2001 FREENIX Track Technical Program - Abstract
Citrus Project: True Multilingual Support for BSD Operating Systems
Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino, Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Citrus project aims to implement a complete multilingual programming
environment for BSD-based operating systems. The goals include:
- ISO C/SUS V2-compatible multilingual programming environment (locale
- multi-script framework, which decouples C API and actual
external/internal encoding,
- gettext and POSIX NLS catalog,
All of our source code is, and will be distributed under a BSD-like
The paper concentrates onto the multi-script framework, which is unique
and central to our approach. Most other free software implementations
support only Unicode in their multilingual library, or converts external
representation into Unicode internal representation and loses
significant information on the external representation. We believe a
Unicode-only approach is not future-proven, and is not the right way to
handle multilingual text. We support multiple different encodings in
ISO C/SUS V2 compatible library, and made our library code (as well as
user programs) future-proven.