Pp. 235249 of the Proceedings |  |
An Operating System in Java for the Lego
Mindstorms RCX Microcontroller
Pekka Nikander
The Lego Mindstorms is a Lego bricks based robotics toy series
produced by the Lego Group, based on the ideas developed at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Programmable Brick
project. The heart of a Lego robot, the RCX microcontroller, hosts a
Hitachi H8 microcontroller with 28 kilobytes of memory available for
downloadable firmware and applications. In addition to the GUI based
programming environment provided by Lego, a number of alternative
programming environments have been developed for the RCX. However,
these alternative programming environments are written in C, tightly
bound to the hardware, and provide only relatively low level
services. The strong hardware dependency makes it hard to debug
programs; in practice, a hardware simulator is needed, and such a
simulator does not yet exist in an open source form.
In this paper we present a new type of operating system and new
programming environments for the Lego RCX brick. The operating system
is written almost completely in Java, and currently provides runtime
support for Java, C and C++ programs. In the case of Java
applications, simulation and debugging is relatively simple as it can
be performed on a standard Java Virtual Machine with just a small
hardware simulation package.
1 Introduction
Introduction of an affordable robotics development kit in the
form of the Lego Mindstorms Robotics Invention System (RIS)
[1], and its predecessor, the
MIT programmable brick
[2], has fostered a number of very different efforts for both
teaching robotics and experimenting with non-traditional applications
of robotic equipment. These approaches include, for example, the idea
of using a hoard of Lego robots to collectively perform a larger
A Lego Mindstorms Robot consists of a programmable Lego brick,
called the RCX, which contains three sensor inputs, three actuator
outputs, four user buttons, a simple LCD display, an IR transceiver,
and a Hitachi H8 microcontroller with 32 kilobytes of RAM, 4
kilobytes of which is used for interrupt vectors and other low level
data. Normally, the RAM is used to host a firmware program, provided
by Lego, which is used to interpret the actual user program. The user
program is represented in the form of byte code
[3]. The byte code itself, in
turn, is generated on a Windows PC running a graphical programming
environment, which is tightly bound to the Windows operating system.
Currently, the byte code offers fairly limited view to the power of
the RCX; for example, it allows only 32 variables to be used.
Since the two programming environments
[4] [5] provided by the Lego
group are severely limited in their ability to fully utilize the
computational power of the RCX brick, a number of independent
programming environments have been developed for the RCX, including
Not Quite C (NQC)
[7], and
librcx, a minimal runtime library
[8]. The latter two of these
use the GNU C Compiler, part of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
[9], to compile C source code
to the machine code of the Hitachi H8 processor.
In this paper, we present
RCX Java Operating System,
which is an experimental operating system for the RCX
microcontroller. To compile our OS, we have used a modified GNU Java
compiler, GCJ, from the GCC suite of compilers. The GCJ compiler
compiles Java source code and byte code into the native code of the
target machine. We used a cross compiler running on a FreeBSD PC with
the Hitachi H8 as the target environment. In contrast with the other
existing Java runtime environments, ours is almost completely written
in Java, which was possible since all the Java code is being compiled
into native code. In the project, getting the compiler and the
runtime to function together was one of the most interesting tasks.
Furthermore, a number of interesting tricks were needed to represent
non-object data structures in a beautiful way in Java code. Some of
the design choices are explained in Sections
3 and
In addition to being a neat way of making it possible to use
Java to write programs for the RCX, our approach has a number of
potential benefits. First, because the operating system is written in
Java, it is fairly independent of the hardware, making it relatively
easy to port to other microcontroller based systems such as the
uClinux SIMM
[10]. Second,
as the operating system is written in an object oriented language, it
is possible to extend the operating system using the object paradigm.
Third, in Java the thread and synchronization models are tightly
integrated into the language, making it natural to use threads when
developing applications for the RCX. And fourth, the compiler and
runtime system can be extended to support additional Java based
technologies such as Jini
[11]. Some of these aspects are further explored later in this
paper, while others are left for future work.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 we describe the
hardware and ROM structure of the RCX microcontroller in more detail.
Next, in
Section 3, we
briefly outline the structure of the GCC compilers, focusing on the
GCJ native Java compiler, and describe the modifications we have made
to it.
Section 4 describes
the minimal Java runtime that we developed to support Java based
native code on the RCX, and in
Section 5 we explain the RCX specific operating system services
implemented as well as the interface from the Java environment both
to the routines implemented in the RCX ROM and to the actual
hardware. Finally,
6 summarizes the benefits and lessons learned so far, while
Section 7 outlines some
possibilities for future work.
2 Lego RCX
The Lego RCX (see
1 ) is a large Lego brick hosting a battery case, a Hitachi H8
microcontroller, an IR transceiver, a simple LCD panel, a few control
buttons, sensor and actuator connectors shaped into the form of Lego
brick connectors, and some auxiliary circuitry.
The standard programming environments provided by Lego
[4] [5] allow only a very limited
access to the resources of the microcontroller. Basically, they are
aimed to enable high school students to apply their knowledge of
using Lego blocks in building physical structures on the domain of
building logical program structures that control the robot. However,
our goal was to enable full access to the microcontroller resources.
