
30 directories contained more than 1000 files. Although this skewed access
pattern was not a problem for our system configuration, recent changes
to Squid version 2.0 [10,
implements a strategy that may be useful for large configurations. The
changes balance file system load and size by allocating at most k
files to a given directory. Once a directory reaches this user-configured
number of files, Squid switches to a different
directory. The indexing function for this strategy can be expressed by
(x,y,z) = (n / (k * l2),
/ k mod
l2, n mod
where k is specified by the cache administrator. Notice that this
formula poses an upper limit of max_objs = l1
l2 * k objects that can
be stored in the cache. Extensions to this formula could produce relatively
balanced locality-preserving directory structures.
2.4.2 SquidM
One approach to reduce disk I/O is to circumvent the file system abstractions
and store objects into a large memory-mapped file [22].
Disk space of the memory-mapped file is allocated once and access to the
file are entirely managed by the virtual memory system. This has the following
Stored objects are identified by the offset into the memory-mapped
file which directly translates into a virtual memory address. This by-passes
the overhead of translating file names into inodes and maintaining and
storing those inodes.
The memory-mapped file is allocated once. If the file is created
on a new file system, the allocated disk space is minimally fragmented
which allows high utilization of disk bandwidth. As long as the file does
not change in size, the allocated disk space will remain unfragmented.
This one-time allocation also by-passes file system block and fragment
allocation overhead 1
. Notice that memory-mapped files does not prevent internal fragmentation,
the possible fragmentation of the content of the memory-mapped file due
to application-level data management of the data stored in memory-mapped
files. Since we assume infinite caches, internal fragmentation is not an
issue here. See section 3 for the management of
finite memory-mapped caches.
Disk I/O is managed by virtual memory which takes advantage of hardware
optimized for paging. The smallest unit of disk I/O is a system page instead
of the size of the smallest stored object.
Thus, we expect that memory-mapping will benefit us primarily in the access
of small objects by eliminating the opening and closing of small files.
Most operating systems have limits on the size of memory-mapped files,
and care must be taken to appropriately choose the objects to store in
the limited space available. In the cache architecture SquidM
we therefore chose the system page size (8K Byte) as upper limit. Over
over 70% of all object references are less or equal than 8K bytes (see
figure 1 which is based on our HTTP
traces). Objects larger than 8K Bytes are cached the same way as in Squid.
To retrieve an object from a memory-mapped file we need to have its
offset into the memory-mapped file and its size. In SquidM
offset and size of each object are stored in in-memory meta-data. Instead
of keeping track of the actual size of an object we defined five
sizes (512, 1024, 2048, 4,096, or 8,192 Bytes). This reduces the size
information from thirteen bits down to three bits. Each object is padded
to the smallest segment size. In section 3 we will
show more advantages of managing segments instead of object sizes.
These padded objects are contiguously written into the mapped virtual
memory area in the order in which they are first referenced (and thus missed).
Our conjecture was that this strategy would translate the temporal locality
of the HTTP reference stream into spatial locality of virtual memory references.
We will show that this strategy also tends to concentrate very popular
objects in the first few pages of the memory-mapped file; truly popular
objects will be referenced frequently enough to be at the beginning of
any reference stream. Clustering popular objects significantly reduces
the number of page faults since those pages tend to stay in main memory.
Over time, the set of popular references may change, increasing the page
fault rate.
2.4.3 SquidML
The SquidML architecture uses a combination
of SquidM for objects smaller than 8K Byte
and SquidL for all other objects.
2.4.4 SquidMLA
The SquidMLA architecture combines the SquidML
architecture with an algorithm to align objects in the memory mapped
file such that no object crosses a page boundary. An important requirement
of such an algorithm is that it preserves reference locality. We use a
packing algorithm, shown in Algorithm 3 that
for the given traces only slightly modifies the order in which objects
are stored in the memory-mapped file. The algorithm insures that no object
crosses page boundaries.
def packer(list_of_object_sizes):
freelist = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
offset_list = []
for i = 0 to length(list_of_object_sizes) - 1:
size = list_of_object_sizes[i]
for segment = 0 to 4:
if size <= (1 << (9 + segment)):
for free_seg = segment to 4:
if freelist[free_seg] > 0 or free_seg == 4:
offset = freelist[free_seg]
if free_seg == 4:
freelist[4] = offset + 8192
freelist[free_seg] = 0
for rest_seg = segment to free_seg - 1:
new_offset = offset +
(1 << (9 + rest_seg))
freelist[rest_seg] = new_offset
append(offset, offset_list)
return offset_list
Figure 3: Algorithm to pack
objects without crossing system page boundaries. The algorithm accepts
a list of objects sizes of £ 8192 Bytes
and outputs a list of offsets for packing each object without crossing
system page boundaries (the size of a system page is 8192 Bytes).
