2000 USENIX Annual Technical Conference   
[Technical Index]
Pp. 263276 of the Proceedings |  |
Towards Availability Benchmarks: A Case Study of Software
RAID Systems
Towards Availability Benchmarks: A Case Study of Software RAID
Aaron Brown and David A. Patterson
Computer Science Division, University of California at Berkeley
387 Soda Hall #1776, Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
- Benchmarks have historically played a key role in guiding the
progress of computer science systems research and development, but
have traditionally neglected the areas of availability,
maintainability, and evolutionary growth, areas that have recently
become critically important in high-end system design. As a first step
in addressing this deficiency, we introduce a general methodology for
benchmarking the availability of computer systems. Our methodology
uses fault injection to provoke situations where availability may be
compromised, leverages existing performance benchmarks for workload
generation and data collection, and can produce results in both
detail-rich graphical presentations or in distilled numerical
summaries. We apply the methodology to measure the availability of the
software RAID systems shipped with Linux, Solaris 7 Server, and
Windows 2000 Server, and find that the methodology is powerful enough
not only to quantify the impact of various failure conditions on the
availability of these systems, but also to unearth their design
philosophies with respect to transient errors and recovery policy.
1 Introduction
There is a consensus emerging in parts of the systems community that
the traditional focus on performance has become misdirected in today's
world, a world in which the problems of availability, maintenance, and
growth have become at least as important as peak performance, if not
more so. One need only open up a recent issue of the New York Times or
Wall Street Journal to see evidence of this fact--the number of
stories focusing on recent outages of big e-commerce providers and the
major business impact of those outages is staggering; furthermore,
several of those outages have been reported as resulting from errors
made by systems management staff [19]. Even from a financial standpoint,
availability and manageability are important: the management costs for
servers providing 24x7 service are typically reported as being several
times that of the hardware itself [9][11][12].
The research community is beginning to recognize the importance of
focusing on maintainability, availability, and growth as well. The
attendees of the 7th HotOS workshop concluded that achieving ``No-Futz
Computing'' (incorporating ideas of manageability, reliability, and
availability, amongst others) is one of the most pressing challenges
facing systems researchers today [20]. And, in
his keynote at the 1999 FCRC conference, John Hennessy argued the same
point, insisting that ``performance should be less of an
emphasis. Instead, other qualities will become crucial:
availability [...], maintainability, [... and]
scalability. [...] For servers--if access to services on
servers is the killer app--availability is the key metric'' [13]. Furthermore, the traditional ``scalability
problem,'' of creating and efficiently using large massively-parallel
systems, is giving way to what we call the ``evolutionary growth
problem'': constructing large-scale servers that can be incrementally
expanded using newer, heterogeneous components.
Benchmarks have historically helped shape computer systems research
and development, and we believe it is time for them to do so again. It
is time for benchmarks to expand past the space of performance
measurement and into the realm of quantifying availability,
manageability, and growth; once such benchmarks exist, research into
these areas will become significantly more tractable and research
progress will naturally follow. Thus, as part of the Berkeley ISTORE
project [4], we are investigating
techniques for building reproducible, cross-platform ``AME''
benchmarks for Availability, Maintainability, and Evolutionary Growth,
the three challenge areas laid out by Hennessy [13].
In this paper, we present our first steps toward that goal. We have
chosen to focus initially on availability, and to begin by developing
a general benchmarking methodology for measuring availability. As an
initial proof of concept, we have applied this methodology to measure
the availability of the software RAID-5 implementations that ship with
three popular PC server operating systems: Linux, Solaris 7 Server,
and Windows 2000 Server. RAID-5 is just the first example, and we hope
our approach will inspire others to benchmark availability of other
We chose software RAID as a case study for several reasons. First,
software RAID implementations are included with many commercial OS
releases (such as the server editions of Solaris 7 and Windows 2000)
and with all of the major free UNIX-like operating systems, including
Linux, which is being increasingly deployed for Internet service
applications. More importantly, RAID has well-defined availability
goals, making it an ideal candidate application for benchmarking
availability. Also, it is not unusual to find software RAID underlying
many Internet service applications that demand 24x7 availability, and
thus the availability of the RAID implementation plays an important
role in that of the service application itself. Finally, although
there is agreement on general features of a RAID-5 system,
availability benchmarking can highlight RAID implementation decisions
that are important to applications but that are not measured or even
mentioned today, for example how a RAID system distinguishes between a
disk failure and a temporary glitch.
In studying the availability of the software RAID systems, we found
significant differences in implementation philosophy between the
various OS implementations. The major differences in philosophy
between the systems can be classified along two axes: the first
measures the system's paranoia with respect to transient errors, while
the second measures the relative priorities placed on preserving
application performance versus quickly rebuilding redundancy after a
failure. On these axes, the Linux software RAID implementation is
paranoid about transients but values application I/O performance more
than fast post-failure reconstruction. Solaris falls at the opposite
end of both spectrums, demonstrating a near-complete tolerance for
transient errors and emphasizing fast reconstruction despite its
potential impact on application performance. Windows 2000 falls
between Linux and Solaris, although it lies closest to the Solaris end
of the spectrum: it tolerates a set of transient errors that is only
slightly less robust than Solaris's, and demonstrates a reconstruction
philosophy that is similarly aggressive but more workload-aware than
Solaris's. The fact that our benchmarks could reveal these
philosophies despite treating the implementations as black boxes
highlights the power of the methodology.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. First, we
describe our generic methodology for availability benchmarking in Section 2. In Section 3, we show how that methodology
was specialized for the case of measuring software RAID availability,
and describe our experimental approach. We present our availability
results and describe our experience with the benchmarks and RAID
systems in Section 4. Section 5 discusses related work, Section 6 presents our future plans for
this work, and we conclude in Section
2 A General Methodology for Availability Benchmarking
In this section, we describe a general methodology that can be used to
measure and study the availability of arbitrary computer systems. We
begin by establishing a standard definition of availability and the
metrics that can be used to report it, then consider how to construct
benchmarks that produce those metrics, and finally describe how the
results of those benchmarks can be reported and analyzed.
2.1 Availability: definitions and metrics
The term ``availability'' carries with it many possible
connotations. Traditionally, availability has been defined as a binary
metric that describes whether a system is ``up'' or ``down'' at a
single point of time. A traditional extension of this definition is to
compute the percentage of time, on average, that a system is available
(``up'') or not (``down'')--this is how availability is defined when a
system is described as having 99.999% availability, for example.