Therefore, only the low level programmer's view of the RCX is
described. The following information is largely based on the reverse
engineering work performed by Kekoa Proudfoot and others
When programming at the machine language level (either using an
assembler or through a high level language), a programmer has direct
access both to the hardware and to the ROM routines. Hitachi H8 uses
memory mapped I/O, and the actual hardware ports are mapped to the
highest part of the memory, at a so called eight bit area. The I/O
port map, as used for RCX, is partially illustrated in
Table 1. [12]
Table 1: Some RCX I/O
Memory Range
F000 - F0FF
Motor control
IR transceiver range, button input
IR control, external RAM power save mode
Sensor power, timer, LCD I/O
Sensor input, button input
Serial/Timer control
Sensor A/D input
The ROM contains a fairly large number of routines, and it is
beyond the scope of this paper to describe them all. However, the
routines include the following functionality:
- Initialization functions and a simple main loop
- Default interrupt handlers
- Memory move, copy, clear, etc. auxiliary functions
- Battery power management
- Sensor I/O taking care of interpreting raw data
- Motor control
- LCD and sound output
- IR transceiver I/O
The firmware code, either as loaded from internal storage or
over IR, is stored in a memory area starting at hex 8000. The
default firmware is meant to interpret user programs expressed in the
form of byte code
Since we do not use the byte code in any way, the structure and
functionality of the default firmware are beyond the scope of this
3 GNU Java compiler and libgcj
The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a suite of compilers, based
on the original GNU C Compiler architecture as created by Richard
Stallman and others, including C, Fortran, C++, Objective C, and Java
compilers. These compilers share the same basic structure and a
common set of back ends, including a back end for the Hitachi H8
series of processors. The C and C++ versions of these compilers had
earlier been adapted for the RCX environment by Markus L. Noga
and others
[7] [8].
Utilizing the C and even C++ compilers of the GCC suite is
pretty straightforward, even for an embedded stand-alone environment
such as the RCX. Basically, the C compiler requires little runtime
support while the C++ runtime support is relatively modest. However,
the runtime support required by the GNU Java compiler, GCJ, is both
much more complex and currently less mature than its C and C++
counterparts. Furthermore, the Java runtime support is provided as a
separate package, called libgcj, and its connections with
the actual compiler are largely undocumented.
When we started our work with the system, a new version of GCC,
GCC 2.95.1, and a corresponding version of the runtime,
libgcj 2.95.1, were just released. However, in that version the
compiler had a number of immaturities and restrictions, some of which
have later been relieved while others have not been. In our work, we
have attempted to generalize away some of the immature features and
restrictions, basically aiming for a compiler that would be more
runtime independent.
3.1 Restrictions in GCJ 2.95.2 and
In order to facilitate understanding of the current status of
the compiler and the way the compiler restrictions made our work a
little bit harder, a brief outline of the GCC compiler structure and
the definition of the Java programming language is needed. They are
presented next.
GNU compiler structure
The compilers in the GCC suite are structured around a three
pass architecture. First, a file to be compiled is read in, along
with any explicitly or implicitly included files. While parsing, the
compiler front end forms recursive data structures, called
trees, of any global declarations encountered. In the case of
Java, all classes and most methods and fields are considered global;
a Java compilation unit may only contain classes belonging to a
single package, and classes within a package have access to all
non-private fields and methods of each other.
Intermixed with the first pass, whenever the parsing of a
compilable entity such as a method or a class is finished, the second
pass creates an intermediate RTL representation of the entity. RTL,
short for Register Transfer Language, is a kind of an abstract
machine language.
In the third pass, a compiler back end optimizes the RTL
representations through a number of passes into assembler language.
Target specific transformations are taken into consideration and used
by the optimization routines.
While building the Java runtime we experienced a number of times
the relative newness of the Java front end, and to a lesser degree
the fact that the COFF (Common Object File Format
[14] ) back end had
apparently not been used before with the Java front end. However, the
back end problems were basically inabilities to handle the names of
Java specific data types, i.e., arrays, as first class objects. More
specifically, the back end needed a fix to mangle any symbols
containing brackets.
The Java front end
The front end restrictions were more severe but also more
subtle. To understand these, we have to dig deeper into the structure
of the Java front end.
In contrast to the C programming language, which was designed to
be independent from any runtime library, the Java language
specification explicitly defines a number of runtime classes that
belong to the java.lang package. Of these, especially
Object, Class, and Throwable are fundamental.