3 Management of Memory-mapped Web Caches
In the previous section we showed that storing small
objects in a memory-mapped file can significantly reduce disk I/O. We assumed
infinite cache size and therefore did not address replacement strategies.
In this section we explore the effect of replacement strategies on disk
I/O of finite cache architectures which use memory-mapped files.
Cache architectures which use the file system to cache objects to either
individual files or one memory-mapped file are really two-level cache architectures:
the first-level cache is the buffer cache in the primary memory and the
second-level cache is the disk. However, standard operating systems generally
do not support sufficient user-level control on buffer cache management
to control primary memory replacement. This leaves us with the problem
of replacing objects in secondary memory in such a way that disk I/O is
In the following sections we first review relevant aspects of system-level
management of memory-mapped files. We then introduce three replacement
algorithms and evaluate their performance.
3.1 Memory-mapped Files
A memory-mapped file is represented in the
virtual memory system as a virtual memory object associated with a pager.
A pager is responsible for filling and cleaning pages from and to a file.
In older Unix systems the pager would operate on top of the file system.
Because the virtual memory system and the file system used to be two independent
systems, this led to the duplication of each page of a memory-mapped file.
One copy would be stored in a buffer managed by the buffer cache and another
in a page frame managed by the virtual memory. This duplication is not
only wasteful but also leads to cache inconsistencies. Newer Unix implementations
have a ``unified buffer cache'' where loaded virtual memory pages and buffer
cache buffers can refer to the same physical memory location.
If access to a virtual memory address causes a page fault, the page
fault handler is selecting a target page and passes control to the
pager which is responsible for filling the page with the appropriate data.
pager translates the virtual memory address which caused the page
fault into the memory-mapped file offset and retrieves the corresponding
data from disk.
In the context of memory-mapped files, a page is dirty if it
contains information that differs from the corresponding part of the file
stored on disk. A page is clean if its information matches the information
on the associated part of the file on disk. We call the process of writing
dirty pages to disk cleaning. If the target page of a page fault
is dirty it needs to be cleaned before it can be handed to the pager. Dirty
pages are also cleaned periodically, typically every 30 seconds.
The latency of a disk transaction does not depend on the amount of data
transferred but on disk arm repositioning and rotational delays. The file
system as well as disk drivers and disk hardware are designed to minimize
disk arm repositioning and rotational delays for a given access stream
by reordering access requests depending on the current position of the
disk arm and the current disk sector. However, reordering can only occur
to a limited extent. Disk arm repositioning and rotational delays are still
mainly dependent on the access pattern of the access stream and the disk
Studies on file systems (e.g. [23])
have shown that the majority of file system access is a sequential access
of logically adjacent data blocks. File systems therefore establish disk
layout which is optimized for sequential access by placing logically adjacent
blocks into physically adjacent sectors of the same cylinder whenever possible
[21]. Thus, a sequential access
stream minimizes disk arm repositioning and rotational delays and therefore
reduces the latency of disk transactions.
If the entire memory-mapped file fits into primary memory, the only
disk I/O is caused by periodic page cleaning and depends on the number
of dirty pages per periodic page cleaning and the length of the period
between page cleaning. The smaller the fraction of the memory-mapped file
which fits into primary memory, the higher the number of page faults. Each
page fault will cause extra disk I/O. If page faults occur randomly throughout
the file, each page fault will require a separate disk I/O transaction.
The larger the number of dirty pages the higher the likelihood that the
page fault handler will choose dirty target pages which need to be cleaned
before being replaced. Cleaning target pages will further increase disk
The challenge of using memory-mapped files as caches is to find replacement
strategies that keep the number of page faults as low as possible, and
that create an access stream as sequential as possible.
3.2 Cache Management
We are looking for cache management strategies which optimize hit rate
but minimize disk I/O. We first introduce a strategy that requires knowledge
of the entire trace. Even though this strategy is not practical it serves
as an illustration on how to ideally avoid disk I/O. We then investigate
the use of the most common replacement strategy, LRU and discuss its possible
drawbacks. This motivates the design of a third replacement strategy which
uses a combination of cyclic and frequency-based replacement.