We take a different perspective on availability. First, we see
availability as a spectrum, and not a binary metric. Systems can exist
in a large number of degraded, but operational, states between
``down'' and ``up.'' In fact, systems running in degraded states are
probably more common than ``perfect'' systems [2], especially in the fast-growing world
of online service provision where economic pressures encourage
deployment of less-well-tested commodity SMP- and cluster-based
servers rather than expensive fault-tolerant machines. An availability
metric must therefore capture these degraded states, measuring not
only whether a system is up or down, but also its efficacy, or the
quality of service that it is providing.
Second, availability must not be defined at a single point in time or
as a simple average over all time. It must instead be examined as a
function of the system's quality of service over time. To motivate
this, consider that from a user's perspective, there is a big
difference between a system that refuses requests for two seconds out
of every minute and one that is down for one whole day every month,
even though the two systems have approximately the same average
uptime. Any benchmark of availability must be able to capture the
difference between those two systems.
Combining these two requirements, we propose that availability be
measured by examining the variations in system quality of service
metrics over time. The particular choice of quality of service metrics
depends on the type of system being studied. Two obvious metrics that
apply to most server systems are performance and degree of
fault-tolerance. For a web server, these metrics would map to requests
satisfied per second (or perhaps latency of request service) and the
number of failures that can be tolerated by the storage subsystem,
network connection topology, and so forth. Other possible metrics
might include:
We discuss how these time-dependent availability measurements might be
concretely represented as graphs and numerical summary statistics in
Section 2.3, below.
2.2 Towards an availability benchmarking methodology
Having selected the availability and quality-of-service metrics for a
given type of system, our next challenge is to accurately and
reproducibly measure them in a controlled benchmarking
environment. Doing so is complicated by the fact that typical
benchmark environments are explicitly designed to prevent the kinds of
exceptional behavior that would cause availability to be affected in
real-world systems.
Thus, in order to perform availability benchmarks, it is necessary to
have a benchmark environment that provides a means of generating
fault-provoking stimuli and ``maintenance events'' and applying
them to the system under test. (A maintenance event is any action
taken by a human administrator to maintain, repair, or upgrade the
system.) The primary technique that enables such an environment to be
constructed is direct fault injection into the system under test [1][5]. For example, disk
failures in a storage array can be simulated, memory can be
artificially corrupted, processes can be killed, power glitches can be
simulated, network links can be broken, and so forth. Fault injection
need not be limited to hardware faults, however: stimuli such as load
spikes, invalid client/user requests, and other workload-driven ways
of triggering boundary conditions are also reasonable events to
To build an availability benchmark, we also need a way to generate a
realistic workload and to measure the appropriate quality of service
metrics. Our task is simplified by leveraging the extensive efforts at
fair workloads from the performance benchmarking community. We simply
use existing performance benchmarks to generate a representative
workload for the type of system under test, and to measure the desired
metrics at a single point in time. These workload-generating
performance benchmarks should be adapted to run continuously,
repeatedly measuring the desired metric. The system under test may
also need to be modified to measure certain metrics (such as accuracy
or completeness).
Given a benchmark environment supporting fault injection and a
performance benchmark configured as both a continuous workload
generator and a quality of service data collector, running an
availability benchmark consists of two steps. First, the workload
generator is run without injecting faults and several traces of the
values of the desired metrics are recorded. This step establishes a
baseline measurement for a non-faulty system. Second, the workload
generator is run while simultaneously injecting a fault workload, and
again a trace of the values of the desired metrics is recorded. This
second step is key, since it produces a trace of the behavior of the
system's quality of service over time in response to various faults,
which is exactly the time-dependent availability metric that is
The only part of the methodology we have not yet discussed is the
content of a ``fault workload''. As its name suggests, a fault
workload is a collection of faults and maintenance events designed to
mimic a real-world failure situation.
We see the need for two different kinds of fault workloads, described
in the following two sections, roughly corresponding to traditional
micro- and macro-benchmarks:
Single-fault workloads. The first kind of fault workload is the availability
analogue of a performance microbenchmark. A single-fault workload, as
its name implies, consists of just a single fault: once the system
under test has reached steady-state, a single fault is injected--such
as a disk sector write error--and the system's behavior (as reflected
in the quality of service metrics) is recorded. Intervention of a
human administrator in response to the fault is not allowed. Like
performance microbenchmarks, single-fault availability benchmarks are
most useful for studying isolated pieces of a system and for
uncovering design decisions, design flaws, and bugs. Their scope is
broader than performance microbenchmarks, however, since a single
fault can often have a ripple effect and affect a system as much as a
multi-fault workload.
Multi-fault workloads.
The second kind of fault workload is the availability equivalent of a
performance macrobenchmark. Multi-fault workloads consist of a series
of faults and maintenance events designed to mimic real-world fault
scenarios, for example, a disk failure in a RAID system followed by
replacement of the failed disk followed by a write failure while
reconstructing the array. Like traditional application performance
macrobenchmarks, multi-fault workloads are useful for building
availability benchmarks designed to help select or evaluate new
systems, and to identify potential weaknesses in existing systems that
need to be addressed. They are also very useful for studying the
behavior of the system under pathological failure conditions (as in
the RAID example above).
A challenging problem in developing benchmarks based on multi-fault
workloads lies in how to realistically and reproducibly simulate the
behavior of a human administrator in maintaining the system and in
responding to failures originating from fault injection. Such
``maintenance events'' cannot be ignored, as very few modern systems
are truly self-maintaining and most will require human intervention to
complete the scenarios. We believe that the solution is to use logs of
administrator activity to develop a stochastic model of the system
maintenance process and of how administrators typically behave in
response to various system failures and stimuli. For example, one
might characterize the distribution of response time between a
reported disk failure and the replacement of that disk. Such a model
can then be used to direct the human intervention in the system during
the benchmark run. There is a parallel here to performance benchmarks
designed for systems that require human interaction; often in these
benchmarks, a script plays back what a person would type in response
to prompts. We are currently pursuing this approach.
Note that disk improvements over the years mean that disks no longer
fail fast: the classic head crash of operating systems lore almost
never happens today, as disks have become physically smaller and their
mean time between failures has increased from 50,000 to 1,000,000
hours. Observations of the Tertiary Disk (TD) system at UC Berkeley, a
large disk and web server farm, suggest that modern components start
acting erratically rather than failing fast, and so a system
administrator is much more likely to ``fire'' and replace an erratic
component than to wait for it to fail completely [23]. We feel it is important to capture
this type of activity in any model of administrator behavior.
