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Technical Sessions   Wednesday, August 13, 1997
 9:00am - 10:00am Keynote Address
Operating System Security Meets the Internet
Butler Lampson, Microsoft

 Operating systems have had security for more than 30 years. Networks have had security for about 10 years. Today the two worlds meet only in network login. How can the operating system secure network applications? This requires embracing network notions of secure channels, identity, and group membership. It also requires extending systematic access control to many interfaces that are currently unprotected.

10:00am - 10:30am Break       Back to Technical Sessions Overview
10:30am - Noon Case Studies: Deep Ports

This session will describe the tradeoffs of porting substantial UNIX programs to Windows NT shallowly (keeping them as UNIX-like as possible) vs. deeply (taking advantage of Windows NT functionality as much as possible). Presentation will focus around case studies of real ported applications: the top-end transaction processing monitor and the Oracle database, with an additional case study to be announced.

  Presenters: Steve Hagan and Ramu Sunkara Oracle Corporation, and Joe Fernandez, NCR Corporation
Noon - 1:30pm Workshop Luncheon       Back to Technical Sessions Overview
1:30pm - 3:00pm Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions
3:30pm - 5:00pm Invited Talk: Windows NT Futures
Frank Artale, Director, Windows NT Program Management, Microsoft  and Felipe Cabrera, Windows NT Architect, Microsoft
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