Additionally, the default semantics of a number of runtime checks
expect certain subclasses of the Throwable classes,
e.g., NullPointerException, which is thrown whenever a null
reference is followed. Furthermore, if a native compiler is to
provide information needed by the Java reflection API
(the java.lang. refect package), the compiler
needs to supply information about the fields and methods of
Table 2: Instance fields silently
inserted to the Object class by the unmodified
Field name
Field type and contents
pointer to a table of function pointers; initialized to point to
the dispatch table of the class
void pointer; initialized to null
The GCJ compiler addresses these needs by handling a number of
runtime classes specially, including
Object, Class, Throwable,
Error, Exception, and
Thread. Of these, the compiler
treated the classes
Object and
Class significantly
differently from others, thereby creating unnecessary limitations for
the runtime. More specifically, the out-of-the-box GCJ silently
inserts a number of fields (see Tables
2, above, and
4 ) into these classes, and
does not allow any new fields to be defined in the corresponding Java
source code. Furthermore, even if some of the silently added fields
can be accessed by Java code to be compiled, classes containing such
references cannot be compiled with any other Java compiler. Finally,
some of the internally generated fields have types that cannot be
represented in Java. The restriction of not allowing any other fields
to be declared, along with the other two above mentioned features,
made it relatively hard to build the runtime in Java. Lifting the
restriction and modifying the compiler, as described next in
Section 3.2, alleviated the
Modifications to the Java compiler
The problems encountered were mostly related to the Java front
end and not to the rest of the compiler; this is a strong indication
of the very high quality of the GCC compiler suite in general.
Unfortunately, apparently due to early design decisions, the GCJ
compiler is built around the idea that the necessary Java runtime
would be mostly written in some other language than Java, e.g., in
C++. Considering the fact that the GCJ compiler is able to produce
native code in addition to byte code, we considered that approach
limiting. Furthermore, as our goal was to implement as much as
possible of the RCX operating system in Java itself, we decided to
lift these restrictions and modify the compiler so that the runtime
could be written in Java to the greatest extent. These modifications
are explained next.
Table 3: Instance fields inserted to
the Object class by the modified GCJ
Field name
Field type and contents
No changes
byte ; id of the thread holding the monitor
corresponding to the object
byte ; id of a thread waiting for entry to the monitor;
other threads waiting for entry to the monitor are linked to the
first thread
byte ; the number of times the holding thread has
recursively entered the monitor
byte ; id of a thread waiting for a notify on
this object, any other waiting threads are linked to the first
Making the compiler-inserted fields visible
In addition to disallowing any new fields from being added
to the fundamental classes, the unmodified GCJ rejects
(re)definitions of any fields with a name matching any of the
compiler generated fields. That is, when we naively tried to add a
field named interfaces to java.lang.Class, the
compiler complained about field redefinition. On the other hand, if
we tried to use the compiler generated field interfaces
without explicitly declaring it in the source, Sun javac
refused to compile the file.
To resolve the dilemma, we modified the compiler so that if the
user defines a field with a name clashing with a compiler generated
field, and if the types of the compiler generated field and the user
defined field are assignment compatible in both directions, the
compiler only issues an warning, not an error. By using a new
compiler flag, even the warning can be silenced.
Since making the compiler generated fields accessible is only
meant to be used in implementing the runtime itself, we went still a
little bit further and loosened slightly the assignment compatibility
rules. One effect of this was that the compiler still could declare
some of the integer fields unsigned (which is not
representable in Java) while the corresponding user defined fields
are signed. Additionally, we allowed the type java.lang.Void
to function as an unnamed pointer, i.e., something like void
pointer in C or C++. Thus, in that way we were able to declare in
Java even those compiler generated fields whose types could not be
represented as Java types.
In addition to these loosened type compatibility rules, a
redefinition in the modified compiler resets the field's visibility
to that defined by the user, thereby allowing wider access within the
runtime. (By default the compiler generated fields are considered
private .)
Table 4: Instance fields silently
inserted to the Class class
Field name
Field type (and contents)
a pointer to java.lang.Class
a pointer to an UTF8 constant string
unsigned short, access bits
a pointer to java.lang.Class
a record enclosing constants info
a pointer to the first element in an array of internal method
short, size of the array above
short, number of virtual functions
a pointer to the first element in an array of internal field
int, size of instance objects
short, number of fields
short, number of static fields
a pointer to the table referred at the Object's
a pointer to the first element of an array of class
void pointer, initialized to null
short, number of interfaces
byte, initialized to zero
void pointer, initialized to null
Changing the types of the compiler-inserted fields
As was explained in
Section 3.1, the compiler silently inserts a number of instance
fields to the
Object and
Class classes, among
others. However, the types of many of these fields are defined so
that they cannot be expressed in Java. Fortunately, modifying the
compiler to use a corresponding Java compatible type was relatively
easy in most cases. The new types for the changed inserted fields are
given in
Table 5. (For the
original field types, see
Table 4, above.)
Table 5: Modifications to the fields
installed to a Class
Field name
New field type
Changing the types of some of these fields required considerable
changes, some of which were not quite obvious. For example, the
methods field was a pointer to a C struct array. Each
element in the array described a method, and the field
method_count provided the length of the array. In our Java
friendly version, the
methods field is a pointer to a Java
array object. The generic memory layout of a Java array is described
Figure 2, below. In the
standard case, the array object would contain pointers to
Method objects stored elsewhere in memory. However, since we are
here having the compiler generate the array and have full control
over its internal structure, a more compact representation is
possible. Thus, instead of storing pointers to the
objects in the Java array, we store the
Method objects
themselves. Since the compiler knows the actual type of the array, it
generates correct code when accessed from Java. However, care must be
taken when declaring and accessing these kinds of arrays from

Redirecting compiler-generated support functions to
Any Java runtime includes a number of relatively high level
functions, including memory management, threads, thread
synchronization, a few of type management operations, and runtime
class handling. To implement these, the GCJ compiler inserts calls to
runtime support functions in the generated object code (see
Table 6 ). In the unmodified
compiler, these functions are C functions, and some of them take
arguments whose type cannot be described in Java. Now, in order to be
able to write as much of the runtime in Java as possible, we modified
the compiler so that the inserted functions are calls to Java methods
and the arguments are representable as Java types. The resulting
methods are also given in
Table 6.