2.3 Analyzing and reporting availability benchmark results
The raw data produced from either a single-fault- or
multi-fault-workload availability benchmark is rather unwieldy, and
therefore some standard techniques for analyzing and reporting it are
The simplest way to handle the data from the runs with fault injection
is to plot it graphically, with the quality of service metrics on the
vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. The graph is then
overlaid with confidence intervals calculated from the runs in which
no faults were injected; these intervals indicate the range of quality
of service values that are statistically ``normal.'' Finally, the
times at which faults were injected are marked on the graph. An
example of this type of graph is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example availability graph, showing the variation in
an application quality of service metric (on the vertical axis) over
time (on the horizontal axis), as faults are injected in the system
(the faults are represented by heavy arrows). The dashed lines define
a 99% confidence interval around the system's normal (non-faulty)
These graphs provide a good means by which the experimenter or system
designer can study and understand the availability behavior of the
system, and they are what we will use later in this paper to report
our results for software RAID. In particular, the experimenter can use
these graphs to focus on the points at which the measured values of
the quality of service metrics fall outside the statistically normal
range; these are the points where the system's availability has been
However, the graphs remain somewhat difficult to quantify and compare,
especially if the benchmarks are to be used by end-users or
customers. Several SPEC benchmarks do report graphs, and some
customers do compare the graphs side-by-side. But the salient features
of the graphs can also be distilled numerically. The most direct
approach here is to identify all deviations from the statistically
normal range, and to characterize--via mean, standard deviation, and
possibly a distribution function--the distributions of the frequency
of those deviations, the length of those deviations, and the severity
(height) of those deviations. By characterizing the distribution
rather than just averaging, this approach may preserve, for example,
the distinction between the system that is down 2 seconds every hour
and the one that is down one day every month. Of course, these
characterizations can be distilled further, for example by simply
reporting the product of the average length and average severity of
the deviations, although at this point the benchmark result begins to
lose much of its descriptive power.
3 Implementing the Methodology for Software RAID
In the previous section, we presented a general methodology for
benchmarking system availability. In this section, we describe how we
implemented that methodology for measuring the availability of the
software RAID implementations provided by Linux, Solaris 7 Server, and
Windows 2000 Server.
The availability guarantees of RAID-5 are straightforward [7]. A RAID-5 volume can tolerate a
single disk failure without loss of data. After that first failure,
the volume can continue to service requests in ``degraded'' mode,
although I/Os tend to be more expensive due to the need to reconstruct
data on-the-fly. A second disk failure renders the data on the volume
inaccessible. Some RAID-5 implementations support spare disks, and can
restore redundancy by rebuilding onto the spare after the first
failure; during this reconstruction period, the volume will still be
destroyed if a non-spare disk fails, although failure of the spare
disk can be tolerated.
3.1 Fault injection environment
For the experiments in this paper, we chose to limit the fault
injection to faults affecting the disks comprising the software RAID
volume, as those are the primary hardware failure points in a software
RAID system. Since we wanted to generate a range of different disk
faults in a controlled manner, we rejected the simplistic
fault-injection technique of pulling disks out of a live
system. Instead, we replaced one of the SCSI disks in the software
RAID volume with an emulated disk, a PC running special software with
a special SCSI controller that makes the combination of
PC+controller+software appear to other devices on the SCSI bus as a
disk drive (i.e., a SCSI target rather than a SCSI controller). Thus
our systems under test saw the PC emulating the disk as a real disk
Our emulated disk consisted of an AMD-K6-2-350 PC with an ASC ASC-U2W
SCSI adaptor, running Windows NT with the ASC VirtualSCSI Target Mode
Emulation library installed [3]. We
adapted the library to emulate one or two SCSI disk drives by
converting I/O requests to the emulated disk into reads and writes to
two large backing files on a dedicated local disk on the emulation
machine. The files holding the contents of the emulated disks were the
only files on the local disk, only one file/emulated disk was active
at once in any given experiment, and all accesses to the backing files
passed through the NTFS file system layer but bypassed the buffer
cache. The emulation layer added a constant overhead of approximately
510 microseconds to each disk I/O. Compared to a Linux file system on
one of the real disks used in our RAIDs, this emulation overhead
translates to 10% fewer seeks per second, 41% less write bandwidth,
and 16% less read bandwidth, as measured by the 100MB Bonnie
More importantly, we modified the disk emulator to allow the injection
of faults into the emulated disk. To make our benchmarks as realistic
as possible, it was essential that our set of injected disk faults
closely match the types of disk faults seen in practice. To that end,
we turned to a study performed as part of the aforementioned Tertiary
Disk project at UC Berkeley. Using the 368 disks in the TD array,
Talagala recorded the types of faults that occurred over an 18-month
period [23]. She found that the most
common errors and failures affecting disks included recovered (media)
errors, write failures, hardware errors (such as device diagnostic
failures), SCSI timeouts, and SCSI bus-level parity errors.
Using this set of errors as a guide, we selected several categories of
faults to include in our emulator:
All of the faults (except for the fatal ones, like simulating disk
power down or infinite timeout) could be inserted either in transient
mode, in which case they appeared once then disappeared, or in sticky
mode, in which case they continued to manifest themselves once
injected. We were particularly interested in the behavior of the
software RAID systems in response to the transient faults, as results
from Talagala's TD study indicate that disks rarely fail fast, but
rather tend to die slowly with an ever-increasing number of transient
and correctable faults [23]. Most
availability guarantees made by RAID systems speak only of discrete
failures, not of such ``fail-slow'' failures.
As desired, our set of injectable faults closely matches the set of
error conditions seen in the TD array. Note that we were unable to
inject one of these types of error condition with our fault-injection
harness: the SCSI parity errors at the level of the SCSI electrical
protocol. Simulating this type of fault requires either direct access
to the wires of the SCSI bus or to low-level registers within the
controller, neither of which were available to us.
3.2 Configuration of systems under test
We examined three software RAID implementations in our experiments,
those shipped with Linux, Solaris 7 Server with Solstice DiskSuite,
and Windows 2000 Server. In all cases, the OS and RAID system were
installed on a PC with an AMD-K6-2-333 CPU, 64MB of 66MHz ECC DRAM,
and a Seagate 5400RPM IDE system disk. Three physical SCSI disks were
attached to the machine. Each disk was an IBM DMVS18D 18GB 10000RPM
Ultra2-LVD SCSI low-profile drive. Each drive was connected to its own
dedicated Fast/Wide (20 MB/s) SCSI bus. Each of the three busses was
terminated by either an Adaptec 2940UW controller (set to Fast mode)
or one channel of an Adaptec 3940W controller. Note that each drive
had a private SCSI bus that was not shared with any other device. A
1GB partition was created at the beginning of each drive for use in
the experiments; the remainder of the space on each drive was
The emulated disk (i.e., the PC running the emulation software) was
connected to a fourth dedicated SCSI bus on the machine under test
using an Adaptec 2940UW controller. Two 1GB emulated disks were
created; one was used in the RAID and the other was left as a spare
(thus the two were never simultaneously part of the active RAID
volume). The backing files for the emulated disks were placed on a
dedicated NTFS file system at the beginning of a dedicated IBM DMVS18D
18GB 10000RPM Ultra2-LVD SCSI low-profile drive.