3.3 Replacement strategies
Before we look at specific replacement algorithms it is useful to review
an object replacement in terms of disk I/O. All replacement strategies
are extensions of the SquidMLA cache architecture
except the "future looking" strategy which is an extension of SquidML.
The replacement strategies act on segments. Thus the size of an object
is either 512, 1K, 2K, 4K, or 8K Bytes. For simplicity an object can replace
another object of the same segment size only. We call objects to be replaced
target object and the page on which the target object resides,
the target object's page. Notice that this is not the same as the
page which is the page to be replaced in a page fault (see section
3.1). What disk I/O is caused by a object
replacement depends on the following factors:
Whether the target object's page is loaded
If the target object's page is already loaded in primary memory,
no immediate disk I/O is necessary. Like in all other cases the replacement
dirties the target object's page. All following factors assume that the
target object's page is not loaded.
Object's size
Objects of size 8K Bytes replace the entire content of the object's
target page. If the object is of a smaller segment size the target object's
page needs to be faulted into memory to correctly initialize primary memory.
Whether the target page is dirty
If the target object's page needs to be loaded, it is written to
a memory location of a target page (we assume the steady-state where loading
a page requires to clear out a target page). If the target page is dirty
it needs to be written to disk before it can be replaced.
The best case for a replacement is when the target object's page is already
loaded. In the worst case a replacement case causes two disk I/O transactions:
one to write a dirty page to disk, and another to fault in the target object's
page for an object of a segment size smaller than 8K Bytes.
Beside the synchronous disk I/O there is also disk I/O caused by the
periodic page cleaning of the operating system. If a replacement strategy
creates a large number of dirty pages, the disk I/O of page cleaning is
significant and can delay read and write system calls.
3.4 ``Future-looking'' Replacement
Our ``future looking'' strategy modifies the SquidML
architecture to use a pre-computed placement table that is derived from
entire trace, including all future references. The intent is to build
a ``near optimal'' allocation policy, while avoiding the computational
complexity of implementing a perfect bin-packing algorithm, which would
take non-polynomial time. The placement table is used to determine whether
a reference is a miss or a hit, whether an object should be cached, and
where it should be placed in the cache. We use the following heuristics
to build the placement table:
All objects that occur in the workload are sorted by their popularity and
all objects that are only referenced once are discarded, since these would
never be re-referenced in the cache.
The remaining objects are sorted by descending order of their popularity.
The packer algorithm of SquidMLA (see algorithm
is then used to generate offsets until objects cannot be packed without
exceeding the cache size.
Objects which do not fit into the cache during the second step are then
placed such that they replace the most popular object, and the time period
between the first and last reference of the new object does not overlap
with the time period between the first and last reference of the replaced
The goal of the third step is to place objects in pages that are likely
to be memory resident but without causing extra misses. Objects that cannot
be placed into the cache without generating extra misses to cached objects
are dropped on the assumption that their low popularity will not justify
extra misses to more popular objects.
3.5 LRU Replacement
The LRU strategy combines SquidMLA with LRU
replacement for objects stored in the memory-mapped file. The advantage
of this strategy is that it keeps popular objects in the cache. The disadvantage
of LRU in the context of memory-mapped files is that it has no concept
of collocating popular objects on one page and therefore tends to choose
target objects on pages that are very likely not loaded. This has two effects:
First it causes a lot of page faults since a large percentage of target
objects are of smaller segment size than 8K. Second, the large number of
page faults creates a large number of dirty pages which causes significant
page cleaning overhead and also increases the likelihood of the worst case
where a replacement causes two disk I/O transactions. A third disadvantage
of LRU replacement is that the selection of a target page is likely to
generate a mostly random access stream instead of a more sequential access
stream (see section 3.1).
3.6 Frequency-based Cyclic (FBC) Replacement
We now introduce a new strategy we call Frequency-based Cyclic (FBC) replacement.
FBC maintains access frequency counts of each cached object and a target
pointer that points to the first object that it considers for replacement.
Which object actually gets replaced depends on the reference frequency
of that object. If the reference frequency is equal or greater than Cmax,
the target pointer is advanced to the next object of the same segment size.
