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MPI testing

For MPI testing, we tested both the OSU-0.9.2 MVAPICH patches to MPICH-1.2.5, and an April 28 checkout of the LAM-MPI subversion repository. Figure 4 shows that MVAPICH, which uses an RDMA-write and memory polling, has significantly lower latency than LAM. MVAPICH also has a lower latency that NetPIPE-3.6's raw IB module, due to NetPIPE using POLL_CQ, which polls the InfiniBand card, causing extra PCI-X cycles.

Figure 4: MPI Latency
\epsfig{file=fig4.eps, width=2.7in}\end{figure}

The MVAPICH patches to MPICH are more mature, and have been available for over a year. They have been derived from the earlier M-VIA work at Berkeley Lab [M-VIA], and have several optimizations that LAM-MPI lacks. However, as Figure 5 shows, there are cases where maturity and advanced optimizations lose out to a simpler implementation.

Figure 5: MVAPICH bad interaction with caches
\epsfig{file=fig5.eps, width=2.7in}\end{figure}

These dropouts in MVAPICH only occur when running NetPIPE-3.6 with the '-I' cache-invalidate option, which causes NetPIPE to rotate through many buffers when sending ping-pong messages instead of re-using the same buffer. This forces worst-case behavior by causing a cache miss on every subsystem in the message path. In this case, there are internal caches in the MPI implementation for re-using so-called ``eager'' buffers, as well as a translation protection table (TPT) cache in the Mellanox ASIC. The TPT cache configuration is also the reason for the dropouts from around 6 gigabits to 5 gigabits on messages larger than 1-2MB on other graphs as well. Figure 6 shows the results of a NetPIPE run in which the messages are sent from the same buffers every time. MVAPICH makes effective use of internal caches and the TPT cache on the HCA as well, showing noticeable better performance than LAM-MPI at medium message sizes.

Figure 6: MVAPICH and LAM-MPI performance
\epsfig{file=fig6.eps, width=2.7in}\end{figure}

The dropouts in MVAPICH are not, however, inherent to the code base. Figure 7 shows the performance of the MVAPICH and InfiniCon MPI from our earlier November 2003 data. The code base is largely the same, since InfiniCon used MVAPICH as a base. The differences appear to result from differences in tuning parameters, interaction with the memory management subsystem, and the Mellanox TPT cache. With the cache-invalidate option, InfiniCon's MPI only has two small dropouts around 10K byte messages sizes, opposed to MVAPICH, which has a drop from around 2K to 100k. Differences in peak bandwidth from other graphs are due to the Serverworks chipset options discussed earlier.

Figure 7: MVAPICH and InfiniCon MPI
\epsfig{file=fig7.eps, width=2.7in}\end{figure}

Troy Benjegerdes 2004-05-04