In all cases, unless otherwise noted, the software RAID volume was a
3GB-capacity RAID-5 volume encompassing the three physical disks and
one emulated disk. When supported by the implementation, the second
emulated disk was used as a spare.
For Linux, we used the Redhat 6.0 distribution with version 0.90-3 of
the RAID tools. The RAID volume was configured as 4 active disks plus
one spare, left-symmetric parity, and a chunk size of 32. An ext2 file
system was used with a 4KB block size and a stripe width of 8.
The Solaris system ran the 3/99 release of Solaris 7 for Intel
architectures. We installed version 4.2 of Sun's Solstice DiskSuite
and used it to create a RAID-5 ``metadevice'' with 4 active disks and
one spare. The RAID volume was formatted with a Solaris UFS file
system with default parameters.
The Windows 2000 Server system was running release candidate build
2128 of the operating system. We used the supplied volume manager to
create the RAID-5 logical volume out of 4 active disks. Windows 2000
does not support automatic spares, as far as we could determine, so
the spare disks were left as separate dynamic disks in the volume
manager. An NTFS file system was used on the array with default
The three systems were configured as web servers with the documents
served from the RAID volume and the logs written to the RAID
volume. The Linux and Solaris systems used Apache 1.3.9 as the server,
while Windows 2000 Server used the included version of Microsoft's IIS
as the server. Other than relocating the logs and document directories
to the RAID volume, the servers were left in their default
configurations. IIS's performance configuration knob was set to ``more
than 100,000'' hits per day.
3.3 Workload generator and data collector
In order to complete our experimental testbed, we needed a source of
workload for the web servers running on each OS, and a means of
continuously measuring the quality of service delivered by the web
servers over time. We chose to use SPECWeb99 [22], a standard web performance
benchmark, for both of these tasks. SPECWeb99 uses one or more clients
to generate a realistic, statistically reproducible web workload; its
workload models what might be seen on a busy major server, and
includes static and dynamic content, form submissions, and server-side
banner-ad rotation. In each iteration, the benchmark applies a load
designed to elicit a certain aggregate bandwidth from the server, then
measures the percentage of that bandwidth that was actually
achieved. It also measures the number of hits per second delivered by
the server and the average response time; we chose to use the number
of hits per second (a throughput-oriented performance metric) as the
quality of service metric as it was the most tractable and because the
other metrics tracked it relatively closely.
We modified the workload generator slightly so that it would fit our
model of continuous performance measurement over time: we removed all
warm-up and cool-down periods other than the initial warm-up period,
adjusted the per-iteration time to 2 minutes, and set the number of
iterations to a very large number (manually stopping the generator
when the benchmark was complete). This allowed us to obtain
performance measurements every two minutes, with each number
reflecting the average performance over the previous two-minute
We also adjusted the workload generator to reduce the amount of
dynamic content from 30% to 1% to keep the disks busy and to avoid
saturating the CPU. This restriction was necessary because we used the
default high-overhead perl-cgi implementation for dynamic content and
the CPU on our server testbed was not able to keep up with the higher
level of dynamic content.
We configured the applied workload to be just short of the saturation
point on each of the three systems by increasing the number of active
connections per second (the SPECWeb99 load unit) until a knee was
observed in the performance curve, then backing off the load by 5
connections per second. The three systems each saturated at different
points, and thus we applied a different level of load to each system
in our tests; this accounts for the differences in absolute
performance that show up in Figures 2 and 3, below. We chose this load profile instead of
applying a consistent load to all three machines in order to isolate
the worst-case availability impact on each system. This profile also
ensures that we were making fair comparisons between the systems, as
some availability behavior (such as RAID reconstruction speed) can be
affected by the amount of free system resources. Where pertinent, we
also discuss results from experiments in which the applied load was
reduced to below the saturation point on each system.
Finally, note that we observed heavy disk activity during the
benchmark runs on all three systems, indicating that server-side
caching effects were not significant.
4 Results
In this section, we present the results of applying our availability
benchmarking methodology to the software RAID implementations provided
by Linux, Solaris, and Windows 2000. We first look at the single-fault
availability microbenchmarks, then move on to study more complex
multi-fault availability macrobenchmarks.
4.1 Single-fault microbenchmarks
Recall that single-fault microbenchmarks involve injecting a single
fault into a running system and observing the resulting behavior of
that system without any human intervention. To perform these
microbenchmarks for the software RAID systems, we first configured the
RAID volume to its nominal state: all disks working, and all spares
available. We then started the SPECWeb99 workload generator and
allowed it to reach steady state. We next injected a single fault, and
allowed the system to continue running (collecting performance data)
until the system recovered (performance returned to its steady-state
level), stabilized at a different performance level than its
steady-state level, or failed. We define failure as not providing
service for at least 10 iterations (20 minutes) with no apparent signs
of ever returning to service.
In all cases, the faults that we injected were chosen to affect active
disk blocks, guaranteeing that the system would be aware of them. By
doing so, we avoid injecting so-called latent faults, faults that
cannot cause failures since they affect only unused data or control
paths. We feel this is a reasonable policy for an availability
microbenchmark, as the goal of such benchmarks is to characterize the
system's response to specific faults, and not to measure
susceptibility to randomly-placed faults.
We injected a total of 15 types of faults, listed in Table 1. Each fault-injection experiment was
repeated at least twice, and in all cases, similar behavior was
observed in each iteration. In our experiments, we found no evidence
of silent corruption from any injected fault. All faults that could
potentially result in corrupted data were either detected by the OS's
disk driver or RAID layer. What differentiates the systems is not
their detection abilities, but their behavior in response to the
detected faults.
Type of Fault
Correctable read, transient |
Correctable read, sticky |
Uncorrectable read, transient |
Uncorrectable read, sticky |
Correctable write, transient |
Correctable write, sticky |
Uncorrectable write, transient |
Uncorrectable write, sticky |
Hardware error, transient |
Illegal command, transient |
Disk hang on read |
Disk hang on write |
Disk hang, not on a command |
Power failure during command |
Physical removal of active disk |
Table 1: Classification of system behavior for each of the
injected faults. The letters in the rightmost three columns correspond
to the pattern of behavior observed after the specified fault is
injected, as shown in Figure 2.