Since these methods are directly inserted to the object code
without any access checking, we declared the corresponding methods in
the Java classes as using default (package) or private
visibility, thereby making it impossible to directly use them from
outside of the runtime classes. ( Class.isInstance is an
example of deviation from this scheme, as it happens to be a
public method defined in J2ME.) In a few cases where the
functionality could not be implemented in Java (yet) the
corresponding Java methods were declared native, and the
implementation was made in C++.
Other front end modifications
The other modifications include the following:
- The semantics of synchronized native methods and
static transient volatile variables were changed, as described
in Sections 3.3 and
- The generation of metadata for Java methods, fields, and class
names was made optional. The method and field information is only
needed for the reflection API while class names are also needed for
the Class.forName method. Since most embedded programs do
not use the reflection API nor the forName method, leaving
that information out reduces the code size about 30%.
- The automatic inclusion of compiler generated fields in the
Object and Class classes was made more generic, or less
hardwired, thereby making it easier to specify runtime specific
fields in these classes.
- In a number of locations, the front end created code that made
computations using the Java int type variables. For example,
the array length field and any computations applied to it,
including array index checking, used ints internally.
However, since the RCX is a 16 bit processor, and has only 64 kB
of total address space, the resulting assembly code is both
inefficient and unnecessarily voluminous. To alleviate this problem,
we created a new compiler symbol for Java array lengths, and used
that in the calculations. Selecting an 16 bit integer for this type
produced much better assembler code.
- According to the Java specification, the JVM handles integral
data types that have less than 32 bits as 32 bit integers during
computation of expressions. However, GCJ attempts to optimize this
issue and uses only the native machine word size whenever it is
sufficient. Now, when GCJ reads in Java byte code, it cannot
immediately determine the "real" types of JVM stack
variables just by inspecting the byte code instructions. Handling of
this had a couple of bugs that appeared only in machines with a small
native word size. The fixes were contributed back to the GCJ project.
However, more could be done in this respect, and new optimizations
would help produce even better code.
3.3 H8/300
back end optimizations
The backend optimizations we made were mostly related to two
issues. First, we changed the calling conventions to produce slightly
better code and to be compatible with the RCX ROM calls. Second, we
changed the register usage directives so that the resulting code uses
fewer memory references than with the default directives, when
compiling typical Java code. These changes required us to modify the
register usage of the runtime system, including setjmp
and longjmp as well as exception handling.
Changes in register usage
The standard GCC back end for the Hitachi H8/300 microcontroller
uses register r7 as the stack pointer, r6 as a
frame pointer, and registers r0 ... r2 to pass the
first three arguments to functions. The rest of arguments, if any,
are passed on the stack. While a standard practice, this has a
drawback in the case of Lego RCX, since the RCX ROM calling
conventions are different. That is, the first argument to a ROM
routine is passed in register r6 while the rest are passed
on the stack. LegOS and librcx have solved this problem by adding a
small assembler wrapper which is used when calling the ROM routines.
However, in order to gain efficiency and to minimize the amount of
code not written in Java, we solved the problem differently.
Basically, GCC calling conventions are defined using relatively
simple macros and functions in the target specific back end
specification. Thus, in order to support direct ROM calls from Java
we created a new back end variation, called
h8300-hitachi-rcx (instead of default
h8300-hitatchi-hms ), that has a different call convention.
First, register r3 is used as a frame pointer instead of
register r6 . Second, the first parameters to a function are
passed in registers r6 , r5 and r4 ,
unless the call is declared as a ROM call, in which case only
r6 is used to pass parameters, and the rest of parameters are
passed on the stack. As other register usage related optimizations,
we declared that frame pointers may be omitted when not needed and
that register r4 is saved over function calls. Together
these reduced both code size and the number of memory stores and
Calling ROM functions directly
The changed register usage made it easy to call ROM routines
directly from C by declaring a ROM routine as an external function
and declaring the actual address in the linker configuration file. To
ensure correct parameter passing, the external function declaration
must be announced as a ROM call by using a C or C++
__attribute__ , or a corresponding preprocessor #pragma
, which signals the back end to use the alternative calling
As an example, let us consider the ROM routine "set LCD
segment," which is available at
0x1b62. The
corresponding C declaration and a relevant fragment of the linker
configuration file are given in
Figure 3.
Making a ROM routine callable directly from Java required a
little bit more. First, Java does not include any feature
corresponding to the C/C++ usage of attributes in method or field
declarations. However, Java allows a native method to be declared
synchronized, but does not associate any specific semantics for this.
(Synchronization is implemented by a method itself; the caller of a
method does not need such information.) Thus, we hacked the compiler
so that it flags any method declared as native synchronized
as a ROM entry point.
