CARDIS '02 Paper   
[CARDIS '02 Tech Program Index]
Pp. 11-18 of the Proceedings |  |
Smart Cards in Interaction:
Towards Trustworthy Digital Signatures
Roger Kilian-Kehr Joachim Posegga
SAP AG Corporate Research, CEC Karlsruhe
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 1, D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
{roger.kilian-kehr, joachim.posegga}
We present approaches to raise the security level in the process of
electronic signature creation by shifting as many tasks as possible
involved in digitally signing data into a tamper-resistant and
trustworthy smart card. We describe the fundamental technical
principles our approach is based on, illustrate resulting design
options, and compare the security of our approach with traditional
electronic signature scenarios.
Keywords: electronic signatures, smart cards.
1 Introduction
The cryptographic underpinnings of electronic signatures such as
mathematical one-way functions or public key cryptography are well
understood, and practically secure algorithms and key lengths are
widely established. From this perspective, electronically signing
documents is a straightforward undertaking.
The actual procedure for digitally signing a document or a
transaction, however, is a complex scenario in practice which involves
numerous issues beyond cryptography: Since a person who wants to
create a digital signature will usually not carry out the relevant
computation by herself, she needs to delegate this to some application
running on a platform (device) that can perform such computations. The
security level of the overall signature creation process therefore
depends on the security of several other, non-cryptographic factors,
e.g. the environment where the document/data presentation takes
place, the security of the communication channel to a user, or the
security properties of the environment where the cryptographic
computations are carried out.
Consider a scenario where a user signs a document displayed in a Web
browser on a PC; at best, this involves a smart card, where the
signing key is stored, and the cryptographic algorithm to encrypt the
document hash (and other relevant data) is executed within the card.
An attacker who wants to trick the user into signing a fake document
would likely not attack the smart card, but the environment within it
is used (i.e.: the OS, the driver of the smart card reader, the
signing application, the Web browser, etc.).
The ``added value'' of a smart card is such a scenario is, largely,
that it makes it hard to compromise the cryptographic key, but the
card contributes little to the actual trustworthiness of an individual
digital signature: The card is used as a tamperproof device that
executes a fixed computational function, i.e., it reads a data block,
encrypts it, and it returns the result. The card itself, however, does
not interact directly with the user (card holder), but through a
mediator like a PC or a mobile phone. But these devices are usually a
lot less secure that a typical smart card.
This problem is, in theory, easy to solve: Raise the security level
and require a closed, trustworthy system for applying electronic
signatures. Unfortunately, this solution is extremely hard to roll
out in practice, both because it is expensive and since dedicated
hardware, which would be required, simply does not fit into today's
computing world.
We propose to take another direction, and build upon execution
platforms that are provided by today's smart cards, in particular SIMs
and USIMs used for GSM and UMTS. Such cards offer functionality beyond
the "hard-wired'', secure token that smart cards are mostly figured:
Besides holding a secret key and performing cryptographic algorithms,
GSM SIMs and UMTS USIMs include application platforms (e.g. [7,15]), that allow programs that
run inside these smart cards to use services of its host. A mobile
phone hosting such a SIM provides I/O and networking capabilities to
the SIM over standardized protocols
As a result, applications running inside a SIM can actively initiate
and control user interaction, communicate over the network, etc.
Our paper discusses the various options for enhancing the security of
the process of signing a document by involving a secure execution
platform in such a smart card; essentially we investigate the
following question underlying such an approach:
How much in terms of security can be obtained, if as much
functionality as possible is shifted from untrusted components
into a trustworthy platform available in a tamper-resistant
Overall, our research provides means for increasing the
trustworthiness of digital signature by imposing less assumptions on
the integrity of a card terminal that classic approaches do.
Paper Outline
The main research contribution of our paper is given within
Sect. 2. After introducing some notational conventions
with standard digital signatures in Sect. 2.1, we
investigate basic, on-card hash computation in
Sect. 2.2. Section 2.3 extends this
by involving a trusted third party. A third approach integrating the
identity of the document's originator into the signature protocol is
presented in Sect. 2.4. Although all the approaches
are vulnerable to so-called ``conspiracy attacks'' they represent
significant improvements in the overall security of an electronic
signature creation process.
Based on the results of the previous approaches
Sect. 2.5 proposes to digitally sign user
interactions triggered by scripts that run inside smart cards to
enable the comfortable, application-driven creation of electronic
signatures on mobile devices.
Section 3 compares our work to related approaches, and
we finally wrap-up our work in Sect. 4.
2 Smarter Signing with Smart Cards
This section explores several options for implementing the process of
digitally signing documents by taking advantage of secure application
platforms in smart cards: We discuss the security benefits of moving
more and more of the required computation into the secure environment
of a card.
As the starting point, consider the ``traditional'' procedure, where
smart cards are used as crypto tokens holding a secret key and
providing an implementation of cryptographic algorithms.
