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Installation and Performance

The software prototype (for availability see section 8) is composed of three parts:

The system administrator's duties are limited to run the new version of the chmod command. Neither re-compilation nor code inspection is required. Messages sent to the syslog by the modified commands and by the system calls, start with the ``BOP'' prefix to spot them easily.

A very limited degradation of the global performance is expected for a system running our patched kernel. There are a number of reasons for this forecast:

To assess these considerations, a set of experiments has been executed. We have selected four applications and ran them on the same system (a 330 MHz Pentium II with 128 MB of RAM) with a standard Linux kernel (version 2.2.12) and the same kernel ``patched'' to include the additional checks. Each test has been repeated 40 times. The applications have been used as follows: sendmail: by means of a simple shell script three messages of different size (1 KB, 30 KB and 1 MB) have been sent to a local user;
lpr: 8 files of different size (from 1 KB to 10 MB) have been sent to a local printer;
rsync: a directory with 1440 files (total size about 10 MB) has been synchronized with a different path (on the same system);
X server: by means of the x11perf program a $300\times300$trapezoid is filled with a $8\times8$ stipple.

Table 4: Results from performance tests. We report the average execution time (in seconds) and the standard deviation of 40 runs
Application elapsed time (standard kernel) elapsed time ( patched kernel)  
sendmail $ 1.32\pm0.05$ $1.33\pm0.04$  
lpr $2.08\pm0.1$ $2.1\pm0.15$  
rsync $10.36\pm0.8$ $10.56\pm0.6$  
X server $0.101\pm0.001$ $0.102\pm0.002$  

It is apparent looking at the results reported in table 4 that the difference between the average execution times is comparable with the standard deviation of the multiple runs. This confirms that the actual impact of the patches on the global system performance is, for all practical purposes, negligible.

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