If the the reference frequency is less than Cmax,
the object becomes the target object for replacement. After replacing the
object the target pointer is advanced to the next object. If the target
pointer reaches the end of the cache it is reset to the beginning. Frequency
counts are aged whenever the average reference count of all objects becomes
greater than Amax. If the average
value reaches this value, each frequency count c is reduced to é
/ 2 ù. Thus, in the steady state the
sum of all reference counts stay between N × Amax
/ 2 and N ×
Amax (where
is the number of cached objects). The ceiling function is necessary because
we maintain a minimum reference count of one. This aging mechanism follows
the approach mentioned in [26,
Since Web caching has a low hit rate, most cached objects are never
referenced again. This in turns means that most of the time, the first
object to which the target pointer points becomes the target object. The
result is an almost sequential creation of dirty pages and page faults
which is likely to produce a sequential access stream. Skipping popular
pages has two effects. Firstly, it avoids replacing popular objects, and
secondly the combination of cyclic replacement and aging factors out references
to objects that are only popular for a short time. Short-term popularity
is likely to age away within a few replacement cycles.
The two parameters of FBC, Cmax
and Amax have the following intuitive
meaning. Cmax determines the threshold
below which a page is replaced if cyclic replacement points to it (otherwise
it is skipped). For high Cmax the
hit rate suffers because more popular objects are being replaced. For low
more objects are skipped and the access stream becomes less sequential.
With the Zipf-like distribution of object popularity, most objects are
only accessed once. This allows low values for Cmax
without disturbing sequential access. Amax
determines how often objects are aged. For high Amax
aging takes place at a low frequency which leaves short-term-popular objects
with high reference counts for a longer period of time. Low Amax
values culls out short-term popularity more quickly but also make popular
objects with a low but stable reference frequency look indistinguishable
from less popular objects. Because of the Zipf-like distribution of object
popularity, a high
Amax will introduce
only a relatively small set of objects that are popular for a short term
4 Experimental Methodology
In order to test these cache architectures we built a disk workload
generator that simulates the part of a Web cache that accesses the
file system or the virtual memory. With minor differences, the simulator
performs the same disk I/O activity that would be requested by the proxy.
However, by using a simulator, we simplified the task of implementing the
different allocation and replacement policies and greatly simplified our
experiments. Using a simulator rather than a proxy allows us to use traces
of actual cache requests without having to mimic the full Internet. Thus,
we could run repeatable measurements on the cache component we were studying
-- the disk I/O system.
The workload generators are driven by actual HTTP Web proxy server traces.
Each trace entry consists of a URL and the size of the referenced object.
During an experiment a workload generator sequentially processes each trace
entry -- the generator first determines whether a cached object exists
and then either ``misses'' the object into the cache by writing data of
the specified size to the appropriate location or ``hits'' the object by
reading the corresponding data. Our workload generators process requests
sequentially and thus our experiments do not account for the fact that
the Cern and Squid
architecture allow multiple files to be open at the same time and that
access to files can be interleaved. Unfortunately this hides possible file
system locking issues.
We ran all infinite cache experiments on a dedicated Digital Alpha Station
250 4/266 with 512M Byte main memory. We used two 4G Byte disks and one
2G Byte disk to store cached objects. We used the UFS file system that
comes with Digital Unix 4.0 for all experiments except those that calibrate
the experiments in this paper to those in earlier work. The UFS file system
uses a block size of 8192 Bytes and a fragment size of 1024 Bytes. For
the comparison of Squid and Cern
we used Digital's Advanced File System (AdvFS) to validate our experiments
with the results reported in [19].
UFS cannot span multiple disks so we needed a separate file system for
each disk. All UFS experiments measured Squid
derived architectures with 16 first-level directories and 256 second-level
directories. These 4096 directories were distributed over the three file
systems, 820 directories on the 2G Byte disk and 1638 directories on each
of the 4G Byte disks. When using memory-mapped caches, we placed 2048 directories
on each 4G Byte disk and used the 2G Byte disk exclusively for the memory-mapped
file. This also allowed us to measure memory-mapped-based caching separately
from file-system-based caching.
We ran all finite cache experiments on a dedicated Digital Alpha Station
3000 with 64M Byte main memory and a 1.6G Byte disk. We set the size of
the memory-mapped file to 160M Bytes. This size ensures ample exercise
of the Web cache replacement strategies we are testing. The size is also
roughly six times the size of the amount of primary memory used for memory-mapping
(about 24M Bytes; the workload generator used 173M Bytes of virtual memory
and the resident size stabilized at 37M Bytes). This creates sufficient
pressure on primary memory to see the influence of the tested replacement
strategies on buffer cache performance.
