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11th USENIX Security Symposium, August 5-9, 2002, San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, California, USA
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Computer Security Institute

Computer Security Institute (CSI) is the world's leading membership organization specifically dedicated to serving and training the information, computer and network security professional. Since 1974, CSI has been providing education and aggressively advocating the critical importance of protecting information assets. CSI sponsors two conference and exhibitions each year, NetSec in June and the CSI Annual in November, and seminars on encryption, intrusion management, Internet, firewalls, awareness, Windows and more. CSI membership benefits include the ALERT newsletter, quarterly Journal, and Buyers Guide. CSI also publishes surveys and reports on topics such as computer crime and an information security program assessment tool (IPAK). For more information about CSI, email or telephone 415-947-6320.

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