Surprisingly, these response behaviors across the three systems and
the 15 types of injected faults can be classified into only five
distinct categories, also listed in Table
1. Representative availability graphs for each of these categories
are plotted in Figure 2. We classify two of
the behaviors (C-1 and C-2) as subcategories of the same major
behavior category, as they represent the same response behavior
(automatic reconstruction) but differ in their performance
characteristics. Note that each graph in Figure
2 plots the change in two metrics with respect to time. The first
metric, represented by a solid line, is the same performance metric
discussed above: the number of hits per second delivered by the web
server running on the system under test, averaged over two-minute
intervals. The second metric, represented by a broken line, represents
the minimum number of disk failures the system is theoretically able
to tolerate; it is effectively a measure of the system's data
redundancy. Note that the graphs also show 99% confidence intervals
that were computed from the traces of the systems' normal no-fault
Click here for a larger version
Figure 2: Representative availability graphs displaying the
five different patterns of behavior observed after injecting faults
into the three software RAID systems. Each graph plots two metrics: on
the left vertical axis, and represented by a solid line, is the number
of hits per second sustained by the web server on the system under
test, reported as a single average value over each two-minute
interval. On the right vertical axis, and represented by a broken
line, is the theoretical minimum number of disk failures the system
should be able to tolerate without losing data. Fault injection points
are represented by heavy arrows, and 99% confidence intervals for the
normal (non-faulty) behavior of the systems are defined by the thin
horizontal lines. Table 1 maps each type of
injected fault into one of these five behaviors (A, B,
C-1, C-2, D) for Linux, Solaris, and Windows 2000.
Of the four major categories of observed behavior, the first, A in Figure 2, represents the behavior pattern that
occurs when an injected fault has no effect on the RAID system. This
graph plots the behavior of the Solaris system in response to a
transient, correctable read fault. Notice that the performance curve
remains within the confidence intervals despite the injection of the
fault; the redundancy measure remains unchanged as well. Effectively,
the Solaris system ignores this fault, as it is essentially benign;
the disk correctly satisfied the read request, but needed to use ECC
bits or multiple reads to obtain the data. Both the Solaris and
Windows 2000 systems displayed behavior of this type. Solaris
responded this way to all non-fatal faults that we injected, including
transient uncorrectable faults (such as a transient, non-repeatable
write failure). Windows 2000 behaved similarly, although it was
slightly less tolerant of write errors (it did not exhibit this
behavior pattern for transient uncorrectable write faults). In no
cases did Linux exhibit pattern A--it never transparently tolerated a
non-fatal fault.
The second category, B in Figure 2, is more
complicated. In this case, the fault is severe enough that the RAID
system stops using the affected disk, but is not so severe that the
RAID system cannot tolerate it. The performance is slightly affected
only during the interval in which the fault was injected, as the
system detects and recovers from the fault. The redundancy curve
indicates that the faulty disk is no longer used: in this case, the
system does not automatically rebuild onto a spare disk, and thus the
system cannot tolerate any more disk failures. The particular data
plotted in Figure 2(B) is the behavior of
Windows 2000 in response to a simulated power failure on one disk of
the array (equivalent to physically pulling an active drive from a
hot-swap array). This pattern also characterizes Windows's response to
other severe faults, including sticky uncorrectable read faults and
all uncorrectable write faults.
The magnitude of the performance drop during the fault-injection
iteration depended on the type of fault; for uncorrectable writes, it
was about 4% of the mean performance, and for power failures, it was
about 13% of the mean. Note that the performance drop during the
fault-injection iteration occurs because the server is near
saturation. If we reduce the applied load by just over 20%, the
observed performance drops become statistically insignificant. This
indicates that Windows is able to trade spare resources for reduced
availability impact in certain failure scenarios.
Neither Solaris nor Linux exhibited pattern B, as they both
support automatic recovery onto a spare disk: when the Solaris or
Linux software RAID driver detects a fault severe enough to stop using
a disk, it immediately begins reconstructing the data from the failed
disk onto the available hot spare. This pattern is illustrated in the
graphs labeled C-1 and C-2 in Figure
2. C-1 plots Linux's response to a transient correctable
read fault, and C-2 plots Solaris's response to a sticky uncorrectable
write error.
In the Solaris case, we see that the performance curve drops
significantly below the lower bound of the confidence interval during
the reconstruction period. In contrast, Linux's performance during its
entire reconstruction period is statistically indistinguishable from
its unperturbed performance. However, Solaris completes reconstruction
significantly faster than Linux. The significance of these behavioral
differences will be discussed further when we compare the
reconstruction behavior of Solaris and Linux with Windows's
non-automatic reconstruction in Section
Note that during reconstruction, the redundancy curve is not
well-defined; the system cannot tolerate a fault to any of the data
disks, but it can tolerate a fault to the spare (the destination of
the reconstruction).
While Solaris exhibited its version of pattern C only for three of the
15 faults (two of which were unquestionably fatal faults), Linux
exhibited pattern C-1 for every injected fault but those falling into
pattern D even if the fault was transient and non-fatal (like a
correctable read).
Finally, the last category, D, represents what happens when the RAID
system is unable to tolerate the injected fault. As can be seen, the
performance drops to zero when the fault is injected; this is usually
a result of the RAID driver or operating system hanging. The
redundancy curve is not well-defined in this case, since the system is
not operational. We observed this type of fault in Solaris, Linux, and
Windows when we injected particularly pathological disk hangs in the
middle of SCSI command execution.
Table 1 summarizes how the 15 types of
injected faults map to the five categories of behavior for each of the
operating systems.
Although limited to a single fault each, these microbenchmark results
reveal very interesting facts about the availability guarantees of
Linux, Solaris, and Windows 2000; none of these facts were stated in
the documentation supplied with the three systems. Most illuminating
are the conclusions that can be drawn about how the three systems
treat transient faults. If we exclude the pathological disk hangs and
power-failure faults, 8 of the remaining 10 injected fault types
simulate transient or recoverable errors that in isolation do not
indicate immediate disk failure. Four of these 8 do not even require
that the corresponding I/O's be retried. The remaining two faults
(sticky, uncorrectable reads and writes) are the only faults in the
set of 10 that indicate that the disk is in an unrecoverable state.