2.1 Basic Electronic Signature Protocol
The most important roles in scenarios for electronic signature
creation are the signer S owning a public key pair (SS,PS), the
document to be signed D, the signature creation application A, a
document viewer V interacting with the signer, a smart card C, and
the originator O of the document D. The basic protocol is as
Here, (1) denotes the document transfer from the originator to the
signature creation application, (2) the document presentation, (3) the
signer's interaction/choice, (4) the hash computation, and (5) the
signing process.
The above procedure can be improved w.r.t. security when moving some of
these individual steps partially into the secure environment of a
smart card. First we consider on-card hash computation.
2.2 Electronic Signatures with On-Card Hash Computation
The computation of the hash function is certainly a possible target
for an attacker who wants to manipulate a signing procedure; but
performing the hash computation inside a trusted device such as a
smart card itself is not a panacea: it is important how the document
presentation and hash computation is done in the overall
signature protocol. Consider for example the following case:
In this case, (1) denotes the document transfer to the smart card and
(2) the document signing process. From a security point of view an
intruder I who is in control of A can easily exchange document D
with another document D which is subsequently sent to the card,
hashed, and finally signed. Hence, compared with the basic protocol,
no additional benefit can be gained from moving a hash computation
into a card in a straightforward way.
On-Card Hash Computation Protocol
Assuming a scenario in which the signature creation application A is
located in a security module C, and the viewer in a (less
trustworthy) terminal a possible protocol is as follows:
Here, (1) denotes the document transfer to the application being
hosted by the smart card, (2) the document presentation, (3) the
user's choice, and (4) the hash and signature computation in the card.
Assuming end-to-end secure communication between O and A/C, an
intruder is not able to control the hash computation anymore. Only the
document presentation and the user's accept/response could be
manipulated, although the intruder controlling V cannot gain
anything from such manipulation, except by mounting the following
A Conspiracy Attack on On-Card Hash Computation
- The intruder I and the originator O cooperate.
- O sends the document D, i.e., the document which the
attackers want to be signed by S.
- Upon invocation of V, I presents a fake document D, which
S might accept for signing.
- In the card, D is signed and sent back to O.
Hence, an attack is still possible, if the intruder subverting V and
the originator O of the document directly cooperate. Although this
attack is of general importance, practically, it means that it is not
sufficient anymore to attack the user's terminal only, but also to
manage to actively send a faked document which the user subsequently
As a consequence, shifting the hash computation in the above manner to
a tamper-resistant device seems to give a substantial improvement in
the overall security of the signature creation process.
2.3 Electronic Signatures Assisted by a Trusted Third Party
On-card hash computation is often not feasible, e.g. due to the
limited bandwith one can use when communicating with a smart card. The
process of computing hashes can, however, also be delegated to a
trusted third party T as the following protocol outlines. A
URL urlD is used to denote some resource where D can be
fetched from. The trusted third party T then computes D's hash on
behalf of A and signs it. A just forwards the URL to the document
viewer V and the further protocol steps are the same as in the
on-card hash computation protocol (cf. Sect. 2.2).
In this protocol, (1) denotes the transmission of the URL under which
the document to be signed is located to the application, (2) passing
the URL to the TTP, (3) TTP fetches document and computes the hash, (4)
represents the document presentation to the user, (5) the user's
choice, (6) pass-through of the TTP's signature to the card and
verification the the signature, and (7) the final signature
computation by the smart card.
Similar to the on-card hash computation protocol, it is vulnerable to
a conspiracy attack as described above.
2.4 Electronic Signatures with Recipient Addressing
Looking at the traditional signature creation protocol it becomes
obvious that authenticity of a document sender is not of particular
concern. In electronic business processes, however, signatures are
often used to provide the technical means for contracts between two
parties. Although the identities of the contract partners are usually
somehow denoted in the document D, this is by no means
cryptographically protected.
To improve the signature process further, we include the cryptographic
identity of the document originator into the signature process. In
particular we propose the following protocol which is based on the
on-card hash computation protocol (cf. Sect. 2.2) and the
public key pair (SO,PO) of the originator O denoted by
Here, (1) denotes the document and signature transmission, (2) the
presentation of the document and the identity of the originator, (3)
the user's choice, and (4) the final hash and signature computation.
This protocol now achieves that an electronic signature is created
over both - the cryptographic hash of the document and the identity
of the recipient or originator of the signature.
To assess the advantages of this approach consider that in a
traditional signature attack scenario an intruder could ``hijack''
the signing process of an arbitrary document DO with its intended
recipient O to infiltrate another document D to be signed. The
intruder I could then claim that the user has signed this document
which is likely of advantage to the intruder. In the above protocol,
however, the intruder I is not able to obtain a signature
sigSS(h(D),sigSI(D)) since the
signature sigSI(D) cannot be generated. At best
sigSS(h(D),sigSO(D)) could be
obtained, but leading to a contradiction between the information
available in D denoting I as the recipient and the envelope
signature sigSO. Therefore, we argue that linking the
document and the recipient in the signature gives advantages to
standard electronic signature creation.