Second, the link time naming conventions for Java methods are
different from those of C functions. In order to overcome this, the
entry points must be declared as
mangled names in the linker
configuration file. The result of converting the C example is shown
Figure 4, below.
4 Minimal Java runtime
Originally, the Java 1.0 and Java 1.1 specifications defined a
single language and runtime structure. However, along with the
success of Java, Sun Microsystems started to define a number of
versions of the runtime, targeted for different purposes.
Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)
[15] is the smallest runtime
specification still supporting the full language. On the other hand,
Java Card Runtime Environment (JCRE)
[16] provides a still smaller
runtime, but due to the restrictions it imposes on the language it is
arguable whether JCRE utilizes Java at all in the sense that the rest
of the Java runtime environments do.
In our project, the goal is to be as compatible as possible with
J2ME. However, the J2ME specification is based on the assumption that
the runtime environment is capable of executing Java class files,
i.e., has an interpreter, JIT, or hardware support for byte code. Due
to space restrictions, this is not possible in the RCX, and therefore
we cannot be fully compatible with J2ME.
Below, we describe the basic API provided by our environment,
the language features currently not supported, static constructor,
destructor and class initialization routines, and thread support. The
description of the operating system level features are deferred to
Section 5.
java.lang APIs
java.lang classes included in our runtime are
enumerated in
Table 7. The
methods provided are more restricted than they are in the Java
standard edition, but mostly aimed to be compatible with J2ME.
However, Sun has not produced any public specification of the actual
J2ME API. Therefore, we have used Embedded Java
[17], which is available, as
our comparison point. The most important differences from the
Embedded Java API are outlined in the table. Most notably, the
String class is heavily restricted, providing only minimal
support. Furthermore, some exceptions and many errors associated with
runtime checks are eliminated due to the static nature of our runtime
Table 7: Differences between Embedded
Java API and the API of our implementation
(Some classes, such as the exception and error classes, are left out
for brevity.)
Differences to Embedded Java
Method toString omitted; otherwise full API.
Methods getResource, getResources, and
getSigners omitted; otherwise full API.
Only available as a placeholder. All methods omitted.
System, Runtime
I/O channel, library, process, property, security manager, and
trace releated fields and methods omitted. Some of the other methods
are currently placeholders only.
Throwable, Error, Exception
No messages or stack trace supported. All errors and exceptions
are assumed to be immutable singletons. Each class has a constant
static field instance.
Full API. Also used as an opaque type for data whose type is not
available in Java.
Boolean , Byte , Integer ,
Number , Long , Short
String related parsing and printing omitted. Conversions to
floating point numbers currently unsupported. Otherwise full
Double , Float , Math
Currently unsupported.
Only rudimentary support. Most methods omitted.
Only rudimentary support. No constructors nor any methods
creating new strings are available. All strings must be created at
the compile time.
String, security manager, stack trace, thread group, and deamon
threading methods omitted. Priorities are currently unsupported, but
the API is available.
Compiler , Process , StringBuffer
, SecurityManager , ThreadGroup
Not available at all. Thread groups might be added later; no
need for others.
When compiled into class files, the total size of the class
files is about 32 kilobytes. As a binary library (including symbols),
the runtime fits into 170 kilobytes. In binary, with all the symbolic
and metadata information eliminated, a typical runtime size is 15
Language level restrictions
Our current implementation has a number of restrictions that
affect the typical programmer. These include the following.
- The runtime library does not currently support floats
or doubles. Source code attempting to use them compiles but
does not link.
- Multidimensional arrays are unsupported. Code attempting to
create such arrays calls newMultiArray, which has not been
- Java interface classes are not supported either, since their
current implementation in GCJ relies on the method and field
metadata, and we want to omit them from the binaries. If the metadata
information is included, the interface support should work, but that
has not been tested.
4.3 Static
constructors and destructors
When compiling Java code, the GCJ compiler produces stubs for
class registration. That is, for each compiled class, the GCJ
produces a piece of code that is not called anywhere from the code,
but a pointer to it is placed into a so called .ctors loader
area. The initialization system in the runtime loops over the
pointers in the .ctors area, calling each function in turn.
The same mechanism is used for running static constructors in a C++
program. In the case of GCJ generated code, however, the stub code
only calls the registerClass routine, allowing us to create
a list of all classes.
4.4 Class
By default, the GCJ compiler behaves strictly according to the
JVM specification, and generates lots and lots of calls to
initClass. That is, whenever a Java class is accessed from the
Java source code, the code generator generates a piece of code that
first calls initClass, and then performs the actual class
access. For example, consider the following code fragment.
class Ex1 { static short x; }
Ex1.x = 0;
The code generated from the assignment looks like the following.
mov.w r6,#_CL_Q13Ex1
jsr initClass
sub.w r0,r0
mov.w r0,__Q13Ex1$x
This approach complicates slightly the writing of the code for
the initClass method. That is, care must be taken that all
classes that are accessed from initClass, either directly or
directly, must be separately initialized by explicitly marking them
initialized and calling their class initializers before any
other Java code is called. Furthermore, the class initializers of
these classes must not cause invoking of the initClass
method for any other classes. If these rules are not strictly
followed, a call to initClass easily results in an
unterminated recursion or other disastrous complications.
