Steve Simmons
I have been an institutional or individual member of USENIX since 1984. In that
time I have written papers, given invited talks, served on conference committees
and as LISA chairman, worked in the founding of SAGE as a USENIX Special
Technical Group, and volunteered as staff at more conferences than I can
The events of the past two years have convinced me that it is time to volunteer
again, this time for service on the Board. I've been considering this off and on
for over a year; the recent events between USENIX and SAGE merely made the
decision faster and easier.
Of the various professional groups I've been part of, USENIX has done the most
for both my long-term career and my field. It straddles the difficult line
between the research world and the practical world. SAGE, for obvious reasons,
is near and dear to my heart--but I stopped being a system administrator more
than five years ago. I'm running for the USENIX Board, not against the
current Board members. Nor am I running for the USENIX Board so I can make it do
what SAGE wants. I'm running for USENIX.
USENIX and SAGE must come to either a better working relationship or an amicable
divorce. I think it can be done without sacrificing either organization, and I
will strongly resist anything that works to the detriment of either
The current problems are partly structural (bylaws, policies, etc.), partly
personalities, and partly communications failures on both sides. I can address
the structural issues. I will endeavor to minimize the personalities issues and
to maximize the communications. But I will not do anything to either
organization at the expense of the other, and I will not act as part of a slate
whose members have that as a goal.
Biography: Born 1953, Bachelor's degree University of Michigan 1980.
Special interests in computing include individual software development, software
management, system administration, and security. Numerous papers and talks at
LISA conferences; chaired LISA IV. Member of first ad-hoc committee during
formation of SAGE. First elected president of SAGE. Past employment includes
researcher, director of development, system programmer, and system administrator
at various companies. Ran own consulting company for seven years. Currently a
software development manager at UUNET. Non-computing interests include family,
music, and reading. Non-computing publications include music, humor, and fact.