Basically, the same conspiracy attack presented in the on-card hash
computation in Section 2.2 can be mounted in the
recipient addressing scheme. Again, if originator O and intruder I
cooperate, the user is not able to distinguish that signature creation
occurs with a document that she does not intend to sign.
2.5 Electronic Signatures on Interactions
We have so far considered electronic signatures on standard clients,
e.g. desktop PCs. One of the most problematic issues with electronic
signatures on mobile devices is the fact that such signatures are
computed over complex documents. In particular this means that
according to current signature laws, e.g. those in Germany, the
document must be presented to the user who then either accepts or
rejects the subsequent signature creation. Hence, a document to be
signed must be presented as a whole in a suitably rendered fashion,
which is often difficult on small, mobile devices. The problem of
encoding and subsequently displaying a document in a reproducible and
standardized way has been extensively discussed by
Scheibelhofer [13]. In his approach he uses
XML style sheets defining mappings to a possibly certified rendering
To tackle this presentation problem, we consider not only the
presentation of a document but also the way the document is created.
We argue that a document is often the result of some kind of
interaction between a service provider, e.g. who offers goods, and a
client who selects goods to buy. Finally, after all selections are
made, a document containing the complete list of goods is presented
and signed accordingly.
If such an interaction ``document'' is encoded as an executable
script, the execution of the script is deterministic as long as
all non-deterministic input which is received from ``outside''
the script such as user input, random number generator, persistent
variables, etc. is recorded. A ``document'' over which the signature
is computed is then comprised of
- the executed script,
- the persistent state used during the computation,
- all user input,
- all messages received from other communication channels,
- the current time and progress of execution,
- some platform characteristics such as version numbers, serial
numbers, etc.
The signature can be easily verified by executing the script in a
simulated environment using the recorded and signed input values.
Thus, a signed document in this sense is not intended to be
human-readable, but rather meant to record and log the interaction
that happened between a service provider and a user.
A Smart Card Platform for Mobile Code
More concretely, we propose to use a secure platform for the execution
of (remote) code in a smart card which functions as follows:
- The smart card implements an interpreter for mobile code written
in a domain-specific language optimally supporting the intended
application domain.
- A client such as a service provider sends messages containing
so-called scripts written in the domain-specific language the
card-resident interpreter understands.
- The card's runtime platform executes the script, handles user
interaction, and sends back the responses to the client.
- The platform implements key management facilities in order to
provide end-to-end security between the client and the
smart card.
Such a platform must be secure in the sense that neither the
mobile code nor the user is able to harm the platform's integrity.
Furthermore, the platform gives certain guarantees to both - code and
user - that the scripts are executed as intended and no information
leakage or secret storage manipulation can occur by malicious code or
an external attacker.
Thus, the platform acts as a trusted computing base running in
a tamper-resistant device protecting the user from the code and vice
Example: Mobile Auctions
For illustration purposes we provide an example illustrating our
approach in the domain of mobile auctions (Fig. 1).
This example is based on the one presented in
[8], however, it has been extended to support
the creation of signatures on user interaction.
1 script {
3 provider "";
4 name "bidbiz auction client";
5 id "20011223/24357";
6 options signed-interaction;
8 implementation {
9 playtone;
10 push("News from in auction #3576 (Antique watch): EUR 63.");
11 display;
13 push(mark);
14 push("Place new bid?");
15 push("New bid...");
16 push("Cancel");
17 select;
19 push( 2 );
20 eq?;
21 if (true) goto end;
23 enter:
24 push("Enter new bid (>EUR 63):")
25 input;
26 dup();
27 push(63);
28 le?;
29 if (true) goto end:
30 playtone;
31 push("Please enter a bid greater than EUR 63.");
32 display;
33 goto enter;
35 end: sign-interaction;
36 response;
37 exit;
38 }
39 }
| |
Figure 1: Mobile auction client with interaction signatures
The given example illustrates the use of the stack-based
domain-specific language we use to write our scripts without going
into full detail. An in-depth description of the language can be found
in [10].
A script starts with header information about the name of the script
and its provider (lines 3-5). Line 6 denotes that the script's
execution should be implicitly signed by the interpreter. The
implementation part (line 7) contains the actual program.
Lines 9-12 demonstrate how to display an initial message about the
latest news of the online auction. Lines 14-18 show how the
arguments for a user selection (primitive select) are pushed
onto the stack marked by the initial marker set in line 14. After the
selection has been performed the arguments including the marker are
removed from the stack and the number of the selected item is
available on the stack.