4.5 Memory
As already mentioned, most of the runtime environment and
operating system was written in Java. However, explicit C, C++ and
even assembler support was needed for the memory management,
exception handling, thread management, and thread synchronization. Of
these, exceptions, thread management and thread synchronization are
discussed in more detail later in
Section 5, while memory
management is considered next.
In Java, the memory is managed at the granularity of objects.
Each object consists of a few compiler generated fields (see
Table 3 ) along with any user
defined instance variables. Each instance variable contains either a
reference to some object, or a primary data item. For the variable
fields, GCJ uses natural field sizes, and aligns the fields according
to the C++ alignment rules (this is different from what most JVMs
do). In order to allocate objects, the compiler arranges calls to
allocation routines
allocObject and various versions of
Due to the limited amount of memory available and the nature of
programs running in a typical robotics application, we assume that
most applications will create a small number of relatively long
living objects. Furthermore, temporary circular data structures will
be more likely the exception than the rule.
Our current garbage collection method is very simple, and
similar to the Java Card Runtime Environment. That is, garbage is not
collected, and allocated objects stay around until the next firmware
or hardware reset. However, to better support dynamic data structures
we are planning to support garbage collection. The current options
include a simple reference counting scheme that would be
implementable in the compiler back end, and a simple mark-and-sweep
collector utilizing object layout information provided by the
compiler. However, both of these schemes require considerable support
from the compiler, and are presently left for further study.
5 Operating system
Due to the simple nature of the RCX hardware, the border between
the Java runtime environment and the operating system is ambiguous.
However, while object level memory management along with garbage
collection is more or less hardware independent, exceptions, threads,
low level hardware access, and events are more tightly bound to the
underlying hardware than to the language. Therefore, we decided to
classify the latter issues as operating system services, and consider
them next.
The GCC collection of compilers have two different possibilities
for exception handling. The default method uses the setjmp
and longjmp functions while the alternative method
explicitly scans the execution stack looking for exception handling
frames. Since the default method produces more compact code,
especially when we told the compiler to use our own versions of
setjmp and longjmp instead of the compiler internal
versions, we decided to use the default method.
In Java, there are two basic constructs that cause the compiler
to construct exception handling frames. The first one is obvious,
namely the Java try ... catch construct. The other case are
the synchronized methods and statements, which use exception
handling code to release monitor locks.
Now, whenever a GCC compiled function establishes an exception
handling frame, it first calls an internal function that returns
an exception context. In our implementation, the context is a
part of the currently running thread. Next, when entering the
protected block of code, the compiler allocates a few bytes on the
stack, calls setjmp to store the current execution context
there, and links this stack frame to the front of a list of exception
handling frames, available in the exception context.
If the execution of the block terminates normally, the stack
frame is popped from the list and the stack is restored. On the other
hand, whenever an exception is thrown, the exception context is
consulted to get the list of exception handling frames, and each
frame is called in order until the exception is caught or the list
terminates. In the latter case, the execution of the thread is
Threads and synchronization
In the RCX, a thread of control is very simple, essentially
consisting of the current processor state. A context switch merely
changes the contents of the processor registers. The state is stored
in a Thread instance, and is visible to the Java environment
as a series of volatile short instance variables. This
allows direct manipulation of non-running threads from Java
To save memory and simplify implementation, the number of
threads is limited to 126. This allows a thread identifier to be
stored in a single signed byte (thread number zero is used as a
sentinel). Each thread also contains a link byte, possibly containing
a thread ID of another thread. These link bytes are used to create
lists of threads waiting for a specific event.
Object level synchronization, implemented in
Thread.monitorEnter and Thread.monitorExit, is
implemented with a simple per object semaphore together with a
counter and a queue. The monitorEnter and
monitorExit actions disable interrupts by manipulating the
processor condition code register through the
Thread.disableInterrupts and Thread.enableInterrupts
assembly routines.
The monitor semaphore is represented as a single
present in all objects (see
Table 3 ). Whenever there are no threads within the object's
monitor, the semaphore byte is zero. When the first thread enters the
monitor, it places its thread ID to the semaphore byte
. Any
other threads attempting to enter the monitor will find the monitor
occupied, and insert themselves to the head of the monitor
When a thread leaves the monitor, the thread checks if there are
any other threads waiting for the monitor. If such a thread is found,
the semaphore is kept busy and the first waiter is removed from the
queue and its ID is placed into the semaphore byte, after which it is
woken up by linking it to the run queue. On the other hand, if there
are no waiters, the semaphore is simply released.
Since a Java thread can recursively enter a monitor several
times, yet another variable is needed to keep count of these
recursive entries. Due to the limited stack in the RCX, we decided to
use a single byte as this counter as well.
Condition variables
Another type of synchronization is provided by the Java
wait and notify primitives. In Java, any thread holding
an object monitor may invoke the Object.wait method. This
suspends the thread issuing the call until either another thread
invokes the Object.notify method for the same object, or a
time out occurs.