Yet for every fault in this set of 10 non-pathological faults, the
Linux system exhibited behavior of type C, in which the faulty disk is
immediately removed from service. In contrast, both Solaris and
Windows kept the faulty disk in service on 7 of the 10
non-pathological faults (i.e., 7 of the 8 recoverable errors). Solaris
disabled the faulty disk (pattern C-2) upon the two unrecoverable
faults (sticky uncorrectable reads/writes) as well as on a transient
illegal command fault. This behavior is arguably slightly more robust
than that of Windows, which disabled the faulty disk (pattern B) upon
the two unrecoverable errors and a transient uncorrectable write,
since an illegal command error typically implies a coding error in the
driver or a serious disk firmware error, rather than a potentially
transient magnetics glitch.
From these observations, we can conclude that Linux's software RAID
implementation takes a totally opposite approach to the management of
transient faults than do the RAID implementations in Solaris and
Windows. The Linux implementation is paranoid--it would rather shut
down a disk in a controlled manner at the first error, rather than
wait to see if the error is transient. In contrast, Solaris and
Windows are more forgiving--they ignore most transient faults with the
expectation that they will not recur. Thus these systems are
substantially more robust to transients than the Linux system. Note
that both Windows and Solaris do log the transient errors to varying
extents, ensuring that the errors are reported even if not acted
upon. Windows is more explicit with its reporting, for example
visually flagging a disk as ``at risk'' in the RAID management GUI
upon a correctable write error, whereas Solaris relies on the system
log for its error recording.
We cannot draw conclusions about a RAID system's overall robustness
based solely on its transient-error-handling policy, however. There is
another factor that interacts with a system's error handling, and that
is its policy for reconstruction. The microbenchmarks demonstrate that
both Linux and Solaris initiate automatic reconstruction of the RAID
volume onto a hot spare when an active disk is taken out of service
due to a failure. Although Windows supports RAID reconstruction, the
reconstruction must be initiated manually, as discussed further in Section 4.2, below. Thus without human
intervention, a Windows system will not rebuild redundancy after a
first failure, and will remain susceptible to a second failure
The policy choice of automatically or manually-initiated
reconstruction interacts strongly with the transient error-handling
policy in affecting system robustness. A paranoid RAID implementation
without hot spares is very fragile, as it takes only two transient
errors to corrupt the RAID volume; likewise, an indifferent RAID
implementation has less of a need for hot spares as it will only stop
using a disk upon a serious fault. Thus in our case, the
non-robustness of the Linux implementation's paranoid approach to
transients is mitigated somewhat by its automatic reconstruction, and
similarly Windows's lack of automatic reconstruction is partially
mitigated by its robustness to transients. Solaris seems to combine
the best of both: robustness to transients plus automatic
reconstruction upon a fatal error.
Returning to the three systems' transient error policies, if we
consider these policies in the context of real failure data, such as
that gathered by the Tertiary Disk project, it is clear that none of
the observed policies is particularly good, regardless of
reconstruction behavior. Talagala reports that transient SCSI errors
are frequent in a large system such as the 368-disk Tertiary Disk
farm, yet rarely do they indicate that a disk has truly failed [23]. Tertiary Disk logs covering 368
disks for 11 months indicate that 13 disks reported transient hardware
errors, yet only two actually required replacement. Those two did not
``fail-fast'' with head crashes, either: both were replaced due to an
excessively large number of transient errors. Additionally, due to the
effect of shared SCSI busses and at-times flaky SCSI cabling, at some
point over that period every disk in the system was involved in some
sort of SCSI error (such as a parity error or timeout) [24]. Even if we ignore these SCSI errors
and focus only on the transient hardware errors, Linux's policy would
have incorrectly wasted 11 real disks (3% of the array) and
potentially 11 spares (another 3% of the array) due to its
over-zealous reaction to transient errors. Even worse, if the array
did not have enough spares to keep up with the disk turnover, data
could have been lost despite the fact that no disk truly
failed. Equally poor would have been the response of Solaris or
Windows 2000, as these systems most likely would have ignored the
stream of intermittent transient errors from the two truly defective
disks, requiring administrator intervention to take them offline.
A better RAID implementation would have a more balanced policy for
dealing with transient errors. For example, it might be less paranoid
initially, tolerating transient faults until they reached a certain
frequency or absolute count, at which point the system would declare a
disk dead and stop using it (note that our macrobenchmark experiments
showed that neither Windows nor Solaris did this). This kind of policy
balances the need for long-term availability (which favors a more
relaxed policy) with the fact that disks tend to fail with a stream of
transient errors rather than failing fast.
Although none of the RAID implementations we examined is ideal, we can
conclude from the microbenchmarks that either Solaris's or Windows
2000's RAID is more suitable for applications requiring high long-term
data availability, as both are less likely to fall prey to multiple
transient errors (especially in systems that are not closely monitored
or conscientiously administered). However, for applications where
spare disks are plentiful and short-term availability is most
important (i.e., when the performance impact of many transient errors
cannot be tolerated, when the system is closely monitored, and when
repairs are made quickly), the Linux implementation may be a better
Our results and analysis also argue strongly for the importance of
exposing the policy decisions that affect availability in systems like
these software RAID implementations. Ideally, the policies would be
made configurable, for example by allowing the administrator to select
a point on the spectrum between Linux's paranoid response to
transients and Solaris's tolerance of them. Doing so would make the
policies explicit, and may even simplify maintenance of the system by
increasing its predictability, thereby eliminating the need for the
administrator to guess at how the system will behave under various
At the very least, availability policies such as those governing the
system's response to transient errors should be documented so that
administrators and buyers can evaluate the potential robustness of
their systems in their particular environment. Until such
documentation is commonplace, availability benchmarks such as those
described here may well remain the only way to identify and evaluate
these important but well-concealed policies.
4.2 Multiple-fault macrobenchmarks
After measuring the effects of single failures on the availability of
the Linux, Solaris, and Windows software RAID implementations, we next
constructed two ``fault workloads'' designed to mimic real-world
scenarios and applied them to the three systems.
Scenario 1: Reconstruction.
The first scenario includes five events, and models a situation in
which a nominally-configured RAID-5 volume with one spare (1)
experiences a failure on one of its active disks, (2) is reconstructed
(automatically or manually) using the spare, and (3) later experiences
a failure on the then-active spare. The scenario is finished by (4)
the administrator replacing the two failed disks and (5)
reconstructing the volume's redundant data onto one of the new
disks. The behaviors of Linux, Windows 2000, and Solaris on this
macrobenchmark are plotted in Figure 3. Note
that for Windows, we inserted a 6-minute delay to simulate sysadmin
response time between detecting the first failure and manually
starting the reconstruction. The process of ``replacing'' the broken
(simulated) disks was performed manually, and took approximately 90
seconds in each case.