Lines 20-22 check, whether the subscriber selected item no. 2 (i.e. ``Cancel'') in which case a jump to the label `end' is
performed. Otherwise an input dialog is opened in lines 25-26 and the
input from the subscriber is returned on the topmost stack position
and duplicated in line 27. Then the entered amount is checked in
lines 28-30, whether its is greater than 64. Otherwise a text is
displayed in lines 31-33 and execution resumes to the input dialogue
(label `enter').
Finally, in line 36, the whole recorded execution of the script is
signed and a signature object containing all the relevant information
about the script's execution including the signature is pushed onto
the stack. The signature object is then sent back to the originator in
line 37 and execution terminates.
During execution the runtime environment collects the
non-deterministic input from the various sources into a log
L={i1,,in} of inputs ij. In the above example execution
thus yields
L={(int, `1),(string, `70)}, |
i.e., for each input we record the type information and the data. The
overall interactive log of an execution of script P with the
identifier idP is computed and returned together with
additional platform information R to the original sender S as
idP,L,R, sigSC |
hash(idP,P,L,R) |
. |
The receiver must be able to verify the authenticity of the signature
by simulating the execution of the script according to the log L.
Based on this simulation, the interaction of the script and the user
can be replayed and the user's choices and inputs can be examined to
take appropriate action.
The execution of the script should occur in a transactional context,
i.e. if for some reason the execution is terminated, no signature is
Using signatures on runtime execution audits combined with recording
user interactions as a means to implement non-repudiation is,
to the best of our knowledge, a novel approach. We consider this
approach particularly useful for our application domain for the
following reasons:
- Due to the lack of user input and output facilities, performing
all possible executions within the trust domain of the smart card is
from a security point of view desirable.
- All interaction which leaves the trust boundary of the smart card
is reduced to the bare minimum, i.e. to user interactions only.
- The approach is very flexible, since it offers scripts a full
control over the way signatures are built, how encryption is
performed, and how interaction takes place. As such it is able to
offer applications means to implement security policies as needed.
Thus, our approach allows to take full advantage of the smart card as
an open platform for running security-critical applications in the
tamper-resistant context of the physical device. More precisely, it
represents one instance of the on-card hash computation approach as
presented in Sect. 2.2. Furthermore, it can be
easily extended to also support the third-party assisted approach in
Sect. 2.3 and the recipient addressing approach in
Sect. 2.4 assuming available key management facilities
as described in [10].
3 Related Work
The main contribution of our research is in increasing the
trustworthiness of digital signatures by building as much as possible
on the security properties of execution platforms in smart cards.
Alternatively, one can try to enhance the trustworthiness of devices;
[11,12] discuss portable end-user
devices (POBs) and security modules and define a number of
requirements to be made for such devices. They observe that
trustworthy POBs do not exist and conclude that therefore the
development of secure applications should concentrate on protocols and
procedures. A related approach is, e.g. described in
[9] that comprises two different devices, a PDA and a
smart card, that together implement a security-sensitive application:
the smart card does not perform its task without the PDA and the PDA
cannot perform the task without the help of the smart card.
One of the key ideas of this paper is documenting user interaction
involved with digital signatures; a suitable, lightweight scripting
language suitable for on-the-fly download to smart cards has been
proposed in [8,10].
The actual runtime execution monitoring using an execution log has
been investigated by Vigna as a means to protect the execution of
mobile agents in hostile environments [14]. The
sender of a mobile agent can use this signed execution log to verify
whether the agent has been tampered with while executing on a remote
agent platform.
4 Conclusion
Starting from the observation that the process of electronic signature
creation is still vulnerable in many practical settings, we have
proposed three protocol variants that aim at shifting functionality
from untrusted components into a smart card.
The first option considers on-card hash computation combined with
end-to-end secure transfer of the document to be signed from the
originator to the smart card. Another approach uses a trusted third
party to perform resource-intensive computation of the document's hash
outside the card. The third approach is characterized by the
integration of identity of the document's originator into the protocol
eliminating further attacks. However, so-called ``conspiracy attacks''
in which an intruder and an originator cooperate are still, yet less
easily, mountable.
Based on the new protocols a novel approach for the creation of
electronic signatures based on a runtime execution platform for smart
cards has been presented. This approach is able to include the
different protocol options presented and is especially suited for use
in mobile settings characterized by the limited device capabilities in
terms of user input and output. We have illustrated our approach with
an example in the domain of mobile auctions - an application that is
ideally suited to be run on mobile phones.
Generally, we suggest that GSM SIMs and UMTS USIMs might be ideal
candidates for hosting such a smart card platform. Our results
demonstrate that improvements in the electronic signature creation
process are feasible if the environment the creation takes place is
suitably taken into consideration.
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File translated from
version 3.13. On 25 Sep 2002, 08:50.