Again, our implementation is fairly simple. In addition to the
monitor thread queue, each object also includes a waiter queue. This
queue is also implemented as a simple byte, which is initialized to
zero. Whenever a thread enters a wait, it stores the current
value in the wait queue to its thread ID link, and places its own
thread ID in the wait queue byte; this, effectively, places the
thread at the head of the waiter list.
When another thread invokes notifyAll, thereby waking
all threads waiting on a thread's wait queue, the thread list is
simply moved to the monitor queue. The notify method,
instead, just moves the head of the wait queue to the monitor queue.
(In this case the wait queue acts as a stack, but that is perfectly
fine according to the Java language specification.) The notified
thread or threads are woken when the notifying thread leaves the
monitor, as explained before.
Wait time-outs are currently not supported; their addition may
require slight revisions to the implementation.
5.3 ROM
The ROM services are encapsulated into a number of platform
specific classes, enumerated in
Table 8. IR communication is
not supported, yet. The platform specific classes form a package of
their own, called
Table 8: Platform specific classes in
the com.rcx package.
Initialize, read and shutdown RCX buttons.
Modify the LCD screen contents.
Power motors in a controllable way.
Allows access to power savings.
Direct access to the hardware I/O registers.
Power, read, and shutdown sensors.
Allows sounds to be played.
Access to the hardware timers.
Direct access to the interrupt vectors.
Most of the platform specific classes contain a number of native
synchronized methods that are used to directly call the ROM routines.
In most cases, these methods are public, allowing direct
access from anywhere in the program. Only those ROM calls that
require specific arguments or otherwise cannot be called without
possible problems are protected by restricted visibility.
Hardware access
In some cases it is clearly beneficial to bypass the ROM and to
access the hardware directly. To support this, we modified the GCJ
compiler so that any variable defined as
static transient
volatile is considered as if it were a declaration of an
external variable instead of being a definition. Thus, the compiler
does not allocate any memory for those kinds of variables. Therefore,
their location in the memory can be freely decided by the linker.
Again, utilizing linker directives made this easy.
Figure 5 illustrates the
definition of I/O Port 4, whose memory address 0xFFB7. Among other
things, port 4 can be used to directly read the status of two of the
user buttons.
5.5 Event
In Java, it is customary to represent changes in external
environment as events. Thus, our intention is to abstract changes in
button and sensor values as events. The basic idea is to have a
thread polling on a specific I/O port, waking up on interrupts
generated either by a change in the port or by a timer. If the
polling thread notices that the value represented at the port has
changed, it takes an event object from a queue of free event objects,
fills in the appropriate values, and places the object in an
appropriate event queue. A non-interrupt level thread would be
waiting on the queue, and handle the event after the interrupt
routine has been completed. Finally, the event would be passed back
to the free event queue when it is not needed any more.
5.6 Other
We expect to enhance our operating system with a number of
additional services. The planned services include communications
(both basic IR and IP over IR) and scheduled power management (to
save power in long running sensor-type applications). However, these
features are currently left for further study.
6 Evaluation and lessons
It was no surprise to us that it was both challenging and fun to
write a new operating system (or an operating systlet) in a new
language for a hardware we were not familiar with when we started.
However, the main obstacles came from a direction we could not
anticipate. That is, the intrinsic interrelationships between a
compiler and the corresponding runtime system are much more complex
and fragile than we originally expected. Writing a runtime system
independent compiler for C is clearly feasible, as shown by GCC. The
same applies, more or less, to the GCC C++ compiler. However, the
current GCJ compiler is far from being runtime neutral, and currently
one is required to have good knowledge of the compiler internals in
order to be able to write a new type of runtime system. We learned
this the hard way, and hope that this paper and our modifications to
the GCJ allow others to do the same more easily.
Looking at the situation from another direction, the fact that
we were able to complete the project in the first place is an
indication of the feasibility of our approach. First, we have shown
that the idea of using Java as a low level language to implement both
a Java runtime environment and a minimal operating system in Java is
viable. The basic methods, or tricks, that we used in our
implementation include the following:
- Using a compiler that produces native code instead of byte code.
- Wiring the compiler-generated Java runtime primitives (see Table 6 ) back to Java,
thereby allowing the primitives to be implemented in Java instead of
some other language.
- Enabling Java source level access to the meta-information
generated by the compiler. This allows, for example, an easy pure
Java implementation of Class.isAssignableFrom.
- Converting static transient volatile and
synchronized native modifiers into external declarations and
back end specific attributes, respectively, which make it possible to
tailor the compiler and linker to provide direct access to the
underlying ROM routines and hardware addresses.
Second, our experience indicates that writing an operating
system in a beautiful object oriented language, such as Java, gives a
number of benefits. In the present case, the target environment is
such a simple device that a strict boundary between the operating
system and an application would probably only complicate things and
make the application both bigger and less efficient.
Object-orientation allows some of the underlying problems to be
solved in a neat way. That is, visibility rules, data hiding, and
inheritance make it possible to provide an application programmer an
environment where the application may be tightly integrated with the
operating system without compromising architectural layering or
introducing unnecessary bugs. We allege that the same principles
could also be applied in a more complex case if appropriate memory
management hardware was added.
