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Related work


Pack [9] is a compressed archive format for Java class files developed by William Pugh. While it achieves very good compression, it has a relatively slow decompressor, so is most useful for slow networks.

Jazz [3], developed by Quetzalcoatl Bradley, R. Nigel Horspool, and Jan Vitek, is another compressed archive format for Java class files. It is similar to Pack, but uses a somewhat less aggressive compression scheme.

In [11], Tip, Laffra, Sweeney, and Streeter describe Jax, an application extractor for Java. Jax uses a number of whole-program analysis techniques to transform an application's class files to reduce its size. For example, Jax detects and eliminates unused methods and fields. One motivation for size reduction is reducing download time when loading the application from a network. The techniques employed by Jax are largely orthogonal to compression and bundling, and would be complementary to the techniques we present in this paper.

In [6], Krintz, Calder, and Hölzle describe techniques for reducing transfer delay by splitting classes (methods and data members) into hot and cold parts, and for prefetching classes. The class file splitting technique transforms classes to avoid downloading code for rarely used methods and fields. The prefetching technique tries to avoid request latency and transfer delay by placing requests for class files prior to the `first-use' points for those classes. Because these techniques rely on the client issuing an explicit request for each file, they would only by suitable for use with individual file compression or on-the-fly compression.

Appwerx Expresso [2] is a commercial product that reduces applet startup time by reordering class file and resources in a Jar file and implementing a class loader that can concurrently download and execute classes from the Jar file.

In [7], Kuenning and Popek describe a technique for hoarding files on a mobile computer prior to disconnection from a network. Although the problem they address is different, their approach is similar to ours in that they use profiles of file access by the user to group related files together and to predict which files will be needed by the user. However, there are substantial differences between their techniques and ours. Their notion of `semantic distance' between two files is based on the number of intervening file accesses to other files in the profiles, and on the relative orders of open and close operations on files, while our notion of edge weight is based on the frequency of the files being loaded in the same profile. (Because their profiles are system-wide, they do not have the notion of profiles specific to an application.) Whereas our motivation for grouping files into bundles is to enable better compression and for pre-sending to reduce request latency, their motivation is to detect related groups of files in order to ensure that entire `projects' are hoarded, rather than just recently used files in isolation.

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David Hovemeyer
Tue Feb 27 18:43:09 EST 2001