Click here for a larger version
Figure 3: Availability graphs for an availability
macrobenchmark with a multiple-fault workload. On the vertical axis,
and represented by a solid line, is the number of hits per second
sustained by the web server on the system under test. The change in
this metric is plotted versus time on the horizontal axis. The thin
horizontal lines represent the 99% confidence interval defining the
system's normal (no-fault) behavior. The two injected faults are
indicated by heavy arrows. The numbers in parentheses on each graph
indicate the corresponding part of the fault scenario, as described in
Section 4.2. The absolute performance
differences between the three systems are due to different applied
loads, as described in Section 3.3.
One obvious difference between the behaviors of the three systems on
this benchmark is that Linux and Solaris automatically reconstruct
whereas Windows requires human intervention. Most interesting is the
difference in reconstruction time between the three systems, and in
the performance impact of reconstruction in each case. Linux is the
slowest to reconstruct, taking well over an hour each time. However,
there is no significant effect on application performance during
reconstruction; other than during the time that the disks were being
replaced, the performance curve does not fall outside of the
confidence interval for normal behavior while reconstruction is taking
Solaris defines the opposite extreme. Its reconstruction is over 7
times faster than Linux's, lasting just over 10 minutes. But this
speedy reconstruction comes at a performance cost: the web server
performance on Solaris is below the lower bound of its normal behavior
for the entire reconstruction interval, with a maximum deviation of
34% from its mean no-fault performance.
Windows's behavior is similar to Solaris although not as extreme. Its
reconstruction lasts approximately 23 minutes, over twice as slow as
Solaris but still more than three times faster than Linux. Windows too
shows a performance drop during reconstruction, but it is less
significant than Solaris's: the worst-case performance observed was
only about 18% below the no-fault mean.
From these observations we can conclude that Solaris and Windows are
dedicating more disk bandwidth to reconstruction than is Linux. This
again reveals a design tradeoff in the three systems that would be
difficult to detect without benchmarks such as these: Linux chooses to
emphasize preserving application performance over speedy
reconstruction, even though it sacrifices short-term availability. In
contrast, Solaris puts a high priority on restoring redundancy despite
the performance impact. Windows makes the same tradeoff toward
prioritizing reconstruction, but does so less aggressively than
Another interesting characteristic of reconstruction is how this
behavior changes as the load on the system is reduced. While space
constraints prevent us from providing a full analysis in this paper,
we did find that at lower loads (such that the systems were
unsaturated), Linux and Solaris each exhibited the same reconstruction
behavior as in the saturated case in terms of reconstruction time and
performance impact. In contrast, Windows was able to decrease both its
reconstruction time and the impact of reconstruction on application
performance. Our hypothesis is that these behaviors are a function of
the scheduling discipline in each of the OSs as well as the priority
each system assigns to the reconstruction task. The implication of
these behaviors is again significant for availability: Windows seems
to be the only system of the three that is able to use the excess
resources resulting from lower imposed load to mitigate the
availability impact of reconstruction. In practice, this means that
Windows is the only system of the three that can take advantage of
hardware with a higher saturation point to improve its availability
characteristics as well as its performance potential.
The differences in reconstruction philosophy revealed by this
benchmark once again argue for the importance of exposing policies
that affect availability. The three RAID systems examined here offer
very different robustness guarantees because of their undocumented
reconstruction policies. We saw this above in how Windows compared to
the other systems under reduced load. Another example is that Linux,
with its slow, low-priority reconstruction, has a much larger window
of vulnerability to double failures, a weakness exacerbated by its
susceptibility to transient errors. This policy is unsuitable if data
integrity is most important, and in that case a policy like Solaris's
is a better choice. On the other hand, if delivering consistent
application performance is more important than preserving the data at
all costs, then Linux's policy is reasonable and Solaris's
unacceptable. An ideal system would offer the administrator a spectrum
of choices between these two extreme policies, but we feel that every
system should at least document its chosen policy. Benchmarks such as
these offer a convenient tool for doing so.
Scenario 2: Double failure.
The second scenario mimics a catastrophic failure in RAID systems
reported anecdotally by multiple sources. The scenario begins when a
nominally-configured RAID volume (1) experiences a disk failure that
causes the faulty disk to be removed from service and (2) begins
reconstruction (automatically or manually). At that point, (3) the
well-meaning system administrator attempts to replace the failed disk,
but accidentally pulls out the wrong disk--one of the remaining live
disks rather than the dead one; (4) he or she then tries to restore
the system to a working state. Removing the live disk should result in
a catastrophic failure of the RAID volume, although it did not do so
in all cases, as we discuss below. The graphs up to this point are
relatively uninteresting, confirming the expected behavior, and are
not reproduced here.
What is interesting is the behavior of the systems after the
catastrophic failure, and the difficulty of restoring service on the
system. We describe this behavior only qualitatively, since in order
to quantify it, we would have to find some way of measuring the
maintainability of the system, perhaps by modeling the length and
complexity of the repair task, which is beyond the scope of this
In this scenario, the last, ``catastrophic'' failure is actually
reversible. According to the RAID availability semantics, the RAID
volume should stop serving requests upon a double failure. If the RAID
implementation queues writes to the removed disk while it is
unavailable, the administrator could put the disk back in, and
theoretically, the system should be able to recover. We tested this
hypothesis on the three systems in order to see how close each of them
came to this theoretical possibility.
Windows 2000 actually came remarkably close, although it does not
queue writes to disconnected disks. After reactivating the
accidentally-removed disk (which required a few GUI operations),
Windows allowed the RAID volume to be accessed despite its possibly
corrupt state, and the web server resumed serving requests to the
SPECWeb99 clients. Running CHKDSK as recommended revealed no file
system corruption (probably due to the journaling nature of
NTFS). Since the web workload was essentially read-only except for the
log writes, the only data lost was logging information.
In contrast, we found it impossible to resurrect the Linux RAID
volume. The tool used to reintegrate a disk into the volume seemed to
only be capable of adding new disks to the volume as spares, which are
then automatically used as the target of a reconstruction. There was
no obvious way to use the existing tools to convince Linux that the
replaced disk contained real data. Therefore, the only way to
resurrect the volume was to recreate and reformat it, then restore
data from backup.