For the infinite cache experiments we used traces from Digital's corporate
gateway in Palo Alto, CA, which runs two Web proxy servers that share the
load by using round-robin DNS. We picked two consecutive weekdays of one
proxy server and removed every non-HTTP request, every HTTP request with
a reply code other than 200 (``OK''), and every HTTP request which contain
``?'' or ``cgi-bin''. The resulting trace data consists of 522,376 requests
of the first weekday and 495,664 requests of the second weekday. Assuming
an infinite cache, the trace leads to a hit rate of 59%. This is a high
hit rate for a Web proxy trace; it is due to the omission of non-cacheable
material and the fact that we ignore object staleness.
For the finite cache experiments we used the same traces. Because we
are only interested in the performance of memory-mapped files, we removed
from the traces all references to objects larger than 8K Bytes since these
would be stored as individual files and not in the memory-mapped file.
As parameters for FBC we used Cmax
= 3 and Amax = 100.
Each experiment consisted of two phases: the first warmup phase
started with a newly initialized file system and newly formatted disks
on which the workload generator ran the requests of the first day. The
second measurement phase consisted of processing the requests of
the following day using the main-memory and disk state that resulted from
the first phase. All measurements are taken during the second phase using
the trace data of the second weekday. Thus, we can directly compare the
performance of each mimicked cache architecture by the absolute values
of disk I/O.
We measured the disk I/O of the simulations using AdvFS with a tool
called advfsstat using the command advfsstat -i 1 -v 0 cache_domain,
which lists the number of reads and writes for every disk associated with
the file domain. For the disk I/O of the simulations using UFS we used
We used iostat rz3 rz5 rz6 1, which lists the bytes and transfers
for the three disks once per second. Unfortunately,
iostat does
not segregate the number of reads and writes.
5 Results
Figure 4: Disk I/O of the workload generators mimicking
and Squid. The measurements were taken from an AdvFS. In [19]
we observed that The disk I/O of Cern and
Squid is surprisingly similar considering
that Squid maintains in-memory meta data about
its cache content and
Cern does not. Our workload
generators reproduce this phenomena.
We first compared the results of our cache simulator to our prior work
to determine that the simulator exercised the disk subsystem with similar
results to the actual proxy caches. We measured the disk I/O of the two
workload generators that mimic Cern and Squid
to see whether the generator approach reproduces the same relative disk
I/O as observed on the real counterparts [19].
As Figure 4 shows, the disk I/O is similar
when using the Cern and Squid
workload generators. This agrees with our earlier measurements showing
that Cern and Squid
make similar use of the disk subsystem. The measurements were taken using
the AdvFS file system because the Web proxy servers measured in [19]
used that file system. The AdvFS utilities allowed us to distinguish between
reads and writes. The data shows that only a third of all disk I/O are
reads even though the cache hit rate is 59%.
Our traces referenced less than 8G Bytes of data, and thus we could
conduct measurements for ``infinite'' caches with the experimental hardware.
Figure 5 shows the number of disk I/O transactions
and the duration of each trace execution for each of the architectures.
Comparing the performance of Squid and
shows that simply changing the function used to index the URL reduces the
disk I/O by
» 50%.
(a) |
(b) |
Figure 5: Disk I/O of
derived architectures. Graph (a) breaks down the disk I/O into file system
traffic and memory-mapped file traffic. Graph (b) compares compares the
duration of the measurement phase of each experiment
By comparing Squid and SquidM
we can observe that memory mapping all small objects not only improves
locality but produces a greater overall improvement in disk activity: SquidM
produces 60% fewer disk I/O. Recall that SquidM
stores all objects of size £ 8192 in a
memory-mapped file and all larger objects in the same way as Squid.
As shown in Figure 1, about 70% of
all references are to objects £ 8192.
Thus, the remaining 30% of all references go to objects stored using the
caching architecture. If we assume that these latter references account
for roughly the same disk I/O in SquidM as
in Squid, none of the benefits come from these
30% of references. This means that there is an 85% savings generated off
of the remaining 70% of Squid's original disk
I/O. Much of the savings occurs because writes to the cache are not immediately
committed to the disk, allowing larger disk transfers.