Considering the language, the main benefits of Java lie in its
relative strictness when compared with C++. That is, given any C++
based operating system level framework, the programmer is required to
understand considerable amount of the implementation details in order
not to mistakenly break the underlying semantic assumptions of the
framework. In the case of Java, the semantics-related problems are
easier due to the more strictly defined language specification and
fewer possibilities for a programmer to circumvent language-level
object abstractions.
The use of Java brings up another benefit. That is, since the
APIs are to a large extent compatible with the standard Java APIs, it
should be possible to port a large number of Java packages to the RCX
with no or minimal changes. Now, for example, porting a minimal JACL
[18] interpreter to the
RCX should not be too hard.
Hence, our work has shown that Java can be used as a viable
language for low level programming, with benefits unavailable from
other approaches.
7 Future work
At the present time (April 2000), garbage collection, threads
and the event model require more work. Some of the modifications made
to the GCJ compiler could be made more generic and supplied back to
the standard version of GCJ. An extension to study is the ability to
handle dynamically loaded code based on the work recently introduced
in LegOS. However, due to the Java visibility constraints this may
not be easily adoptable.
Once the basic operating system platform has stabilized, we plan
to focus on communication issues. The aim is to port our Java
Conduits Beans (JaCoB) protocol framework
[19] to the RCX, and to
build a minimal IPv6/UDP implementation on the top of that. Our hope
is to see if it would be possible to make the RCX robots first class
citizens in Jini communities.
The source code for the system is available at
http://www.tcm.hut.fi/~pnr/rcx/. The actual source tree is
supplied as a gzipped tar file, whose size is about 250 kilobytes.
Building the system requires patched versions of both GNU binutils
and GCC; the necessary patches are provided. The binutils patch is
minimal (less than 2 kilobytes) and should not cause any
problems. However, since the various versions of the GCC patch are
fairly large (about 150 kilobytes) and since they were made against
GCC-current instead of any specific released version, building a
working compiler may require some manual work, or, alternatively,
using CVS to check out GCC-current of the date when the particular
version of the GCC patch was created.
This work would have not been possible without the large number
of people working on the RCX reverse-engineering and the various
programming environments, including, in no particular order, Kekoa
Proudfoot, Markus L. Noga, David Baum, Peter Liu, Stephen Spackman,
Michael Daumling, Ross Paterson, Frank Cremer, Sergey Ivanyuk, Mark
Falco, Mario Ferrari, Frank Mueller, Tom Emerso, Lou Sortman, Luis
Villa, David Van Wagner, Michael Nielsen, Chris Dearman, Eric
Habnerfeller, and Ben Laurie.
Since the availability of the compiler source code was essential
for this work, we want also to thank Richard Stallman, the Free
Software Foundation, Cygnus Solutions (now part of Red Hat), the GCJ
implementation team including Alexandre Petit-Bianco, Per Bothner,
Andrew Haley, Tom Tromey, Anthony Green, Warren Levy, Bryce McKinlay,
and others, and the large number of volunteers for their work in
providing free software in general, and the GNU Compiler Collection
in particular.
We are also grateful to Tuomas Aura, Hannu Napari and Lauri
Savioja of HUT and Chris Demetriou and the anonymous reviewers of
USENIX for their comments and suggestions how to improve the paper,
to our students Markus Aholainen and Veera Lehtonen for their
feedback about some early versions of the system, and especially to
Petri Aukia of Bell Labs for his numerous constructive suggestions
concerning this work in its early stages.
1. Lego
Mindstorms, http://www.legomindstorms.com/
2. The
MIT Programmable Brick,
3. Kekoa
Proudfoot, RCX Opcode Reference,
4. Lego RCX
Code, in Robotics Invention System User Guide, The Lego Group,
5. Lego
Dacta RoboLab,
6. David
Baum, Not Quite C (NQC),
7. Markus L.
Noga, LegOS Home Page,
8. Kekoa
Proudfoot, Librcx,
9. GNU
Compiler Collection (GCC) home page,
10. Michael
Durrant and D. Jeff Dionne, uCsimm Home Page,
11. Ken Arnold,
Bryan O'Sullivan, Robert W. Scheifler, Jim Waldo, and Ann
Wollrath, The Jini Specification, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, July 1999.
12. Kekoa
Proudfoot, RCX Internals,
13. Hitachi
Single-Chip Microcomputer H8/3297 Series,
14. Gintaras R.
Gircys, Understanding and Using COFF, O'Reilly &
Associates Nutshell Series, Sebastopol, CA, 1988.
15. Java 2
Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME),
16. Java Card
EmbeddedJava Technology, Source Edition,
18. Ray
Johnson, Tcl and Java Integration, Sun Microsystems
Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, Feb 1998.
19. Pekka Nikander
and Juha Prssinen, "A Java Beans Framework for Cryptographic
Protocols," in Mohammed Fayad, Douglas Schmidt and Ralph Johnson
(Editors), Object Oriented Frameworks, Volume II, Wiley,
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the Freenix 2000 USENIX Annual Technical Conference,
June 18-23, 2000, San Diego, California, USA
Last changed: 11 Apr 2002 ml