Solaris demonstrated radically different behavior than the other two
systems. Unlike the other systems, it did not disable the RAID volume
after the double failure: it kept the array active with the two
still-functioning disks and the partially-reconstructed spare. This
behavior violates the availability semantics of RAID-5, since at this
point a large portion of the data is missing (any data that had not
yet been reconstructed on the spare is permanently lost). By keeping
the RAID array active and using the nonsensical data on the
partially-reconstructed spare, Solaris allows applications to read
garbage data. In our case, this was manifested by the web server
returning garbage to the SPECWeb client and via numerous UFS file
system corruptions as reported by fsck. Furthermore, when we plugged
the accidentally-removed disk back in, Solaris was happy to
automatically switch back to using it to service I/Os, deactivating
the partially-reconstructed spare. However, because Solaris had
continued to use the array while the second disk was removed, the data
on that disk was significantly out-of-date and the file system was
corrupted as a result of reinserting it.
We believe that Solaris's behavior is absolutely incorrect for a RAID
system. A RAID system should not fabricate data to maintain
availability unless explicitly requested to do so, i.e., by manually
forcing the reactivation of a reinserted disk, as with
Windows. Furthermore, we were not able to find any mention of this
behavior in any of the Solaris documentation, which again argues for
the importance of benchmarks like these to expose the undocumented
availability policies in systems like these software RAIDs.
Thus in this scenario, Solaris clearly loses due to its willingness to
transparently serve up garbage data. But Windows 2000 wins on
maintainability, as its robust file system and flexible RAID
implementation allows the opportunity for at least some use of the
RAID volume to continue servicing user requests while the system is
being restored from backup (but only at the explicit request of the
administrator, unlike Solaris). Although this may not always be the
best thing to do, Windows provides the ability should it be
In this second macrobenchmark, we have the beginnings of a framework
for a combined availability and maintainability benchmark--the fault
injection workload for this scenario brings the system to a state in
which maintenance is required; to complete the benchmark, we would use
a quantitative maintenance model to simulate repair of the system,
then use that data to complete the availability graph for this
scenario. We are currently pursuing this as future work.
5 Related Work
The notion of benchmarks to measure system availability or
``robustness,'' although perhaps not familiar to the systems
community, has not been neglected by the fault-tolerance
community. Siewiorek describes ``robustness benchmarks'' based on
fault injection performed primarily by using an application to feed
corrupt input to the system [21]. Tsai, working on Tandem machines,
proposes another set of reliability benchmarks based on
software-implemented fault injection and a synthetic workload
generator. His metrics include an average measure of performance
degradation due to faults, a primitive version of our time-dependent
quality of service metrics [25]. Koopman describes benchmarks to
test OS robustness by feeding corrupt data to system calls [17]. The major difference between these
benchmarks and the ones we propose is in their goals and the knowledge
they assume. Tsai's and Siewiorek's benchmarks are primarily designed
to test particular known fault-tolerance mechanisms deployed in
fault-tolerant hardware and software systems; to this end, their
benchmarks target and evaluate specific components, layers, or
mechanisms in the system under test, and thus assume knowledge about
the error-detection mechanisms and general structure of that
system. In contrast, our benchmarks take a more black-box approach,
assuming little about the system under test (not even that it is fault
tolerant), and applying faults designed to match real-world failure
patterns. Koopman's benchmarks do this as well, but are limited to
faults generated by passing corrupt data to system calls; we try to
mimic more general faults, including hardware failures.
An additional key difference is that our benchmarks measure the
system's availability behavior in terms of application-specific
metrics that reflect quality of service visible from the client's
point of view. Finally, our multi-fault workloads go beyond the
isolated faults examined by Siewiorek, Tsai, and Koopman by relating
the behavior of a system to realistic scenarios that affect
large-scale server systems and by providing a foundation for the
expansion of the benchmarks to incorporate the measurement of
The techniques of fault injection that we use are also not uncommon in
the fault-tolerance community, where fault injection is commonly used
in a case-specific manner to verify fault tolerant systems, to
generate models of fault tolerance behavior, and to study fault
propagation [1][5][6][8][16][18]. However, most of this work uses
either very low-level hardware fault injection that requires expensive
and dangerous equipment (such as heavy-ion bombarders) [5], or software-implemented fault
injection. The former is not tractable for general use because of the
cost and complexity, and the latter is not particularly portable, as
it generally requires modifications to the OS or driver layer. In
contrast, our approach of hardware fault injection at standard
interfaces (such as the SCSI-level fault injection used for the RAID
study) is both portable and relatively simple; for example, we could
have easily used the same fault-injection setup (consisting of
off-the-shelf PC hardware and software) to measure the availability of
software RAID on a SPARC/Solaris machine.
Finally, there have been several studies of RAID reliability and
availability [14][15], but these have focused on
simulation studies of hardware RAID, and none have examined RAID in
the context of a general availability benchmark.
6 Future Directions
We are currently pursuing several extensions of the work in this
paper. First, we are planning to expand our experience with the
availability benchmarks by applying them to more complex systems, such
as database management systems. We are also working on a general
framework for maintainability benchmarks, and in particular are
looking into ways to model the behavior of a human administrator. We
are also expanding the fault-injection capabilities of our testbed to
include the capability of inserting memory faults and OS driver
faults. Finally, under the umbrella of the ISTORE project, we are
building the ISTORE-1 prototype, an 80-node cluster system that
incorporates custom fault-injection and diagnostic hardware that
should enable the extension of this work to distributed systems and
7 Conclusion
In this paper we have laid out the framework for new kinds of
benchmarks in an area left relatively unexplored by computer science
researchers: availability. We demonstrated the efficacy of our general
availability benchmarking methodology by specializing it to the study
of software RAID systems, and by then using it to unearth insights
into the behavior of the Linux, Solaris, and Windows 2000 software
RAID implementations. In particular, we were able to uncover each
system's (undocumented) policy for mapping transient faults into
failure conditions, and to quantify the impact of these policies and
of the systems's failure recovery policies on the quality of service
and availability delivered by I/O-intensive applications running on
those systems.
While we believe that the power of our approach is clearly illustrated
in these insights, this paper is only a first tentative step down what
surely must be a long road to the important goal of comprehensive,
portable, and meaningful benchmarks for availability, maintainability,
and evolutionary growth. We feel that reaching that goal is crucially
important for the field, and we look forward to companionship on this
This work was supported in part by ARPA grant DABT63-96-C-0056. The
first author was supported by a Department of Defense National Defense
Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. The germ for many of the
ideas in this paper came out of discussions with members of the ISTORE
group at UC Berkeley, and in particular with David Oppenheimer. We
also wish to thank IBM for donating the disks used in these
experiments, Andataco (and particularly Darryl Keiser) for providing
extra drive enclosures on very short notice, Bill Casey of ASC for
fixing the last bugs in the disk emulation library, and both the
anonymous reviewers and members of the ISTORE group for their
feedback. Finally, the first author thanks Randi Thomas for the
encouragement to make this paper a reality.
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