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Porting to NT

Although NT is quite different from Linux, the architecture components of the Linux VMMC implementation fit NT quite well. We therefore maintained the original structure. However, we did need to make several changes besides restructuring the device driver for NT.

The first is to use NT kernel threads to enable VMMC for shared memory multiprocessor (SMP) nodes. The original VMMC for Linux did not use threads, because until recently Linux did not officially support threads. Because VMMC provides protected communication in a multi-programming environment, our SMP clusters using Linux used multiple address spaces on each node to implement communication libraries such as SVM [21]. The main drawback of this approach is that the cost of a process context switch is much higher than a kernel thread context switch. During the NT port, we used NT events, semaphores and conditional variables to perform synchronizations for VMMC calls so that multi-threaded user programs can safely use VMMC without explicitly performing synchronizations.

The second is to use NT kernel threads to implement notifications. The Linux version uses Unix signal to implement a notification. After the NI DMAs a packet into the host memory, it puts the the virtual address and the value of the last word in the data into a message queue, which is shared by driver and mcp, and then triggers an interrupt to the host processor. On Linux, the host interrupt handler directly sends a signal to the receiving process. The kernel schedules the signal handler to run in the user process' context. NT does not provide Unix-style signals. Instead, the host interrupt handler (actually a Deferred Procedure Call or DPC handler) triggers an NT event on which a dedicated notification thread is waiting. Upon wakeup, the notification thread calls the appropriate handler in user context. Our NT port also allows a thread to wait on an event explicitly, bypassing the notification handler mechanism. The event can allocated for each exported buffer. This is a useful feature for multi-threaded applications, because each thread can explicitly wait on its own messages.

The third is to deal with remote process creation. The Linux version uses rsh to spawn a remote process. However, we cannot use this method because, at the time of porting, we were not aware of any method to specify a working directory for a remotely launched program (on a central file server). To get around this restriction, remote process creation is handled by a service running on each node in the cluster. The master process uses RPC to talk to the remote service to create a process. The service then maps the remote directory to a local drive letter and starts the program. We also implemented cluster management such as redirecting the output of each process to central file system, through the service,

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Yuqun (Michael) Chen
Wed Jun 2 19:35:36 EDT 1999