An analogous observation can be made by comparing SquidML
SquidL. Here, using memory-mapping cache
saves about 63% of
SquidL's original disk
I/O for objects of size £ 8192. The disk
I/O savings of SquidM and SquidML
are largely due to larger disk transfers that occur less frequently. The
average I/O transfer size for
SquidM and SquidML
is 21K Bytes to the memory-mapped file, while the average transfer sizes
to Squid and SquidL
style files are 8K Bytes and 10K Bytes, respectively.
The SquidMLA architecture strictly aligns
segments to page boundaries such that no object spans two memory pages.
This optimization would be important for purely disk-based caches, since
it reduces the number of ``read-modify-write'' disk transactions and the
number of transactions to different blocks. The results show that this
alignment has no discernible impact on disk I/O. We found that
and SquidML places 32% of the cached objects
across page boundaries (30% of the cache hits were to objects that are
crossing page boundaries).
Figure 6 confirms our conjecture
that popular objects tend to be missed early. 70% of the references go
to 25% of the pages to which the cache file is memory-mapped. Placing objects
in the order of misses leads therefore to a higher page hit rate.
Figure 6: The cumulative hit distribution over the
virtual address space of the memory-mapped cache file. 70% of the hits
occur in the first quarter of the memory-mapped cache file.
We evaluate the performance of each replacement strategy by the amount
of disk I/O and the cache hit rate. As expected, the LRU replacement policy
causes the highest number of disk transactions during the measurement phase.
The future-looking policy shows that the actual working set at any point
in time is small, and that accurate predictions of page reuse patterns
would produce high hit rates on physical memory sized caches. Figure 7
show that the frequency-based cyclic replacement causes less disk I/O than
LRU replacement without changing the hit rate. The figure also shows the
time savings caused by reduced disk I/O. The time savings are greater than
the disk I/O savings which indicates a more sequential access stream where
more transactions access the same cylinder and therefore do not require
disk arm repositioning.
figure figure
(a) |
(b) |
Figure 7: Disk I/O and hit rate tradeoffs of different
replacement strategies. The graph (a) plots disk I/O against hit rate of
the three replacement experiments. Note that lower x-values
are better than higher ones. The graph (b) shows the duration of each experiment.
6 Related Work
There exist a large body of research work on application-level buffer control
mechanisms. The external pagers in Mach [32]
and V [8] allow users to implement paging
between primary memory and disk. Cao et al. investigate a mechanism
to allow users to manage page replacement without degrading overall performance
in a multi-programmed system [6].
Glass and Cao propose and evaluate in [14]
a kernel-level page replacement strategy SEQ that detects long sequences
of page faults and applies most-recently-used replacement to those sequences.
The frequency-based cyclic web cache replacement strategy proposed above
is specifically designed to generate more sequential page faults. We are
currently investigating the combined performance of SEQ buffer caches and
cyclic-frequency-based web caches.
7 Conclusions and Future Research
We showed that some design adjustments to the Squid
architecture can result in a significant reduction of disk I/O. Web workloads
exhibit much of the same reference characteristics as file system workloads.
As with any high performance application it is important to map file system
access patterns so that they mimic traditional workloads to exploit existing
operating caching features. Merely maintaining the first level directory
reference hierarchy and locality when mapping web objects to the file system
improved system the meta data caching and reduced the number of disk I/O's
by 50%.
The size and reuse patterns for web objects are also similar. The most
popular pages are small. Caching small objects in memory mapped files allows
most of the hits to be captured with no disk I/O at all. Using the combination
of locality-preserving file paths and memory-mapped files our simulations
resulted in disk I/O savings of over 70%.
Very large memory mapped caches significantly reduce the number of disk
I/O requests and produce high cache hit rates. Future work will concentrate
on replacement techniques that further reduce I/O from memory mapped caches
while maintaining high hit rates. Our experience with the future-looking
algorithm shows that there is an additional 10% reduction possible. Our
experience with the LRU algorithm suggests that managing small memory mapped
caches requires a tighter synchronization with the operating system memory
management system. Possibilities include extensions that allow application
management of pages, or knowledge of the current state of page allocation.
Our experiments do not account for overhead due to staleness of cached
objects and cache replacement strategies. However, our results should be
encouraging enough to motivate an implementation of some of the described
cache architectures in an experimental version of Squid.
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This assumes that the underlying file system is not a log structured file
system. File systems that log updates to data need to continually allocate
new blocks and obliterate old blocks, thereby introducing fragmentation
over time.
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